Monday, March 30, 2009

WOW… A Brooke PROMO but Hardly No Brooke!

Can someone tell me why every Brooke Promo turns into a lot of Pucas flashbacks/ Peyton Whinage!?

Seriously, the only reason I knew those were nightmares the LucASS was having, was because that Pool stick with Rodney Dangerfield eyes groaning out of her Adam’s apple! Shit, if A talking insect was in my dreams groaning like it was on the verge of orgasm I’d wake up in a cold sweat too!

Seriously HORRIBLE! Doesn’t Mark ScwhASS manage to realize that if nobody cared enough to watch when the Episode when the Promo was all about Pucas, people definitely WILL NOT watch if it’s about Pucas! Give me a Fucking Break you ass turd! Only fools like this suck-ass couple.

And If we don’t have Pucas, we Have The PeytWHORE in a gag worthy BREYTON scene! Seriously, Breyton is Like Herpes! Victims don’t want to have it, but learn to tolerate it! Hell, I’ve seen those Herpes Commercials, and those people look so happy, but you know that shit is burning their asses up! LOL! Ha-ha!

For Real… I’m so done with PeytWhore interfering with every relationship! Always thinking that she has to confront Julian and cry and whine, and NOT ADMIT THAT SHE IS THE REASON BROOKE CAN’T LET JULIAN IN!!!! And all her Jake references- Not Funny!

First I thought I would be STOKED if Bryan Returned, but why would he come back to this dying shit! Especially to be stuck with a one dimensional actress aka PeytWhore! All they would do is force guys with that woman, then butcher the characters! So BG, Don’t come back! Save your career, because next thing you know they would have you cutting out hearts to feed Dogs!

So Embarrassing by the way!

Thank GOD for Chase, the only person who talks some sense! I don’t know why, but that should have been a BL scene, but its hard for Mark the Dork to write when his pencil is shoved up is fucking pee hole! That’s the only way he could write something so vile and atrocious!

Then we get Sickly looking Nate (Love the guy, but seriously some sun would help him!) and Corpse actor CMM with Jamie attempting to play basketball! Not only that, but Jamie goes to Keith’s body shop, who gives a fuck! Damn it! Jamie wouldn’t have been close to Keith if he lived, because Nate wasn’t even close to Keith!

But I guess Nathan is a robot with no heart, cause he doesn’t care about his father who loved/loves him! Lucas is just a Douche bag with no common sense, so I blame that on his lack of brain cells! Jamie (Cutie pie) the only reason I watch besides Brooke!

Shut the Fuck up already! If they are so IN Love with KEITH, Why the Fuck didn’t Lucas stay in the school and Jump in front of that fucking Bullet! It would have spared me the heartache of watching Lucas dry hump a broom stick or should I say a Chick that looks like a chewed up piece of Bubble Gum!

And Keith never teased Lucas about Peyton! LIE, LIE, LIE, DOUBLE LIE! Keith teased Lucas about BROOKE! Keith liked Brooke- Um, season 1, 2, & especially 3! Hell those seasons must not exist in this World of BitchASSness!

But You Know who I want to really shut the Fuck up- SKILLZ and Monkey ASS Mouth! I don’t give Two shits about their Fucked Up Road Trip! All I kept praying was for Mark to Pull another Random Act of Stupidity and Have lightening strike in Mid Day and Blow Up that Damn Car!

Then Dan could Get Skillz heart (Yes, I’m willing to kill of Skillz!)

How Many Times can Mouth Complain out being left by Millie because of GiGi when he is the Oxygen stealing Slut who needs to be bound, gagged, tied up in a fucking trash bag and thrown ion the river with Weights around his legs! Damn it! I’d Give Mark all my Money if he would take his mouth Off Marvin McFuckingSnore’s crouch and sent that little Lucas McManslut junior Packing!

BTW Skillz, The One is BEVIN! Not Deb, with her Boobage that needs to be covered in the face of kids! Gees, have some class and respect!

But DaMn You SKILLZ! Forcing us to endure More Mouth-a-Cent! Are You Shitting Me! I’ll be damned if I didn’t tie a belt around my throat and try to choke myself! I am so pissed off! Pucas being together has already pushed me to the breaking point, but WOW! If Mouth and Millicent are on this show, OTH met TIVO! Fucking Douche-bags!

So, I thought- Ooo, Haley has a Storyline! But No, its debauchery with Children in school/Haley’s House! Three Psycho attacks in Tree Hill is just Not enough for Haley to lock her door!? Yeah, the Principal just walked in out of nowhere! Either that or I’m watching Poltergeist!

