Monday, March 30, 2009

WOW… A Brooke PROMO but Hardly No Brooke!

Can someone tell me why every Brooke Promo turns into a lot of Pucas flashbacks/ Peyton Whinage!?

Seriously, the only reason I knew those were nightmares the LucASS was having, was because that Pool stick with Rodney Dangerfield eyes groaning out of her Adam’s apple! Shit, if A talking insect was in my dreams groaning like it was on the verge of orgasm I’d wake up in a cold sweat too!

Seriously HORRIBLE! Doesn’t Mark ScwhASS manage to realize that if nobody cared enough to watch when the Episode when the Promo was all about Pucas, people definitely WILL NOT watch if it’s about Pucas! Give me a Fucking Break you ass turd! Only fools like this suck-ass couple.

And If we don’t have Pucas, we Have The PeytWHORE in a gag worthy BREYTON scene! Seriously, Breyton is Like Herpes! Victims don’t want to have it, but learn to tolerate it! Hell, I’ve seen those Herpes Commercials, and those people look so happy, but you know that shit is burning their asses up! LOL! Ha-ha!

For Real… I’m so done with PeytWhore interfering with every relationship! Always thinking that she has to confront Julian and cry and whine, and NOT ADMIT THAT SHE IS THE REASON BROOKE CAN’T LET JULIAN IN!!!! And all her Jake references- Not Funny!

First I thought I would be STOKED if Bryan Returned, but why would he come back to this dying shit! Especially to be stuck with a one dimensional actress aka PeytWhore! All they would do is force guys with that woman, then butcher the characters! So BG, Don’t come back! Save your career, because next thing you know they would have you cutting out hearts to feed Dogs!

So Embarrassing by the way!

Thank GOD for Chase, the only person who talks some sense! I don’t know why, but that should have been a BL scene, but its hard for Mark the Dork to write when his pencil is shoved up is fucking pee hole! That’s the only way he could write something so vile and atrocious!

Then we get Sickly looking Nate (Love the guy, but seriously some sun would help him!) and Corpse actor CMM with Jamie attempting to play basketball! Not only that, but Jamie goes to Keith’s body shop, who gives a fuck! Damn it! Jamie wouldn’t have been close to Keith if he lived, because Nate wasn’t even close to Keith!

But I guess Nathan is a robot with no heart, cause he doesn’t care about his father who loved/loves him! Lucas is just a Douche bag with no common sense, so I blame that on his lack of brain cells! Jamie (Cutie pie) the only reason I watch besides Brooke!

Shut the Fuck up already! If they are so IN Love with KEITH, Why the Fuck didn’t Lucas stay in the school and Jump in front of that fucking Bullet! It would have spared me the heartache of watching Lucas dry hump a broom stick or should I say a Chick that looks like a chewed up piece of Bubble Gum!

And Keith never teased Lucas about Peyton! LIE, LIE, LIE, DOUBLE LIE! Keith teased Lucas about BROOKE! Keith liked Brooke- Um, season 1, 2, & especially 3! Hell those seasons must not exist in this World of BitchASSness!

But You Know who I want to really shut the Fuck up- SKILLZ and Monkey ASS Mouth! I don’t give Two shits about their Fucked Up Road Trip! All I kept praying was for Mark to Pull another Random Act of Stupidity and Have lightening strike in Mid Day and Blow Up that Damn Car!

Then Dan could Get Skillz heart (Yes, I’m willing to kill of Skillz!)

How Many Times can Mouth Complain out being left by Millie because of GiGi when he is the Oxygen stealing Slut who needs to be bound, gagged, tied up in a fucking trash bag and thrown ion the river with Weights around his legs! Damn it! I’d Give Mark all my Money if he would take his mouth Off Marvin McFuckingSnore’s crouch and sent that little Lucas McManslut junior Packing!

BTW Skillz, The One is BEVIN! Not Deb, with her Boobage that needs to be covered in the face of kids! Gees, have some class and respect!

But DaMn You SKILLZ! Forcing us to endure More Mouth-a-Cent! Are You Shitting Me! I’ll be damned if I didn’t tie a belt around my throat and try to choke myself! I am so pissed off! Pucas being together has already pushed me to the breaking point, but WOW! If Mouth and Millicent are on this show, OTH met TIVO! Fucking Douche-bags!

So, I thought- Ooo, Haley has a Storyline! But No, its debauchery with Children in school/Haley’s House! Three Psycho attacks in Tree Hill is just Not enough for Haley to lock her door!? Yeah, the Principal just walked in out of nowhere! Either that or I’m watching Poltergeist!

