Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hey Jennifer, I hope you read this, but it was on the One Tree Hill- CW Message Boards, And it's about James lafferty ...
the Link is:

Deleted because Jennifer is right, Lunatics are everywhere! And you're welcome buddy! :)

And Sophia Fantic, You are 100% correct in everything you said!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hey guys… Yeah, I know that the show isn’t coming on this week, but I had to get this off my chest! What the fuck is up with all these Sophia Bush Haters! See, I’m sitting in my apartment freaking out about school because I don’t get financial aid and My parents are so fucking strict about grades and won't pay if I have a C or two. So,I figured I would check out the internet… ESPN is boring me now that the Sooners are no longer even tangible, the Jets and the Bret drama is making me mad, and the Packers, well I haven’t hear about them. Anyway, I went to the OTH board and go figure the Sophia - Jophia haters were out in full force.

Let me Be the first and perhaps the last to say WHO FUCKING GIVES A FUCK who either shag? Sorry, but I’m not going to Hate because Sophia Bush can have whatever dude she wants… hell, I will hate on THE GUY WHO Plays Nathan because I find Sophia HOTT! LOL! BUT SERIOUSLY, WHO CARES!

Honestly, SOME FANS are fricken NUTS! I mean seriously, there are wars going on in GUZA/ Israel/ Pakistan and they find time to hate an actual person because of how they choose to live!

People are calling Sophia a WHORE, for what! I’m a dude and I don’t see her as a WHORE! I see her as a true Playette! Yes, a Playette, the guy version of a player! There is nothing wrong with a Girl getting her kicks if a guy can get his!

Some people, and surprisingly Some LADIES are so close-minded and Hold double standards! You might not agree with what she does or doesn't do- seeing as it all based on the desluional psychosis of a crazy Fan, but everybody has done wrong! And if you want to go moral here, Jesus said, "He whom is without sin, Cast the first stone!"

They have no right to judge- which is also a sin if they weren't aware! Though I'm not really religious, I believe in GOD and I know that only he knows what people do in their Spare time... So, Crazy nuts need to stop the hate!

I’m wondering if these people are CMM fans, they have to be to bash a girl who hasn’t even mentioned her ex except in an interview about season 7. Hell, even then she wouldn’t say his name, and because she commented about dating the guy who plays Julian! And if she hadn’t, people would have been like: OOOH she’s trying to hide it! This girl can’t win for losing!
SOME PEOPLE are acting like their lives depend on those two either breaking up or getting together! Who cares, NEITHER one of them are JESUS! They never said they were saints, their sexual relationships do not give us salvation or Damnation! Seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these psychos jump in front of a bus one of these days if LORD FORBID, Jophia actually got married!


I have been wanting to ask those nitwits Fanatics: If you CLAIM the chick's a whore, how do you know? Did she steal your man or your girlfriend? Did she run over your dog? Did she take your Daddy from your Mommy and ride him like a fucking po-go stick?

If not, then THOSE PEOPLE ARE SERIOUSLY CRAZY! Sophia Bush is Grown and Grown ups tend to date, tend to Have sex, some even BREAKUP WITH CHEATING SPOUSES! If the person is a NUN, than I wonder what the fuck they are doing watching a Show that has become about a …

MANWHORE, lying, Cheating, Dickwag with no sense of style and personality commit Beastiality with his TWO-BIT Emo slut, backstabbing Crybaby, Cheating Dog, bitchy Fiancée!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Peyton… The EMO Downer Bitch & MARK THE FUCKING TWIT!

This episode was WAY BETTER THAN USUAL …
1) Brooke and Julian Making out was FIRE! Somebody HOSE ME DOWN! Ha-ha, LOL! I love Brucas , but Brulian makes me swoon- and I’m a fucking Dude! Those two are sex in the kitchen with the stove on- YEAH HizOTT! FORshizzle, Hahaha! :) LOL! BRULIAN ARE GOING STEADY!
2) Some Points were Hilarious: Julian/ Lucas/ And the HAT! Ha-ha! That guy looked like an asshole, but I must admit that I would have worn the Shit out of that Hat! Reminds me of the Chris Keller days! Ah, perfection! And Paul, well, Julian’s Dad is like Dan season 1-2 A-fucking-MAZING!
3) Dan is BACK- HELL YEAH & TALKING TO NATE! I love it! For the first time, Nathan’s story line was so fucking GOOD! BASKETBALL is making me so happy! About time we got this storyline to working! Now if only we could get Hales a storyline instead of giving it to MIA the stick figure!
4) And the director…aka Dawson is so funny for stealing Lucas’ lines! Funny! Ha-ha! That is Hilarious! I don’t care what anyone says, that was funny ass Hell!
Now my problem with this show Boils down to the boring, TIME WASTERS:


