Monday, February 23, 2009

Why? Oh, Oh, Why?

It’s come to my attention that this show is no longer entertainment, but an obligation! Week after week, I rejoice in the miniature breaks, praying to all that is Holy and Just that this show just gets cancel! Cancel this mother-fucking, piece of shit, obligatory horse ass show! It’s like watching a dog lick its shit covered balls! Cancel it! Drain, flush this Turd of Nonsense!

#1... What the fuck is up with these spoilers! (IF YOU DON’T LIKE SPOILERS, SKIP ALL THE RED STUFF!)
  • Julian tells Brooke he loves her- blah, blah, blah!

Dude, I’m all for Brooke’s happiness, but you just met her you Fucking Nark! Is it me or does that Asshole Mark write out of Colon- Cause this is total Bullshit! Creepy, Peyton obsessed Wanker! Some one should tell that jerking Off While writing has done nothing For his show!

  • Pucas Marry!

Oh Mark, GO FUCK YOURSELF! Oh wait, you do that every time you watch that chick that plays Peyton! I bet his hand sees more action with his dick than whipping his ass with tissue. All over his house, I bet he has naked skeletons wearing bikinis and a blonde mop, pretending its Peyton. Cause kid needs a good burger and some shake or something!

  • Naley Move- hell yeah, get ya’ll boring, Proppin’ Puc-Ass Lickin’, only balls you juggle are orange basketballs, crazy asses out of Tree Hill!

Thank GOD! Who wants to live in that Town full of Murderers and Pukers- Hell yeah, that’s where all those fucking nuts live! Leaves falling means destiny, dreams mean forever, having an unhealthy obsession for a crazy EMO Slut is viewed as normal! Lucas is basically Psycho Derek with worse hair.

  • Luc-ASS Dies- Hallelujah! Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Hallllllllelleleleleleellelellelelelelu-JAH!

Kill that Pussy ass, Jerk wag! Hello! The slower, the better! I’ve Got a lighter, some lighter fluid, And I definitely have A shove! Lets dowse that Bitch in Kerosene and fry marshmallows off his ass! Ha-ha! It’s only right he gets a Preview of Hell, cause that’s where Man-whore’s go! To the Free clinic For Piss burns & To hell! Goodbye Man-whore May you BIH… Burn In Hell for all eternity!

  • Dan might die- they do this, and I really will quit!

Why do my favorites always get he shaft! First Brooke, then Jake, now Dan! I didn’t care that he killed Keith! Keith was like stale bread the same why PeytWHORE is like AID’s- Easy for Lucas to get, Nasty, Deadly, & Alienating from Others to have, & Impossible to get rid of! Nasty STD- Stupid Trashy Ditz!

  • Julian Leaves without Brooke- BONE ALERT! Mark Bore-A-snore Knows that BRUCASERS will not watch His EPIC NASTINESS of PUCAS MARRIAGE unless they thing there is still a chance for BRUCAS! He is PLAYING US! DO NOT WATCH! I repeat, DO NOT WATCH!

#2... To much PUCAS! You can’t force people to like two losers without personalities try to suck the boringness from each other! It’s like they compete on who can suck the most!

Seriously- who really thinks either can act? For Real? Like, seriously?
Peyton has Played the Same role since the beginning- you know, whine, whine, a slice of cheese, more cheese, rat trap Cheese, whine, slut me a slut slutty, whine, whine! & Its still hard to watch! Holy Fuck, is she paid to suck or is CMM her acting coach!

Enter, beady eyed Douche bag! The Professor of SUCKASS ACTORVILLE University! Dude better stick with OTH cause nobody is going to hire him, not even to play the corpse! Cause then they will be like, “Dude, come on! Corpses don’t sporadically Squint! Blinder Fool!”

So, I don’t know why this guy writes this shit or showcases the Zombie and the stiff light pole, but I can say: VIVA LA OTH SHOW! You were once a great source of Entertainment!

Stick a Fork in it, You’re Done!
L8r Homies (Jennifer) haha!

