Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hey guys… Yeah, I know that the show isn’t coming on this week, but I had to get this off my chest! What the fuck is up with all these Sophia Bush Haters! See, I’m sitting in my apartment freaking out about school because I don’t get financial aid and My parents are so fucking strict about grades and won't pay if I have a C or two. So,I figured I would check out the internet… ESPN is boring me now that the Sooners are no longer even tangible, the Jets and the Bret drama is making me mad, and the Packers, well I haven’t hear about them. Anyway, I went to the OTH board and go figure the Sophia - Jophia haters were out in full force.

Let me Be the first and perhaps the last to say WHO FUCKING GIVES A FUCK who either shag? Sorry, but I’m not going to Hate because Sophia Bush can have whatever dude she wants… hell, I will hate on THE GUY WHO Plays Nathan because I find Sophia HOTT! LOL! BUT SERIOUSLY, WHO CARES!

Honestly, SOME FANS are fricken NUTS! I mean seriously, there are wars going on in GUZA/ Israel/ Pakistan and they find time to hate an actual person because of how they choose to live!

People are calling Sophia a WHORE, for what! I’m a dude and I don’t see her as a WHORE! I see her as a true Playette! Yes, a Playette, the guy version of a player! There is nothing wrong with a Girl getting her kicks if a guy can get his!

Some people, and surprisingly Some LADIES are so close-minded and Hold double standards! You might not agree with what she does or doesn't do- seeing as it all based on the desluional psychosis of a crazy Fan, but everybody has done wrong! And if you want to go moral here, Jesus said, "He whom is without sin, Cast the first stone!"

They have no right to judge- which is also a sin if they weren't aware! Though I'm not really religious, I believe in GOD and I know that only he knows what people do in their Spare time... So, Crazy nuts need to stop the hate!

I’m wondering if these people are CMM fans, they have to be to bash a girl who hasn’t even mentioned her ex except in an interview about season 7. Hell, even then she wouldn’t say his name, and because she commented about dating the guy who plays Julian! And if she hadn’t, people would have been like: OOOH she’s trying to hide it! This girl can’t win for losing!
SOME PEOPLE are acting like their lives depend on those two either breaking up or getting together! Who cares, NEITHER one of them are JESUS! They never said they were saints, their sexual relationships do not give us salvation or Damnation! Seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these psychos jump in front of a bus one of these days if LORD FORBID, Jophia actually got married!


I have been wanting to ask those nitwits Fanatics: If you CLAIM the chick's a whore, how do you know? Did she steal your man or your girlfriend? Did she run over your dog? Did she take your Daddy from your Mommy and ride him like a fucking po-go stick?

If not, then THOSE PEOPLE ARE SERIOUSLY CRAZY! Sophia Bush is Grown and Grown ups tend to date, tend to Have sex, some even BREAKUP WITH CHEATING SPOUSES! If the person is a NUN, than I wonder what the fuck they are doing watching a Show that has become about a …

MANWHORE, lying, Cheating, Dickwag with no sense of style and personality commit Beastiality with his TWO-BIT Emo slut, backstabbing Crybaby, Cheating Dog, bitchy Fiancée!


Anonymous said...

Hey Toddian,
I didn't have much to do, so I was just on my laptop and decided to go on your blog....and thats when I saw your newest post.

Honestly.....I have no fuckin idea what the hell is wrong with some people. Why some hate on Sophia has never made any fuckin sense to me, because even though the girl is not a saint and isn't perfect(because NO ONE is).....she's still one of the most beautiful, classiest, elegant, and amazing women in Hollywood.

I've wondered myself a couple of times why some people don't like Sophia. And I've come to a couple of conclusions:
1) Some of them are hardcore CMM fans who've been pissed as hell since the day Chad and Sophia split because after she divorced him, everyone started to call Chad a douche bag.....which he definitely is....I mean anyone who cheats on Sophia Bush is a fuckin idiot. And so these people are upset about the fact that Chad is no longer really respected anymore, so they take there anger out on Sophia because there moronic asses blame her.

2) If you play close attention......I happen to know that 99.9999% of the haters are girls. Why? Because girls tend to bet bitchy and catty over the stupidest things.....and this is coming from a girl herself. The biggest star of OTH is Sophia doubt about it. The second person behind Sophia is Joy. There are some Joy fans and fans of the other actors on the show that get mad because Sophia gets the MOST attention out of anyone on the show. No one ever really acknowledges the others at all, except for OTH fans. But the point is that these people are too fuckin JEALOUS over the fact that Sophia Bush is famous while no one gives two shits about the other castmates. It may sound harsh, but it's the TRUTH.

