Monday, September 20, 2010


Sophia - Beautiful, Talented, seemingly Intelligent Sophia - I don’t know if you are bored or just losing all your brain cells playing the now doormat, dumb as a rock Brooke Davis… but don’t you know WHEN to keep your mouth shut. True enough there is Freedom of speech and all that jazz but this is also your job and damn girl - Learn the meaning of Tact!

Gees, You’d think she would realize that majority of her fans WERE BLERs?

Does she think John Tucker Must Die earned her fans… LAUGHING MY FUCKIN ASS OFF, FOOL!

Now honestly, I have not wanted to comment of Sophia’s tweets because I used to adore the chick but the majority of you guys are either commenting about it or going off on other fan pages. And to be honest, I don’t blame anyone for it… If she can have an opinion so can everyone else.

I called chad Michael Murray out on his cheating all the time last year, not to mention his horrible acting… Seriously dude, who the hell ate your soul and shitted it out in the toilet?

Sophia Bush? LOL, yeah, right answer.

I get why people are upset. Don’t bash an entire fan base. Do all these other things:

1. The Whole Team Leyton on a BL t-shirt, I was willing to overlook cause I just don’t care enough about her personal life to give a shit. Ha-ha, when and if she ever hit Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie status - then I might give two shits, but hell, she’s on a dying show and I support my girl.

2. All this co-star dating - again see number 1. I mean, Both chad and she ruined BL… Naley fans hated the Brathan shit…. Which I hate too. And Boolian, well this new Brooke (who I suspect Sophia is creating not the writers- sucks cause I bet anything that in deleted scenes Julian takes huge dumps on her chest!) SUCKS MY HAIRY SWEATY BALLS!

3. Tree Hugging- nothing wrong with that unless it just started out of the blue and seems rather shady if you did nothing for Katrina victims but you care about GULF animals…. Again see Number 1... KINDA!

BUT THIS…. This girl just needs to shut the fuck up. We get it, you hate BRUCAS, you HATE CHAD, you HATE BL fans… don’t turn around condescendingly and say you love us. I don’t care either way.

LOL, as long as you aren’t Hillarie Skank-ASS Burton… I would forgive you anything. But Damn girl… shut the FUCK UP!

Sophia Bush you think you love Brooke more than we do because you portray her… Um, no you get paid to play her. We are the Masochists who root for a once AWESOME character who has been driven down by the writers into a SEYTON SANTANICA REPLICA and thus helping to write your pay checks for Free!

We certainly don’t get anything out of watching Brooke be treated like trash - so bitch please - SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Sophia Bush, you’re beautiful but you actually think we care if you are happy with season 6 & 7... Your happiness doesn’t entertain anyone so - SHUT THE FUCK UP!

By the way SOPHIA BUSH zero IS a size, FOOL!


Whenever you think of talking about BL just - SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I don’t hate you but fool, I am starting to tire of the attention seeking BL hating bullshit.
Do I think you were wrong- DUH, but its your job to promote BOOlian even though the show is down the toilet with most probably your career, but again SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Sophia Bush - Wanna buy a can of SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Sophia Bush - you claim you talk to the writers season 6 & 7… (Dog eating heart season, Brooke becoming a doormat, Pimping Nasty ass aids infect PUCAS like this is actually reality) than please, if you want to take credit for that SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Actually, if you have that kind of Power (which I believe you do) Please tell them to Cancel this damn show! Or SHUT THE FUCK UP!
SOPHIA BUSH - you inferred that you came up with the “BL was a footnote to LP” than please SHUT THE FUCK UP!

JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP and do your job… love Brooke, but tired of you…


Finally… if you don’t agree, that’s ok. I dont hate you, speak your peace. But any person knows that whether you agree with what she said or not, she needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Much love Homies


Jess said...

not to mention that i cant believe she argued with her fans about

*Chrissy* said...

