Monday, March 23, 2009

So Random it was Almost Perfect

First Things First, One of Two Scenarios…

One: CMM & company are pulling a Hoax which is no longer funny and quite annoying! (At this point, if Peyton doesn’t leave or die, I will boycott this show!)

Two: CMM Fucked with the wrong NETWORK, you did!?

So, If you don’t know, CMM pulled * Insert the initials of the Actress who Plays PeytWHORE* and made a Pity plea for fans to fight for his character. Oh CMM, I might not like you but I DO want you to stay. Sure, YOU PROBABLY just want more money and Turned Fans against you by quitting but hell, if they kick off those random guest stars, they could pay you extra! LOL!

Of course the video was staged, but I DON’T Give a FUCK, let the dude come back if he wants to. I won’t lose any sleep EITHER WAY, but IF HE WANTS TO COME BACK! And I DO mean ONLY IF HE WANTS TO COME BACK…


Instead of HOLDING onto your PRIDE, CW! See, we all know the network called his bluff about leaving (with all the complaining he has done about wanting to leave, etc. not that I blame him since after season three the show blows, but still he should never bite the hands that feeds him). But he did and they did, and he isn’t getting the Paper, duckets, bling-bling, ching-ching, dinero, cake, molah… on and on, Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Just Pay the man the damn MONEY he’s blackmailing out of you, and LET HIM COME BACK! I’m not a CMM fan, in fact I loathe him, BUT SERIOUSLY… the dude is/WAS a huge part of the show at some point (when the show was about Lucas and not about his Obsession with that blonde Bug-eyed Lady.

Season 1-3, before ridiculous Psychos came to stalk Peyton because MS had to make the chick seem slightly appealing by having guys like her! Oddly enough, that all started season 4 and the stories stopped being about Lucas. Even the Dan Killed Keith storyline was cut short so PeytWHORE could waste more screen time by being NOT-So-secretly in love, stalked, watching leaves fall to know if they were meant to be. Just a waste of the season which ratings proved.

She’s the ROOT of all evil, I tell you. Perhaps Our Comatose LukeASS wouldn’t have been playing the role of a corpse had CMM not had to act with that sack of bones, life sucking Peyton, the Skinny Vampiress! The best of actors couldn’t pretend to be remotely interested to that unattractive beanpole (Yes, I’m totally bashing, but I’m a comedic basher- Hahahaha)

I don’t like Peyton, so send her on her merry way! kick Rocks, Whore- LOL- Pukers, Don’t go ballistic! To reiterate, this is a blog to express Anger & Love hence the name: RANT & RAVE! You can ramble, cuss, and just be angry in general because of the 1st amendment, and because OTH isn’t REAL.

But on to the CMM discussion: GIVE THE GUY THE DAMN MONEY & FIRE PEYTON, MOUTH, GIGI, MILLI, CHASE, MIA & any other nuisance aka guest stars… Except Julian, cause he’s a cool cat!

Then let it be-

Damn, this is getting boring and annoying. When the personal lives starts affecting the actually show, that’s when I draw the line. CW, MARK SCHWAHN, CMM get your mother fucking acts together so that I can continue bashing PeytWhore and Company in my usual angry way instead of talking about you! Fucking Pussies!




Props to Sophia Bush, B. Joy, little Jackson, Austin and CMM for actually being slightly INTERESTING! Oh, I said CMM, cause he was kind of Hilarious this episode- notice the blonde, mantis Leech wasn’t attached to him either!

Sophia Bush rocked as always between hiding her heart break with anger and crying when Julian left! She can’t say she loves him, but she doesn’;t want him to go1 The confliction of feelings was brilliantly expressed and we could tell that Brooke wanted to say it, but couldn’t!
Just beautiful!

Haley had a STORYLINE- is this the Twilight Zone? *Dun, dun, dun, dun!*

I’m glad she stood up for herself and didn’t write an apology to the English class because That Bitchcipal (Bitch/Principal) wants her to apologize! Screw that Haley James is the bomb diggity! She stood up in that classroom and called the Principal out! And I love Nathan’s support of his wife!

I love crazy, angry, hot Haley! Oh My GOD, she was fantastic! I laughed, and if Mark would put her and Brooke together as friends some time, we might get the old OTH back! Damn, she is the greatest, especially with Nathan MIA! I still wanted Naley lovin’ but hell, seeing Luke and Nate play Ball together brought back season 1-3 for me! Man, I miss that sport, the rivalry between brothers!