But We Got a Baley Scene! To bad it was about Sam and not about The perfection that is y two Loves: Haley & My Fair Brooklyn. Speaking of Sam and jack, as cute as they are- GET THE FUCK OFF MY SCREEN Thief Boy and Punky Brewster! So they lead a riot (Donna Martin Graduate!) LOL! So original- but it wasn’t even a riot, just plain ridiculousness!

Man, this 90210/ Saw/ Freddie vs. Jason rip off sucks Master kisses of ass! Loads, Piles, Masses! I mean this show Blows, and I am starting to wonder why I watch!

Why Todd? Why Bler’s? Why do we watch?

Certainly not to see Sam and Jack kiss/make out, Or Pucas cry-whine through an episode! Mouth and Skillz reach a new lone of how to cure insomnia with what I like to call “Pointless existences”!

I don’t watch for Naley to never even touch! PS, why Does Mouth and Millie get relationship shit, but Naley get Squat! What the Fucking HELL!? And Why would Millie take that ass face back! UGH! The only women on this show with self-respect are Brooke and Haley!


Seriously, I heard that and saw the Scene and I was like:

Golly Gee, Mark SCHWishyoucouldwriteoutofmorethanyourAssHN You are the Don of originality! In fact, if Lucas is OTH’s nucleus, than this Show is in the Stage of Mitosis… That’s right: Julian Baker is the Exact Replica of Lucas Scott! MUHahahaha!

*Wipe’s tears from intense evil laughter away*

So, if Anyone felt déjà vu at that point, you were right- DUN, DUN, DUN… This is the storyline from Season 6 episode 1! Yep, Yep, Add Carbon Copy Thievery from One’s Self to the list of ass-y Ridiculousness of The Mentally impaired SCHWAHN. This Show has reached a new Height of Self Plagiarism!

Oh Com’on 1st :Not that guy, The guy For you

*First Bullshit alert, literally just took that one and ran like a Chicken in Kitchen at KFC*

2nd: Long speeches that really just ramble off of words Lucas wrote in a book

* I blame this BS on Mark writing while literally trying to Jedi Mind PERV the nasty bikini of that Lollipop with Owl Eyes during that OTH cast photo-shoot!*

You know the one… the where somebody cut James Lafferty’s face off of drunken mug shot and photo shopped it onto his body. Yeah, that one. HAHAHAHA!

3rdly: Now the Airport Turn,

*I SWEAR TO ALL THAT IS HOLY* if at the end of season seven or six, if Julian doesn’t rip off his own head to reveal the Younger version of Lucas Scott (Season 1-3, Pre-Douche bag with a side of blonde, Curly fried- free yet poisonous but still desperate pun- tang a la PeytWhore) I’m going to slap a HO’! LOL! Haha!

Seriously, if A Dog can eat a heart, a whore can be turned into a house wife and impregnate through bad acting and weird pain, can not Julian reveal himself as Lucas! Then Mark can tell everyone we have really been watching

Now, if we cut of an inch of whomever’s Booty is sitting on Julian’s Forehead, and throw some limo juice in his eyes so he squints like the GUY from saw cut off half his fucking eyelids and sews the reminder to those robot stare, lost in translation of when to act and when to spazz, we will have Lucas the Dufus, 2.0 minus the asshole of course.

Anyway, I screamed Brooke, “Don’t GO! To, THE AIRPORT!”

But when she went, I cried like a fucking bitch! Brooke and Julian broke my heart, but she was responsible and right! Damn, that was the hardest episode I ever watched, other than BL breakup in season 4! But I love that Brooke’s not a need, desperate whore Like Peyton!

But the end with Peyton making shit for the baby when she dies, had no effect on me!

All I thought was die Bitch, Please Die!

And the Promo! Do they not realize that if they show Peyton getting hit by a truck then go to the wedding scene with blood on the dress, that means She Survives the Car ACCIDENT!

Crazy Mark, you are A FUCKING IDIOT!

What do you guys think?

Much Love Homies and Haters,


Monday, March 23, 2009

So Random it was Almost Perfect

First Things First, One of Two Scenarios…

One: CMM & company are pulling a Hoax which is no longer funny and quite annoying! (At this point, if Peyton doesn’t leave or die, I will boycott this show!)

Two: CMM Fucked with the wrong NETWORK, you did!?

