Monday, October 5, 2009

UGH... Who are all these people?

Thats Right Guest Stars from hell!

Holy Shit! Is anyone even watching this SHITfest.... Is everyone on this motherfucking show just lost, huh? First of all, Brooke and Julian- while I hate this couple but even they have no screen time. All we have is Alex hitting on Julian -EW and Julian being an idiot! Big headed ass... i hope he jumps in fro nt of a moving bus for being so damn foolish.

All I see is Quinn and Clayton....ZZZZZZZZZZZ! Clay punching Quinn's husband... who cares. i kinda want that man to beat his ass! I am hating everyone. Especially Quinn... nobody cares about that lame ass, big nosed, ass on her face bitch! Damn, she can die too! BITCH! All that Mello Drama, just tell the man you don't love him anymore.

So annoy. I'm pretty sure I blacked out with the whole Milli modeling shit! But how ironic she can fit into those clothes. Stupid Mark, just write the crap that comes out of your hairy, crab cover ass , why don't you! Damn it!

Then we have Naley... Love Haley, but this is borning. The Pap's are following them and asking about the woman? I see no drama at all. So Jaime got in a little mess at with his friends about Nate's pregnant Groupie whore! OOOOh, who cares. I feel numb!

Brooke's fashion show in Tree Hill, Thats so lame! I want to like this show but I am so bored. Where is fiesty Brooke? Why aren't they in a big city!? Brooke needs a storyline and Quick or i'm getting my walking papers and jetting!

You know what, I want to hear what you guys think because to me it all sucked.


Anonymous said...


I can seriously feel your pain because I am SO fuckin pissed off right now!!

For starters……WTF??? I am sick and tired of all of these fuckin newbies. I don’t fucking care about any of them. I’d much rather watch Brooke, Nathan and Haley but I feel like every time I sit down to watch the show….all I see is the newbies every 5 seconds.

I can’t fuckin stand Alex and now I hear that the bitch is going to be a series regular. She was only supposed to be on OTH for a multi-episode arc but yet again, Mark’s fucked up ass felt the need to continue shoving her down our throats. I already fuckin know what he’s gonna do since he does this EVERY time. He’s already shown Alex as this bitchy dumb girl but watch him sit there and slowly redeem her and make her this “wonderful” person as the season progresses. Give me a break. Mark seriously needs to get a fuckin clue.

And I seriously can’t stand Pinocchio either. I can’t help but cringe during some of her scenes because the girl is definitely not a good actress. When Brooke and Haley act, its more than believable. But Quinn’s scenes come across as so fake.

All of these fuckin newbies are seriously getting on my fuckin nerve right now. Am I glad that Pucas are gone??? HELL YES. But do I wanna see these newbies take over the show. HELL NO.

I enjoyed whatever Brooke scenes we got in this episode but Mark really needs to stop hovering over the newbies and pay more attention to the characters who’ve been there SINCE season 1.

If there’s a GOD, this will be the very last season of OTH.


Anonymous said...

uugg the return of bicthoria and chase.I hope they are not going to be coming back as regulars. Maybe bicthoria off and on to add more drama but NOT chase. Never did like him.

I loved when Mirinda told of the repoter for haley. It showed she actually has a heart. Same when Alex stood up for millie and gave that model some pills.

Clay blow off alex. I guess she wasnt used to that.

Who knew victoria had a heart. Shea actually looking out for her daughters besr interest. She woried about Alex getting to close to Julian. I think she like Julian and Broooke together.