3) Some of these haters are complete psychopaths who can't tell the difference between fiction and reality. Some Naley fans are upset that James and Sophia are together because they think that Joy and James can't be together now. They're too fuckin stupid to realize that it's a fuckin show on which both play CHARACTERS who ARE NOT real. If James and Joy wanted to be together, they could've gotten together years ago....but they didn't because they don't feel that way about one another. I remember hearing that when Joy married her husband, some people were bashing her husband because that meant Joy and James were never going to get together. So like I said, some people are complete imbeciles.

Haters deserve to get the sh*t beaten out of them. I love the way these lunatics try to act like there not jealous but the moment these idiots open there mouths, there jealousy always reeks out. The fact, that some people can't get over the fact that Sophia and James are together amazes me. It really goes to show how stupid some people are and it says a lot for there personality too.
I don't understand how there relationship possibly effects anyone and why they care so much??? What have they possibly done wrong??? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

All that matters is that Sophia and James are happy and if they make each other happy then good for them because they both DESERVE it. And if Chad had never cheated, he and Sophia would still be together right now. Sophia deserves to be happy.....and if James makes her happy, then I wish them nothing but the BEST.

Sophia is a young woman who can do whatever the fuck she wants and can date whoever the fuck she wants. Since her divorce with Chad, she's been with three people in over three years if you include Austin(the guy who plays Julian). Her first serious relationship after Chad was Jon Foster and now she's dating James. Who the FUCK cares???????? Do you really expect a woman who was cheated on by her ass of an ex-husband to sit at home and knit for the rest of her life just because her marriage is over??? Give me a fuckin break. At least she wasn't fucking some underage extra on the show right after they split unlike CMM.

One of the many reasons that I admire Sophia is because she NEVER once told the public or the media about why she divorced Chad, even though everyone already knows its because he CHEATED on her MANY times. Sophia never even gave any specific details for their divorce or of Chad cheating. It was 3rd party sources who confirmed the cheating thing. One of them was Nick Carter who told the world on a fuckin talk show that Paris had cheated on him with Chad while he was with Sophia.

All Sophia ever said was that she was hurt and humiliated....who the f*ck wouldn't be in that kind of situation? But she has said that she will never bash Chad and she kept to her word. She could've dragged and smeared his reputation through the mud(because God, knows I would've done it if my husband cheated on me) but she didn't.

Toddian, everything you said was RIGHT ON THE MONEY. It was perfect. You should DEFINITELY go to this site where they were saying shit about Sophia and give them a piece of your mind and shut them up for good. Just copy and paste what you said, because it was perfect.

I'm right there with you, all of us Sophia fans know that these people are nothing but JEALOUS....even if they say they aren't, they are. Because why the fuck would you spend so much time hating on someone, if you aren't so fuckin jealous over them?????????


Anonymous said...

PS.....If you don't mind, can you post the link to the site where they were talking about Sophia.....I just wanna see what these assholes are saying. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you just found it now Todd but all these bullsh!t started happen long time ago. I spent more then my healthy time to read & comment at everywhere n anywhere sites or forums that involve Sophia(YES,I'm Sophia B!tch) but what you don't realize yet(which u will after you adore someone more than 5 years of your life-like me ;p) that whenever those b!tches or a$$hole talk sh!t about Sophia, her fans such as myself & lots of sane person out there will defend her like Martyr. It's like we're fight for her, we felt bad when some sh!thole dissed her, we wanna kill someone who hurting her(ok that's a lil extreme but I do wish those motherfucker died in Jigsaw hand).

Her true fans(which I know a lot) knows who she truly is even though sometimes the tabloid & lowlife pussies bashing her, we still love her to death cos we know the truth about the real Soph more than them. Don't let this b!tches effect u too much(they not worth our time anyway) and actually there's more LOVES than hate for our favorite girl out there(trust me, I know that for sure).

Anonymous said...

^^Ignore my grammar mistake though, English not exactly my 1st language.

Anonymous said...

All those haters are just jealous. Hell, I'm jealous of Sophia! LOL She's beautiful, sexy, awesome, and everything that they're NOT. AND she probably has the man that they want. Which is just completely ridiculous in itself. So, while their bashing pisses us off, because it's completely moronic, we have to just accept that there are morons out there who speak before thinking, or type in their cases.