But We Got a Baley Scene! To bad it was about Sam and not about The perfection that is y two Loves: Haley & My Fair Brooklyn. Speaking of Sam and jack, as cute as they are- GET THE FUCK OFF MY SCREEN Thief Boy and Punky Brewster! So they lead a riot (Donna Martin Graduate!) LOL! So original- but it wasn’t even a riot, just plain ridiculousness!

Man, this 90210/ Saw/ Freddie vs. Jason rip off sucks Master kisses of ass! Loads, Piles, Masses! I mean this show Blows, and I am starting to wonder why I watch!

Why Todd? Why Bler’s? Why do we watch?

Certainly not to see Sam and Jack kiss/make out, Or Pucas cry-whine through an episode! Mouth and Skillz reach a new lone of how to cure insomnia with what I like to call “Pointless existences”!

I don’t watch for Naley to never even touch! PS, why Does Mouth and Millie get relationship shit, but Naley get Squat! What the Fucking HELL!? And Why would Millie take that ass face back! UGH! The only women on this show with self-respect are Brooke and Haley!


Seriously, I heard that and saw the Scene and I was like:

Golly Gee, Mark SCHWishyoucouldwriteoutofmorethanyourAssHN You are the Don of originality! In fact, if Lucas is OTH’s nucleus, than this Show is in the Stage of Mitosis… That’s right: Julian Baker is the Exact Replica of Lucas Scott! MUHahahaha!

*Wipe’s tears from intense evil laughter away*

So, if Anyone felt déjà vu at that point, you were right- DUN, DUN, DUN… This is the storyline from Season 6 episode 1! Yep, Yep, Add Carbon Copy Thievery from One’s Self to the list of ass-y Ridiculousness of The Mentally impaired SCHWAHN. This Show has reached a new Height of Self Plagiarism!

Oh Com’on 1st :Not that guy, The guy For you

*First Bullshit alert, literally just took that one and ran like a Chicken in Kitchen at KFC*

2nd: Long speeches that really just ramble off of words Lucas wrote in a book

* I blame this BS on Mark writing while literally trying to Jedi Mind PERV the nasty bikini of that Lollipop with Owl Eyes during that OTH cast photo-shoot!*

You know the one… the where somebody cut James Lafferty’s face off of drunken mug shot and photo shopped it onto his body. Yeah, that one. HAHAHAHA!

3rdly: Now the Airport Turn,

*I SWEAR TO ALL THAT IS HOLY* if at the end of season seven or six, if Julian doesn’t rip off his own head to reveal the Younger version of Lucas Scott (Season 1-3, Pre-Douche bag with a side of blonde, Curly fried- free yet poisonous but still desperate pun- tang a la PeytWhore) I’m going to slap a HO’! LOL! Haha!

Seriously, if A Dog can eat a heart, a whore can be turned into a house wife and impregnate through bad acting and weird pain, can not Julian reveal himself as Lucas! Then Mark can tell everyone we have really been watching

Now, if we cut of an inch of whomever’s Booty is sitting on Julian’s Forehead, and throw some limo juice in his eyes so he squints like the GUY from saw cut off half his fucking eyelids and sews the reminder to those robot stare, lost in translation of when to act and when to spazz, we will have Lucas the Dufus, 2.0 minus the asshole of course.

Anyway, I screamed Brooke, “Don’t GO! To, THE AIRPORT!”

But when she went, I cried like a fucking bitch! Brooke and Julian broke my heart, but she was responsible and right! Damn, that was the hardest episode I ever watched, other than BL breakup in season 4! But I love that Brooke’s not a need, desperate whore Like Peyton!

But the end with Peyton making shit for the baby when she dies, had no effect on me!

All I thought was die Bitch, Please Die!

And the Promo! Do they not realize that if they show Peyton getting hit by a truck then go to the wedding scene with blood on the dress, that means She Survives the Car ACCIDENT!

Crazy Mark, you are A FUCKING IDIOT!

What do you guys think?

Much Love Homies and Haters,



Linz (broodyprettygirl) said...

What do I think? I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said! Maybe douche bag Schwann is trying to get us BLers to fall in love with Julian by making him be LUcas. WTF?! Why does Brooke always get shafted on this show?! HELLo! The freakin best one on there and she gets Peyton's left overs, and whiney teenagers, and freaking HORRIBLE friends! Give her something! And now effin Victoria is coming back?! Isn't that storyline played out now?! Why can't we get some Brooke Davis REAL action! I want to see her in true Brooke Davis fashion!