So, If you don’t know, CMM pulled * Insert the initials of the Actress who Plays PeytWHORE* and made a Pity plea for fans to fight for his character. Oh CMM, I might not like you but I DO want you to stay. Sure, YOU PROBABLY just want more money and Turned Fans against you by quitting but hell, if they kick off those random guest stars, they could pay you extra! LOL!

Of course the video was staged, but I DON’T Give a FUCK, let the dude come back if he wants to. I won’t lose any sleep EITHER WAY, but IF HE WANTS TO COME BACK! And I DO mean ONLY IF HE WANTS TO COME BACK…


Instead of HOLDING onto your PRIDE, CW! See, we all know the network called his bluff about leaving (with all the complaining he has done about wanting to leave, etc. not that I blame him since after season three the show blows, but still he should never bite the hands that feeds him). But he did and they did, and he isn’t getting the Paper, duckets, bling-bling, ching-ching, dinero, cake, molah… on and on, Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Just Pay the man the damn MONEY he’s blackmailing out of you, and LET HIM COME BACK! I’m not a CMM fan, in fact I loathe him, BUT SERIOUSLY… the dude is/WAS a huge part of the show at some point (when the show was about Lucas and not about his Obsession with that blonde Bug-eyed Lady.

Season 1-3, before ridiculous Psychos came to stalk Peyton because MS had to make the chick seem slightly appealing by having guys like her! Oddly enough, that all started season 4 and the stories stopped being about Lucas. Even the Dan Killed Keith storyline was cut short so PeytWHORE could waste more screen time by being NOT-So-secretly in love, stalked, watching leaves fall to know if they were meant to be. Just a waste of the season which ratings proved.

She’s the ROOT of all evil, I tell you. Perhaps Our Comatose LukeASS wouldn’t have been playing the role of a corpse had CMM not had to act with that sack of bones, life sucking Peyton, the Skinny Vampiress! The best of actors couldn’t pretend to be remotely interested to that unattractive beanpole (Yes, I’m totally bashing, but I’m a comedic basher- Hahahaha)

I don’t like Peyton, so send her on her merry way! kick Rocks, Whore- LOL- Pukers, Don’t go ballistic! To reiterate, this is a blog to express Anger & Love hence the name: RANT & RAVE! You can ramble, cuss, and just be angry in general because of the 1st amendment, and because OTH isn’t REAL.

But on to the CMM discussion: GIVE THE GUY THE DAMN MONEY & FIRE PEYTON, MOUTH, GIGI, MILLI, CHASE, MIA & any other nuisance aka guest stars… Except Julian, cause he’s a cool cat!

Then let it be-

Damn, this is getting boring and annoying. When the personal lives starts affecting the actually show, that’s when I draw the line. CW, MARK SCHWAHN, CMM get your mother fucking acts together so that I can continue bashing PeytWhore and Company in my usual angry way instead of talking about you! Fucking Pussies!




Props to Sophia Bush, B. Joy, little Jackson, Austin and CMM for actually being slightly INTERESTING! Oh, I said CMM, cause he was kind of Hilarious this episode- notice the blonde, mantis Leech wasn’t attached to him either!

Sophia Bush rocked as always between hiding her heart break with anger and crying when Julian left! She can’t say she loves him, but she doesn’;t want him to go1 The confliction of feelings was brilliantly expressed and we could tell that Brooke wanted to say it, but couldn’t!
Just beautiful!

Haley had a STORYLINE- is this the Twilight Zone? *Dun, dun, dun, dun!*

I’m glad she stood up for herself and didn’t write an apology to the English class because That Bitchcipal (Bitch/Principal) wants her to apologize! Screw that Haley James is the bomb diggity! She stood up in that classroom and called the Principal out! And I love Nathan’s support of his wife!

I love crazy, angry, hot Haley! Oh My GOD, she was fantastic! I laughed, and if Mark would put her and Brooke together as friends some time, we might get the old OTH back! Damn, she is the greatest, especially with Nathan MIA! I still wanted Naley lovin’ but hell, seeing Luke and Nate play Ball together brought back season 1-3 for me! Man, I miss that sport, the rivalry between brothers!

Dixon was Hilarious! He was all Geeked out about getting paid while Luke and julian were down and blue! LOL, that guy is real cool, and a reminder of the old Keller! We need him back! Imagine if they met! Holy cow, I’d shit my pants!

