Monday, October 26, 2009

Great The Chisled Tooth Agent & Whinny Bitch Show!

Holy SHIT! HOLY, HOLY, Boring ass SHIT, Batman!

On would think that with so much possible Drama with Naley with Even Brulian (BOOlian to me) that Dickhead Schwahn would want to stop playing with his Johnson and decide to write what we want to see... But OH KNOW! OH KNOW!

I Spy, in My Eye, the PUCAS REPLACEMENT!

What in Heavens name made Dork Schwahn think we would give two shits about Clay, his Ghost wife, and Ugly ass Quinn! Damn! Where is the big Naley focus... all Naley are doing is sitting around on couches watching Dan Possibly railroad the Nasty groupie or his Career...

Boring... Zzzzzzzzzz! I wanted them to show up o the scene but at least they are actually featured. Where the Bloody Fucking Hell is Brooke? One scene in the beginning and all this Big ass nosed Quinn and Lame as Clayton 24-7!

I don't give a FUCK about these two bitches!

First of all we have Hurricane Skanks clothes are all over Clays Yard, assuming David threw them there. UM, GO DAVID! Dumb that Dirty ASS SLUT! And we spend a good 15 minutes whating this whore basically pant her way through a conversation with Clay... Who mother fucking cares.

I want Naley and Brooke! Hell, even the Dan shit is more interesting! Love Dan sticking it to that Thieving BITCH! Where his Haley with that Lead arm to smack that witch down to size! Loving that Dan is showing his dark side but for a good reason. And now that Blonde Squint-a-Douche is off lord Knows where, we can finally see Dan forgiven!

Because this nice Dan shit is beginning to get on my nerves. But Rachel & Dan working together to take down this bitch is AWESOME! How can they, My Gorgeous Nathan and Haley Not believe that Dan is trying to help them. He is making look great and getting rid of this BITCH! HELL to the FUCK yes!

... Then again, that Lie Detector Test on his show that Renee the Groupie is taking is having alot of True's about Nathan. But they are never 100% accurate, if at all!

But just when its getting good... No Brooke Sighting (only the little redundant EMO SHIT that head Writer Mark Schwahn Keeps pumping out of his asshole onto the screenplay) and all this Clay/Ghost Sarah/Quinn triangle! UGH... I am so about to Jump off a bridge like Sarah and Clay on the bridge in their first meeting flashback.

But seriously, Clay needs to stop eating fucking Bricks if he insists on smiling so damn much! Fucking Hell, Maybe he can gnaw on Quinn's Gigantic Nostrils... In that random Flashback about the husband she is being a bitch too, i thought she was going to poke the dude in the eye with that Nose Dagger!

I'm sorry, i know that is mean, but its true.... Hahahaha! Hate me if you want, i don't give a fuck!

JESUS, but thats the only thing interesting about the annoying Crybaby... Let me get this start, this man goes off to make money to buy that annoying bitch ass moocher a Dark-room for her photos and probably a car since she claimed in that ridiculous flashback that she walked everywhere.

Seriously... are we supoosed to feel bad because she wants to stay poor! Oh, WOW! He wants to live out of poverty and thats a bad thing! What a dumb ass shit head! i hope she Kills herself... I can imagine she is the blonde rat-headed, Popeyed bimbo from season 1-6!

But just when i was ready 45 minutes into the program, to turn the Channel... Dan Blew that lying Renee Slut out of the water! Now If Nathan doesn't forgive Dan for What he has done, i will never watch this shitty show again. Honestly, Dan is the only thing that saved the night!

And also...

Clay's Ghost Wife has more Chemistry


Him than Quinn!
Mean picture... But you know thats why you love and read this blog! Muhahahaha!

Monday, October 19, 2009

So, I was too busy picking the Jam from my toe...

To even concentrate on this boring ass bullshit these motherfucking mush brain writers lead by none other than Captain Limp Dick Mark SchwahNoob are shoving down our throat. Honestly, you know how boring and useless this entire show is... Brooke is my favorite character but this julian shit is killing me...

Seriously, I love Brooke putting Alex TraBitch in her Place but Julian's ugly, squinty face (yes, lucas had squinty eyes but the wholw half of that dude's face looks like it is about to fold over into a damn ass crease) ass needs to go. he is a boring, timewasting dickwad. seriously, dud is loving the attention from that Alex kid and it is annoying.

And the fact that he called Brooke basically a HOE_bag while they were in bed shows that all the bullshit speech he gave season 6 about not thinking she was a slut was a DAMN LIE! Even worse, he doesn't tell Brooke that the girl is perving on him. What work/producer relationship is that? Thats how you get sued for sexual harrassment!

Damn, all these characters are stupid.

Even worse, I don't give a fuck about Mouth and Millie.... seriously, she gets her own storyline while brooke is attached to those losers. We all know Millie would never be a model and the fact that Ugly ass Mouth is still using his big lips to suck the soul out of any OTH viewer is starting to creep me out. Seriously, I wish he would get off Mark Schwahn's dick so i wouldn't have to see hi again.