And, you are so right about Nathan! He looks like he has cancer or something? Whats with the pale skin and dark circles around his eyes?! Maybe Sophia is keeping him up too late?! IDK! But, he used to look good! Like the all american next door boy guy who EVERYONE LOVES to look at! Now...I don't know. And his acting...COME ON!! Is everyone on this show giving up before it's over?!

I don't even want to talk about the make me throw up in my mouth twins. WHO CARES! BORING! BORING! BORING!

Same goes for Mouth...and dude..I love Skills, but come on! He can find SOMEONE better to hang out with than MOUTH! That guy is...I can't even say it without wanting to kill myself. AND DEB?! Freakishly annoying DEB! Nathan's effin MOM?! Seriously?! Come on, DAWG, you know you're better than that CRAP!

Yeah, it was total bullshit when Lucas said Keith teased him about Peyton. Keith wasn't even alive when Lucas got with Peyton! This is all Mark;s evil plot to wipe out the first three years and create a fictional universe where all of his fans are brainwashed into believing that boring blond guy and whiney ass pole are meant to be together. US BLERS ARE ON TO YOU MARK! HA HA! We'll never convert you lame ass excuse for a writer!

I got excited when I saw Peyton's car getting smashed! REAL excited! DIE! DIE! DIE! I don't think I've ever felt this much HATRED towards a fictional CHARACTER! But there's only so much bullshit you can take before you want to torture and murder the creator of this BS!

AND JULIAN COMES BACK! Oh dear God, WHY! WHY! WHY! Am I even watching this show?! I mean, every week I hope it gets better...Sometimes there are little glimmers of hope right before that hopes get smashed into millions of pieces by Schwanny Schwann's so called excuse for a writing hand! I mean, he might as well use a freakin AXE to write this show!

It's time for us to take over. We will give Peyton a BRUTAL death, and Lucas will suffer some severe trauma...Some life/mind altering trauma so he can wake up out of that bean pole induced coma he's been in!

P.S. your review to my story was AWESOME! Seriously, that dumbass Puker REVIEWED! HAHA! Next time I'm going to write something like that and make it go all the way to the end before I reveal it's Puketon getting fucked and not Brooke! Just so those brainwashed brain dead people can know what it's like to be tortured!

Anonymous said...

You are ALWAYS so damn right!!! I love the way the commercials for tonight's show focused almost entirely on Brooke but then we got a whole bunch of bullshit like that whole Mouth and Skillz thing and the Pucas shit. That fuckin pissed me off!!! There weren't as many Brooke scenes as I had been hoping to see.........but naturally Mark gave us plenty of trash scenes which involved an anorexic, whiny bitch known as PeytWhore.

You know what amuses me though?? It's the way some people seem to be such Breyton fans.....even some Blers are like "hey....I hate Leyton but I like the Breyton friendship." Give me a fuckin break......they do realize that the REASON we don't have Brucas is because PeytWhore is with Lucas right now??? I have NEVER and will NEVER like the Breyton friendship. Because I can literally go on and on about how much Brooke has done for Petyons fucked up ass....yet that bitch had repeatedly screwed Brooke over and screwed behind Brooke's back with Lucas who just happened to be Brooke's boyfriend at the time not once but TWICE.

After tonights episode while some may have been thinking "hey, Breyton are so cute.....there such good friends....they care so much for one another and blah blah blah"......I just wanted to fuckin gag. Truth is, I don't care what anyone says, but the fact is that had if I been in Brooke's place and my "best friend" had done to me what PeytWhore did to Brooke, I would've fuckin push her over a bridge or something and made sure I cut all ties from her. Yet Brooke has forgiven her over and over again.

I mean I LOVE Brooke to death....but this girl cares entirely way too much about other people. Maybe she should try being selfish for once like PeytWhore and get her happy ending because at this rate, Brooke is gonna be alone for the rest of her life. That part when Brooke told PeytWhore that she came back to Tree Hill just for PeytWhore pissed me off so fuckin much. If you think back to the first few episodes of season 5, especially the first one, PeytWhore had randomly called up Brooke one day whining and crying to her and the next thing you know, Brooke's hoppin on a plane to be with PeytWhore, when the girl had hardly called her after they all graduated from high school and went their separate ways. Does that sound like a "great friendship" to you??????? To me and I know to others(like you) who aren't so blind either, know that the Breyton friendship has ALWAYS been one-sided with Brooke being the MUCH better and giving friend. Truth is, PeytWhore NEVER did and NEVER will deserve a friend like Brooke.......which is just another reason I'm happy that the stupid anorexic blonde isn't coming back for a season 7............if there is one, which I hope there won't be. Oh and believe me, when she was making all of those sketches and drawings for that thing inside her, I felt absolutely NOTHING either. I know is sounds harsh, but at this point I don't give a shit. I just think that when a particular fan base has been fucked over so damn bad, they have every RIGHT to be angry.

