Monday, November 2, 2009

OTH... Between Boring & Hilarious

Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo…
Let me open with a Rap
I certainly thought
OTH would be Stanking Than that pucas Crap…
With Fugly Ass Quinn
And Chisled Tooth Clay
Didn’t know if her EMO Ass Would Cry
Or Just Give Free Emo ASS Away
But Oh was I surprised
High Brooke and Haley Were Left Alone
The Only Thing More Sexi than those vixens
Was Clay Hot Dead Wife in a Thong!
The Camping Trip was Lame
And Nathan needs Kick Julian’s big Forehead
Teaching a Kid To be a coward
Damn Dan Always sees the Dead!
Rachel Loves Dan,
Even though she paid for a guy to die
And If Mouth Doesn’t look like a Monkey
Than Everybody Must be missing both eyes
That kid named Chuck
And Julian should be Twins
Is it me
Or Something weird suck the curve from his chin….


Seriously, Tonight was the best, but it didn’t suck really.

Dan being in Mexico about to get a heart… Fucking Dumb but interesting! LOL! I can say that Mark Schwahn is a Damn idiot. But at least Rachel really loves him as proven after he fainted on the set of his show. She proved that she would do anything for him to live including pay parents of a boy on life-support in order to get his heart!

I could do with Quinn and her Drama and Clay’s Whining over Sarah. Last week was enough, but now… Bullshit. GET THE FUCK OFF MY TV, Bitches. Damn, they are about as boring as Alex and Milli who were thankfully gone.

But how desperate is Quinn, Running after Clay in the middle of a fucking rain storm! To his house and Stalking him,, asking what they are… well… Clay is a widower You DUMB FUCKING WHORE! And You, ARE STILL MARRIED BITCH!

I was starting to enjoy her when she baked brownies and got Haley and Brooke High, but seriously leaving them alone in a big House while High. When I am High as hell I do stupid shit… and what sort of message or they sending children anyway? UGH… but I digress, any Brooke/Haley is GREAT!

And the Camping, I thought the Julian Hate was Hilarious. I hate the DUDE with a passion but really hated him giving Jamie and Excuse not to face his fears. That’s what you do… He is such a loser and made a big dead about the sex tape… Skillz has a big Fucking mouth, can’t wait for his ass to go to jail… Fucking thief… (the actor not the character)!

Anyway, didn’t Julian read Lucas’s Boring ass Book… Hahahaha, apparently NOT!

And speaking of Lucas… I loved Dan’s little pick about Having Lucas on the show because he wasn’t doing anything! HILARIOIUS! In Your Face Pucas Fans! Muhahahahahahaha! Fucking Losers!

But Lets be real… Who really gave a Fuck about this episode. BALEY were HOT and Awesome but the preview of the next episode is my concern.

I am quitting…

Brooke Having a baby for Julian’s Big head, smashed face, ugly ass Boring as fucking dry ass, SHIT-Turds! Fuck you, Mark Schwahn! Fuck you and you’re annoying,, Force-feeding hand on Dick writing! I hate Julian! I hate this entire fucking show!

And I hope Millie and ALEX overdose and DIE!


Anonymous said...

Lolllll. You’re HILARIOUS Toddian. Have you ever considered a career as a rapper??? Because it sounds like you’d be a damn good one. Lol The rhymes were pretty funny.

Alright, so I have to be honest here and actually admit that tonight’s episode has been my most favorite one yet this season so far. It was hilarious in some parts and I enjoyed watching an OTH episode for once that was much more on the light side and comedic side as well. It was refreshing to have an episode that wasn’t full of it usual lameass Tree Hill drama that Mark enjoys shoving down our throats so much.

I agree about the Dan in Mexico part trying to get a heart… was fucking Dumb but interesting at the same time. At least they finally showed us how and were Dan got his new heart from.

Quinn and the actress who plays Quinn just rubs me the wrong way. I hate the character and I hate the actress as well. It really sucks that out of all the talented women out there, Mark went and chose a woman who sucks at acting and is only good for parading around in outfits that are always showcasing her legs. She literally has the same two expressions(one when she’s happy and laughing and one for when she’s trying to look hurt) and that’s all we get out of her. And now with this whole Quinn and Clay relationship developing, I’m pissed that we’re gonna have to see a lot more of her....and with Clay too(who I can actually deal least for now) Clay is the only newbie who hasn’t gotten completely on my nerves yet.

The best part of the episode was the Baley scenes hands down. Those two together and high on top of that was fuckin hilarious. I didn’t want there scenes to end because for starters, we haven’t gotten proper Baley scenes in what feels like forever. And not to mention that there scenes rocked. Brooke’s facial expressions were right on and extremely funny. I loved seeing Brooke so carefree and so hilarious like she was in high school. She was back to her younger high school version in this episode and she was amazing.

I liked the camping trip primarily because all this affair drama along with that fuckin Alex and Millie drama has been getting on my nerves and it was nice to see them all be drama free for a change. Plus Nathan sure looked hott.

And I loved Dan’s little pick about having Lucas on the show because he wasn’t doing anything as well. Lol That was excellent.

I’m SO fuckin pissed that Alex and Millie are back in the next episode. I can’t stand either of them.....especially Alex. I hope that bitch just disappears because I’m sick and tired of looking at her and I hate just her brainless ass. I feel like strangling Mark for not getting rid of that bitch.


Anonymous said...

Nah I have a theory about next weeks episode - Brooke will either be preggers and have a miscarriage. Oooooooooooor, she's gonna end up finding out she can't have kids or something - or it'll be hard or something..

Just a theory of course, but I think it's gonna happen! Muahaha.

Anonymous said...

Damn toddian your really really hating julian and mark much.

Brooke and Haley were to funny when they were High

I loved when Julain showed up that kid and made him scared.

Wow so thats how dan got his heart. But how did him and rachel get together or find out in mexico there was a heart. They need to do to more flashback of dan and rachel history together.

I agree shouldnt julian or known about the sex tape already. Either from the book or him and brooke talking.

Next weeks looks good. At least with Dan and rachel coming back home. I am not looking forward though if brookes pregnant with julians kid. I still just dont like them together or see him and brooke married with kids.