Dixon was Hilarious! He was all Geeked out about getting paid while Luke and julian were down and blue! LOL, that guy is real cool, and a reminder of the old Keller! We need him back! Imagine if they met! Holy cow, I’d shit my pants!

Dan/Deb/Jamie- Those three are owning my heart right now. Between Dan taking the blame and saying Goodbye. Aw, Paul is the best actor ever! Love that dude! And Deb, she is to blame- screw that, she played a part and tried to kill Dan! Is it forgotten that she almost burnt him alive not to mention breaking Skillz heart! She better want to hook up with Dan, cause that’s the only way I can accept that!

Maybe she doesn’t want kids, but she can’t decide that for Skillz! that poor guy, I love Skillz, man!

As for Jamie! Hell yeah, this baby is the best!

Now, this is why the Mark is an Idiot-

Dan’s Heart falls on the floor?! Dan may have killed keith, but he is a much better person than LucASS!

How the fuck… I mean Holy Shittt- I mean, Who The Hell… Wham, BOW, BOOM, Boom- I’m speechless at the absurdity of this Writing!
What is the matter with that man! So, lets see!? A dog is in the hospital, which is unsanitary and unrealistic! Is this man writing out of his Colon, because this story Line is Bullshit on Horse rye! The CW just wants to lose any person getting a medical degree or with Common sense!

And paramedics are like, “Oopsey Daisy, a human heart that can save a life just got ate by a dog, but whatever?”

That asshole Writer should be taken outside and beaten with a un-stupid transformation STICK! I swear he is either mentally challenged or living in a Fucking asylum.

I knew all that Jerking Off and getting Cock-Sclerosis from said jerking off, was taking all the oxygen from his Pea Sized Brain!

Lets ignore that fact that the container carrying the heart would have been tightly sealed, because that doesn’t fit into the craziness of The SchWAHN Nut House!

It’s time to fire the HEAD WRITER and Cancel this Bullshit!

Like, is he taking notes from Dr. Seuss stories and seeing how far he can go with make-believe!

What, is the Grinch going to come back as a Giant shoot of grass/fate Leaf and tell PUCAS they are meant to be. Maybe Barney can be Brooke’s next Random, and psycho Cabbage Patch Kid can want to sleep with Nathan, and Haley can fight her over Nathan!

Oh Goodie! And while I gouge my eyes out, Let’s Have Peyton pop Eyes McGee whine to her mother’s grave repetitively, when truthfully I could have cared less! Then we have Dan’s Spawn, proving that Douche Bags, FAILURES are often unemployed LOSERS! First that boring Movie gets Shut Down, Then his Selfish WIFE To Be, Vampiress the Devil Seyton doesn’t care! Selfish as usual, she’s like *Well at least you don’t have to worry about the Uncle Keith Part!*

Wow Luke, she really cares (interject sarcasm)! Then its off the Mia and such!

Sam & Her Thief Boy Toy have got to go! Slowly, I’ve been trying to like the kid, but this is just ridiculous. Am I supposed to feel bad because she aided and abetted a kid in running away after shoplifting! Then being an idiot and taking the Goods and taking the fall for Jack!

What the Fuck ever- You still were wrong, and Brooke should have kicked your ASS you pimply faced kid. I should feel bad because she is talking Julian into realizing he and Brooke Love each other, Matter, all that Jazz, yada, yada, yada, blah blah! Sorry, I hate that kid!

All she does is give Brooke grief! I just don’t like those two Brats! Let’s eliminate them, please!

Of course, Brulian break up every episode, not that we saw any of them with all the Sam/Jack love and story! Okay, I won’t lie, their last scene touched my heart, but I’m a sap! Jamie made me cry with the Sims and Keith still loving Dan in that world!

Beautiful Jamie, I’m a little bitch for sure!
Let me know!

Much Love Homie,


Anonymous said...

So, I was waiting the whole time for some kind of explosive episode, and I never got it. *shrugs* I did find it kind of interesting because the whole damn thing wasn't about the puke twins. And Lucas was kind of cool in this episode. He just lost 300,000! LOL And the HP line had me crackin up. I LOVE Brooke...of course. And Haley was cool when she flipped in the classroom. GO HALES! Who cares about that stupid song? I mean, really. Does Kate Voegle really just need some kind of promotion for her music, or what? That's all it is. I almost cried for Dan. I love him. He should have killed Deb instead of Keith...and The Jamie Keith thing...aww! I LOVE Reese...he should be a permanent character!

Anyway, lets bring CMM back...and kill Peyton! WOOHOO! LOL Yeah, I don't know whats going on with that video, but whatever. I mean he's either pulling our legs to make himself look better, or there's some shit going down. Either way, how do you just get rid of the main character? The reason why the show started? Whatever. We all know Mark Schwann is a dumbass.

