Monday, October 20, 2008

Question: Why does One PUKE Hill Suck so Much Ass….

One PUKE Hill Sucked More Ass than when Peyton was stalking Lucas in season 5! And we all know she was literally so far up his Ass Crack that she could not only count the hairs, but bask in the warmth of his colon! Dumb Slut!

1) Why, Oh, Why, Can’t theses people write a single decent episode? Is it too hard to step out of La-La Fool Land and write based on reality? Can I for once see the entire gang act as if they know each other instead of SELFISH, OBNOXIOUS, RANTING, ANNOYING Dip Shit Fuckers?

A-Naley doesn’t get any airtime! The only time we see Naley is if Jamie (I love him, Team captain of Team Brooke!) is in TROUBLE! And why is Haley so out of character! She has turned into A NUTJOB!? You don’t beat up on a lady for the shit that woman said! That was so dumb! Shouldn’t she be in jail for assault? I mean, didn’t she just nag Nathan all last season when Q punched K-FED!

Don’t get me wrong, I would have cased someone if they hurt my kid, but you know, Nanny Carrie was a completely Loco Fool, and Haley didn’t kick her ass! And where does the Naley love go?

B-But I do Love Nathan! My Boy stepped up to visit Brooke! Oh Hells YEAH! Oh, wait, that Bastard just wants capes for Jamie! Thus proving that the Gang only wants one thing from Brooke…materialistic, and then off they go! SONS OF A BITCH!

C-Speaking of Brooke! I FUCKING LOVE HER! Also Brooke and Owen just need to have Hate Sex, because they are so FUCKING HOT right now! I actually might like Owen after this! He did have a reason for leaving- a dick for doing so- but He came back! At this point, I wouldn’t mind him kicking Lucas’ ass right now!

She needs to lock that annoying kid to a fucking bed post or send her on her merry fucking way! They haven’t even made a connection and Haley guilt-tripped Brooke into taking in the Brat! Now I’m sorry, I want to feel bad for Sam, but she just grates on my nerves! Damn, is everybody on this fucking show a whiner! Whine, whine, Damn, I don’t need to see Two PEYTON’s on this ONE PUCAS HILL!

And is it not amazing how Brooke’s attack is forgotten! Somebody please tell me how magically no one remembers her black eyes and all! Those Blind SHITS are so stupid! I mean, Brooke gave up her company and all Haley can talk about is singing and some chick on the street! Are Haley and Peyton related! And why does Peyton still read B. Davis Magazine when Brooke doesn’t own it! Way to show support Bitch!

D- Monkey face Mouth and Milly (Who I love) need to just disappear! Not Milly, just Mouth! I mean, WOW! Mouth comes back and magically gets a Job back! Then GiGi! What the hell? Why does he get so much airtime?! What a fucking LOSER!

Mark is a FUCKING PRICK who needs to be FIRED, Homeless, and Eating the Out of a trash can the same sort of substance that he rights: SHIT! Nasty, Stinky, Fly infested SHIT!

2) And Finally: Why The HOLY FUCKING HELL does Skank Whore One and Skank Man-Whore Two also known as PUCAS al a Shitty Leyton, get shoved down out throats repeatedly?

-Peyton’s Dream: Served That HOOKERED OUT WHORE right! Brooke is HOT- much hotter than her… Selfish Bitch! I really hate that Mark makes Brooke and Brucas a joke… Having Lucas keep saying stuff about Brooke while with Peyton! I can’t wait till the CW cancels this show!

And she and Lucas arm more than Twins, they are attached at the hip! Incestuous Creepy Siamese Twins sideways sex jerks! If this is Marks attempt to make people think Leyton are different and not Twins… PUHHAHA! That Son of a BITCH is even more clueless than the DUMB SHIT FOOLS on his STUPID ASS SHOW!!! I don’t think they could even keep a straight face with that lie!

That’s like me Looking at my twin brother and saying… Set, we aren’t twins, although we look just alike, and came from the same sperm and EGG! Yeah right! Please! Or better yet, that’ like me looking in the mirror, watching myself talk and saying… Why are you repeating everything I’m saying, Image of myself who I will pretend is not me!

Can we kill the Leyton twins TODAY? Just kill THEM! Just Looking at Lucas makes me want to throw up! Kill his character! I begth Mark, if he is listening! Why Can’t Dan Buy a time machine, go back in that school and shoot Lucas in his GREASED UP, PEANUT SHAPED, PUS PIMPLED HEAD instead of Keith!

Oh My Fucking Goodness, somebody give me a shotgun so that I can shoot myself! I’d rather eat My own shit that witness Their Games, Sex-capades, and Continual spread of Herpes From Peyton’s Mouth to Lucas Dick! I hope she stabs him in the chest with those sharp boney tentacles that Oct-o- stankAss-pussy calls legs and he bleeds to death!