LucAss is as BLAH, as usual…All I kept thinking was that who ever that extra guy is in the scene with Julian and his Dad, well that guy has a face BEGGING to be PUNCHED! Like really, why the hell is he even there! The Invisible Jackass is more like his Role in this show!
But who always takes the cake and ruins shit… PEYTON! That Skanky, Whore Bag! If Julian jumped into bed with someone else after he discovered that you were GETTING OFF of a BOOK BY A BORING ASSHOLE, He has ever right to shag ANBODY! Hell, I‘d question my manhood if Skeletor aka PeytWHORE left me for a squinty eyed, Pussy having, BORING MAN-WHORE!!
Hell yeah, he had every right to sleep with Whomever after you turned TRICK in season ! - WHORE! Hell, I just wish Julian could drink some Red-Bull, fly to heaven or hell (WHEREVER YOUR MOM IS) and TAP that too!
BUT OF COURSE Mark Ass is thinking of anyway to screw us over! THAT MOTHER-FUCKING Kiss ASS, Bitch ASS Peyton ass licking fucking Douche bag! I HATE MARK AND THAT BLONDE SLUT! Why! Why! WHY! WHY CAN’T BROOKE GET SOME LOVIN instead of Turkey neck MIA the Annoying bitch who nobody would piss on if she was on Fire BECAUSE SHE IS IRRELEVANT, and CHASE the Lame Ass Douche who needs to GO to hell and Take PUCAS with them! Please GOD!
CHASE! Really? SO they decided that Monkey face mouth wasn’t enough, so they add more boring people!
Anybody notice that Peyton runs to Julian’s Dad all happy and willy nilly! Then she finds out that Julian didn’t even want that CHICK at Sundance, never even touched her! Somebody needs to kill PeytWHORE to noisy interloper destroyer of ALL BROOKE COUPLES SKELETON! That Hungry BITCH needs to be ran over by a truck! I hope Julian comes up to her ass and chokes the SHIT OUT OF HER!
But what do you expect from a stupid slut who wants A RING That was given to another chick! Is she kidding me! This Fool has no PRIDE whatsoever! Maybe Mark wants people to dislike her! I mean, she literally disgusts me! THIS IS LIKE WATCHING A DOG HUMPING a DEAD Corpse while foaming at the mouth with rabbis! I think I threw up a LUNG looking at that drooping faces , Raisin head BIMBO!

And exactly why must we watch LEYTON/ PucASSHOLES when its obvious that no one cares! As anybody noticed that the ratings only go up when there are Brooke PREVIEWS! Get a Fucking Clue!
I still have my Brucas Love, but Brulian are rocking!
Much Love Homies!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Why does nobody on OTH show any emotions except for Brooke and Millie! Brooke was a great and forgiving friend to Millie and Mouth is a fucking douche… LucASS 2.0! Brulian had my heart racing! Just give them their own DAMN show! I have never been so bored yet confused in my life! Man, this show would actually have drama if the characters acted like real human beings instead of the crab nits growing on the hairs of ball-less LucASS and his unhealthily thin SLUTiancée!
At first, I was like Aww The Bitch’s Broomstick and the Pig snout Boy aka PeytWHORE and LucASS are being sensitive to Brooke! But of course, she walls in the house, Hears about Julian and then goes into the baby rant! And supposing Brooke would care! Who cares about that ANTI-Christ growing in the Matchstick!? And we can see that PUCAS would be the worst parents ever!
And Oh I call BULLSHIT! BULL MOTHER FUCKING SHIT! WHY WOULD JULIAN CARE IF PEYTON IS HAVING A BABY! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! WHO GIVES A FUCK! And all of the sudden Peyton is friendly with Julian! Does that Fucking douche bag Mark Have a Fucking rod propelled up his ass into his fucking Brain… a shit funnel that connects his Brain to his asshole and makes him think any of this bullshit is expectable!
Please let them die! This show, this couple… EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SHOW SUCKED or was TOTALLY CLICHÉ! Like really! All of the sudden Jamie and Q’s brother say! “NO, Uncle Lucas and UNCLE Peyton (cause she’ll always be a dude to me with Jamie’s bird chest she has going on!”) are the coolest!” Yeah, the coolest douche-bag’s ever! Realistically, Lucas would know that his nephew didn’t want to play those games for a three year old if he didn’t ignore the kid all the time!
Who feeds a kid candy at bedtime! I’m the most EASY GOING UNCLE ever and I never let my Nephew pig out on candy at night! Those fucking twits are dumber that their creator! Dumber than a BOX OF ROCKS! Hell, they are TOOLS, so I guess it makes sense! Then fall asleep! Damn, what are they going to do next, take care of LILY and leave he in the house alone with the stove on! See if they can burn down the house and the kid at the same time!
JESUS! These people are like the Anti-thesis of parents! And Haley and Nate should be mad since Jamie could have walked out and been kidnapped again, murdered by a molester! Chopped into fucking pieces! This show is so damn stupid!
Speaking of Naley! I have a couple of questions? First and foremost, why is Haley pimping out BoreMIA? I am so Glad that Haley is now MIA’s PERSONAL ASSISTANT! I mean seriously, Haley should really get a mope and a broom and become the custodian around the set with all the propping she does. Seriously, can you say USELESS & BORING!
Of course, HALEY IS HANGING WITH MIA AS if that wouldn’t be boring! And Poor, Poor Nate! Having to make a fool of himself just for Naley to get some time together! You got to be kidding me! This is one Show Everybody should aspire to MISS! MISS IT! DON”T WATCH! FULL OF BULLSHIT! BORING AS HELL!
gets more flirting than poor Haley gets a little nookie from her man! OH MY GOD! Fat-ASS Chase Stuttering like a eight year old getting fondled by Michael Jackson, NON-singing, annoying Wannabe Rocker Haley replacement! Could this get anymore ridiculous! And MIA was too Ugly when Chase saw her… Talk about neck so long and crinkled you could see her fucking trachea! EWW!
And MONKEY FACE MOUTH! What the FUCK! Where the hell did he get OWHORE’s picture, that’s the Questions we should be asking! Maybe Millie didn’t sleep with Owen! Maybe she passed out and Mouth got it on with Owen but got mad cause Owen though he was him! Ha-ha! Okay, that was just wrong, but really! Where the hell did he get the dude’s picture!? Anybody curious!
Who gives a fuck about Mouth Triangle? DIE MOUTH! JUMP OFF A CLIFF! TAKE LUCASSHOLE WITH YOU, YOU BORING PIECE OF SHIT! But the real question is why we have to watch these people when nobody cares!? I’d rather watch Mark jerk off to PeytWHORE’s picture, like we all know he does on a regular basis! Cause this is not just sick, but sickeningly boring!