Like you said, PeytWhore is the fuckin REASON that Brooke is so scared to open up her heart to another man which is why she guarded herself so carefully around Julian. Seeing as how Brucas are never gonna be on the show ever again, I had been rooting for Brulian seeing as how they're the second best thing. And ever since Julian admitted to Brooke that he loved her, I can't help but admire the way he's been so adamant about it and professing his love for her over and over again.

In fact, he got not one but two plane tickets for both Brooke and Sam to go to California with him so that they can be a FAMILY and just like you, I found it heartbreaking when Brooke went ti see him at the airport. Julian looked so happy when he say Brooke walking towards him and then so devastated 5 seconds later when she told him that she wasn't going with him. Its clear how much he loves her and I'm sure Brooke loves him too although she's too scared to admit it to not only him but to herself as well seeing as how so many guys have screwed her over in the past from Lucas to Nick to Owen etc.

And I actually really liked Chase in this episode....he gave Brooke some great advice and for that I was grateful although it seems as if it was Sam's insisting that made Brooke go to the airport to see Julian......but still the guy was actually cool in the episode.

I found the whole Nathan, Jamie, and LukAss thing pretty damn boring and kinda just zoned those scenes out. LukAss saying all that stuff about Keith made me wanna punch him in the face seeing as how he was the reason Keith went into that damn school in the first place. And I don't care if PeytWhore fans say that if he hadn't gone in then she would've died because in all honesty I would've LOVED to see that happen....and better her then Keith.

And shit that LukAss said about Keith always teasing him about PeytWhore-NEVER HAPPENED. It's a huge fuckin lie. Like you said, he used to tease LukAss about Brooke seeing as how they had been dating or pining over one another for most of the time Keith had been on the show. Keith hardly ever even mentioned PeytWhore. It pisses me off so much that Mark aka the asshole keeps on rewriting history and making it seem as if Brucas never happened......well guess what asshole-THEY DID......just go back to seasons 1, 2, and 3....and the first couple of episodes of 4.............right before the asshole decided to break them up.

Skillz and Mouth were boring too so I zoned out for those scenes as well and I'm not even gonna bother saying anything about them. Everything else was pretty much boring and sucked.

I did love the Baley scene however.....see unlike the Breyton friendship, I actually admire the Baley friendship because they're actually loyal friends.

And on a final note, if those previews for the last 5 episodes of the season are supposed to attract people then Mark and the people behind that shit can all go fuck themselves. Especially seeing as how most of them involved PeytWhore and Pucas. I can already tell that the next 5 are all gonna be about the whiny ass bitch and her stupid squinty fiancé. The bitch's gonna get into a fuckin accident but we all know she won't die cuz Mark is too fuckin obsessed with her and he's gonna have them riding off into the sunset together......hopefully whatever there riding off on crashes killing them both.


Anonymous said...

So So so So ok when the hell did keith really tease lucas that much about peyton .They never even met.I HEARD that I was like WTF that never happened. Why are they tiring to make stuff up about pucas ass relationship. Especially putting in stuff with Keith. He teased Lucas about BROOKE! Keith liked Brooke- Um, season 1, 2, & especially 3! Hell those seasons must not exist in this World of BitchASSness! So true. Its like they are tiring to erase any memories brucas had with other people. I am surprised they havent made stuff up about karen and peyton. But with mark being so in love with peywhore I am sure that will come during the accident or wedding scenes even if she there. I aguess they need to boost the pucas relationship up so now they are making stuff up. So wrong to keith memory. (Sorry I like keith)

I loved the nate/luke/jamie scenes. Especially since we got to see less pucas witch is FINE by me. Once again luke was better b/c bugged eyed whiny clingy bitch wasnt attached to him. And all her drawing she was making if she dies for their spawn please. If shes having second thoughts than she shouldn't go through with it.

I am thinking they are giving us less pucass scenes b/c they dont want us too bored when the accident and wedding happen b/c that will be ALL about peyton. Those episodes/scenes will be a major snore fest.

I am so happy brooke didnt go. She does have a life and friends. She left LA to get away from all the fast paced of it. She want to go back home. And moving wouldnt be the right thing to do for sam.

i just wish they would giver us some laley or brucas scenes. We havent had any of those in a long time. The scenes that luke was talking about keith that had jamie and nate in them shoiuld of had haley instead of nate. She knew and was around keith more than his own nephew. Hell even brooke was around him more.