Monday, March 2, 2009

Pucas: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye! :)

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye! :)
PeytWHORE Whines and LucASS Lies
A Lot & Hopefully they Both Die!

Cruisin’ the OTH boards in my spare time and it occurred to me- SOME SUPPOSED Brucasers are willing To JUMP ship for CMM & that Peyton Chick Actress- I really don’t give Two shits what her name is- to stay!

WHAT THE FUCK- where are these people’s loyalty! ARE YOU JOSH, JOSH, JOSHING ME? Two non-talented actors who could suck the life out an expectant mother! Ha-ha! Yeah, I know CMM leaving completely closes the door on BL but We were never getting them back! So it was like CMM wasn’t there anyway, because I only watch for Brooke & Jamie!

Naley have fallen desperately in love with licking the Shit from PeytWHORE & Pucas in general! I mean, should their teeth have rotted from all the acid of all that upchuck!? And Pucas are worse than stabbing yourself in the eye frequently with a samurai sword!

So, Unless somebody magically dissolves the crazy glue currently attaching Mark-Ass’ head to his asshole, Mark-ASS is going to keep regurgitating this SHIT a.k.a. PUCAS!

Why should I care if Chad Michael ‘needs acting lessons in a hurry’ Murray Leaves! That LucASS douche can hit the bricks and take that Mopey, Anorexic looking, Please Feed the hungry children, drag she-male with him! Sorry, but I have to say this- after re-watching that pathetic message to fans I realized that she is trying to pull a Mark Anthony!

You GUYS know what I mean? Saying one thing, but meaning another in order to get arise out of people!

Now this is just my opinion here:

But has it occurred to people that perhaps this is her decision, and she has ulterior motives… She is basically pleading for sympathy and making the Show/CW look like creeps without coming out and saying as much! It’s classic really & I actually feel bad for blaming CMM for her leaving! I mean hello- rumor has it her ex-husbands father is some big-wig either in the CW or associated with the CW, Production, or OTH! The more I think about, the more I think she might just be a spiteful witch!

Even if you don’t agree, you have to admit it was extremely selfish of her to Make that VIDEO when Season SUX, I mean Six, isn’t even over yet! I mean, way to ruin the ending! And then to not have the cahoonas to come out and just say it! Why make that video if you were going to continue to beat around the bush! GEES, no wonder I couldn’t stand this chick on TRL!

That’s right- I have disliked this chick since TRL…even have it one my profile for two years and counting! Just a rude person in general:-(disagree if you like, but reading that posters “I WILL JUMP SHIP TO GET THEM TO STAY” bullshit made me mad! Angry, frickin pissed off!
Not that I care either way, I just Want PeytWhore, Baby Seyton- the Spawn of all things:
~Egotistical yet so plain
~Yawnfully Yucky & Useless
~Tired & The Typical WHORE
~Ohh so Ugly & Whiney
~Non-talented actress in the role of the character

I’m ready for her to go because this drama is ridiculous! Everything I see is HB don’t go…blah, blah, wah, wah! Who cared! Beg, jump ship, That won’t make two people who WANT to leave, stay! They don’t care what the fans want, so why should we care if they stay! I say Vote them off the Island (r) push them into the ocean, hopefully a shark will send them back to hell where they crawled out of!

So this was short and a complete Bash, but I don’t care! I hate SEYTON, SPAWN, & LUCASS when he is attached to that disgusting character!
Goodbye, Salam, Tschüss, Au Revoir, PUCASSable Pucville, Hello OTH revised!

Much Love Homies…


Anonymous said...

awesome post as always todd lmao what I love about your posts are you say it like it is.

Well as for me I dont even want to watch this show anyway and havent watched it the whole way through for a while now.somehow though doesnt make it any easier to let go of the couple(brucas) I believe always belonged together.

But yeah this whole CH leaving thing is blah to me in one sense as no way do I like LP nor do I want to see their little happy ending where lucas can talk crap and tell her how shes the only one hes loved BLAH BLAH BLAH and see cringeworthy scenes where the two faced backstabbing "friend" gets the guy she doesnt deserve all the while the true selfless lady of this show (BROOKE) gets nothing and doesnt get the guy she was meant to be with and has to watch LP play happy families (pass me a bucket). Purlease we all ready see this crap on the show why would I wanna see more of the same but in the same breath I find it very sad chads leaving,as a brucas fan I know that chances of getting my couple were slim considering marks a onesided writer.....idiot actually writers giving him a title he so doesnt deserve to have .But chad leaving has pretty much confirmed no more brucas and that makes me very sad ive shipped them since the beginning(season 1)I feel the entire BL fanbase has been treated awful through the years especially from season 4 onwards just to make way for marks twisted version what love is like in the shape of LP.Its laughable really that he wants to paint them as true love .two people who have cheated and hurt others. (Peyton)A friend who will stomp on her friend to get what she wants time and time again.what a wonderful message to send to the audience that it doesnt matter how good of a person you are aka Brooke its always the cold calcatulating bitches(Peyton) who gets the guy.Such a joke