I hope nobody watched this show cause its so slow and boring! Please quit people! PLEASE!
AS FOR SHIPS, I can't get over BRUCAS! I want to, but I guess I'll go down with this SHIP! I have a feeling BRULIAN WON'T LAST THANKS TO THE DOUCHE!

Anyway, Much Love Homies,

Monday, January 5, 2009


…AKA Brooke’s & then We have to watch Bullshit Cut into it! BUT I AM NOW A BRULIAN SHIPPER! DIE HARD WITH A VENEGANCE BABY! Sophia Bush acted the SHIT out of that Scene! She deserves an Oscar, Emmy, whatever the hell they give people! I cried, I’m a fucking dude and I cried like a bitch between Brooke & the Q’s Mom, brother, and Jamie scene! Jamie is a sweet heart, and he and his new friend are beyond cute. They are worrying Q’s Momma to death though! All that being said, I Think I Quit, but if Brulian get any hotter I’m going to pass out!
OH HELL NAH! IT’S TIME TO QUIT! PEOPLE! LET’S QUIT! Pack YOUR SHIT because I think I just threw up so much that my Tonsils just rottened out! I’ll admit, OTH sucked me in with the Finale and Brooke getting the Spotlight for Like a SECOND, But Holy fucking shit, wouldn’t you know that those Writer Dicks slipped some PeytWh*re Drama into the MIX! Damn those Cock Teases!!! GRRR!
And had me all excited for her dying some painful death- SONS of BITCHES!
But instead PeytWh*re is having the Bitch’s Baby, which is Ironic since technically she’s the Man in that RELATIONSHIP! That Guy is such a Whining, Kill Joy! …I’m Talking about Peyton right now! BUT at least Mark and the Pussy Footing Gang of writers decide to show diversity: HELL it’s not everyday that Transvestites get pregnant by their half baked, unemployed wanna be writer Girlfriend!
Lucas is a Straight up ball-less Pansy who was more than ready to sell Julian down the river before he found out that guy was Julian’s Pops! Of course, Vapid soulless Squinty Boy couldn’t act surprised, excited, Upset, or Like he has a heart rate!
Just snort with that pig nose and stare blankly, pretending to care! Ugly, suck-ass, paranoid son of a bitch! Why don’t they just find a dead horse, call it Lucas, and see if any sort of emotion will come out. Can’t he just die! I would settle for him having a heart attack and staying in a coma for the next five years!
AND Apparently Julian is only there to PIMP PUCASSHOLES, so GOODBYE BRULIAN HOPES & DREAMS! UGH! I hate ONE TREE HILL! See, I finally figured out what those PRICKS! Here it is! They Only Give Us Big Brooke Shit at the beginning of a season and the end so that we will keep watching! That Mark Douche knows that The Brucas “BROOKE actually” & Naley Fan Bases Rule OTH, so he pulls us in for Ratings, then Squeezes in as much of his Masturbatory Pucas as possible!
Seriously, that guy’s dick should have arthritis with as much jerking off as he does on his screen play, because honestly this has to be his Pucas WET DREAMS!
Of course, Julian isn’t the only person pimping the suckass twins… Nathan have no real story line but to repeat the same basketball moves every SCENE! Um, when does Nathan have a Good day and Haley stop mentoring Mai, Mia, whatever the HELL that annoying Singer Chicks name is! Damn, why isn’t Haley the one with all the record studio time!?
And what’s with all the Mia and Chase stuff! Nobody cares! Nobody gives a FUCK!BUT The DISGUSTINGNESS DOESN’T STOP THERE! Owen is ruined, Millie’s a DIRTY WHORE, and MOUTH is an UGLY CRYBABY USELESS Monkey Looking waste of valuable screen time!

I don't know how much more I can take! It's already been stated in an interview by MARKASSHOLE that Brulian don't stand a chance! UGGH!

I'll see what happens!

Much Love Homies,