I think I just went fucking blind watching THE MOST UNBELIEVABLE BULLSHIT, CRAP-TASTIC, DISGUSTING, GAG-WORTHY LOAD OF BIRD SHIT episode I have ever seen! I know that Mark is Obsessed with the character of Peyton and Hillarie in general, BUT BY GOD MAN: GET A PICTURE, GO TO A FUCKING TOILET, AND JERK-OFF already! If not for His own sanity, but So This SHOW can stop being A Hour of continual Suicide attempts!

At One point I thought about throwing my head through the TV (Television) Just to stop the Madness!

Then Again, knowing that asshole, he probably does just that, except he takes a notebook with him and writes about his PERVERTED WET Pey‘WHORE’ton DREAMS! DAMN ASSHOLE! THAT Fucking SUCK-ASS writer/producer DOUCHE-BAG can flush this SHITTY SHOW DOWN THE TOILET along with my lunch and his WRITING SKILLS!

Peyton couldn’t seduce a Prostitute If She Stuffed Gold and Platinum up her ass and told them to “Come Hither!” For a DUMB Whorish, Gag-worthy SLUT BAG that Bitch sure couldn’t Turn On a Light switch, much less A DOG in HEAT! I was waiting for Lucas to Have a Fucking Heart Attack after realizing he has been having Boring Monkey sexy with Kramer from Seinfeld wearing a blonde wig!

“THAT’S A DUDE LUKE! THAT’S A FUCKING DUDE!” She looked like a Long Legged Praying MANtis and I wouldn’t be surprised if she lifted up that shirt only to uncover… Dun, Dun, Dun! It’s Chris Keller in a WIG!

Actually, I’d pay money to see that happen! Better yet, Maybe the man legs belong to Ian Psycho Extraordinaire and he is holding Peyton hostage since season three… when she officially become a backstabbing, Slut Magnetic! Now that would have made this show better!

Or why didn’t Ian Kill Peyton… Even though I think he did kill Peyton and had cosmetic surgery to look just like her! Yep, that explains the very UNREALISTIC, FUCKED UP ending of season 3, all of 4, 5, and 6!

Think about it:


b) Both obsess over the most boring people in the world: LucASS and PeytWHORE!

c) And Brooke is always hurt by those Stupid Cunts when she is trying to help Bitch-a-Lot Peyton!

Yep, I see where Mark is going with this one! Smart Cookie: that BOLD FACE LYING, HYPOCRITICAL, BALL-LESS, SISSIFIED, PANTY WEARING PRICKISH, HACK WRITER! Damn I hate that Mother fucker like a bitch!

On a side note: I FUCKING LOVE DAN! Using that Murder to scare the living shit out of everyone! GREAT!

So, I OFFICIALLY HATE THIS SHOW, but I’ll keep watching till episode 12 or till Brooke/ Sophia Bush Leaves! And with the previews for next weeks episode, we can look forward to another boring Leyton filled show and Mouth and Milly! Oh Fucking Joy- Yeah right! Did you feel the sarcasm?

Till next week…

Much Love Homies



broodyprettygirl said...

I totally feel you, and I didn't even watch the whole show! When Peyton was trying to seduce Lucas I was practically peeing my pants form laughing so hard! And, um, Chad, you didn't do a very good job of acting! Lucas DIDN'T look at all interested, but then he goes on to say something about her being good! WHATEVER! Yes, it is so sexy to fucking hug a door frame! WOOHOO! I was so hot by the end of that scene *BARFS* that I *barfs* almost *BARFS*..okay, forget it I can't even lie about that scene without throwing up in my mouth! Scuse me, I just did it again! HA HA! There's NO, NONE, Not even remotely close to ANY, and I mean ANY kind of chemistry between the TWINS! And now, I am going to blame Chad and Sophia for getting divorced on all of this PUKEass crap! Yep, I said it...I am so mad at them for getting divorced! Because besides from being the HOTTEST fucking couple ever! They ruined our show! (if that's true, I don't know but I need SOMETHING to blame besides the obvious *Mark*)

I wish Dan would shoot Peyton instead of anyone else, and then Lucas could go into an alcohol depression and then kill himself! Or maybe Broke could assist in his suicide! That could be a VERY fun scene! :)

And hypocritical Haley...yep, that's her new name! I won't even get started on that! Although, I did enjoy the fight! But, you're so right when you say it's just...UGGGHHH! LOL And, he's so HOT! That's all I can think when he's on the screen. So, I don't even remember what he did! Oh! I did remember him dunking, and his arm muscles.....OH! Sorry, sort of dazed out there thinking about his arm muscles! Maybe that's why Is till watch the show! Because even though Lucas is a DUMBASS..Chad is still hot.,..And James...*drooling* SORRY! HA HA

In fact, I'm pretty sure I would have given up o this show if it wasn't for that...Which, that isn't even helping lately! I'm sticking with Grey's Anatomy from now on. At least Meredith and Derek are together!

