Monday, February 16, 2009

BLer's Beware of Pukers Out There!

No Show, but alot you should know!

Have you ever been reading a bunch of Puker’s blog and If you say Mark is Wrong, you become A FAKE Fan in their little Warped, Completely ridiculous, easily influenced Minds! These Nuts Are Jokes! Moreover, be aware that they come in all sorts of packages.

A) The Morality Police Puker-

They are a breed of Crazy talking, Reality challenged Psychos. You say you want the Pucas Spawn to Die and They go Ballistic! Call you a Tool- granted I am one- & Go on a rampage about how wrong it is!

That My Friends is Schizophrenia 101!

Believing in an Alternate reality where characters that come from the mind of some Lame Horny, in lust with PeytWHORE, Douche Bag! These people actually believe that the characters are real!

They believe the actors (CMM & that chick who plays Peyton) should be married, and they believe this baby is real. Forget that you actually have to have a pulse to conceive a child. And with a Corpse Actor who couldn’t play dead if he were told to lay there aka CMM and a non-talented Chick who’s so boring I can’t remember her name- It’s impossible.

In fact it would be against the Law of Nature- You know, seeing as about half the world would drop dead from disgust, while the others would nuke themselves to get the image out of their heads! Gag me now with a dirt diaper full of shit because I’d rather eat a load of crap than be serviced to a watching Comatose Pretty Boy dry hump a chick the size of Nicole Richie’s pinkie.

But I digress- Those anti-social freaks believe all of this is real, and I find myself shouting, “Douche Bag, these aren’t real people!”

Then they say, oh that’s an excuse… No Space captain of a Dumb Fuck Academy, its reality! I wonder what they would do if Tom the Cat had ever caught the cartoon character Jerry the Mouse on the Classic Tom & Jerry series! Bet they would try to call PETA!

I could understand if I was wish death on an actual kid, but a fictional character! These are the most annoying!

Repellant: List the mental institutions that you can advise them to seek!

B) The Mark Scwann ASS KISSERS Al La Puker aka KisSchwans-
Complete and total Shit nosed Narks! My clinically insane KisSchwans are the dumbest of the dumb, actually thinking that if you don’t like an episode, season, or whatever, you ARE NOT A TRUE FAN!

They say without Mark that there wouldn’t be a show and we should be thankful! Are theses Fucking Psychos kidding me!

Only in MY Wildest Dreams did anyone so fucking Stupid be born to this world. In what world do they live where the Customer/ Viewer owes the Service i.e. Show! So if a Movie sucks, are we going to go watch it because the actress or actor didn’t have to make the movie!

NO! We don’t go, because it doesn’t affect us! Or if popcorn tastes too salty, do we eat it anyway and risk high blood pressure and a heart attack because Orville Redenbacher made it before he died!

Shit Faced Losers!

- The show does not Pay our bills, it does not give us a means to buy Food and spend large amounts of money!

-The Show does not Make us Celebrities!


We make it possible for him to get a paycheck every day/week/ month, whatever! If the show ends, we might not have anything to watch, but it does not affect our lives. We just flip the channel and move on! We don’t lose a Job, you Kiss ass!

Theses actors lose a job and a Paycheck as well as your precious MARK!

Gees, these nuts are dumb!

C) Puk-Tenders aka The Crazy Bitches in Sheep Clothing-

They pretend to be biased and just Naley friends, but you catch them posting in the I Love the Anorexic Whore aka Peyton Lovers Thread! Yes, Yes, these are the Puk-Tenders!

These guys lurk, like they are probably reading this right now and waiting to post! Yes, you! You are a Puk-Tender, pretending to like Brooke as long as she cheerleads PUCAS! UH-HUH! You go to BL Love sites and anonymously bash or act like you care then say something rude and stupid! There is another name for Puk-Tenders! These people are called COWARDS! Hiding behind Naley Love and Brooke Support!
You Disgust the shit out of me, and I’m a Jerk-Wag!

D) The Almost Sane but not Quite there Puker-

These people will argue you down with the most unrealistic analogies known to Man! I’m talking BS you through an entire argument, only to say- Well, maybe you have a point or Okay, I see what you’re saying!
This is my sort of Puker & they get the Honorable Mention of being typecast as a Leytoner.

Poor Pathetic Dicks!

So, I just wanted my BL Brethen to know what was up!

Much Love Homies,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow I so agree with everything you said about CMM to come but i do like him and he is a huge part of the show w/o him there would of never been one. And defiantly everything about peytwhore the show did SUCK after season 3 and still does with all the pucas peytowhore stuff there is way too much of ot and not enough of anybody else. Bottom line keep CMM get rid of peytwhore for good for ever.

I Loved what you said about everyone well except Lucas i like him.
I loved that peyton wasnt in episode with Lucas that much it made it so much better. And his character is better w/o her stuck to him like glue.

Finally some nate and luke ball time. They really need to get more scenes with the 2 of them together b-ball or just in general.

So know dans leaving. I did feel kinda bad thsat he didnt get his heart. Yeah he was a bad guy but he has change. Yeah no one will ever forget all the things he did especially the shooting. At least he tried to make up and change for the better. I think at the end when dan was talking to his sons and left it looked like they were a little up set. He is leaving and going to die. Hes not even going to stay and try and wait for another new heart. Hes Giving up.

The jamie scene at the end with dan in the hospital with keith was sweet. He is so innocent and really saw the good in dan.