Monday, March 9, 2009

NEWSFLASH PeytWHORE, PUCAS, & Spawn still Suck & That Chick who plays Peyton Still Can’t Act!

I have to admit: I love the fact that Pukers actually lurk on My Blog…

We all know I love the Drama, and what better than supposed LP supporters reading BL lover threads.

Ha-ha, even they cannot resist the PeytWhore Hate, which is Hilarious and IRONIC! LOL, I bet Those Idiots did not even realize that by actually replying, they proved that they read this Blog too… Fucking IDIOTS! So Jennifer, don’t even waste your efforts on Losers who blast me for leaving a long Rant, by doing what? Leaving a Long Rant in return- Muhahaha, they are Hypocritical Fools.

But seriously, you Pukers take things a little bit to seriously... I mean, if she died today (And it would be sad as hell & I'd never wish that on anyone) it really wouldn't effect your life. You don't see me running to LPer threads, blogs, etc and crying for Brooke- Hell, I don't know her, but her acting rocks and she's beautiful... Sophia Bush, I mean.

That's alot more than we can say about the She-Beast aka, PeytWhore the Whin-ificent! LOL, I couldn't resist that cheap shot... The woman just isn't pretty! The first time I saw Nip-Tuck- the best thing/show since sliced bread, ESPN was created, and Brett Favre was Born, Sophia Bush was guest staring as Adrian's Girlfriend's Girlfriend, and I knew I'd be a fan for life!

She was incredible in those scenes, proving she could act her ASS off! So I followed her to OTH where the guy from Dawson's Creek had his own show- I said, hell, this could be good! And it was about Basketball too! But then that weird VJ from MTV was on there acting just like the Bitch she was on TRL, but I suffered through.

But I digress, I totally go off Tangent, but I had to show my SB love, after all this is a Brooke Lover's/ Pucas Hater Blog! But Back to Pucasers...

Anyone remember my BLer's Beware of Pukers Out There! Blog… Yeah, me neither, LOL! Nevertheless, I told you about Pukers (Who ever thought I would be able to cross-reference on this thing!)

Excerpt from BLer's Beware of Pukers Out There! Blog:

C) Puk-Tenders aka The Crazy Bitches in Sheep Clothing-

They pretend to be biased and just Naley friends, but you catch them posting in the I Love the Anorexic Whore aka Peyton Lovers Thread! Yes, yes, these are the Puk-Tenders!These guys lurk, like they are probably reading this right now and waiting to post! Yes, you! You are a Puk-Tender, pretending to like Brooke as long as she cheerleads PUCAS! UH-HUH!

You go to BL Love sites and anonymously bash or act like you care then say something rude and stupid! There is another name for Puk-Tenders! These people are called COWARDS! Hiding behind Naley Love and Brooke Support!You Disgust the shit out of me, and I’m a Jerk-Wag!


Remember that guys, and only two weeks later we get an example. I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried!

Ha-ha, those Dumb Shits help prove my point all the time! It’s like Challenging CMM to an Actors Battle: A fucking mentally challenged person would win… Hell, I could win and I don’t even like Acting. LOL, I’m studying to be a DOCTOR, you know, someone who can SAVE YOUR LIFE

Not some Douche Bag ready to quit on you because even he thinks PUCAS Blows! I mean, what material does the guy even get? Stand by Blonde Version of Michael Jackson and pretend to be attracted? Sorry, but unless the guy has homoerotic tendencies, he will never EVER want that SHIM aka a She/him-Peyton… LOL

Here is the typical scene:

Peyton, says, “ Oh, Wag, Wag *Over exaggerated sagging preying mantis Face* I can’t find any reason to whine today so I’ll just have to cause Chaos,” Another Emo, mouth dropping, spittle falling down mouth, “Hmm, I wonder if Julian still likes me a little bit.”

Pan to Lucas the “corpse king” Scott sitting behind desk on laptop. Porn images of Paris Hilton and Fake BRATHAN sex tape he PHOTOSHOPPed minimized on screen, “Ugh, sure. While you’re at it, if you could conveniently mention to Brooke that I found a red feather, you know gotta throw those bones out there.”

Peyton starts to twirl around in room for no real reason and Lucas just stares before continuing, “Also, um, I think a leaf just fell to the left outside the window… Now- don’t start whining- but -Don’t start whining….”

Long Pause and weird squint to read cue cards, “Oh, yeah that means the baby is going to die. Yeah, that pretty much means that.”

Peyton reverts to only two acting faces she has: Dumb Whore with Mouth hanging open for a guy’s jock & Praying mantis, “What! Noooooo!” Grabs stomach and drops to floor. “Ahhh!”

Corpse Lucas, “I would run to you, but that would mean actual physical exertion. But the script says I have to ask, even though we all know its nothing. But for the sake of these last horrible episodes until we leave and the show stops being about Pucas, the wastes of space and Pukers called Leytoners by Druggies, what‘s wrong?”

“Oh,” Peyton Moans, “I think I just Sharted (shitted & Farted)!”

And Scene…

Now be honest, that’s what I always see on the screen when I watch this abomination, and if I hadn’t watched this crap from the beginning, I would have been quit! This show sucks Pucas’ nuts (Both LucASS and PeytWhore’s balls!)

Now, I’d like to thank those Puk-Tenders for giving me something to pick on while the show is on hiatus… Feel free to post more, I know a lot of BLers who get a kick out of it!

Much Love to My BL Homies & To PUCASERS: You can Suck A Pickled Dick ! Ha-ha… I know, I'm hilarious! Settle Down Pukers & leave a comment, I love knowing that I made you cry!

L8r guys,


Anonymous said...

i agree i am dreading next Mondays episode its going to be more focused on puketon and there baby. I am so fuc*ing sick of her and her baby. She doesnt even look a bit pregnant. And we will have to suffer through her whiny and crying playing the sad pathetic skinny bitch. I know its mean but I wish she does try to have the baby and dies then she could never come back to make a guest appearance on the show.

A Random Brucas Lurker ;) said...

I really couldn't agree more with everything you write. It's all true! I couldn't feel more anti-Pucas than I do at the moment, and I'm lovin' it!

Anonymous said...

LOVE you!!! i cracked up while reading this. keep up the amazing writing and Seyton/Peyt-whore hate :)