Monday, May 18, 2009

Boring! Boring! BORRRRRIIING! Like and Overdose on Barney & NightQuill!

First of all, The Whore didn’t even go to the grave! Instead she wakes up saying her own last name! Seriously, this bitch HAS SINGLE handedly spread Misery and Whining in the form of EMO AIDS! Like, what does it take for her to die? A crucifix, silver bullet and fucking virgin sacrifice…

Of maybe a virgin giving it up to Mouth, the nuisance of ugliness combined with Lucas cheeses! Holy Fuck! Am I the only person willing to slit my fucking throat to never have to breathe the same oxygen as that loser! Seriously, Pointless Mouth, Chia the fungi growing Pet parasites and pretty Millie can all rot in hell.

I don’t care about Chase and his second chin or Mia and her lack of control over obvious anorexia! No, I wish they would fall in a shallow hole with Pucas and Die! Because, I could have been doing so many things while Chicken neck Pop-eyes McGee lay in Vampire Hibernation (You know, since she is a soulless, vapid waste of sperm and egg!)

The only good thing was that neither Nathan nor Haley gave two shits! Ha-ha-ha, hell, they would have rather folded clothes and attended a Bobcats game in Charleston than see Captain Unemployed and his Family of insect-like creatures whine through more scenes.

Nathan’s comeback has been so boring! I know, finally Nathan is in the NBA as a Bobcat, but last I checked they haven’t rep’d the NBA as good franchise team since…um*cough*cough* NEVER! Ha-ha-ha! Go figure, we will never hear about his ass- and he went to the NBA first string, are you kidding me?

And also Dude is having an affair with multiple balls, and I’m not sure if I mean basketballs! Nino, Q, can this guys just adore his hot wife! Naley are THE core couple! No matter what MARK the DORK believes, Naley has the BIGGEST fanbase along side Brooke and Neither us Naliens nor Brooke fans get any love!

The fact that they don’t interact with my beautiful Brooklyn and the PucASS incest twins is sort of ridiculous! Um, I mean does Hales even have a storyline, or is she just a piece of ass to stare at! Seriously, b. Joy Is one of the most talented actresses this crap-ass show has and she folds the staff laundry!

What next, will she be moping the floors… although, if she were moping up Seyton’s tainted, backstabber blood of poisonous death, I would overlook the fact that B. Joy (a gorgeous, multitalented, smart, successful woman) is being neglected and treated like shit!

But what do I expect when her skills would blow his masturbation obsession image, aka skeletal sack of skin Peyton, out of the fucking waters! All mop stick whore can do is whine and cry… Please, do not let the CW talk you into coming back chick who plays Peyton, I begth you!

Seriously, poor Moira aka Karen, Lucas Mom, looked so sad trying to act beside Zombie boy. I could see the imaginary AK 47 she kept pointing to her temple every time Luke-ASS dry heaved another line from his cue card! I wonder what he would do if they said, “Hey CMM act like you’re a mentally challenged, Prick!”

I bet he wouldn’t even have to rehearse his line, just pull from his catatonic state of non-personality, monotone sleep walking soul and just babble! The lifeless ass-wipe, can’t wait to watch his newest lifetime movies… or even worse, Hallmark Holiday Specials (CRINGE!)

The only good parts were Dan and Whitey together! First time I ever shed a tear because it made me want to forgive my father! I don’t know what magical weed Mark smoked to make his season 1-3 mojo return for those scenes, but he need to take some of those hits daily...Morning, noon, and night!

I must say I am stoked that Whitey interacted with Nathan and not that ass, Lucas! Last thing we need is our Anti-hero, fuck-head shitting up more scenes with squints and half pants of words through the script! I think I know why Dan ran to the country where Whitey conveniently stays where LucASS can’t find him!

I believe the man just said, “NO MARK, I refuse to have scenes with that prick… PeytWHORE already sucked away some of my talent by watching her do that wide blank, googly-eyed stare!”

Hell, he had to stay away from two of the worst actors ever. Even Brooke and Julian avoid those genital warts transporters like the plague! Nobody makes physical contact with those two because they fear the inability to say a line in the script without looking like Ray Charles crossing the street will rub off on them!

So That’s why I’m not even pissed that BL didn’t interact! BJu was enough for me with their flirting and Julian waiting outside the hospital with Brooke! The way he stares at her like she is the only woman in the world is so perfect! If only he never caught Emo HerPEYTONS from the bottle orange haired whining freak, I might like him but now I hate him!

But Victoria's inquiry actually made him interesting! It’s like he somehow got through to her old Lucas season 1-3 style! So when Victoria gave Brooke contract in Clothes Over Bros to and said Brooke could have the company 100 percent, I tears up a bit! And Brooke called her Mom, as much as I HATE Sam, she should come back so it can be Mom, Grandma, and Daughter- three Davis Girls, like the Gilmore Girls! Ha-ha-ha!