Baby, you know how much I whole-heartedly agree after that Twitter bash-fest I had with that lame Sophia Stalker - Sophia needs to stop pissing where she sleeps and accept that it's the loyalty of the BL fans that got her where she is in life today. Seriously, bashing BL to the people who kept you in clean knickers all those years was a straight-up DUMB ASS MOVE!

I used to respect this woman, but not anymore. She went gnarly on fans for disagreeing with her opinion about a couple WE clearly loved more than her. How fucking dumb can you get?

And FYI Miss Bush, it was your DIVORCE that altered Brooke's storyline - not your input on the character's development, because if that was the case she wouldn't have said that LUCAS was the guy she would have lost it all for in SEASON 5. That's right 5 - a WHOLE SEASON past this so-called character development you've been raving your stupid mouth off about.

When I used to think about Sophia Bush I felt bad for her. The whole Chad thing and divorce really made me feel for her. Unfortunately I now think that because of the support we gave her, she has grown too big for those boots she wears and she needs to check herself PRONTO!

Also, we're not dumb. Any fool can see that this show is going down the tubes because they write for the actresses PUSSIES rather than the fans. Chad, James and Austin all for Sophia's BUSH... seriously, no wonder she has such a big head she thinks she can mouth off about whatever and she's untouchable. And don't even get me started on LOOSEY GOOSEY BURTON who fucked the whole town and still got what she wanted. Blech.

Finally, Sophia, honey... SHUT THE FUCK UP! Being a straight up dog-bitch and then about-facing and saying you love BL fans after shitting all over us makes you look like a fool. I used to watch this show for you - now all I can see in your future are lifetime movies and has-been memories.


Michelle said...

Dude I read everything she said on twitter, and if those dumb fucks don't believe that her comments aren't coming from a bitter place then her stans are as stupid as I think they are. The girl seriously thinks her and chad are brooke and lucas. Their is no way in hell that she and chad wasn't the cause for the BL break up. She just confirmed it by saying she had actual imput on character development/storylines because "she talks to the writers". WTF and girlfriend blew the fuck up at BLers for liking the couple. If she wasn't bitter about Chad then she wouldn't of let that person's comment effect her so much. Sophia get a fucking therapist and seperate reality from fiction. If I was Austin I would be worried about her passionate hate for chad/cs/bl because HATE is still a feeling.

Really, I thought sophia was this great person but her actions on twitter brought out a nasty side to her. Now I know what James meant when he said "I'm not dealing with the wrath of sophia".

HAHAHA and then she had the nerve to defend that piece of shit show that has assassinated Brooke's independent unique character. All I read on boards now and days is how much people hate the new brooke and misses the old one. Oh scratch that it was HER who assassinated the brooke character because she "talks to the writers". For fuck sakes now we know why The CW is failing, The WB would never let a fucking C list actor have a say in their characters. Do your job Soph... and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!

Kasey said...

Oh god, hahaha! I should have expected this! As always, you have managed to crack me up. As soon as I saw the twitter thing, I was like "oh god, wonder what Chrissy and Todd are gonna have to say about this" and neither of you disappointed!

You with the blog and Chrissy with her tweets - and her comment on here - you guys are awesome (as you both know :P)

Oh and I wholeheartedly agree - Sophia Bush needs to shut the fuck up!

Anonymous said...

This is the best post by far. Never bite the hand the feeds you and she really needs to grow up and let things slide. If the BL fans want to believe that them let them, why is she arguing with her tweets! She who never wanted to tweet in the first place and now can't keep her tweet trap shut! She has always let her personal life interfere with the show and now she is pushing this Brulian crap down our throats because of her relationship with Austin and it is her personal life with Chad that is tainting her view of what BL was to this show.

A disgruntle fan!

Anonymous said...