Dan/Deb/Jamie- Those three are owning my heart right now. Between Dan taking the blame and saying Goodbye. Aw, Paul is the best actor ever! Love that dude! And Deb, she is to blame- screw that, she played a part and tried to kill Dan! Is it forgotten that she almost burnt him alive not to mention breaking Skillz heart! She better want to hook up with Dan, cause that’s the only way I can accept that!

Maybe she doesn’t want kids, but she can’t decide that for Skillz! that poor guy, I love Skillz, man!

As for Jamie! Hell yeah, this baby is the best!

Now, this is why the Mark is an Idiot-

Dan’s Heart falls on the floor?! Dan may have killed keith, but he is a much better person than LucASS!

How the fuck… I mean Holy Shittt- I mean, Who The Hell… Wham, BOW, BOOM, Boom- I’m speechless at the absurdity of this Writing!
What is the matter with that man! So, lets see!? A dog is in the hospital, which is unsanitary and unrealistic! Is this man writing out of his Colon, because this story Line is Bullshit on Horse rye! The CW just wants to lose any person getting a medical degree or with Common sense!

And paramedics are like, “Oopsey Daisy, a human heart that can save a life just got ate by a dog, but whatever?”

That asshole Writer should be taken outside and beaten with a un-stupid transformation STICK! I swear he is either mentally challenged or living in a Fucking asylum.

I knew all that Jerking Off and getting Cock-Sclerosis from said jerking off, was taking all the oxygen from his Pea Sized Brain!

Lets ignore that fact that the container carrying the heart would have been tightly sealed, because that doesn’t fit into the craziness of The SchWAHN Nut House!

It’s time to fire the HEAD WRITER and Cancel this Bullshit!

Like, is he taking notes from Dr. Seuss stories and seeing how far he can go with make-believe!

What, is the Grinch going to come back as a Giant shoot of grass/fate Leaf and tell PUCAS they are meant to be. Maybe Barney can be Brooke’s next Random, and psycho Cabbage Patch Kid can want to sleep with Nathan, and Haley can fight her over Nathan!

Oh Goodie! And while I gouge my eyes out, Let’s Have Peyton pop Eyes McGee whine to her mother’s grave repetitively, when truthfully I could have cared less! Then we have Dan’s Spawn, proving that Douche Bags, FAILURES are often unemployed LOSERS! First that boring Movie gets Shut Down, Then his Selfish WIFE To Be, Vampiress the Devil Seyton doesn’t care! Selfish as usual, she’s like *Well at least you don’t have to worry about the Uncle Keith Part!*

Wow Luke, she really cares (interject sarcasm)! Then its off the Mia and such!

Sam & Her Thief Boy Toy have got to go! Slowly, I’ve been trying to like the kid, but this is just ridiculous. Am I supposed to feel bad because she aided and abetted a kid in running away after shoplifting! Then being an idiot and taking the Goods and taking the fall for Jack!

What the Fuck ever- You still were wrong, and Brooke should have kicked your ASS you pimply faced kid. I should feel bad because she is talking Julian into realizing he and Brooke Love each other, Matter, all that Jazz, yada, yada, yada, blah blah! Sorry, I hate that kid!

All she does is give Brooke grief! I just don’t like those two Brats! Let’s eliminate them, please!

Of course, Brulian break up every episode, not that we saw any of them with all the Sam/Jack love and story! Okay, I won’t lie, their last scene touched my heart, but I’m a sap! Jamie made me cry with the Sims and Keith still loving Dan in that world!

Beautiful Jamie, I’m a little bitch for sure!
Let me know!

Much Love Homie,

Monday, March 16, 2009

OTH: Those Hope Crushing Bastards

Wow, this Episode was EPIC…

As in an Epic Pile of Horse Pooh That Is The PucAble Man-Whore Alliance!

Oh, Mark Schwahnny Schwahn…. You Dubious, duplicitous Scum Bag, Had me all Excited for the prospect of No More One Puke Hill, then you turn around and make those losers the main focus of the episode! Oh Gag a shit bag and cover my head with it you cretin! What the fuck was all The Pucas- And furthermore, Why didn’t I care?

I think I turned Emo for the Past Hour.

Watching Pucas… I became suicidal. I mean seriously, My body wanted to upchuck so bad that it sucked up a ball of shit from my colon, went through my stomach, and rested in my esophagus. I litterally want to put my truck in gear, place a brick on the gas pedal, stand in front of my truck, and get ran over. Just so I can squash the puke in my throat from watching that epic Pile of Disgust.

