Monday, February 9, 2009

No show, But I Hate Mouth almost as much as Pucas & It’s never gonna go away!

Well, another OTH rerun… & I really, usually don't have anything to say, but somebody mentioned Mouth and what if he comes back!

I got this sick chill in my body, knives stabbing me in my stomache at the thought! OH MY GOD, Please NO!… DUN! DUN!

What if Monkey Face Mouth returns to CURSE us with MORE Cure’s For Insomnia! NONONONONONONO! I swear on the Scum on My shoe, IF I Have to see that Life sucking Zombie Try to act one more time, I’m going to take a running leapt out of a building! Seriously, I’ll throw my face through a television before I watch wannabe Manwhore whine his way through another Scene!

I’m like SERIOUSLY MARK! I know that Mouth is like the Embodiment of all the strengths your sperm can Produce, But Please, I begth you! STOP THE MADNESS! I’d rather watch you get off on your PeytWHORE posters every time you write a screen play than that Ringworm steal Scenes! Fucking Annoying Douche!

Mouth please meet Bridge and take a step off of it you annoying piece of fictional Garbage! Watching this guy is like eating the puke you just watched (PUCAS) and trying not to gag!

Never, Ever Have I witness A bigger waste of Scene time since Droopy Face PeytWHOre was created by the JERK Off that Be… Aka Mark-ASS!
Please tell me that it is a dream, and that Mouth, the new red head as I am told, will never come back!


Seriously, the guy is like a walking tooth pick that goes around stabbing people in their Eye every time you watch the show.
I can see it now, every time you watch OTH, and you have just finished unhealthy losing your lunch after gagging from PUCAS- Suddenly YOU Go blind- Pucas sex? NO, NOT THAT TORTURE, but so Close! The face of an Alien pops up!

PeytWHORE? No, I said An Alien, Not Mule Whose Eyes just exploded from their head! No, it’s mouth! NOOOOOO!

By the way, The Last thing we need is A Talking “Ready To Burst It‘s so RED PIMPLE with stick legs walking around to take more time! WHY! WHY!

Some boy string up the Chimp and leave him outside for the wolves! I can’t take it anymore… IF I wanted to Watch a Cheap Looking Loser Use women and whine like a two dollar Hooker in need of Change…

I’d watch the Corpse actor that Plays Lucas! Is it me or has he complete fallen asleep during a couple of scenes and had to be revived! The Man’s acting is worst than Gumbie in Clay-mation!

Please, For the love of GOD, someone Slap the life back into that Guy and make his ass blink! I would give up a 100 dollars if he would blink just once instead of mindlessly squinting at nothing.

Okay, that’s enough anger for today!

Thought I'd give you a laugh!

L8r guys!


Anonymous said...

Hey Toddian,

Okay, so I've always known that you've never been a Mouth fan just because I've read you previous comments about him on this blog including fan fiction. But I never knew that you hated him as much as Pucas and PeytWhore!!! How is that even can you possibly hate the guy as much as Pucas because in my book, Pucas and PeytWhore is about as DISGUSTING as something can get.

I'm not a Mouth fan either.......but I'll be honest. At first his scenes used to annoy me because he seemed to take up a lot of screentime. But then I came to a conclusion......if Mark were to stop writing Mouth into the show, then that would just mean more Pucas and PeytWhore scenes. And lets face it, we all know thats exactly what would've happened because Mark has his head too far up Hilaries ass to think or care about anyone else. And I would much rather see Mouth than that bullshit Mark calls "Leyton" any day.

Oh and can you believe that the guy actually had the nerve to say that Leyton was an "epic love story" in one of his previous interviews?? Epic love my ass.....I swear the guy is a complete asshole. And on top of that, Hilarie thinks LucAss and PeytWhore are a real love story too......I swear they're both so fucken dumb that its ridiculous.

But nonetheless, you latest post made me laugh as usual because lets face it, no one can do it better than you can, and you get it right every time.


Anonymous said...

I hate Mouth too! Annoying little booger her is. Like who cares that he left for Omaha!?! Where the hell is Skills and Fergie?! Mouth is boring. And get over it dude, your girl slept with Owen because your AN UGLY NO GOOD ALWAYS FANTASIZING ABOUT THE HOT CHIC YOU'LL NEVER GET ASS WIPE! Please, wipe out his story lines and give Brooke some more! At least she's a main character! And a HOT ONE! URGH! Now you have me frustrated! LOL It's all this fantasy MArk has created in his own mind where he believes the psycho stalkers and ugly wannabes are the coolest people, while the hot babes are nothing but sex fiend whores.

Go Todd!