Monday, May 4, 2009

Dead Mark, You Suck!

Dear Mark, You Fucking Lunatic,

Not only does your Show Blow ASS chunks, but it’s a Dawson’s Creek rip off with SUCKASS Actors… Um, Peyton CryMeARiver aka D’Nile, which I guess Luke-ASS is stuck in, IS not, I repeat: IS NOT JENN Lindley on Dawson’s CREEK! It’s one thing to rewrite stuff from two weeks ago, but to attempt to RIP off another show in the same way… Video to baby…

Gees, I bet that stupid fucking dick was crapping on his toilet and totally getting off on Peyton’s picture when BONG… Insert idea to dickhead! Why don’t I try to garner more sympathy for Peyton!?

Um, How about You don’t, otherwise up your suicide INSURANCE, because if I see one more Long faces, bag under eyes, EMO SLUT BAG Fucking cringe like a Fucking Monkey being beat with an Ugly stick- OH,. I’m going to jump out of a fucking building!

Wah, Wah… Cry, Cry! And That Squinty Eyed Bastard, Lucas Looks like was taking dump While Trying to force out strain tears! Fuck It! Either dude has Severe Hemorrhoids or Needs to stop taking acting lessons from a Cracker Jack Box!

For real, Now Corpse Boy & Jaime are hanging out and talking about Peyton’s Misery Box*cough* Memories Box! Am I the only person who thinks it’s a shame that Jaime has to pimp Pucas out… sorry Mark Pubic RaSHwahn, but it only makes them seem more boring! Like Who the Fuck cares what Jamie thinks… He’s a five year old Prick who yammers on and on about Bullshit!

AND NO JAMIE, LUCAS IS NOT UNCLE KEITH, MORE LIKE UNCLE BUM/ Unemployed and patiently waiting for that Venereal Disease that is The Orange Haired Whore to DIE!!! And His whole life is in that BOX… So Season 1-3 never happened, and that ASS Face wasn’t alive!

Actually, he wasn’t alive because THIS DOUCHE BAG, HAMBURGER INHALING, FAT FACED LUCAS is not BL’s LUCAS! Just a Lame ass PUSSY!

But Never Mind Corpse Boy, How about Brooke did a complete 180 from wanting Sam to meet her mother to turning into full on Stalker MOM! Well, I have nothing to say about this BULLSHIT! My SEXY BROOKLYN can never find happiness! No sir, because Nobody can be happy if SEYTON, the EMO DEMON OF DESPAIR & MISERY isn’t happy!

Always cry this and cry that… HOLY SHIT, Brooke’s too Gorgeous to cry, Leave that to Bear faced Peyton who growls out whines every fucking Day!

Any who, BROOKE & Victoria’s confrontation about Sam was heart breaking! You can tell Brooke Loves Sam and Victoria, just as it is Obvious that Victoria Love Brooke and Sam! That’s the family drama people want to see! It’s not all tears and shit, It’s Drama too the Purest form! Brooke has so much conviction and Victoria is self-righteous but still loves Brooke!

Then Sam Leaves… I felt bad for Brooke, but I hate Sam! No Teen would decide to go back ONE DAY! That’s stupid and it had no build up! Just run off and BAM, “I wanna go live with My Other Mom!”

Shut the fuck up and DIE!

OBVIOUSLY, Mark Schwahn… the man Who Couldn’t write His way out of ROOM if There were no walls, has nothing to do with this Storyline! Otherwise, Sam’s Mom would really be Psycho Derek’s Mom & Sam would be Psycho Derek with Plastic Surgery! Yes, we all know that would happen!

Damn, the only person I look forward to seeing is Brooke/Victoria/ Sam- SOME TIMES THE NALEY’s! BUT DAMN IT, this BULLSHIT… In Caveman voice: ME NOT WANT SEASON SEVEN… Me WANT PEYTWHORE DEAD!!!!! GRRRRRR! Damn it Mark, I give you too much credit! Because you BROUGH BACK CURIOUS FUCKING GEORGE!

Yeah, MOUTH is back as commentator for Nathan’s horrible B-Ball story that Never, Ever Ends! I’m like Damn, Just Have sex with the BALL already and get it over with! Nathan is trying to help everyone else and is clearly fucking himself up… And people through Nice Brooke was Boring, Saint Nathan makes me want to Inhale Carbon monoxide and DIE!


Skillz can die for all I care!

Next week is the dreaded WEDDING of WHORE & Lame DUMBASS, But at least a BRUCAS SCENE… sort of! Of course, Julian is coming back! I love the 98 Degrees hasbeen COMMENT! Maybe I like Whiney Julian after all!

HOT NALEY SEX… Maybe I’ll watch!

So, to conclude this Letter…



Anonymous said...

I am so F***ING sick of the baby memory box. They are making such a big deal out of it and peywhores condition. And we are only going to be let down she will be perfrctly fine get mnarried and have the baby. There will be no problems they are just making us think that so we will watc=h b/c nobody wants to watch peywhore.
And with the pictures of course they only showed the peytwhore of them. Brooke was in alot of them to but they took her out. In the champion game lucas went to BROOKE FIRST. Then to peyton. But of course nobody cares about that b/c its all about peyton. And his hole life is not in that box she didn't even acknowledge him until junior year. So his life with peytwhore is really only in the box. It may have some things from before peyton like the baby picture of him but that's all they showed. O joy now they are getting married sooner. That will be boring. I am sooo not looking foward to next weeks episode. At least we went have whinny peytwhore to watch in s7.

Poor brooke she lost sam but her mom finally showed some emotion toward her. How knew she could love her daughter.

Anonymous said...

Hey Toddian,
I haven't seen the episode yet but when I do, I'll post my review as