Who does that asshole writer think he is fooling. How unbelievably Ridiculous is His Logic is To think we Believe that Baby Seyton, the Biggest Stomach Cramp of the Century since Lupus fucked up my Organs, to die…

1. Am I to believe that you would kill the Epicness of the first TELEVISED TRANSVISITE PREGNANCY!

Seriously, How much More Epic can you get than watching two dudes have a kid together that actually has both their DNA… Are You kidding me, Ha-ha! That SPAWNage is not going anywhere as long as LucASS the womanly Man-WHORE and PeytWhore the Lamppost sized SHIM (She/him) still have their Loyal Followers of Dumbshit Pukers & of course, the KING of STD Crab Infestation-Like Living Mark Schwan: currently residing in that Chick who plays Peyton’s Ass Hairs!

2. The Omen, The Exorcist… um, the Anti-Christ Always Lives To Cause DESTRUCTION in the lives of poor Souls until the end of the show or movie….

SO, I’m betting Lucas, the Mentally Stagnant, Get A Squint-Buy A Squint, so emotionless that my acting has been compared to a Shit-turd floating from Flavor Flav’s Anus’ sperm donator & the egg of Seyton, the unlovable, pity party throwing, Man-Beast that might or might not have cunt (it’s debatable since CMM apparently hasn’t been turned on by the Shim since season 1. And apparently he’ll shag anything ie Paris Hilton…)

LOL, Come on people, tell me that every time that man is in a scene he doesn’t develop Epilepsy. That man has gotten more Fucking sleep in the daytime at work than Dracula or either he comes to work extremely drunk.

Yeah, I’ve been wasted a time or two and it does make the Fugly ones look HOT, so maybe that’s how he tolerates working with Leerch From the Adam’s Family Twin sister! You know, dead expressionless face, bug eyed, deer in headlights, three Hours of staring off into a flashback only to recall how much of Damn Desperate Fool You are, and trying to Gain Sympathy by making Video’s about how you don’t want to leave, so you cam ruin the season that isn’t even over yet…

Oh wait, that’s the real actress!

LOL, is she related to the OCTOMOM by any chance? You know, begging for sympathy every chance she gets, because as much a I think those babies deserve help and would give the shirt off my back, what does that have to do with the OCTOMOM getting a makeover and more collagen in her lips. Um, how about a JOB lady and stop having kids that you can’t take care of, cause those babies don’t deserve to live in destitution.

But I digress, the Spawnage will hatch the reptilian Demon imp just in time for the Bride of Frankstein’s Ugly Anorexic Step-sister to marry Sir Douche-bag, La Unemployment, Indecisive, Eugene Really Don’t Want this Whore But Nobody else Including Mouth would have me, McUber-Snore Scott! Mark my words people, Mark -a-Dork SchwASS will breed the EPICNESS of shit stain Undies & misfired Sperm shots….

The watching Mouth the Apeman Come to life, I discovered that I really am Epileptic! Seriously, What the fuck is with the Mutation between an ape, a rat, and a buzzard- A Pesky time stealer that sucks the life out of any and everything. Who cares about Millie, her leaving for NYC, Mouth and his LUCAS SCOTT SPEECHES!

I swear OTH comes a Douche Bag A Dozen, HUH? I mean, they are even starting to look alike- Fusion Mucas… Ow, A New Couple Name for Mouth and Lucas, both bottom feeding waste of oxygen! I turned the Channel when I realized this was the Pucas/Assface Mouth show!

But once I turned back, I felt slightly Bored- Naley! What the Fuck! Haley, listen to Nathan and get out of that fucking Town while your still hot and Lucas the Woman Molesting ManWhore hasn’t hit on you yet! He might use the squint POWER to trap you too! Zombie eyed Fucking, Dead Voiced Freak!

I wanted Naley to have hot sex in the Charleston House Haley borrowed, but we didn’t get a love scene or anything. Just talk and BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, & blah…

Dan and Deb disappointed me! I was waiting for a knock down drag out, but we got a fucking shake and too much boobage from DEB… No fucking thank you!


Julian loves Brooke, and though I thought it was rushed, I found myself wanting Brooke to say it back! Poor Julian looked like he had been hit by a mac truck, and I feel his pain. I’ve said the big three words and have been dumped before. At least Brooke pulled a PEYTWHORE with a someday, right?

But I see what Mark the Dork is doing- there goes those BL BONES again! He thinks he is SMART, but people are getting over the unemployed Loser that is Lucas…. I still shall never Like PUCAS because they are every sin in the world mixed with all the urine and shit and maggots in the world!

