Monday, November 16, 2009

2 Stars, <3 BALEY <3, A SLUT, & a Junkie


I give this episode 7.10 2 stars... Because it was good, better than most, but Damn if i a not fucking tired of Mark Schwahn Screwing Brooke over, Screwing Nathan out of Basketball, and Screwing haley out of a descent family member! YES, YES MOTHER-FUCKING HELL, the Schwahn seriously writes from seat or his pants...

Or rather the crack of his ass!

Because this show is Bullshit!

Lets start off with the fact that CLAY's claws-hook mouth and Quinn's Huge Motherfucking Moon face was all over the televison screen! No wonder Nathan fired Clays ass after the bobcats capped another point guard! Seriously, If Clay wasn't so busy trying to gnaw on the fish between QUinnGLY's thighs, he wouldn't have left Nathan out in the cold.

After Dan and Mouth put their careers and personal lives on the line to get Nate where he is today!? UGH, I wanted Dan to drown Clay for using Sarah, his dead wife as an excuse! And while he is at it Kill Millie and Alex.

This Millie on Crack/coke thing is boring---> Nobody cares about her but Brooke should have slapped the ugly off that bitches face. Just line them up like a waiting list for Brooke's SLAP A HO' contest and let BROOKLYN D Bitch slap some bitches... Starting with Julian! Ugh, I was hoping Brooke changed the locks and kicked his ass out.


And seriously, how many years must we endure Nathan's struggle with balls, orange, boucing balls...the Schwahn is making me think he is homosexual? Serious, balls must be important to the Schwahn! I think he has a Crush on Julian too, cause Julian's face whines more than Quinn.

All thoughout his agrument with Alex about the empty coke bottle and thinking she was lying, I was just looking at his shiney forehead. I mean, seriously i think I hate every character on this show except Haley and Brooke!

Both these ladies are what Earns this show 2 stars! First Haley putting Quinn in her place, telling her how selfish she is... Haley for the WIN, and her standing by Nate's decision to fire Clay... I love Haley.

Brooke one the other hand....


Mark Schwahn is a ball-less PRICK... Why the hell do I still watch this show. It looks like Next week is worst! GRRRR, i'm so mad! Seriously, I'm gonna stop before i go into Mark Schwahn Hate rant! This Guy is so fucking lame... bet he gets his storylines from the CAT IN THE HAT!

Fucking dumb fuck...

You guys rant away, I'm pissed!


Anonymous said...

I think they are being a bit to hard on clay. It true its business you take a chance wheel and deal. Theirs always going to be some risk. Good/bad news. It goes alone with the job for both Nate and clay. I feel bad for clay he tired.

Rachel is sick. I thinks shes worse than Dan with that idea of hers. Doesn't she know how wrong that is. Everyone will hate her for it.

Millie is a mess. I love that she got found out.

Poor Brooke. Why couldn't mark of done that to peytwhore. Brooke deserves to have a child more. All though I would of totally preferred it to be with Lucas. Like the carriage ride dream talk they had.

I was so afraid Dan would do something serious to clay. He went about it the wrong why. But he got clay to see he can fight. But clay was hung up on his own personal problems and Quinn. So it took time away from doing his job.

Casey said...

Okay, so I just finished watching the episode. Don't blame me, blame the 13 hour time difference and slow internet downloads.

But I almost wished I missed it completely. I can live with every other piece of shit that happened tonight...but what happened to Brooke!

Schwahn just loves screwing with all those people that only hang on to the show because of Brooke...