I should be studying right now, but I just have to fucking say this. Despite being a diehard Brucas fan, Sophia’s comments about Brucas didn’t faze me one bit. Why? Because I’ve always known that she didn’t like Brucas. Her dislike for BL goes all the way back to season 1 when Lucas first cheated on Brooke and I’m sure her divorce from Chad later on only fueled that even more. And you know what?? You may think that she was unprofessional for the way she has handled her dislike for BL since day 1, but I know that had I been in her shoes, the VERY last thing I would want to do is have any romantic scenes with my ex-husband after going through something she like did and so publicly too. Now I know that some will say, “well, its her fault, she should’ve thought about that before she married him.” Well easier said than done because I’m 150% sure that had she known her marriage was gonna end in divorce just 5 months into it after finding out her so called husband cheated on her with the worlds biggest slut aka Paris Hilton, along with some other local Wilmy girls, she would’ve probably much rather jumped off a fucking cliff than walk down the isle with him. But you know what? We can’t predict these things and if we could, NOTHING bad would ever happen.
I saw how this entire thing started and it basically started off with a girl asking Sophia, two questions which went something along the lines of, "Did Brooke really love Lucas? Was he her biggest love?" Like some other people had pointed out, she was asked 2 questions together and Sophia replied by saying how “No, she is much happier now.” I saw how some BL fans basically took that as her saying that she didn’t ever love Lucas and basically ran with that. Sophia knows that Lucas loved Brooke, and Brooke loved Lucas and she’s acknowledged that before even if she never saw them as being this epic lover story from day 1. While some BL fans are saying that Sophia was actually saying that Brooke didn’t love Lucas, who’s to say that when she said NO, she was actually directing that NO towards the question regarding whether Lucas was her biggest love? Because even though I hate Brulian, its obvious that Mark and the writers have written Brulian to make everyone believe that Julian is actually Brooke’s biggest love(even though we as BL fans don’t agree). So I can see why she would say that Lucas isn’t Brooke’s biggest love because if he was, then A)the LP fans would go apeshit on her and B) Brooke would be married to him right now and NOT Peyton.

And seriously, can you blame her for saying that Brooke is much happier now??? We as BL fans don’t happen to see it that way, but when the second half of BL is living somewhere in New Zealand or where ever with his wife aka Peytwhore and their baby aka Seyton, and the other half of BL is engaged and about to me married to another guy, what do you expect her to say??? “No I’m miserable and pissed because the love my life is married to my best friend and had a baby with her while I’m unhappily engaged to some movie producer? Yeah, cuz that would’ve settled down so well with the Brulian fans, Mark Schwahn, the writers and the CW network.

Jennifer said...

Okay, So I posted something about the whole Sophia twitter thing yesterday and apparently this blog kept on messing it up and wouldn’t let me post my entire comment…..maybe it knew that was I was the only one who felt this way on this blog and didn’t want to be bothered. So I’ll just repost what I was gonna say and hope that it actually lets me do it this time around without it freaking out on me. And if it works, I’ll probably have to divide it up into a couple of posts but at this point I don’t even care.

Any ways, like I said, after coming on this blog today and reading your post Toddian along with Chrissy’s, its clear I’m the only one on this blog who is not pissed off by Sophia’s twitter remarks. Now I won’t be the LEAST bit surprised after you guys finish reading what I happen to say that you will A) Want to come after me with a bat and possibly a gun. B) Despise me or C)BOTH.

Chrissy, I already know you’re probably going to cuss me out after you read what I have to say, but as someone who has been reading this blog since day 1 and has been a BL fan since day 1, I’m gonna say this any way. You’ll probably want to smack me across the face a million times after this…..actually wait, I KNOW you will want to smack me a million times, but this is my viewpoint on the entire thing and I’m not going to change my mind no matter what.

Toddian, I have ALWAYS agreed with you regarding everything you’ve ever said about everything since the day I began talking to you on FF like three or so years ago. That’s a long time and I can’t believe that I was actually really shocked with the way you chewed Sophia out. It was pretty BRUTAL.

