Monday, October 13, 2008

WOW! Another CRAP-tastic EPISODE!!!


Watching this show is like watching a DOG shit out worms… It’s disgusting and pointless, yet you can’t stop watching those stupid fucking parasites roll around in this shit! So in keeping with this analogy, I’m going to say Mark is a Fucking bitch (Dog I mean!) And the characters –except for Brooke and Millicent-on the show are the worms, and this SHITTY ASS show is the crap we have to see!

EXCUSE THE FUCK out of me for not wanting to see PEYTON whine and bitch about her DRUNK ADOPTED DADDY! GEES, did you really want to be raised by an alcoholic, you stupid dumb whore! Just be happy you had good parents: NAGGING, ANNOYING PIECE OF SHIT FOR BRAINS BITCH! I’m just waiting for the story of MICK drinking so much that he gets liver disease… just watch for it!

And why the hell do WE have to see LUCAS and Peyton in bed every episode! Is that the only time that they can talk… I guess Mark wants the conversation to seem less BORING and FUCKED UP! Well, no such Luck asshole, - I actually got forty minutes of sleep all throughout this episode! Thanks OTH for helping me end my insomnia! They should MARKET This SHOW AS: OTH= CURE FOR SLEEP DEPRIVATION.

3. WONDER WHY YOU HAVEN”T BECOME anorexic because you’ve thrown up enough during this episode! 4. Learn how to poke yourself in the eye with your toe, because you have nothing better to do put watch paint dry!

All I want do is gag! WHO GIVES a FUCK if those boring ass FOOLS stay in bed and die! PLEASE, GOD, could Lucas just go to this stupid Book signing, step in front of a BUS and DIE! Oh my fucking goodness! DIE MAN WHORE! DIE!

And the Jealous Peyton is getting so boring...Well more boring than it already? Hello, what’s to be jealous of…? LINDSEY DOESN’T Want the GONORRHEA you and Lucas trade off like a bad habit... otherwise she would have married that punk bitch! And if I must watch TWO LAME, STANKASS BITCHES, could you at least let it be DEB and SKILLZ! Am I the only person who was tickled when DEB was at the River Court rooting for one of either Nathan or Skillz, and called them honey!

Now, let me say that I think it so fucking stupid that Nathan lets Dan Take care of Jamie! Hello, as much as I love Dan, he still killed KEITH! Oh, he saves you one time, and everything’s okay! How realistic is that! I know Jamie loves Dan... Blah, blah, blah, but how do we know that Dan want get mad at the little tyke and Gut him like a fish? No body knows why Dan killed Keith, but hey… lets allow him to take care of Jamie, yet still be a dick to him every time you see him- Make up your schizophrenic mind Nathan!

Actually, if Dan could find that gun and Bust a Cap in the SHIT infest PUCAS, I’d be okay with that! Hell, he could also shoot those live stairs that ATTACK people at Brooke’s house! Yep, I think there is a use for Dan after all!

And HALEY…WOW, you are the most inconsiderate, dumb bitch in the world… I’m sorry, but the first thing you do is go to Brooke to help some stranger! I mean, lets not ask how she’s doing. You know that her life has been turned upside down, and you want her to help the person who stole from her? Oh, you can see that the Homeless Girl needs help, because she was sleeping in a car, but YOUR BFF had Michael Phelps kick her in the face with those swimming legs, and you’re none the wiser!

SERIOUSLY? YOU CHOOSE TO IGNORE ALL THOSE SIGNS but THE KID IN THE CAR JUST SPEAKS TO YOU! And how dumb have they made Haley, where she asked Sam where she lives… I’m going to guess either in an abusive (mental or physical) home or nowhere (DUH stupid!)

Not that I don’t like this Sam, but how many troubled kids can we have! They should have just kept Q for this! Damn, at least he didn’t get on my nerves so FUCKING MUCH! I know she is fifteen, but somebody needs to make that kid hush! She is so hostile and slightly annoying… And didn’t we see this boring ass story line coming! Mark needs to stop stealing his storylines from MAURY (I LOVE that show btw)! I don’t know any fifteen years old who bitch and moan like her. Maybe she is the lovechild clone of Peyton and Haley mixed together to form QUEEN BITCH-A-LOT!

And MOUTH! Famous MOUTH… I hate Mouth, but I love IT! JERK LUCAS deserves to not have the spotlight with that Boring ASS BOOK! SO GLAD HE”S BOOK DIDN”T SALE! Nobody wants to read about you pining for Peyton in your delusional mind! AND why in the name of GOD is everybody giving up their success to go back to TREE HILL! FIRST BROOKE and NOW MOUTH!? WHAT THE FUCK? This is stupid as HELL!

