Monday, October 26, 2009

Great The Chisled Tooth Agent & Whinny Bitch Show!

Holy SHIT! HOLY, HOLY, Boring ass SHIT, Batman!

On would think that with so much possible Drama with Naley with Even Brulian (BOOlian to me) that Dickhead Schwahn would want to stop playing with his Johnson and decide to write what we want to see... But OH KNOW! OH KNOW!

I Spy, in My Eye, the PUCAS REPLACEMENT!

What in Heavens name made Dork Schwahn think we would give two shits about Clay, his Ghost wife, and Ugly ass Quinn! Damn! Where is the big Naley focus... all Naley are doing is sitting around on couches watching Dan Possibly railroad the Nasty groupie or his Career...

Boring... Zzzzzzzzzz! I wanted them to show up o the scene but at least they are actually featured. Where the Bloody Fucking Hell is Brooke? One scene in the beginning and all this Big ass nosed Quinn and Lame as Clayton 24-7!

I don't give a FUCK about these two bitches!

First of all we have Hurricane Skanks clothes are all over Clays Yard, assuming David threw them there. UM, GO DAVID! Dumb that Dirty ASS SLUT! And we spend a good 15 minutes whating this whore basically pant her way through a conversation with Clay... Who mother fucking cares.

I want Naley and Brooke! Hell, even the Dan shit is more interesting! Love Dan sticking it to that Thieving BITCH! Where his Haley with that Lead arm to smack that witch down to size! Loving that Dan is showing his dark side but for a good reason. And now that Blonde Squint-a-Douche is off lord Knows where, we can finally see Dan forgiven!

Because this nice Dan shit is beginning to get on my nerves. But Rachel & Dan working together to take down this bitch is AWESOME! How can they, My Gorgeous Nathan and Haley Not believe that Dan is trying to help them. He is making look great and getting rid of this BITCH! HELL to the FUCK yes!

... Then again, that Lie Detector Test on his show that Renee the Groupie is taking is having alot of True's about Nathan. But they are never 100% accurate, if at all!

But just when its getting good... No Brooke Sighting (only the little redundant EMO SHIT that head Writer Mark Schwahn Keeps pumping out of his asshole onto the screenplay) and all this Clay/Ghost Sarah/Quinn triangle! UGH... I am so about to Jump off a bridge like Sarah and Clay on the bridge in their first meeting flashback.

But seriously, Clay needs to stop eating fucking Bricks if he insists on smiling so damn much! Fucking Hell, Maybe he can gnaw on Quinn's Gigantic Nostrils... In that random Flashback about the husband she is being a bitch too, i thought she was going to poke the dude in the eye with that Nose Dagger!

I'm sorry, i know that is mean, but its true.... Hahahaha! Hate me if you want, i don't give a fuck!

JESUS, but thats the only thing interesting about the annoying Crybaby... Let me get this start, this man goes off to make money to buy that annoying bitch ass moocher a Dark-room for her photos and probably a car since she claimed in that ridiculous flashback that she walked everywhere.

Seriously... are we supoosed to feel bad because she wants to stay poor! Oh, WOW! He wants to live out of poverty and thats a bad thing! What a dumb ass shit head! i hope she Kills herself... I can imagine she is the blonde rat-headed, Popeyed bimbo from season 1-6!

But just when i was ready 45 minutes into the program, to turn the Channel... Dan Blew that lying Renee Slut out of the water! Now If Nathan doesn't forgive Dan for What he has done, i will never watch this shitty show again. Honestly, Dan is the only thing that saved the night!

And also...

Clay's Ghost Wife has more Chemistry


Him than Quinn!
Mean picture... But you know thats why you love and read this blog! Muhahahaha!


Anonymous said...

OK the nose thing was HILARIOUS. that picture was better than most of what i saw on OTH. I hated thiks episode. Brooke didn't even have five fucking minutes of screen time. Then when she is on, she with that useless ass crying and shit. It was truly painful to watch this episode with the lack of Brooke. And she seems so unconcerned with what's going on with her friends. Mark is truly fucking up!

DAN SCOTT IS THE MOFOCKING MAN. I love Dan. I knew he was gone put Renee in her place. If it wasn't for him they'd still be walking round dragging ass on the Renee situation. You're right, he did save this episode. Whew so glad Dan shut that Renee bitch down.

Hated everything else. Clay crazy as cat shit with the seeing dead people and all and Quinn whine too much. Naley, whatever.

You the truth Todd cuz you tell it like it TI IS!! A.C.

Anonymous said...

Clay's jacked up teeth drive me nuts. Dude, you're on a hit (kind of) show. Get them fixed!

Anonymous said...


Dan was playing good/bad guy. You didn't know witch way he was going or wanted to go. I loved when he surprised that bitch with the lie detector. And he knew she was lying. So he is good with a bit of bad still in him. It hard to tell. You still don't know if he is good or bad.

The writers really need to STOP using brucas lines and anything else brucas related and changing it for brulian. They need there own complete separate story ideas and line. And whats was up with Brooke not being there for her friends. she should of been there. I mean that's what makes her so special. Her love and caring side toward her friends.

Quinn is an ass for leaving her husband just b/c he wanted money a better house and a car. She should of been happy and proud of him for wanting to better there lives. Instead she get unhappy b/c its not the same anymore. Of course its not. You dont have to worry or struggle anymore. That should be a very good thing.