Anonymous said...

I loved everything you said about the show and the rant before it. I really hope it could be true that he want to stay/come back for season 7. But I love CMM so i dont bash on him but petwhore yes. She needs to go far far away forever.
It would be great if he stayed and she left. The show would be better off w/o her. CMMs character would do so much better. People dont like her so when hes with her witch is 24/7 they dont like him.

I think she bad for his character all whinny and bug eyed. He can do so much more/better w/o her. I know that brucas will never happen now that shes happy with julian witch is a good thing for her. But if there every was a chance it would be great.

It was so nice that bug eyes wasnt
stuck to lucas like glue. HIS SCENES WERE SO so much better w/o her. And how insentive can she be with her statement about the movie not being made and her keith comment. EWW.

The luke and nate scene they need more weather it b-ball or just them doing what ever. I miss the brotherly love/hate stuff. I think this is the first in a long time they had one together.

Go haley you tell of the principal.You are better than that.
You dont need her telling you what you can and cant publish.

I loved the jamie scene at the end. Saying as bad as dan was keith still loves him. That was so sweet and sad.

Dan with his sons. THat was a kinda sad moment just like when he didnt get his heart. I kinda felt bad for him. And it looked like his sons were a bit sad that it didnt happen and he going to die and just give up.

Anonymous said...

The jamie/lucas scend was good same with the nate/luke scene need more of them and way less pucas witch we got for once at least in the pucas area. So that was very good. To bad mark cant keep that up.

Anonymous said...

Hey Toddian,

To tell you the truth, I've also seen some people speculating whether this whole thing is a hoax and that CMM and the others are just pulling our legs. But here's the thing.....I know how much some people love this show and right now, they're willing to fuckin believe or think anything because they want the show to continue. Now while you, me, and others may hate One Crap Hill and just want it to end already, they're still others who seem to be absolutely crazy about it.....WHY?? I have no fuckin idea.

But the point I was making is that this is definitely NOT a hoax......and if it does turn out to be a hoax, then I'll apologize to every OTH fan for saying that. But the fact is that CMM's dumbass has been telling fans since season 4 that he's wanted to leave the show. And trust me......I SERIOUSLY doubt that he along with the others have been planning this "hoax" for two seasons now.

CMM no longer wants to be a part of OTH and he's made that clear to so many fans so many times......if he had it his way, then the show would've ended after season 4 like he's told fans. He was actually disappointed and annoyed that the show had gotten picked up for a season 5 and then a 6. So its no surprise that he told everyone before hand that was leaving and not gonna be there for a season 7.....if there is one. So people really need to wake the fuckin hell up and stop thinking that this entire shit is a hoax because the fact is that CMM does NOT wanna come back.

And lets make something clear here. Chad is a pleaser meaning that he will tell people whatever they wanna hear. I'm sure that Chad knows that he's been getting some backlash for leaving the damn show and I also know that fans have been asking him why he's leaving. That video in which he says that he was "let go" because they wanna save money is a LIE. He's trying to blame the network and others as the reason he's not coming back because he's trying to come out looking good. The reason he says that people should start to protest about how pissed they are that he was let go is just so that people will declare there "love" for me.....he loves that kind of attention. All the crap that comes out of his mouth is exactly that.....crap. No one should believe a single thing that comes out of his mouth. But of they still do.....then good luck to them because there all being LIED to. Now I know I'm bashing here but I'm just stating the truth and what I know. The guys a fuckin douche bag.....its that simple. And just like you Toddian.....I loathe the asshole too.....and with good reason too.

I just want Peyton to fuckinnnnnn dieeeeeeeeee. I am SO sick of this nasty bitch!! I was so happy that she wasn't in that much of the episode.....I just wish that it fuckin stays that way. The only thing that makes me happy is counting down to the episodes we have left of this horrendous season(with the exception of Brooke and Brulian of course.) Actually I couldn't even enjoy the whole Brooke attack storyline because Marks fucked up ass butchered the entire storyline. It could've been so great but NO.......seeing as how it didn't involve his precious PeytWhore....he cut it short and ruined it. Do you remember how long he stretched out PeytWhore's stalker storyline??? Yet when it comes to the others like Brooke.....he hardly gives them proper storylines.
Now as for the show......

I loved Sophia/Brooke as usual in last nights episode......the girl rocks and thats all there is to it. She can always pull of her emotions brilliantly and her sarcasm and annoyance surrounding Julian and Sam was pretty funny.