Anonymous said...

hah well I havent even watched the episode and I dont really want to from the sounds of it ,it sucked majorly and oh shows how much of a connection lp have , the writers seem to feel the need to write lp in bed every episode gosh pathetic.

I heard they both talk about brooke and her magazine?yet lucas hasnt got it in his brain to even go see her? OMG someone please slap him repeatedly gosh how stupid has he become and the fact he continues to walk arund like hes under peytons thumb . God I hate this show it gets worst and mainly because every episode I have to see major pucas crap when will this hell end lol

I have to say I dont like owen at all lol and the actor said in a interview that him and brooke are the romeo and juliet of the show lmao how funny that so isnt true

As I say havent watched the episode yet but loved your rant as always todd lol you so need to go to wilmington and give them all a piece of your minds actually one better would be for you to write this show as then it wouldnt suck like does now

Anonymous said...

Omgggggggggggggg Toddian!!! To tell you the truth, I had been having the most awful day......a day literally our of hell.....but then I relaxed for a while, took some deep breaths, turned on my laptop, went onto your blog, started reading and beagan LAUGHING MY ASS off at your long, yet FANTASTIC and HILARIOUS post. So for actually making my day, I would like to give you a big THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

I am actually praying for a miracle and hoping that Mark just happens to come across your blog and reads what you wrote because I am willing to bet you anything, that EVERY Brucas fan is feeling the exact same way you are.....except no one would ever be able to say it so accurately and wonderfully as you

You wanna know something funny??? As I watching the tragedy, officially dubbed One PUKE Hill, I couldn't help but think about every single Brucas fan out there who was having to endure this painful sh*t and I couldn't help but think what was going on through you head as you were watching those HORRIFIC, absolutely GRUESOME and HORRENDOUS Pucas scenes. I have never wanted to throw my tv through my bedroom window so much ever before as I did last night. I wanted to just jump into my tv and strangle the sh*t out of both that f*ckin Peyton wh*re and that ugly motherf*ckin squinter known as Lucas.

I have YET to actually see at least one decent episode of this repulsive show. Every single f*ckin character on that show doesn't give two sh*ts about anyone else but themselves.....with the exception of Brooke, Milli, and even Jaime of course. Jaime is FIVE years old, yet he acts more mature than those imbeciles on the f*ckin show all put together.

And what the hell are they doing to Haley?? The woman goes and beats the sh*t out of some mom but she hardly ever laid a f*cking had on Carrie!!!!!! The woman who tried to kill her, tried to sleep with her husband, AND tried to kidnap her son. What the HELL is wrong with her??? As of right now.....she's a lost cause.

Oh and then theres Nathan. Mind you, I was so thrilled when Brooke opened the door and Nathan was standing there on her doorstep. I thought we'd finally get another great Brathan friendship scene, but NOOOOOOO. I mean why would Mark actually give us something that we would want to see for once, right??? So of course, the scene only lasts like a millisecond and Nathan just wants Brooke to sew a whole bunch of red capes for those moron kids. No "Brooke how are you??" or "Are you feeling better after the stairs attacked you so brutally??" or anything else like that. Because God forbid, any of them actually give a sh*t about Brooke.

Right now, I DESPISE Lucas' TWISTED, INFECTED ass so much that I'm on Team Browen. As someone who never wanted to see Lucas with anyone other than Brooke or Brooke with anyone other than Lucas.......I'm actually kind of rooting for Browen. Actually scratch that, I just want to see them have some hott sex, and then Owen can disappear. Or maybe stick around and remain friends with Brooke.....I don't even know anymore.

And don't even get me started on Brooke's attack. Tell me how a person (especially a person with supposedly so many f*cking "friends") is so easily forgotten to the point that NONE of them care about what happened to her or has even bothered looking into who may have done it. But we all know that had it been Marks beloved Peyton, everyone would gather all around her while making sure that at least a good five to six episodes revolved around no one but Peyton and her f*ckin attack. Which is what PISSES me off beyond belief because Mark literally butchered what could've been a very interesting and intriguing storyline in to a big pile of crap because Brooke was the one who got attacked and not Peyton. I knew this was gonna happen from the very beginning which is why I think I was the only one who wasn't looking forward to the storyline. I knew that Mark would be a dick as ususal and f*ck it up....which he DID.

I don't think there is a writer out there who has so many people literally hate him as much as people hate Mark. This speaks volumes and goes to show that Mark is the worst writer on this f*ckin planet. He has DISAPPOINTED so many fans and has given nothing but FALSE promises to Brucas fans as well......hell, he's even went as far as lying to some of them directly to there faces. And to think that when this show was going to be axed, it was the FANS who saved it and the BL fans make an incredibly large majority of OTH fans.