Now, Damn it, I cried like a 15 year old boy in prison taking on up his ass! Okay, horrible analogy, but that made me a BRJU fan AGAIN…. What the Fuck is with the Brooke might still love that squinty eyed, pig snout nosed, son of a bitch Lucas! She doesn’t want his ass, she’s just afraid to be hurt!

I don’t blame her because Lucas pretended to be a good guy when he was really a Pile of Horse shit mixed with Satan’s semen!

The guys a joke, and I can admit as a straight dude that the guy was always a Pretty Boy, But he grew until an unattractive wolf man with horrible facial hair and Hobbo clothes. Eww, where is the wardrobe department shopping? Are they the one attacking all these homeless people so that they can steal their Clothing! YUCK!

But of course, back to the PUCAS!

Then the Spawn of Pucas Will arise to destroy all human life through the inherited Evil genes of his parents, POWER OF….*…….*…….*…..* ….*…….*…….*…..* ….*…….*…….*…..* ….*…….*…….*…..* ….*…….*…….*…..*

EMO WHINE Arsenic …

The poisonous Beverage to Ruin Any Normal Persons Day! Use Only on special Occasions like:

a) When your supposed BFF gets robbed & gets her Ass Beat Down worst that Rihanna after Chris Brown found out Wrigley’s Gum dropped his Happy Feet Dancing , Micheal Jackson wanna be Punk, Pussy Ass. All because you want to do is whine about how your parents actually loved you, but aren’t your blood! Seriously, adopted people don’t all whine like crazy nuts….

Now, when my mom lift my prick of a father, my step dad adopted us, but you don’t see me on the streets twirling around like some Heroin injected druggie screaming: I Just want to be loved! If this show was any more of a joke- and it is a joke- someone would have rode up in a truck with a two barreled shotgun and blasted that nut off that bridge. Take LucASShole with her.

b) When your alcoholic father tells you that he gave you to the best home you could have ever had and still loved you enough to eventually find you. But you haven’t had you annual Pity party to make people loathe your existence for loosing your backbone in season 1.

c) When you drive Lucas Scott or any guy into full blown schizophrenia because you have driven him crazy by taking away everything he loves. When, after years of ruining his relationships and losing the woman he was in love with, which just happens to be your best friend that you drove away, the poor guy finally had a metal breakdown.

How else do you explain him slipped away from reality into a magical world where leaves falling - like they do all over the world, means you should be together. Where you just don’t know what your heart wants until the Love Doctor Skillz (take in mind his WONDERFUL*sense the sarcasm there, huh?* relationship choices: Bevin left his ass for TIM, seriously Dim Tim, the guy who crapped in a golf hole! Deb is like watching a shriveled up snail dry hump a rock) tells him that he chooses to save Peyton For DING DING DING! LOVE?

And Skillz, other river court guys who aren’t worthy of the Epicness of the Raven’s book, were like, “Huh, duh! That’s the only reason to help someone when you could just let them die. You want to bang them!”

I guess all the firefighters and Soldiers in the army want to get laid with Victims too.. Yeah, that must be it Skillz! Not because you’re a good person or anything- NO WAY, people don’t SAVE their friends without secretly wanting a little nookie! Gees, I hope nobody saves that dog stuck in a well or that little baby that fell down their too. Somebody might want to Practice Bestiality or Pedophilia- WHAT A FUCKING DOUCHE BAG MORON!

Ingredients to Emo Whine:

Evil SHIM WHORE’s tears of Pity Parties.

Spittle from the Mouth Hanging Open like a Rabbi Chimpanzee Face while lying face to face.

Mace-well the mace I have tried to blind myself with whenever the Ambiguously Slutty McSlutbag Blonde Duo waste screen time.

liquid Nitrogen- you know the chemical you attempt swallow just so you can pass out from the nightmares of Chimp Face Peyton and her Freaky Bug eyes.

The cum/semen/ whatever you want to call the stuff that Mark Schwan produces after excessive jerking off to the point of Cock Carpal Tunnel while staring at JEYTON Love scenes & Pucas Cheat Scenes of Epic Disgust and pretending to be Jake & Lucas!
Okay, that was all my anger! Have at it!
Anyway, Much Love Homies,

Monday, March 9, 2009

NEWSFLASH PeytWHORE, PUCAS, & Spawn still Suck & That Chick who plays Peyton Still Can’t Act!