Now you also know that I AM and ALWAYS have been one of the BIGGEST Brucas fans on the fucking planet. And you know this better than anyone. In fact, I was a Brucas fan before I even became a Sophia fan, so no one can accuse me of being an LP fan or just a Sophia fan because Brucas is my OTP and ALWAYS will be. I will NEVER EVER support another couple like I did, do, and always will BL.

*Chrissy* said...

Jennifer, I will never cuss out someone for having a differing opinion to mine. Do I hate what Sophia said? Absolutely. The difference is, I HATE that Sophia chewed out one fan who disagreed with her, and then the people who disagree with Sophia get called harsh.

I have been a BL fan since DAY ONE! When Brooke locked eyes with Lucas on that BBall court and became the naked girl in the backseat of his car, I was hooked. I am still a Brooke fan, and this is why I continue to write her in fiction because I believe to this day, she was one of the spunkiest, energetic and well written characters ever.

That being said, I will never agree with the way I FEEL she disrespected the BL fanbase. Common sense and quite frankly, a little decency, would have told her that those statements would have caused an uproar and crushed someone's feelings.

Instead of pleasing these so-called actors, it's time we start pleasing the fans. After all, without them, you would have nothing.

I feel Sophia lost that somewhere along the way. I just happen to use a lot of colorful language to get my point across.

Furthermore, my rant was fuelled by a bitch-fest I endured from a Sophia-Stalker fan who decided that stating she wanted to "slap" me for hating on Sophia was a good idea. BAD MOVE BITCH! It just made my hate grow.

At the end of the day, unlike Sophia, I'm not gonna cuss, castrate, smack or whatever anyone who has a different opinion to me - as long as they don't tell me I'm wrong for having one myself.

Jennifer, to each their own sweetheart! :)


*Chrissy* said...

The question "What do I expect Sophia to say in a situation like this?"

How about - "I'm satisified with how my character has progressed."

"I can see why people love all the couplings, and I'm proud of the ones I've been a part of."

"I'm glad where Brooke is at now, but that doesn't erase the importance of her past and how she got there."

Instead - we get TEAM LP and Brucas is a footnote in the love story of LP, and I'm sorry, but it is NOT the fans fault that her husband cheated on her. Her ex husband may PLAY Lucas Scott, but he is NOT Lucas Scott. Just as we have to understand her POV, she needs to understand ours. Spitting on a fandom because you're bitter about your ex is NOT professional.

And about those girls who had a go at her for not getting back with Chad - all she had to do was act her age and politely ask them to leave or refrain from personal comments. Hard yes, but she is the one who chose to stay on the show and work with her ex, and continue the storyline that hinted to a Brucas reunion (end of season 5, beginning of season 6 anyone?) - so give me a fucking break!

And can I just say - that it was Chad and Sophia TOGETHER that created the highly publicised CHOPHIA coupling. Sophia was busy flashing her ring all over town, going on talk shows and attending functions as a very high profile, celebrity couple. She created the public couple, and she thinks people will let it go? Jennifer and Brad anyone?

The difference is, Jennifer has class. She doesn't use her movies or talk shows to slam Brad, even though he deserves it. Take a footNOTE, Sophia.

And can I just say, if she hated working with him THAT much, if it was so difficult for her... then why the Brooke trying to get Lucas back lovey scenes in season 4? Why the Brucas kiss season 5? Why the hint of a Brucas reunion end of season 5, and why the dream sequence season 6? For someone who has input in the character, she had no problem with a storyline aimed at Brucas fans. Come on now, who are we kidding?

So she has a bad day, she gets sick of people pestering her about her marriage (sorry hun, but that kinda comes with the territory when you go so public with your relationship in the first place - Today Show anyone?) and she decides to respond to this by going ape shit on Twitter and basically insinuate that because she's played Brooke for 8 years she knows her better than the rest of us?

Wow Sophia, professionalism took a stab in the guts with you that day.

So what do I expect?