But the ending with Julian and the CHRISTMAS lights shenanigans was corny and heinous, not worthy of my Brooklyn, but more Pucas! Especially Julian’s… If this were a movie you would kiss me…and Brooke’s…no I would say I love you then kiss you! Ugh, bore me to tears!

I JUST realized this show just blows! Brooke is too Hot for Julian and his insecurities and forced ultimatums of love or be left...So Forehead Douche can kick rocks! I want Naley & the Davis Girls next season!

I will never have Brucas and would never have had them if Pucas stayed, so good riddance CMM & Chick who I don’t know name! See ya at the unemployment and future has-been and where are they now station!

Post script: Guess who got their minor degree in occupational therapy! ME! Ha-ha, haters kiss ass you sick fucker! LOL!

So I leave you with this!


Boom! Chicka, chicka…

Yo, what, yo, what, HOLLA

That Emo Bitch My Not be Dead
A Chainsaw should have took off that head
But I’ll settle for watching Our popeyed Redhead Leave
And take Squinty boy and the Spawn, I begged on my knees
See we all knew Mark SchWahn was too much of an obsessive Dick
To Kill of that Hideous, Poser Wannabe Rocker Chick
But thank GOD for Celebrity Greed
Or Psycho Lucas Stalker would stay once again to whine, beg and plea!
Take that Crab infested ho and her Man-slut too
Shove them out a window, with the spawn to boot
First they rip off poison of their weeding vows
Now the Comet drives away Classic Grease style, oh wow
If only they would drag the bodies of Waste of space Chase,
Mia And that Monkey face Mouth, who can only be viewed with eyes filled with mace
I hope I wish that Dan would have shot that bitch
But it’s too much 2 ask from a sexually homo erotic Head writer Prick

Ha-ha! So long EMO Bitch & Squinty the Faith of all Douche-bags, your reign of terror ends NOW! MUHHHHHHAAAA!

Too Much? LOL, well I’m Excited, being the devoted Catholic that I am, I could not bear to witness Satan incarnated onto flesh: Seyton ELIARbeth SaWHORE Scott, destroying the feeble minds of those psycho lunatic Pukers! That’s right, those schizophrenic nut jobs think PEYTWHORE is not only a real character, but that she is HOT!

Yeah, I hot pile of cow shit with rotten maggots hunching all over ticks and fleas!

Much love Homies,



Anonymous said...

Wow that was fast I heard that they were getting 3 new characters for the show. The guy that plays julian will be a regular cast member next season. His name will be in the open credits. The other two cast member I heard will be one of haleys sisters and some model or something for c/b. If they want to add to the space left by pucas they should of brought back old cast members like rachel. It doesnt matter how they try to replace lucas and peytwhore it will never be the same or as good. He already lost A LOT of fans/viewers when he put pucas together. Now that they are gone even as much as people hated them TOGETHER he will loss even more now.

Ok that SUCKED SUCKED so bad. They didnt even have any scenes with them all talking with only the core five together. Or even luke and nate or haley and luke. They were brothers and best friends. They didnt even have any scenes with lucas river court friends together. That was such a bad ending. For two main characters that are gone from the show they should of had something with the core five. We have no idea what going on with them or where they are going or whats going to happen with them. So what when season 7 starts will it be like they were never there or will they have someone talk about them so we know what happened. They better do something we need to know. Even though i dont know if I want to watch anymore. I am glad peytwhore is gone even though I wished she would of died. That would of been a good ending maybe them luke would of stayed.

The baby was so cute. But it wouldnt of been that big already. The name was horrible except the middle. Even though she doesnt deserves brooke middle name. Brooke is too good to have her best friend give her daughter her middle name with the guy that she used love and be hers.

Even though I am happy brooke said I love you to julian and she has her happiness. I don't think I will truly ever be ALL for brulian. So its good by BRUCAS forever and hello to brucas part 2 b/c that all julain is. He is a replacement lucas. He is sweet and caring making speeches like lucas did. I am also glad she has company back 100% and a mom.

Good for nate he finally made it.

I kinda feel a bit bad for dan. At least he got to hold his grand daughter. His scene with whitey i did get a little tear in my eye. It was very emotional and good. I agree I don’t know what magical weed Mark smoked to make his season 1-3 mojo return for those scenes, but he need to take some of those hits daily...Morning, noon, and night!

Anonymous said...

Forgot the other new cast member he will have something to do with nate and his carrer.

Anonymous said...

So very true. I love your rants! Hated LP and I'm glad there gone. I liked all the other parts though like with Dan, Whitey, Brooke, Naley, and Victoria.

Anonymous said...

Hey Toddian,

Okay so for some weird reason, its not letting me post my comments for this week's episode. It keeps saying that my "HTML cannot be accepted." Which is weird because I've never had this problem before and so I don't know why its saying that now. But I'm going to post it on FF for you, so hopefully, you'll be able to see it there. And if it lets you, maybe you can try to bring my comment here and post it on the blog where it belongs since it sure isn't letting