I have to admit: I love the fact that Pukers actually lurk on My Blog…

We all know I love the Drama, and what better than supposed LP supporters reading BL lover threads.

Ha-ha, even they cannot resist the PeytWhore Hate, which is Hilarious and IRONIC! LOL, I bet Those Idiots did not even realize that by actually replying, they proved that they read this Blog too… Fucking IDIOTS! So Jennifer, don’t even waste your efforts on Losers who blast me for leaving a long Rant, by doing what? Leaving a Long Rant in return- Muhahaha, they are Hypocritical Fools.

But seriously, you Pukers take things a little bit to seriously... I mean, if she died today (And it would be sad as hell & I'd never wish that on anyone) it really wouldn't effect your life. You don't see me running to LPer threads, blogs, etc and crying for Brooke- Hell, I don't know her, but her acting rocks and she's beautiful... Sophia Bush, I mean.

That's alot more than we can say about the She-Beast aka, PeytWhore the Whin-ificent! LOL, I couldn't resist that cheap shot... The woman just isn't pretty! The first time I saw Nip-Tuck- the best thing/show since sliced bread, ESPN was created, and Brett Favre was Born, Sophia Bush was guest staring as Adrian's Girlfriend's Girlfriend, and I knew I'd be a fan for life!

She was incredible in those scenes, proving she could act her ASS off! So I followed her to OTH where the guy from Dawson's Creek had his own show- I said, hell, this could be good! And it was about Basketball too! But then that weird VJ from MTV was on there acting just like the Bitch she was on TRL, but I suffered through.

But I digress, I totally go off Tangent, but I had to show my SB love, after all this is a Brooke Lover's/ Pucas Hater Blog! But Back to Pucasers...

Anyone remember my BLer's Beware of Pukers Out There! Blog… Yeah, me neither, LOL! Nevertheless, I told you about Pukers (Who ever thought I would be able to cross-reference on this thing!)

Excerpt from BLer's Beware of Pukers Out There! Blog:

C) Puk-Tenders aka The Crazy Bitches in Sheep Clothing-

They pretend to be biased and just Naley friends, but you catch them posting in the I Love the Anorexic Whore aka Peyton Lovers Thread! Yes, yes, these are the Puk-Tenders!These guys lurk, like they are probably reading this right now and waiting to post! Yes, you! You are a Puk-Tender, pretending to like Brooke as long as she cheerleads PUCAS! UH-HUH!

You go to BL Love sites and anonymously bash or act like you care then say something rude and stupid! There is another name for Puk-Tenders! These people are called COWARDS! Hiding behind Naley Love and Brooke Support!You Disgust the shit out of me, and I’m a Jerk-Wag!


Remember that guys, and only two weeks later we get an example. I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried!

Ha-ha, those Dumb Shits help prove my point all the time! It’s like Challenging CMM to an Actors Battle: A fucking mentally challenged person would win… Hell, I could win and I don’t even like Acting. LOL, I’m studying to be a DOCTOR, you know, someone who can SAVE YOUR LIFE

Not some Douche Bag ready to quit on you because even he thinks PUCAS Blows! I mean, what material does the guy even get? Stand by Blonde Version of Michael Jackson and pretend to be attracted? Sorry, but unless the guy has homoerotic tendencies, he will never EVER want that SHIM aka a She/him-Peyton… LOL

Here is the typical scene:

Peyton, says, “ Oh, Wag, Wag *Over exaggerated sagging preying mantis Face* I can’t find any reason to whine today so I’ll just have to cause Chaos,” Another Emo, mouth dropping, spittle falling down mouth, “Hmm, I wonder if Julian still likes me a little bit.”

Pan to Lucas the “corpse king” Scott sitting behind desk on laptop. Porn images of Paris Hilton and Fake BRATHAN sex tape he PHOTOSHOPPed minimized on screen, “Ugh, sure. While you’re at it, if you could conveniently mention to Brooke that I found a red feather, you know gotta throw those bones out there.”

Peyton starts to twirl around in room for no real reason and Lucas just stares before continuing, “Also, um, I think a leaf just fell to the left outside the window… Now- don’t start whining- but -Don’t start whining….”

Long Pause and weird squint to read cue cards, “Oh, yeah that means the baby is going to die. Yeah, that pretty much means that.”

Peyton reverts to only two acting faces she has: Dumb Whore with Mouth hanging open for a guy’s jock & Praying mantis, “What! Noooooo!” Grabs stomach and drops to floor. “Ahhh!”