And you know what else, why does BROOKE confide in PEYTON… WHO WE ALL now know was A COMPLETELY OBLVIOUS DUMB SACK OF SHIT! AND THEN AFTER BROOKE CONFESSES A BIG SECRET OF BEING ATTACKED... here goes PeytWHORE to steal the spotlight! OH MY GOD! MICK, Nag… Nag… Nag… MICK, Moan, MICK, Complain about PARENTS WHO YOU DON”T KNOW, nag... nag…MICK the DICK… who GIVES A GOOD FICK you crybaby, deadbeat SLUTBAG, ATEOUT CrackFucker!

-Again, insert Dan to shot this bitch!

THE ONLY LIGHT OF THIS SHOW WAS BROOKE, MILLICENT, MOUTH, and the captain of Team Brooke: JAMIE! I’ll even settle for OWEN! But nooooo, we only got five minutes on them so we could focus on PUCAS! And DID anyone notice that Peyton totally ripped off season 4 when CHASE did the projector screen thing for Brooke! And he put GOOD ENOUGH and etc on the protector to shine on Brooke! Yeah, this Mark guy is not only rewriting BRUCAS for LEYTON, but Chase for PEYTON! Is anybody else ready to quit this show? I’m trying to stay loyal for the ratings, but Damn it… THIS SHOW SUCKS ASS!

But I’m trying to stay loyal! Let me know what you guys think!

The previews for next week look interesting, but now we can watch Haley beat up on some lady when SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN KICKING NANNIE CARRIES ASS INSTEAD OF NAGGING AND SCREAMING LIKE A banshee!



Phearywinkle said...

I for 1 am totally with you about quiting the show! Actually to be honest... I already disowned the damn show! As much as I love Brucas and Jamie... I can't stand PUCAS!! Can't and won't do it! I haven't watched the last 3 episodes and from your ranting I'm thankful I didn't!! So Keep it up TODDIAN! :0)

PUCAS just ruins it for me! They makes me sick to my stomach; totally just rubs me the freakin' wrong way that I would seriously rather poke my eyes out then watch PUCAS in BED like you said from your rant or all fn' lovey dovey! BLAH! I agree that Mark is rewriting Brucas for Pucas which is LAME! Until they bring back BRUCAS I won't go back to the stupid show!! I'll just stick to Fanfiction! :0) What's ridiculous is the fact that MARK S. hasn't even written any Brucas friendship scences .. except for that stupid dream sequence one which isn't enough! Newho, keep ranting so I can enjoy something!!

-Phearywinkle! :0)

Anonymous said...

lmao well what can I say firstly todd your reviews better as always as the episode and secondly oth seriously sucks as show ,this show needs to die now which doesnt seem likely considering marky boy wants a seventh season urgh and apparantly chads not signed yet so lets face it whats the point anyways even if he did sign all its gonna be is pucas crap why doesnt this show just end lol

okay firstly oh look first scene and its pucas suprise suprise and no suprise theres no chemistry at all . You can just tell theyre seriously trying to make LP this fairytale its the biggest piece of crap ever. god i seriously want to tear my eyes out when watching their scenes urgh . And shes jealous of lindsay well good considering lindsays worth ten of stupid cry me a river sawyer lol

Okay most times I like haley lol but what is going on ?I mean how is it she can figuire somethings up with a student shes not known very long but cant open her eyes and see her friend brookes going through hell it annoys me

but have to say the friendship between milly and brooke is such a amazing one and milly is way more of a friend that peyton as peyton doesnt even deserve her at all

Peyton and her "are you my daddy storyline is BORING and just watch now saint peyton is gonna save him probably oh how wonderful if I was him id run and never look back lol

I love how lukes book is doing awful yet his first apparantly did well this either could be ebcause the comets not really peyton or everyone hates pucas as much as we do either way its all good lol

I cant believe its peyton that brooke told and peytons all"im here for you forever "yeah right when it suits her what a pile of BS .If anything it shows how selfish peyton is as brooke just confided a big thing to her yet peyton somehow manages to turn everything around to be about her

jamies a cutie "im on team brooke" haha in your face owen did I mention I cant stand owen either . Owen and peyton should be together those are two characters that annoy me to no end

the episode was just another boring episode as always Lucas is annoying me to no end ne needs to wake the hell up already lol

anyways todd awesome review as always loved it :) and like i always say reading your reviews is better than watch oth haha

broodyprettygirl said...