I just HOPE that he never writes for another show for as long as he lives. Because I am NEVER, and I know plenty of Brucas fans who will also never watch any show he will ever write in the future. We've all been burned and lied to so many times.....and we're not gonna give him another opportunity to do that to us ever again.

I can think of several choice words that I have for Mark swimming around in my head at this very moment, but I think you pretty much summed them up.

I can't believe that most of last nights episode revolved around the catastrophe known as Pucas. But then again with Mark, nothing really surprises me anymore. But I burst out laughing last night when Lucas said that they were practically twins and even said that everyone else thought so too. And furthermore, Mark actually dedicated the entire episode to show people that Pucas are actually in fact, quite different. GUESS WHAT YOU ASSHOLE???????????? IT DIDN'T WORKKKKKKKKKKKKK. I'm pretty sure he knows just how many people think that Pucas look more like siblings/twins which is why he spent so much ridiculous and wasteful time trying to show everyone that they were "different". If anything, it made me realize even more just how HORRIBLE they are together. There little game or whatever the hell they were doing, just made the both of them look like bickering siblings, minus the part where Peyton's scrawny ass practically started dry humping the wall. If thats her idea of "sexy" then I actually feel sorry for Lucas. And not to mention the fact, that I almost gagged when Lucas called her "Sugar Mama".....more like "Nasty b*tch."

I f*ckin HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Mark!!!! Seriously man, if you're that f*cking obsessed with Peyton....then do what Toddian said and go lock yourself in your bedroom with her picture and jerk off!!!!!!!!!!! The man is just unbelievably OBSESSED AND SICKKKKK.

Honestly, Toddian, I can literally sit her and rant about Mark, Peywhore, and Crap A$$ Hill all day long but I don't think I can top your oh so BEAUTIFUL and SPLENDID words to describe all these retards. And Im' NOT being sarcastic but deadly serious......your words were RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

Sophia......WE LOVE YOU........Just PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, leave this ATROCIOUS and LOATHSOME show and move onto BIGGER and BETTER things like we all know you DESERVE.

Anyways, Toddian-----EXCELLENT POST.
See you next week.=]


Anonymous said...

I just finish watching OTH from my DVR, and guess what? NOT HAPPY!!!! First of all WTF is the pervert Mark thinking by making that Pucas obnoxious scenes?!! He think he can change Brooke/Brucas fan to liking pucas by making the twin different. Well d!ckhead NO! Opposite attract just working with Brucas, PERIOD!!! Just kill me already cos’ I bet next time he gonna make The Manwhore call The Ultimate Self-centered B!tch as his ‘Cheery’ and when that happen I swear I’ll go all Stan(Eminem) then put all the selfish character + Mark on trunk and drown them.

Why sh!thead Mark! Why, you have to make my Brooke like wonder women+saint, she need to be like normal vulnerable human who need everyone attention considering all the burden & problem that she been through but NO you make her solves all of it herself Now with another lil’ b!tch problem she can totally forgot about herself now and take care about ungrateful b!tch instead.

She need time for herself and herself only & I totally blame Haley on this for making her taking care of another BURDEN. Pleaaaseee...Brooke Davis Jr. ekkkk… even is Brooke got beaten up million time worse and have plastic surgery gone wrong she still can’t be as same as The Brooke Davis. That ‘one expression only’ b!tch doesn’t even have any connection with Brooke at all and if any she just the resemble of Peyt-whore Sawyer and that perv Mark should let her the one who keep the B!tch cos’ they totally the same.

I’m soo mad right now that I can’t rant even more but at least reading yours made me laugh plus 10 minutes of Brooke scenes. Gosh, that girl just soo freakin’ good that she can make you happy without even say a word(the classroom scene).

Oh yeah, before I forgot, I also do want some HOT BROWEN & I don’t know why I just wanna see Owen beat up all of those selfish motherfuck3r a$$.

Once again Sophia. Please just please don’t do S.7 if there’s any cos I don’t think I can watch this Pucas Sh!thill even more and you’re the only that make me still attach to it.

Anonymous said...

I know Im so sick of Leyton. They should call it Leyton Hill. Thats all the show seem to be about anymore. It seems like Lucas isnt as interrested as Peyton is. I agree with Lucas about not wanting to sleep in his moms room, let alone have it. I mean its HIS moms room. I wouldnt want my parents room either, especialy if my room was bigger(unless he just said that to keep his room). And it seem like she is being to bossy toward him. And the tatto thing if she make him get it removed i really wont want to watch the show. They are tring to erase everything that was Brucas. They havent even had a sene together. What is that come on.