Monday, September 29, 2008

Once I saw the previews, I pretty much knew this Episode was going to be the LAMEST BULL SHIT EVER! Am I the only person who doesn’t give half the shit I own about LEYTON and their fucked up wedding! Wasn’t Lucas just Fucking out with Lindsey in the same bed?

And then Peyton goes to Clothes over Bro’s, Brooke snaps at her and tells her that life is sucking for her, and Peyton waits a whole two hours to ask what’s wrong with her friend! What a stupid ASS whore! Then she goes on and on about how her life is so grand… I know she’s a blind STD infested bitch, but seriously, she must really have herpes in her eyes not to notice her friend is wigging out!

And LUCAS stupid ass! Um, hello, dumb-ass! What makes you think Lindsey gives two shits about you being engaged to Peyton? You’re only proving that Lindsey was right to leave your ass, you cocking sucking imbecile! How much of a selfish, self-centered jerk is he! Then to wait all that time to tell he about it. I am so glad Lindsey left him at the alter, because he is such an idiot!

Nathan…Nathan…Nathan, you knew those people didn’t want you to play! Why not coach, buddy? You’ll make a lot of Money. Forget Owen and his Slamball, take the money and run Nathan… take the money and run!

Now, I will admit, I was stoked for the psycho Carrie/ PI Haley James Scott storyline… I mean, that would be better than the PUCAS SHITfest going on! I’m sorry, but I don’t give a fuck about this WOLF guy who is so obviously Peyton’s other deadbeat father! GREAT! Because we really need all these adoption story lines that have been done so much that it’s ridiculous! And you know what, some adopted people are fine with the great parents they have and had! Not everyone whom has been adopted Is All Melodramatic and having a breakdown! Gees, Fucking Louise!

But Low and behold, the Psycho storyline even gets ridiculous! I’m sorry, but Nanny Carrie’s British accent was the worst attempt ever! Somebody please kill that bitch off the show! I mean seriously, if Haley was so dumb that she could tell that was Carrie over the phone, she should just hand J. Luke over! Just leave him in the car like a bad mother- coincidently like she did last time, and let that psycho bitch steal him! And knowing the Nanny is on the loose! PI Haley is turning into DUMB Fuck Haley… Is she any relation to DIM Tim?

And what sort of hospice is in the middle of the country with no cars, doctors, and medical staff! Excuse me for having common sense, but honestly, Haley? Really? And then you see Dan lying in a hospital bed, held hostage, and you don’t think to run outside and get your baby! Is this a fucking Joke… Did this Mark guys bust his head on the sidewalk or something? Really, honestly?

BUT THANK GOD FOR DEB and DAN! Beat and SHOT that crazy bitch to death! Wow, wow, wow! I sort of like Dan and Deb together! I know it’s crazy but I do! So, here is hoping! But Of course Deb will forget about this, Dan, and Nanny Carrie just like she forgot about Brooke!

Speaking of Brooke: Poor, poor Brooke! She has none, and no one cares about her! Once again, Haley hasn’t seen her in like forever! One day they are hanging out, and the next thing… Bloop, Brooke’s not even a memory! And the poor girl gave away her company and everything! She gets attacked, possibly raped, and nobody takes the time to care! Why is she still around theses people anyway? This sucks for her so badly it’s not even funny! And this Sam girl, I guess, is going to magically make everything okay… Well, that I would like to see! And of course Millicent came back, but why? What happened between her and Mouth!

Well, we will see!

Much Love Homies


Anonymous said...

I really laughed outloud when psycho nanny hit Haley in the back of the head. That has to be one of the funniest scenes, EVER! Peyton's storyline, of course had me rolling my eyes the whole time. OH BOO HOO YOU FOUND YOUR DADDY! HA! The guy doesn't want you o much he'd rather get drunk off his ass! I was hoping someone had put some poison into the wine she was drinking! And seriously, Lucas, I can't stand! Egh! That guy has to be the dumbst most fickle person on the face of this planet! And he has some pretty bad taste too! If he can find Peyton AT ALL attractive.

Oh, and hospice actually goes to people's homes, so it would be logical that hospice was at the home in the middle of no where...the real question is, why would Haley believe that Dan had a house in the middle of no where that no one knew about? Because THATS just INCREDIBLY intelligent!

Why doesn't Brooke just say to Peyton, "Listen bitch, I'm losing my store, I got my ass kicked, I'd be better off if MY mom was dead, and I really don't freaking care about your stupid wedding! I'm so glad that you're happy, but guess what, YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO MATTERS!" You know who was there picking Peyton's bitchy ass up last season when she was all depressed because Lucas was marrying Lindsey, BROOKE! And what does Peyton do in return, IGNORES HER! Because now she has Lucas and THAT'S all that matters! Brooke needs to BUY Tree Hill and KICK everyone out of it! Starting with dumbass Peyton.

Anyone else rooting for Dan to come back more?! I certainly am. At least when dan was all mean the show was interesting. I've always had a soft spot for him, though. I mean, the man was in love with Karen for all those years and turned bitter because of how his life ended up! Of course, he did kill Keith, WHO I LOVED! These writers really have a way of killing off the best characters!

You know, I used to get pissed that Dan would only try to win Nathan over, and never Lucas (Season 5), but now I really understand why. LUcas WASN'T worth the time! GO DAN!


