Monday, January 19, 2009

Peyton… The EMO Downer Bitch & MARK THE FUCKING TWIT!

This episode was WAY BETTER THAN USUAL …
1) Brooke and Julian Making out was FIRE! Somebody HOSE ME DOWN! Ha-ha, LOL! I love Brucas , but Brulian makes me swoon- and I’m a fucking Dude! Those two are sex in the kitchen with the stove on- YEAH HizOTT! FORshizzle, Hahaha! :) LOL! BRULIAN ARE GOING STEADY!
2) Some Points were Hilarious: Julian/ Lucas/ And the HAT! Ha-ha! That guy looked like an asshole, but I must admit that I would have worn the Shit out of that Hat! Reminds me of the Chris Keller days! Ah, perfection! And Paul, well, Julian’s Dad is like Dan season 1-2 A-fucking-MAZING!
3) Dan is BACK- HELL YEAH & TALKING TO NATE! I love it! For the first time, Nathan’s story line was so fucking GOOD! BASKETBALL is making me so happy! About time we got this storyline to working! Now if only we could get Hales a storyline instead of giving it to MIA the stick figure!
4) And the director…aka Dawson is so funny for stealing Lucas’ lines! Funny! Ha-ha! That is Hilarious! I don’t care what anyone says, that was funny ass Hell!
Now my problem with this show Boils down to the boring, TIME WASTERS:


LucAss is as BLAH, as usual…All I kept thinking was that who ever that extra guy is in the scene with Julian and his Dad, well that guy has a face BEGGING to be PUNCHED! Like really, why the hell is he even there! The Invisible Jackass is more like his Role in this show!
But who always takes the cake and ruins shit… PEYTON! That Skanky, Whore Bag! If Julian jumped into bed with someone else after he discovered that you were GETTING OFF of a BOOK BY A BORING ASSHOLE, He has ever right to shag ANBODY! Hell, I‘d question my manhood if Skeletor aka PeytWHORE left me for a squinty eyed, Pussy having, BORING MAN-WHORE!!
Hell yeah, he had every right to sleep with Whomever after you turned TRICK in season ! - WHORE! Hell, I just wish Julian could drink some Red-Bull, fly to heaven or hell (WHEREVER YOUR MOM IS) and TAP that too!
BUT OF COURSE Mark Ass is thinking of anyway to screw us over! THAT MOTHER-FUCKING Kiss ASS, Bitch ASS Peyton ass licking fucking Douche bag! I HATE MARK AND THAT BLONDE SLUT! Why! Why! WHY! WHY CAN’T BROOKE GET SOME LOVIN instead of Turkey neck MIA the Annoying bitch who nobody would piss on if she was on Fire BECAUSE SHE IS IRRELEVANT, and CHASE the Lame Ass Douche who needs to GO to hell and Take PUCAS with them! Please GOD!
CHASE! Really? SO they decided that Monkey face mouth wasn’t enough, so they add more boring people!
Anybody notice that Peyton runs to Julian’s Dad all happy and willy nilly! Then she finds out that Julian didn’t even want that CHICK at Sundance, never even touched her! Somebody needs to kill PeytWHORE to noisy interloper destroyer of ALL BROOKE COUPLES SKELETON! That Hungry BITCH needs to be ran over by a truck! I hope Julian comes up to her ass and chokes the SHIT OUT OF HER!
But what do you expect from a stupid slut who wants A RING That was given to another chick! Is she kidding me! This Fool has no PRIDE whatsoever! Maybe Mark wants people to dislike her! I mean, she literally disgusts me! THIS IS LIKE WATCHING A DOG HUMPING a DEAD Corpse while foaming at the mouth with rabbis! I think I threw up a LUNG looking at that drooping faces , Raisin head BIMBO!

And exactly why must we watch LEYTON/ PucASSHOLES when its obvious that no one cares! As anybody noticed that the ratings only go up when there are Brooke PREVIEWS! Get a Fucking Clue!
I still have my Brucas Love, but Brulian are rocking!
Much Love Homies!


Pynki said...

Finally someone who hates Peyton as much as I do. Its like your reading my mind. GREAT job.

Anonymous said...

Dude this blog is amazing. Everything you said is right on the money. Brooke and Julian are soooo hot. But I will admit that the tiny, itty, bitty brucas scenes still make my heart skip a beat. Someone needs to send this blog to Mark Shwan. You rock. So thank you. And dude please write a whole blog on why peyton needs to die on OTH.

Anonymous said...

I loved the BRUCAS scene. It was short but we finally got another one. It was worth the wait I was so happy. Maybe we will slowly get a few more here and there finally. Especailly with his movie comming together and they are finding people for it.

Peyton what a bitch. How selfish can you be. He gave you a ring but it wasnt good enough. You wanted a ring he gave to someone else. peyton doesnt deserve Keiths ring to Karen. I would Lindesy rather of had it. Of course Brooke would I been my first and only choice though. I mean come on she had to go and whine to haley about it. She needs to get over her selfishness and except what luke gives her. She should be luckly he give her anything at all.
I cant believe she was all excited to see her esx father. Hello you are engaged and Brooke likes julian and he like her. So you shouldnt see or be excited to see your exs dad. I wonder if the dad was tring to do any kind of damage by telling peyton that julian was upset about the break up. He is being dan like. Does he want them to get back together or something?

I am a true BRUCAS shipper but I am happy that she is with someone. She deserve it. And The "girl code' peyton shouldnt of even been with luke so if brooke wants to be with julian she can.

I am kinds glad dan is back. At least his is trying to be ther for nate. He is acting like a father should. Hes not putting nate down he is encourgaging him. I wonder if there will be any dan/luke sesnes.

In two weeks look good. cant wait.

Anonymous said...

LMAO about your pucASS and Peyton comments!

I sure miss Brucas!