Monday, November 9, 2009

That Episode With The Schwahn’s Dirty Balls In Brooke Fans’ Faces!

That’s Right, That’s right…

I’m a Brucas/Naley/Baley Fan but first and foremost I’m a Brooke Fan!

That’s right Mother-fuckers, I’m Brooke Davis’ Bitch, a lot like pussy-ass Julian. So, its no surprise that when I first saw the opening scene of One Tree Hill has Brooke and Julia(n) the girl voice! Sitting in BROOKE’s house, on Brooke’s sofa… What does Julian contribute? I mean what is his job?

Oh working with Alex when he could try to produce already established hit books like most people with common sense would do. BUT NOOOOO… Brooke finally agrees to say she loves this prick, follows him to LA, Suddenly wants to get married *GAG ME YOU DICK HEAD MARK* but Julian can’t work with someone else for Brooke.

Fucking hell, that loser sucks as a boyfriend, so yes, of course We have to endue the Talk of Ugly ass, annoying, skeletal Alex… But Hell, anything for my Brooklyn right? WOW!

Before I could nod off, my gag reflexes went into overdose with Wildebeest Millie, Ape-Twin Mouth, and Coma Inducing Alex! Yes, Yes… Millie turned into the worst actor since GOD crapped out Squint-face Chad Michael Murray and Hillwhats her face! Seriously, the actress is just unattractive and couldn’t act like a Bitch if her Mother was a Bulldog! Fucking Hell, and lets be serious here…

The girl is skinny as hell (Mouth found diet pills seriously, Diet pills don’t cure ugly, Millie!) but built like a fucking football player. Seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if she molested Mouth up his nether hole! When she burst into a sleeping Alex’s bedroom at the hotel all hopped up, high, calling her bitch and shit… it was like watching a rip-off of Season 4 Rachel and Brooke… only the poor man with Brain damage version.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…. That’s me sleeping!

Speaking of Unnecessary Eye rape… Quinn and Clay are so fucking boring. Damn, I found myself praying for fucking Dick pimples and Warts! You mean to tell me that we are supposed to believe Quinn has been helping underprivileged kids? Now, since when? Was this between her trying to ride Clay’s Jock or dumping over David for wanting to live the way Clay is leaving now?

Rich? This is like Clay’s what? First time helping others… And Damn, of course some poor Black kid needs help! I guess other races aren’t Poor. *Insert eye roll*

Yes, Yes…

The only good /interesting thing about Mouth is that Rachel is interacting with him. Telling Rachel to go and visit Brooke was The shit! I’m really enjoying Rachel and Dan’s return to Tree Hill. Sorry, But Nathan is getting on my fucking nerves. Damn, how many times does Dan have to pull his ass out of a fucking fire before he can be nice.

He killed Keith? Yes he did! And I don’t want Nathan to forget that, but is it that hard to show humility, to realize that this is your father? To love unconditionally? Damn, Next time Dan should let that orange ball loving douche drown in the Problems HE created! Hell, at this point the only thing good Thing Nate Has going for him is Haley and Jamie!

For the record Dan never ruined anything for Nathan and Clay would have been able to focus if he stayed on the job and off Quinn’s lips. Fucking prick sucks as an Agent! YAWN!

And Can I just say, Haley was rocking that song! This woman can sing her ass off! Rock on B. JOY! She was Amazing! And that song went perfectly with Brooke’s anger at the bar in that Hot ass Black Dress! After finding out that she wasn’t pregnant and Julian bailing on her to save Alex like LucASS used to Save PeytWHORE!

Can Mark Schwahn Get off the Fucking Crack! How can Brooke, Hot ass hell Brooke get stood up by smashed face Julian for Dick faced Alex! Anyone noticed that Julian again took Lucas’ words for Brooke and twisted them for Alex after she called to say she was thinking of taking the Crack cocaine she found in her suit case…


Thus Brooke is pissed and she lashes out at Millie who deserved it for still wasting time on the show- Useless Bitch! But Brooke Snapping on Rachel when she never properly opened up a can of whoop-whore-ass on Seyton SaWhore - I will really Hate the Schwahn! Seriously, I wanted Rachel to slap Brooke Back and slap her out of that Day dream, Babies for everyone, frolic in the damn sun with Osama Bin Laden Bullshit and wake the fuck up.

The Brooke Davis I loved Took the bad with the good. The lemon and Made fucking tequila shots with a side of lemon pieces. The old Brooke confronted her feelings and didn’t let any man, especially a loser like Julian! Lucas 2.0 is getting on my damn nerves… time for Julian to die!

Who chooses some chick they barely know over their girlfriend?

So officially, the Schwahn has been slapping Brooke Fans in the face with his dirty, shriveled up balls!

No baby- not that I am mad.

No good guy- but seriously, Julian suck shit asshole!

No Whimsical Spunk - Slapping Rachel is uncalled for when it should have been Millie .

But I love Brooke, so <3>

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I could not wait to see what you had to say about this episode. I'm so proud of Sophia with the directing cuz from what I did see it looked good, not that I really know directing I just know what shit looks like and it wasn't shit!

I HATE JULIAN!!!. It is official. I wanted to like him I really did but it ain't gone happen. I don't know why Mark keeps putting her with these "super save a hoe" ass dudes. I just don't get it, she's best looking female and she cain't find one guy that will choose her over some desperate bitch who couldn't save herself from a fucking marshmellow. I hope Brooke leave that bitch ass Julian alone. He wanna go save dat Alex hoe then he can go be with that bitch. I'm just really mad, this muthafucka really is LucASS 2.0.

