Monday, October 12, 2009

Really Hating this Show...

Holy Fuck, I am bored out of my Mind...

First of all, Fuck all this Quinn big nose ass Drama! That ugly ass bitch needs to either die or jump in front of a damn bus... which will still end with the BEST case scenerio! Death to that Sleazy crap-vag Bitch-ass whiney WHORE! I don't care if she slept with Clay or not, you don't go home with a strange man when you are married. So no matter if they touched each other or not... cheating is cheating- emotional or just disrespect!

And Lord i pray that the Chia Pet (Chase and Mia) fungus would crash in Hellfire in that airplane. nobody wants to see that shit! hell, give me BOOLian, even though i am hating Julian and Alex... Grease 2... so we know they both like it and will cheat, of course! Stupid ass, fucked in the head by purple gay unicorn ~Mark Schwahn!

And this Milli/Mouth Drama with the damn modeling... Don't insult our intelligence. Milli is too ugly and sloppy to be a model! Models: Plus-size or petite, have to be HOT! She is not HOT... she is a boring waste of time, thats whaT SHE IS. And this Alex, friendship shit is getting on my nerves...

Alex is a whore who want Julian... WHY? WHY? EWWW! Brooke needs to dump that loser, of course we would have to see Brooke more than five minutes for that to happen! GRRRR! Ass-fuck Schwahn! I hate that dude.

Instead we get poor Haley doubting Nathan and going to Jail! GReat for her son... NOT! So they just have to ruin Naley since Boolian already sucks. Seriously, why is Brooke jealous of some B-list actress who is ugly as hell. i mean, when we do get to see Brooke since the focus is on Alex... Wha, wah! I'm so tired of this shit!


More Baley... or at least a little bit! i am like two seconds away from quitting this show.

Tell me what you think, i'm so pissed!


Anonymous said...

I missed a couple parts of the show cuz I was watching football. The best part was when brooke said " Is Brooke Davis gonna have to slap a bitch" That took me to a really funny place. I agree they need to put more Brooke in the show cuz she is only reason I watch this shit. Not liking that silly ass braod Alex. It's sad bitch that always has to try and screw somebody elses man.

And Mille sitting drinking with that hoe while she talking about how much she think of Julian like she wanna sleep with him and Millie ain't say shit. And playing mouth(even though that couple is boring) for this bitch.

Haley don't need to believe that REnee hoe either. The picture that she was sending on the phone is the same one from jamie b-day party. The bitch is lying.They really need to have some Baley so Brooke and Haley can fuck Alex and Renee up and burry them hoes. That Quinn lady is on my nerves with all the extra mess. Either leave ya husband or quit fucking wit clay. She bad sister too cuz she gone leave when the Naley stuff get heated knowing haley might need help with jamie.

Todd you are the truth because you tell it like it TI IS!

Anonymous said...

I dont think I was ever really to bored or disinterested in the show as I was tonight. Not even when pucas was on.
I think its losing stories lines and will soon lose fans. Its not the same. As much as i HATE pucas more peyton than lucas I think at this point having them might help in a way.

I am not like brulian at all. It seems like its more and more forced and just boring.

i wonder what Dan has up his sleeve.

Clay shouldnt be helping Quinn she married. I feel sorry for her husband. He seems like a good guy. And he doesnt know what his wife is doing to him.