But the worse is Mia and Chase... All brooke is going is propping that ugly ass Stick with her balloon Tits and that boring ass ab-less fucker, Chasity belt Chase. Seriously, when brooke starts basically becoming the prop to that Chia pet Genital Fungus- and yes they are like STD crabs who keep hanging on the OTH's gonads- thats when its time to quit!

The Naley was actually good though.

I love that Naley actually talked about the possiblity thta Nathan did cheat and that Nathan proved (sort of) that Renee is lying. And the Dan/Rachel/Renee... i don't like that they are making Rachel the villian... she has always been badass but never heartless.... Mark Schwahn needs to think outside the little box of dumb he lives in. Stop jerking off the Pictures of the blonde beaver wig wearing, pop-eyed bitch that shall not be named!

But I can't even get into them without Quinn hanging around moping like a big nosed nagging Bitch rag! Shut the Fuck up Pinocchio and Go Whine your ugly ass else where. Damn! That bitch must come with a turn off button. Hell, she made me hate nathan for even inviting her to stay! Didn't that bitch say she wouldn't stay at Naley's because it was too much drama! That bitch needs to die!

Clay is the new lucas, seeing dead people I'm guessing. Is this ghost lady his wife, because i feel a ghost Kieth/Sarah/suck asshole writing from the pencil dick of the schwahn! UGH, I hate it. So someone let me know! Grazie!

Much love Homies,


Monday, October 12, 2009

Really Hating this Show...

Holy Fuck, I am bored out of my Mind...

First of all, Fuck all this Quinn big nose ass Drama! That ugly ass bitch needs to either die or jump in front of a damn bus... which will still end with the BEST case scenerio! Death to that Sleazy crap-vag Bitch-ass whiney WHORE! I don't care if she slept with Clay or not, you don't go home with a strange man when you are married. So no matter if they touched each other or not... cheating is cheating- emotional or just disrespect!

And Lord i pray that the Chia Pet (Chase and Mia) fungus would crash in Hellfire in that airplane. nobody wants to see that shit! hell, give me BOOLian, even though i am hating Julian and Alex... Grease 2... so we know they both like it and will cheat, of course! Stupid ass, fucked in the head by purple gay unicorn ~Mark Schwahn!

And this Milli/Mouth Drama with the damn modeling... Don't insult our intelligence. Milli is too ugly and sloppy to be a model! Models: Plus-size or petite, have to be HOT! She is not HOT... she is a boring waste of time, thats whaT SHE IS. And this Alex, friendship shit is getting on my nerves...

Alex is a whore who want Julian... WHY? WHY? EWWW! Brooke needs to dump that loser, of course we would have to see Brooke more than five minutes for that to happen! GRRRR! Ass-fuck Schwahn! I hate that dude.

Instead we get poor Haley doubting Nathan and going to Jail! GReat for her son... NOT! So they just have to ruin Naley since Boolian already sucks. Seriously, why is Brooke jealous of some B-list actress who is ugly as hell. i mean, when we do get to see Brooke since the focus is on Alex... Wha, wah! I'm so tired of this shit!


More Baley... or at least a little bit! i am like two seconds away from quitting this show.

Tell me what you think, i'm so pissed!

Monday, October 5, 2009

UGH... Who are all these people?

Thats Right Guest Stars from hell!

Holy Shit! Is anyone even watching this SHITfest.... Is everyone on this motherfucking show just lost, huh? First of all, Brooke and Julian- while I hate this couple but even they have no screen time. All we have is Alex hitting on Julian -EW and Julian being an idiot! Big headed ass... i hope he jumps in fro nt of a moving bus for being so damn foolish.

All I see is Quinn and Clayton....ZZZZZZZZZZZ! Clay punching Quinn's husband... who cares. i kinda want that man to beat his ass! I am hating everyone. Especially Quinn... nobody cares about that lame ass, big nosed, ass on her face bitch! Damn, she can die too! BITCH! All that Mello Drama, just tell the man you don't love him anymore.

So annoy. I'm pretty sure I blacked out with the whole Milli modeling shit! But how ironic she can fit into those clothes. Stupid Mark, just write the crap that comes out of your hairy, crab cover ass , why don't you! Damn it!

Then we have Naley... Love Haley, but this is borning. The Pap's are following them and asking about the woman? I see no drama at all. So Jaime got in a little mess at with his friends about Nate's pregnant Groupie whore! OOOOh, who cares. I feel numb!

Brooke's fashion show in Tree Hill, Thats so lame! I want to like this show but I am so bored. Where is fiesty Brooke? Why aren't they in a big city!? Brooke needs a storyline and Quick or i'm getting my walking papers and jetting!

You know what, I want to hear what you guys think because to me it all sucked.