Ha ha! Totally agree with your rant this week. The show is just annoyingly outrageous. There's so character development whatsoever. For the most part, everything Lucas did in season 5 seems non-existent. Or, they're trying to play it up like he wa this great friend to Q,...funny how he doesn't even seem to care that he's dead anymore! Oh! And nevermind the fact that your NEPHEW was just almost kidnapped not too long ago! Has there even been a Lucas/Jamie scene this whole season so far?!

I say, we take the writers hostage and start writing our own damn episodes! Maybe then the show would be somewhat interesting. Man, I hope some bigwig doesn't read this blog, and then the writers really do go missing and I get in trouble! HAHA!

Nathan was an asshole in the episode! Seems to be a character trait with him lately. I think Sills needs to just punch him in the face! HOw dare he tell him his relationship is only real to Skills and Deb. That's such a dick thing to say! I don't care how you feel about it, you don't say shit like that! Have I mentioned how much I don't like Owen yet? That guy really sucks at life!

ANyway, I could go on all night so I'm just going to stop!

Anonymous said...

Like usual, I couldn't say it better. I was so frustrated after I watched this episode that all I wanted was to scream, I even turned the computer off the first time I tried to watch it cause it was so bad. I had to try for about 3 times! And I hate ppl that kept saying that BP moment was sweet and stuff, COME ON, after almost a year Brooke had her ass kicked Peyton should’ve come up with a better idea than “lets paint ur mirror nice words” whatever, I still hate her and I will always hate her! Now Milly is awesome, she is so good to Brooke, and they both make it worth to still following this show. I hate Leyton more than anything, and cant stand any longer scenes between them. Did you see next episode’s previews? Please just shoot me already.

Haley is following Peyton’s steps, how could she ask Brooke to take Sam in? I mean, hello? She is completely nonsense, but what should we expect? She did let her son go to have some ice-cream with a killer. Did I mention I hate this show? If it wasn’t for Sophia Bush I’d stop watching it for sure – or maybe not cause im a real masochist.

I’m not even going to start bashing on Peyton cause I wouldn’t be able to stop! I should've comment last night cause I was so pissed lol but right now, thanks to your awesome review on my fiction, im actually in a better mood. So yeah, that’s all I have to say!

- Carol

Anonymous said...

You guys are so funny. I agree 100% what the hell is mark doing??!!! This shit is crazy. Pucas is horrible. Everytime I see them on the screen I put my tv on mute. It looks a litte incestual to me. Mark must have forgotten the chemistry created throught brucas. I'm hoping there's a metaphor or something aligning with his book being a flop and that means the pucas relationship is a flop as well. Mark may still have a chance to redeem himself and get rid of fucking pucas. I only watch for Brooke and those who are lucky enough to be in a scene with her get my attention. Thank god for DVR, I can FF through the bullshit. Peyton is not a good friend. Shit a friend like that who needs enemies?!! She is such a winer. Definitely not a role model. She whines and cries, she was so pathetic last season crying over lucas. She let a man dictate her moods. I'm disappointed. If sophia would leave, I definitely would stop watching this crap of a show.

Anonymous said...

You totally read my mind. What the hell they do with our Brookie, first beat the crap out of her then make her go through it all alone with the stupidest friends a person could ever have then adopting the ungrateful old kid. Seriously!!! What? after they baking frekin' cookies everything's gonna get better? Is it soo damn hard for the self center b!tch to even provoke Brooke to go to the police, if you really care for the person who would sacrifice her life for you at least make sure that she will be ok. What if the attacker hurt her again...oh I forgot the bitch will regret and blame herself blablabla then stole 40 minute screen time that should be for Brooke. Dumb@ss writer, dumb@ss director ,dumb@ss Peyton.

I'm not even a Brucaser(cos that blonde manwhore doesn't deserve my Brooke/Sophia) but still I find myself gagging during the blonds sibling alike together in bed.

Stupid Haley! did she forgot who help her during every sh!t she been through, cover up her pregnancy, give her shelter & be side with her when everyone desert her and she can't even ask what's going on with your bff instead you throw another burden for her & when she tried to push it away, she make her feel bad, she know too well that Brooke couldn't say no. If you so d@mn care about that little b!tch, why don't you adopt her yourself?

GOD!Victoria is soo right when she said that they all leeches, they just used my Brooke then when she end up having nothing, she'll be out of sight out of mind.

Thank God we have Millie for Brooke but still I don't like that Sam girl, you're soo right she is the combination of Peyton & Haley and that is the most annoying sh!t ever.

Ohh, Sophia, please leave this f3ck up show(you can do sooo d@mn much better), you're the only reason I have to watch it and thanks for Todd for make this blog, at least I know I'm not suffering alone.