Post script- my fanfiction account isn't working! I can't post, review, or log-in! Am I the only one having this problem!?


Anonymous said...


I am fucking CONFUSED and IRRITATED as hellllllll. I was annoyed and pissed even before I came to your blog but now with the spoilers you listed, I'm BEYOND furious.

For starters, it looks like OTH definitely got renewed for a 7th season. WTF??????? I know that so many of us were praying that Sophia would leave the fuckin show so that she could do better things with her life than be stuck on a show that is GARBAGE. But as it turns out.....she's staying.

Then it turns out that CMM did NOT renew his contract. Now as much as I despise the douche bag......he's ½ of Brucas and without him on the show.....I don't even know what to fuckin say. And not only turns out that the chick who plays Peyton is also NOT coming back. How the fuck does any of that even make any sense?????????

It turns out that fuckin Mark is gonna have Pucas marry like you already said and LEAVE Tree Hill together.....have no idea where.....but I hope they both go straight to hell. So it turns out that Brucas is history and we're all gonna have to endure fuckin Pucas getting married and riding off into the fucking sunset together. The fact that this show even got renewed is beyond me. IT SHOULD BE CANCELEDDDDDDDDDDD.

And I think you just about summed up watching OTH just perfectly. Cuz you're right......its NO LONGER ENTERTAINMENT......but an obligation. Because we've been watching it for so long and then theres the fact we've been hoping that certain retarded storylines and relationships will change.....not to mention the fact that we LOVE Sophia/Brooke.

As for the whole Julian and Brooke thing....all I can right now is......WHATEVER. First he loves her, then he leaves her. Mark and Company can just go fuckin dieee.

And as if that isn't bad enough-Pucas actually fuckin marry. Thank You Mark for slapping half of your viewers in the fuckin face. Now we're gonna have 9 more fuckin episodes of Pucas planning and gushing over there retarded ass wedding and then actually get hitched....I just wanna shoot them both.

As for that Lucas dies spoiler....I don't know what to say because it doesn't look thats happening anymore. Him and PeytWhore are gonna leave Tree Hill together after there fucked up asses get married.

You already know by now just how much I HATE not only Pucas....but PeytWhore and LukAss as well. But whats gonna happen now seeing as how both of those retards are leaving which just leaves Naley and Brooke on the show. Why the fuck did they even renew this pathetic, ridiculous, God aweful show for just another STUPID season??????? What the fuck is wrong with there brains???

All I can say right now is that they better common to there fuckin senses and just CANCEL the show FOR GOOD and NEVER bring it backkkk.

Until Next time Toddian.

(PS.....I heard that fan fiction has been giving almost everyone a problem since Sunday....I have no idea whats going there...but your not the only one)

Anonymous said...

I total agree with cmm gone what the point of the show he half of brucas and the brother bond. The reason for the show to begin with. Whats the point if one of the very maim (CMM) character is leaving. I could give 2 shi*s if peytowhore comes or goes. I am sick of her whinny me me big bugged eyed ass.
They should defiantly cancel the show. CMM is leaving b/c he wants to do movies but whats he going to do in the mean time. He could still do the show its not like he didnt do the show and moives before. Hell he did gilmore girls and dawsons creek at the SAME time.

I was very surprised that they renewed for s7. I dont think it will last. Mark ASS already lost the BL fans now with peytonwhore leaving also(if that true I know CMM is defiantly is true)he lost lp fans. So now its only naley. I think it will go down hill fast. It wont make a full season maybe if hes lucky half.

So what now he will try to shove brulian in our faces. Yeah brooke deserve to be happy but it moving to fast. Now we will never have any brucas again. Its total over for ever.

I dont think I will be able to watch s7. There will be no point to it. It bad enough we get lp shoved it our face. But to have them get married and have a spawn and leave WTF.

Mark really needs to go back and watch from the beginning. I am watching it on soap net right now s1 and it is so much better than whats on now. The realionships were real (brucas) we had a laley friendship and the brothers being brother and the river court guys. Nothing seemed forced or so over the top.

I say DOWN with S7 cancel cancel cancel it now.