I think the thing with celebrities is that no one really realizes that they are real people, just the same as all of us. I bet half, or more, of those people bashing her have probably done worse than she has done. Which, I mean what the hell has she done wrong? At least she's screwing an actual star from the show, not some underage extra. (Ha ha!) And if they haven't done worse, they haven't done anything at all, and they are completely naive. It's always easy to judge when you haven't experienced life at all.

People these days get too caught up in the lives of celebrities. They have a hard time deciphering between reality and fantasy, I think. And because of that, they forget that these people they are calling whores, and judging based on unfounded facts, are real people, with real feelings. It's sad, really. I mean, I enjoy getting the latest news on my fave celebs life, and I cringe when someone I don't like does something horrendous, but I get on with my life. I don't go onto a blog and bash everything that they are.

Saying that, I feel like I should also say, that while we are on a blog bashing OTH, that it's different. (Is that hypocritical?) I don't think so, because we are just disappointed in the way our once favorite TV show has now taken a huge dump on all of its fans. And while we bash on characters, fictional characters, we are not personally attacking them.

Anyway. I felt the same way when everything with Britney Spears was going on. I mean, I felt bad for her. Every little move she made there everyone was, quick to point a finger and put her down. It's gone too far, I think.

So, Todd, while everything that they've said is wrong, and naive, the rest of us have to suck it up and just roll our eyes. Let them prey on the stupid things, because in the end, they're the only ones who sound like idiots. I just hope that someday there's a collective maturing of these people and we all learn to move on from the celebrity bashing, and even glamorizing.

Anonymous said...

all these people are idiots! i mean seriously they cant find something better to do with their spare time! i mean i understand that these haters are 35 year ol losers who probably live in the basement of there parents house and surf the internet for porn! but geez get your head out of ur butts and breathe some fresh air b/c i think the stinch of ur butt is making you go nuts!

i mean seriously it is her life! if you dont know her dont judge her and even if you do know her you still have no right to judge her, that will be Jesus' job when we get to Heaven, b/c in the end we will all be judged for our actions. Seriously though she has been nothing but polite and cordial with the whole chad thing and evenbody who thinks differently is clearly dilussional! and if she is dating james than more freaking power to her and if they are just hanging on and hooking up than again more power to her! that boy is one cool drink of water i definitely would not mind dipping into!

and you are right Todd, Sophia could have any guy or heck girl for that matter that she wants they are just freaking peeved and jealous b/c she has more grace beauty elegance and heart than they have in their pinky fingers! heck i'll admit im jealous of her she is probably the most amazing and stunning woman i have ever seen but that doesn't mean i would bash on her im such a sophia worshipper!

i love a quote that she said it was something along the lines of "i hope that my friends feel just as smart, as talented, and as beautiful about themselves as i could ever feel about myself." if that's not selflessness i dont know what is! we should all try to be more like that!

and i know its cliche but the golden rule says "treat others the way you would want to be treated" well if you don't want to be called a WHORE and a SLUT i suggest you not call other people by that name! b/c in the end the only one who looks like an idiot and a prick is you!

Props to Todd! you rock man! its like you look into the evil side of my thoughts and right exactly what im thinking! are you psychic? lol!

Anonymous said...

WELL said todd:)

I dont know if you ever go to fanforum? well anyways theres a whole bunch of sophia haters over there theyre so vicious and nasty and go out of their way to talk bad about this girl and have to say some of them are sotwo faced they have met sophia few times and are all nice to her face then the minuite they get online bash her to no end.And you hit the nail on the head as the majority of these haters are cmm fans who think they have to stand up for him its like WTF? seriously lol the things they say though is so out there nobody ever takes them seriously and its well known that its the haters on fanforum that totally flood the just jared blogs with nasty comments theyre very childish

Sophia bush is a classy and graceful person and is worth ten of all those haters .they go on and on about how sophia apaprantly "dragged chads name through the dirt "b saying she was "hurt and humilated" by what happened in one of the interviews. god she has every right to say what she feels and in my opinion she could have said worse anyways but she showed her class in the fact she didnt.These people need to get over it and realise chad doesnt even know them and why the hell they think that theyre standing up for him is beyond me . some people should just grow up and get a brain while theyre at seriously annoys me it really does