Anonymous said...

hey Todd,

awesome review! again ofcourse. let me start with freaky Peyton watching Lucas in bed, dude I hate it when people watch me sleep, that's creepy! and don't even start about the kitchen scene UGH! dude did you see the look on his face when she told him about the date of their wedding? dude he doesnt wanna get married to her, what a stupid ass! and is it me or do you plan a wedding date together? ah well if that was the only stupid thing Mark writes then I could get over it, sadly it's not.

dude Mark where's your common sense? a hospice in the middle of nowhere? seriously? I mean like seriously? 'stay in the car Jamie, I wanna see if we have the right house' dude that has got to be one of the lamest things ever! and then when Haley sees Dan all beaten up she doesn't think ow crap this ain't good. geez! this show annoys me to no end.

poor nathan though, he wants to play so bad. but just take the coaching job, at least it's something!

Brooke, I love her. She needs to leave this shitty people alone and go live together with Milly. at least that's a friend she can count on! dude Peyton is so freakin selfish! I mean did she really ask Brooke to make her wedding dress? Did she? OMG that was so lame! does she even remember 6 years ago? or is she so dense that her brains don't go back earlier then 6 months? ARGH! Brooke handled it well though, i'm proud of you B! leave this sucky ass titless friend alone and be friends with Milli! At least she came back.

Well I can't wait for next week, we're gonna have so many BL scenes, you can't even count them on one hand! *roll eyes*

Mark wake up damn it! Or do I need to punch you? Because i'll do it, you ass!

Well great review Todd! Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

Lmao awesome reviewof the episode as always

okay so I aint watched the episode yet LOL but from reading your review im wonder if I should bother watching it sounds likea pile of crap as usual blah

so carrie put on a british accent? I take it .it was bad?lol . Being british myself I freaking hate when people try to do the british accent and do it awful like they have something stuck in their throat BLAH lol

And no brucas scenes I take it? WTF is wrong with lucas . wake up and smell the coffee or wake up and smell the BS lol .I freaking hate how stupid hes become . last season he was always there for brooke and now this season its like season 4 again where he forgets she even exists and then also theres stupid pathetic excuse for a friend peyton whos dumb as they come. brooke could be jumping up and down im front of her and telling her something is wrong and peyton still wouldnt notice**rolleyes* and thats because peyton is the worst friend ever,shes only there for brooke when she feels like it ,its just like when peyton in season 5 was there for lucas that was only when she thought he could get something out of this.

As for the storyline with peyton and the guy who is probably her dad who cares lol its just a way to have peyton clog up our screens with her pathetic crap noody cares its a waste of screentime

haha Im so ticked off and I aint even watched this episode yet and I dont really want to see it as it sounds crap LOL oh well

once again great review as always todd:) very very funny LOL

Anonymous said...

OMG! im so not liking where one tree hill is heading, like seriously its turning into the O.C and we all know how that ended... never to be seen or heard of again.

Why can't psycho carrie go after Lucas, he needs someone to cause him a bit of pain cause he has done it to everyone on this freaking show.

plus who cares about Peyton and Lucas' wedding we all know something isn't going to go right on the dayy and they will probably break up for the hundredth time and Lucas will whore around again.

plus Peyton ignoring Brooke, like come on... it is blatantly obvious that Brooke is hurting and dealing with alot of shit and she's there just rambling about her and her wedding... seriously who cares. I just want Brooke to totally crack and go crazy ass on all of them. i love Brooke the only good character on the show, she should just have her own show really lol

i want Rachel to come back because she seems to be the only one Brooke can rely on, plus she is totally funny and will kick Peyton and Lucas' ass.

now Dan, i have always liked him from the very beginning. mainly because he stirred up trouble and caused Lucas pain which he totally deserved lol... him and Deb together make a good team Kung-fu on carrie lol

Great review todd

-aussie chick-

Anonymous said...

Dear lord, you are freaking amazing, did I tell u that already? Seriously, you cracked me up with ur rant, I just loved it! I mean, I totally agree with you, I watched the episode and was about to scream with every lame scene… I don’t know what happened to Mark but WTF was all that? Anyway, the only think I don’t regret for having this crappy episode is because I get to see u commenting about it, and it certainly rocks! Seriously, im ur fan, dude!

Phearywinkle said...

Hey Toddian.. I read your review and it pretty much summed up the whole episode for me and I didn't even have to watch it!! haha! As much as I love Jamie N Brooke; and this might sound totally lame and all, but I had refused to watch monday night' epi!! I couldn't do it and it was all PUCAS'S flippin' fault!! Seriously them together makes me want to scratch out my eyes! GrRrRr.. they so rub me the wrong freakin' way!!

Phew, I'm glad Jamie's safe and sound! Finally, that crazy psycho biatch is gone! Maybe now, Haley will have time to be a good friend to Brooke! I honestly think Brooke should just snap and give everyone a piece of her mind! Maybe then her so-called friends will open up their eyes and ears and realized how sucky they've been! It's sad to see that Brooke gave up; because Brooke Davis is a fighter not a quiter! I'm glad that Millie came back and hopefully they can help each other through it! I hope Brooke pulls through!

Thanks for reviewing! You know you RoOoOoOoOOock and we love yah!! Keep 'em coming!! I always look forward to your ranting and raving as well as your reviews!! UPDATE your story sOoOon! I miss 'em!! You're one hell of a writer! :0)

<3 Phearywinkle aka Psiek

Anonymous said...

Bahaha I love your posts!
I'm so happy that I get to keep reading themon here, and I agree with everything you say! Lol, I'm a huge Brooke fan too, and I'm getting pissed that the only interaction she's had was with an oblivious best friend, a homeless high school student, and a MARRIAGE counselor. WTF?

Peyton has really pissed me off, these past two seasons, espescially. She got all sad that her daddy didn't show up to her creepily romantic candle-light dinner. Was she like planning incest or something?
But I sympathize with him. Meeting Peyton would drive me to drink, too.
But anyways, keep up the totally entertaining posts! I really hope the show gets to the point where the episodes are more entertaining than the spoofs, but it isn't there yet, so jeep it up! I look forward to next week!