I got real hyped when I saw Brooke play what did five fingers say to the face with Rachel. You were right she probably should have murdered Peyton ass but we all know Mark loved her. I hope they don't fight the whole time Rachel is there. Maybe they can work it out and Rachel can get Brooke to see that Julian sorry ass ain't worth it. The rest of the show was pretty good, although as a Black person I am so disturbed by how they depict black people. We're homeless and sound like the dumbest people on earth when we talk, we are really good at basketball but our attitudes are fucked up, we have fucked up attitudes and all we need is some nice white people to "figure us out." And lastly we really do "keep them white girls,"(lol) cause there sure aren't any black women in Tree Hill.

Todd you the trith cuz you tell it like it TI IS! A.C.

Anonymous said...

(Part 1)

I agree with you Toddian, I am and foremost a Brooke Davis Fan and always will be! After all, if I wasn’t, I would’ve stopped watching this show a LONG ass time ago because God knows how much it has killed me to continue watching it after season 3. So yeah…..I’m a Brooke Davis’ Bitch as well and PROUD of it.

You know what pisses me off??? Its that Mark can NEVER let Brooke be happy. The asshole has done nothing but slap Brooke fans across the face from the very beginning of the series, and yet, we’ve all still stuck by the show hoping that someday things would change and that Mark will somehow learn to respect not only Brooke, but her fans as well. But here we are 7 years later, and Mark continues to prove which each and every single episode that he’s nothing but a lying bastard who enjoys nothing more than kicking certain fan bases down while playing favoritism.

I was willing to put up with Brulian for Brooke’s sake because all I want is for the girl to finally get the happiness she deserves and has waited for, for so many years. But Julian is seriously getting on my nerves. If I was him and saw how much it was hurting my girlfriend to work with an ex-model/actress who just so also happens to be a slut, I would tell the ex-actress A.K.A Alex to fucking get lost. But no…..he has to be a hero just like Lucas wanted to be and has go to save the stupid damsel in distress while neglecting his own girlfriend who loves him to death and wants to be with him.

I agree, Alex is an ugly ass, annoying, skeletal bitch and she is seriously getting on my last nerves. Her acting in this episode was irritating(she should just stick to being a dumb bimbo who acts as if she’s the hottest thing alive.) You’d think with the nightmare that was CMM and Hilarie, me cringing during specific scenes would stop. But no…the newbies continue to piss me off as usual.

I can’t believe how much I hate Millie now. I used to like her a lot because she really cared about Brooke and seemed like a nice person. But this season, she’s turned into a crackhead and a total bitch who is trying to be Alex 2.0. Someone just needs to beat the shit of her until she gets her head straight or something, because at this point, her character is taking up too much space.

Anonymous said...

(Part 2….apparently my comment was too long and it wouldn’t let me post it all at

Okay so moving on……there’s absolutely NO chemistry whatsoever between Clay and Quinn. Those two really are fucking boring as hell and I’d rather watch a blank television screen then watch them together. I like Clay by himself but I hate his growing relationship with Quinn because I seriously can’t stand the girl. And now Mark is trying to make her into this Mother Teresa who helps out unprivileged kids so that people will like her better. Oh please.

Okay so I get that Dan killed Keith and that at one point her was a total monster. But the guy has realized his mistakes and is seriously trying to make up for his wrongdoings. Plus, he saved Naley a lot of heart ache by showing everyone that the woman who claimed to be pregnant with Nathans baby was lying the entire time.
I think its about time they start to forgive him. Even if they don’t want to let him back in their lives, they could at least be civil to him.

Toddian, I realize you already know this but you know why Brooke never beat the crap out of PeytWhore like the bitch deserved??? Because Mark has his head stuck too far up PeytWhores ass and always will. You see, in his book, PeytWhore can do no wrong. She can go kill 20 people, but Mark will find some twisted way to make it seem as of what she did was no big deal.

And while I’ve always HATED and LOATHED the Breyton friendship because it was SO one-sided……now Mark has turned the one person that actually became a good friend to Brooke(Rachel) into a bitch towards Brooke and vice versa. I never thought Rachel would blame Brooke for being “black-listed”(which was NEVER Brooke’s fault to begin with) or that Brooke would slap her and tell her to say away from her.

This proves how much Mark disrespects Brooke. He completely screwed over the Brachel friendship and has tuned them into enemies and I hate him more than ever for doing that.

The man seriously pisses me off to no end and after this show wraps up for good….I am NEVER going to see any other show written by this asshole ever again.


Anonymous said...

Poor brooke.
But in a way I am happy shes not pregnant. I just dont see her and Julian being married.\

Mark really really needs to get better at his job. It seems like the only thing he can do for brulian is remake brucas moments. Stop stealing brucas for brulian. Its not going to work. Making another kinda of love triangle or him needed to save the girls. Thats Lucas NOT julian.

I loved haley. And when brooke slapped rachel. Mouth was so right same rachel different place. I still think she is only using dan for money and fame.

Anonymous said...

I hate how they always have Brooke with these pathetic men! She needs to have a strong man beside her, and Julian obviously isn't it! I hate Mark Schwann for ruining this show back when Peyton kissed Lucas in the library and fucking it up ever since!