I hope I never watch a show written by this guy again as clearly he has now idea what being a writer is about . Lol I so need to stop this rant I cant help but be annoyed about this whole thing

I will just say no matter what I will ship Brucas always.I would never ever jump ship to be LP fan.Lp are the worst couple on that damn show and anyone with sense knows it lol. Brucas are and always be the true love story

okay stopping now lol anyways once again great post todd :)

Anonymous said...

Dude also why cant you do a podcast ?lmao that would rock .Lol you should really consider it Id listen to it for sure

Anonymous said...

LOL i think you are actually hilarious. Funny that you can't find any LPERS writing overly lengthening pathetic rants about a make believe show.

To go to all that trouble because your unhappy with who lucas is with shows how sad your life must be-
and also how rude you can be about a woman who has actual feelings and has put her everything in to the show, because you are obsessed with brooke also shows what a prick you are.

Generally, i'm guessing if you were a character/actor nobody would like you, but despite how much of a looser you must be to write all this, i bet those people will have better things to do than try and impress other disimpressed fans by writing a million insults in a post.

You are all a joke, and hopefully very young and alone otherwise it just wouldnt make sense..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know it's you, Corey.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree I think she just made that video to make her s=elf look better. To get sympathy and attention. You dont see CMM making a video to attention.(that i know of)I am sure he he get bashed just like hillary.

Why would you want to jump ship if your a brucas fan just to get puass to stay. If your a true bruas fan you wouldnt do that. So than what would happen if by some miracle pucass stayed would people jump ship back to brucas.

As much as I want brucas its not going to happen. They should just let it go. Let us have our brucas memories. THEY HAD in my opinion "the epic love romance" and alway will.

Anonymous said...

LMAO oh look at how the little lp fans (or should I say probably te same one lol)have come out the woodwork to defend the eyesore that is pucas haha

todd dont even listen to the, they clearly have no idea what theyre talking about and if anyone is a joke around here its the stupid lper who obviously didnt even have the sense to realise we would know that those anti posts are by the same person so pathetic

Anonymous said...

OMFG, I truly agreed with you, that whore just did the video out of sympathy. like seriously.I never watch that anorexic bitch alone more than a minute top but I sacrifice myself lurking the vid on yt so I can know what you talking about-HUGE SACRIFICATION(if it an actual word lol) from me cos I love your blog SO MUCH) and Todd, if I don't have a bf right now I definitely marry you cos I love guy who always spoke the truth *even though some lame ass bitches won't except it(such as the 'anonymous' above)* well, you know what they say - THE TRUTH HURT so SUCK IT BITCHES -

Back to your post, did you really believe it was the real Brucaser who made that stupid threat or it was pathetic Pucaster who make people think they were Brucaser who jump ship? I think it was the latter cos it seems impossible to like those incest even though your not fans of Brucas.. like seriously, they disgusting n rotten people who set bad example in community and they just sorry excuse for human being. Unlike you and lots of Brucaser out there, I'm quitting this ship long time ago cos I'm HATE Lucas n CMM so I really don't want him with my precious Brooke anymore so I consider myself apart from Brucaser BUT I still can't EVER accept the suppose 'epic'. So I don't really get what did Mark accomplish from this show.

The news of them leaving is like the greatest thing ever happen in history of Tree Hill for me. I seriously overwhelms, finally I know what is like when God granted my wishes. I can wait to watch OTH without fast forwarding any scenes.

I REALLY can't wait S7 without the twin incest n I hope we gonna get deep connection between Naley n Brooke, I REALLY want them to be real family - like Brooke have brotherly bonding with Nathan n sisterly bonding with Haley n of course the best aunt ever for Jamie. I love Julian n I hope he stay for the next season but if not they can always 'welcome' Jensen Ackles on the show(oh my dream)...I heard some rumors that Rachel probably back for S7, if so WOW, I seriously will fall for OTH again especially if she back with Cooper n my Brooke got Hot Julian (or Jensen Ackles ;p). Okay, I should stop dreaming n I so agree with Jules, you should do podcast Todd n Jennifer if you read this I want you to know that I love all your reviews too(beside Todd posts of course) you should totally make blog for yourselves cos I love your perceptive of the shows too. N Todd keep on going, you never failed to amaze me n lots of others out there.

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