Corpse Lucas, “I would run to you, but that would mean actual physical exertion. But the script says I have to ask, even though we all know its nothing. But for the sake of these last horrible episodes until we leave and the show stops being about Pucas, the wastes of space and Pukers called Leytoners by Druggies, what‘s wrong?”

“Oh,” Peyton Moans, “I think I just Sharted (shitted & Farted)!”

And Scene…

Now be honest, that’s what I always see on the screen when I watch this abomination, and if I hadn’t watched this crap from the beginning, I would have been quit! This show sucks Pucas’ nuts (Both LucASS and PeytWhore’s balls!)

Now, I’d like to thank those Puk-Tenders for giving me something to pick on while the show is on hiatus… Feel free to post more, I know a lot of BLers who get a kick out of it!

Much Love to My BL Homies & To PUCASERS: You can Suck A Pickled Dick ! Ha-ha… I know, I'm hilarious! Settle Down Pukers & leave a comment, I love knowing that I made you cry!

L8r guys,

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pucas: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye! :)

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye! :)
PeytWHORE Whines and LucASS Lies
A Lot & Hopefully they Both Die!

Cruisin’ the OTH boards in my spare time and it occurred to me- SOME SUPPOSED Brucasers are willing To JUMP ship for CMM & that Peyton Chick Actress- I really don’t give Two shits what her name is- to stay!

WHAT THE FUCK- where are these people’s loyalty! ARE YOU JOSH, JOSH, JOSHING ME? Two non-talented actors who could suck the life out an expectant mother! Ha-ha! Yeah, I know CMM leaving completely closes the door on BL but We were never getting them back! So it was like CMM wasn’t there anyway, because I only watch for Brooke & Jamie!

Naley have fallen desperately in love with licking the Shit from PeytWHORE & Pucas in general! I mean, should their teeth have rotted from all the acid of all that upchuck!? And Pucas are worse than stabbing yourself in the eye frequently with a samurai sword!

So, Unless somebody magically dissolves the crazy glue currently attaching Mark-Ass’ head to his asshole, Mark-ASS is going to keep regurgitating this SHIT a.k.a. PUCAS!

Why should I care if Chad Michael ‘needs acting lessons in a hurry’ Murray Leaves! That LucASS douche can hit the bricks and take that Mopey, Anorexic looking, Please Feed the hungry children, drag she-male with him! Sorry, but I have to say this- after re-watching that pathetic message to fans I realized that she is trying to pull a Mark Anthony!

You GUYS know what I mean? Saying one thing, but meaning another in order to get arise out of people!

Now this is just my opinion here:

But has it occurred to people that perhaps this is her decision, and she has ulterior motives… She is basically pleading for sympathy and making the Show/CW look like creeps without coming out and saying as much! It’s classic really & I actually feel bad for blaming CMM for her leaving! I mean hello- rumor has it her ex-husbands father is some big-wig either in the CW or associated with the CW, Production, or OTH! The more I think about, the more I think she might just be a spiteful witch!

Even if you don’t agree, you have to admit it was extremely selfish of her to Make that VIDEO when Season SUX, I mean Six, isn’t even over yet! I mean, way to ruin the ending! And then to not have the cahoonas to come out and just say it! Why make that video if you were going to continue to beat around the bush! GEES, no wonder I couldn’t stand this chick on TRL!

That’s right- I have disliked this chick since TRL…even have it one my profile for two years and counting! Just a rude person in general:-(disagree if you like, but reading that posters “I WILL JUMP SHIP TO GET THEM TO STAY” bullshit made me mad! Angry, frickin pissed off!
Not that I care either way, I just Want PeytWhore, Baby Seyton- the Spawn of all things:
~Egotistical yet so plain
~Yawnfully Yucky & Useless
~Tired & The Typical WHORE
~Ohh so Ugly & Whiney
~Non-talented actress in the role of the character

I’m ready for her to go because this drama is ridiculous! Everything I see is HB don’t go…blah, blah, wah, wah! Who cared! Beg, jump ship, That won’t make two people who WANT to leave, stay! They don’t care what the fans want, so why should we care if they stay! I say Vote them off the Island (r) push them into the ocean, hopefully a shark will send them back to hell where they crawled out of!

So this was short and a complete Bash, but I don’t care! I hate SEYTON, SPAWN, & LUCASS when he is attached to that disgusting character!
Goodbye, Salam, Tschüss, Au Revoir, PUCASSable Pucville, Hello OTH revised!

Much Love Homies…