Brulian scenes were my favorite as well. I just want them to get together and STAY together and be HAPPY together. Is that too much to ask????????? I can't believe I'm rooting for them. I will and always will be a huge Brucas fan and in my mind they will get together even though Mark will never let that happen because of his fuckin obsession with Pucas. But Brulian is HOTT and there's no denying it.

Haley was good. I really want some Baley friendship scenes.....Booke and Haley haven't gotten many scenes together this season and thats really annoying me. There friends for Gods it shouldn't kill Mark to give us scenes with the two of them together.

And I love Dixon. Honestly, I've never been much of a James Van Der Beek fan. But I've been really enjoying his acting and portrayal of Dixon on the show and he's HILARIOUS. I look forward to his scenes because he always provides much needed humor......but I'm gonna really miss him. And he reminds me of Keller too......they really do have to meet.

Dan's scenes were sad yet amusing. I like Dan and I love Paul. He really is a terrific actor. Debs an idiot.....last weeks episode reminded me how crazy she really is. I felt bad for Skillz when she broke up with him...but I guess I wouldn't mind Dan and Deb getting back would be an interesting twist.

Now once again.....Mark proves what an incredibly huge moron he really is. True that the whole dog eating the heart meant for Dan was kind of funny....and gross.......but that was so unrealistic and stupid. Last time I checked, having pets in a hospital that wasn't for animals but people instead is a big NO NO. And if some weird stoner really did bring a dog into a hospital....they wouldn't just let him hang out there waiting for some vet or something because he and his dog would be kicked out in an either the staff or security. So I repeat....Mark is a MORONNNNNNN.

I couldn't even enjoy the scene where Nathan and Lucas were playing one on one like old times because the entire time....I just kept hoping Nathan would take the ball and just slam it into Lucas's face.....I hate him THAT

Anyways.....see you again next week Toddian


Anonymous said...

Hey todd, I just wanted to say that I love your blog, everything you say is fucking true. I also wanted to rant about what tha fuck mark is doing to my once favorite show. It sucks so much ass now that I hate that I wasted my time watching it for 4 years. and I said 4 years becuase I skiped season 4 and this bullshit of a season. Fucking pucas made me sick so much that I couldn't watch it. Hell he fucked up this show so much for me that I can't even enjoy the earlier seasons. SHIT seasons 1-3 are in the back of my dark ass closet, I would of threw them in garbage but fuck dat I payed fucking bookoo money for them.

I'm so pissed, I had to come here and rant becuase I just saw pictures of the Pucas wedding *GAGS*. WTF, and I just saw the fucking bridesmade dresses that are guess what GREEN just like the PUKE that comes out of my mouth whenever I see that anorexic bitch seyton on screen. Fucking bastards, there probably gonna spin it as peyton goes green for her wedding to save the enviroment. Becuase she's a saint and could do know wrong. The bitch is an evil bug-eyed skank that doesn't know how to stay away from her BFF's boyfriend. UGH! I can't believe this is happening, fucking peyton gets her happy ending but brooke must fucking suffer without hers. For me brooke will always be in love with lucas, every guy after is her second choice. Women always settle with the next guy instead of what they really want. I know alot of people love Brulian but I can't, just becuase I know that shit head Mark-ass is trying his hardest to shut the brucas fans the fuck up. Seriously 3 episodes and there in LOVE, WTF!!! if you think about it thats CRAZY.

Now with the Chad leaving shit, I kinda don't blame him. I mean the show has turned into shits anyway, and I'm sure he doesn't enjoy having to show that he's attracked to that skinny flat chested Bitch. I mean seriously his acting is so fucking bad becuase he's by the side of the chick every damn second. And we all know that little bitch fit chad was having online is an act. The dude has wanted to leave every since him and sophia got seperated. and Sophia dating James now is probably the last straw. He can't take it, I can tell. C'mon the way the muthafucka jumped from his relationship with soph to that child bride just showed how much he was screwed up over sophia leaving him. Guys always go into another relationship as quickly as they can to get over THE GIRL. 45% of men in relationships/marriage still dream about the one that got away. The dumbass just can't taking working with her especially becuase it doesn't phase sophia at all. Lmao, I love how she can work with her cheating ex, she's basically saying FUCK YOU, you weren't shit. Now for Hil leaving, I don't give a flying fuck. I say kill the bitch off(yea right)now, now, NOW. I actually wish sophia would leave, she's too good for this show. She should be doing movies, not this shitty excuse of a daytime soap. She's so much better then one puke hill.


- Michelle