I expect that Sophia act like even though Chad pisses her off, he isn't Lucas Scott and the Brucas love affair meant something, and for her to stop trying to tear it down because she's angry over what happened.

And I want her to be honest. Stop hiding behind the notion that it was all done for Brooke's character development and admit you hate your ex husband and didn't want to work with him anymore. Stop saying a girl deserves better than a guy who cheated on her. Whilst I whole-heartedly agree with you on the idea, I cannot believe you when Brooke took Lucas back, and then dealt with Julian and his actions towards Alex. It just doesn't ring believable to me.

Bottom line - your divorce broke Brucas up. Be a woman and admit it. And stop making us feel like shit because you're bitter about it. BL are not the fairytale CHOPHIA that you and Chad created - realize this!

Or, if you cannot do this... then do what you're trained to do with questions in the media and/or public that rattle you. Answer with the notorious line:



Anonymous said...

Bravo Chrissy!! Your last comment was made of gold. It is amazing how true colors come out slowly and I think Sophia has gradually shown her true colors through the years and she really needs to learn how to STFU like you guys have stated numerous times. She can rant on and on about Lindsey Lohan and bash her on a talk show on a topic that had nothing to do with Lindsey( I am in no way a Lindsey fan, but it wasn't Sophias place to bash her on a talk show) just an example of her big mouth!!! Everything you said was spot on and I gradually started to see this about her.
Long live Brucas they are what made OTH and what broke OTH!!!

Disgruntle Fan

Michelle said...

WORD Chrissy, muthafucken WORD!!!!

Anonymous said...

How about you's all 'SHUT THE FUCK UP' Yeah?

Get over it, it has nothing to do with you. Sophia Bush is beautiful and has every right to not continue with the Brucas relationship after what he did too her. I don't know how she could even work with Chad after what he did too her. She didn't argue with her fans, she obviously just said brooke is happier now anyway what has the character Brooke got to do with Sophia's personal life???????

Since you are all such big One Tree Hill fans why would you hate Leyton? Obviously you could see it from the start that they were mean't to be and I think they are great for each other.

Brooke is happy with Julian so leave it at that. And you all know this is a TV show yeah that's right a TV show, Sophia did what was best for her which I believe is her right.

By the way One Tree Hill is not 'going down the tubes' I think it just gets better. If it's such a problem for you why don't you all stop watching One Tree Hill and Shut the fuck up :)

And you all know Sophia isn't actually going to read this... awkward.

Anonymous said...

LOL Wow. I dislike Sophia Bush but wow to this rant. Maybe it's because I never thought Brooke/Lucas was epic at all. Getting naked in a guy's car. OOOH. EPIC. Also, the season 2 moment when Lucas went to see Brooke was so lightswitched because of Chad/Sophia's relationship. Maybe it's just Lucas because all of his relationships are lightswitched in some manner. "It's you" anyone?

Ftr, I hated Lucas/Peyton for their cheating, selfish ways too. I like Brooke (sometimes) and generally, I think she's on an equal footing with Julian. With Lucas, I never felt that. I usually hate relationships I feel are one-sided and well, BL was that.

Anyways, who cares Sophia thinks? You ship what you want to ship.

Anonymous said...

I found this whole thread hilarious. Especially the irony when someone said 'Sophia get a fucking therapist and seperate reality from fiction.'
Erm, don't you all need to do that? I hate to break it to you, but OTH is a TV SHOW! And Brucas we're never meant to end up together anyway, it was Leyton from the start.
The fact you's are actually wasting your time and energy on this is pretty damn funny. She's entitled to her opinions, if she doesn't like Brucas anymore, so be it. What does it matter to your lives?
Though, I would recommend getting up, going outside and realising what is and what isn't reality. Brucas is not real.
And for the personal insults on Sophia and all the swearing? LMAO, seriously, what are you people hormonal losers who've never actually had a boyfriend so you try and live vicariously through OTH?