Tuesday, September 21, 2010

OH ... Your opinion is Mucho Respected... :D

LOL... First of all... love you all dearly... even the coward who couldn't even leave their name. You make this blog possible. LOL... LOSER! hahaha!

Anyway, i need to address this before chris posts the review for the new episode:

I respect all your opinions.

Jennifer... You are allowed to have your own opinion. This might be the one and only time we ever disagree. I have no fucking idea why this blog sent you to spam but I corrected that. I will always respect - your opinion because you are bright and intelligent, Anyone who disagrees about how wonderful you are has to deal with ME. Grrrm lol!

That being said, i was brutal because honestly i am over the fandom. I only watch for this chick and she is seriously creating more ammo for crazy PUKERS to use in their psychotic arguements. I get that she dislikes BL, but well... sometimes an actress needs to know when to hold them, and know when to fold them... meaning her lips, "Hence the Sophia Bush: JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" LOL!

Anyway... No bats and guns... unless we are SEYTON HATIN!

Michelle - LAUGHING MY FUCKING ASS OFF! I can't even discribe how hilarious this is. Your comment made me chuckle so hard! Seriously, i don't understand why she has so much control. Its really ashame that she cant just do her job and STFU!

Disgruntled Fan - Ditto My Kid, Ditto in deed!

Jess- You know I don't mind speaking my peace anymore than SB apparently does. So you are very welcome. See Ya in BANLAND!

Kasey- need I say more, Kitten. We'll chat later :P

Last but never least.......... Chris, you know how I feel. Love ya, Babe!

Much love Homies,


Jennifer said...

Hey Toddian and Chrissy,

I don’t even know where to start right now. To tell you the truth, my post for the blog entry you did a couple of days ago about SB, was REALLY long. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I tried posting my whole input on the entire scenario, but the blog just wouldn’t let me. I’m pretty sure it hates my guts.Lol Especially seeing as how I’ve never really had such a problem before when trying to post on this blog. I see that only one part of my post showed up(the one that you both saw) but it was only one of many. I’m just happy that I saved it because I’m going to try posting it. I’ll warn you though….its really long. But then again, Toddian’s used to my long ass comments/rants.Lol I’m gonna have to break it up into several parts. However, if you see that there’s only one comment from me, then that means the blog was acting up again and I guess I’ll never be able to post what I had wanted to since Monday.

For starters, Chrissy, I want to thank you hun for respecting my feelings on everything that’s happened since Saturday and on this blog(even though you only saw the first part to my long ass essay about the entire situation.lol) Trust me when I say this, I have been a HUGE BL fan since day one as well and yes, it definitely sucks to support a couple who has been bashed by LP fans, the OTH writers and even the actors who play the roles of Brooke and Lucas. We BL fans have been through a lot of shit and it just fucking sucks….plain and simple. I LOVE Brooke Davis. I instantly fell in love with her the moment she popped up on my screen years ago. And although I HATE what OTH has become, I still watch for her and only her. I started this show a long ass time ago, and I guess I’m gonna see it to the very end….even if it sucks.

So I am with you and Toddian all the way. But I strongly disagree about the way this entire SB situation was handled since the day Soph made those comments. I really do respect you both and just like you respect my feelings on the entire thing, I respect yours as well. I’m going to finally say what I’ve been trying to say for days now and hopefully you’ll see where I’m coming from. I’m NOT by any means saying that you have to agree with me, but I just hope that after reading what I have to say, perhaps you’ll see why I feel the way I do regarding the whole twitter thing. Neither of you are wrong for your feelings on the subject. Because if that’s the way you feel, then that’s how you feel. Period.

Jennifer said...

So Toddian, seeing as how you said you corrected the problem. Let’s hope it works this time, because I’ve been trying to do this for a while now.Lol

Any ways, despite being a diehard Brucas fan, Sophia’s comments about Brucas didn’t faze me one bit. Why? Because I’ve always known that she didn’t like Brucas. Her dislike for BL goes all the way back to season 1 when Lucas first cheated on Brooke and I’m sure her divorce from Chad later on only fueled that even more. And you know what? Some may think that she was unprofessional for the way she has handled her dislike for BL since day 1, but I know that had I been in her shoes, the VERY last thing I would want to do is have any romantic scenes with my ex-husband after going through something she like did and so publicly too. Now I know that some will say, “well, its her fault, she should’ve thought about that before she married him.” Well easier said than done because I’m 150% sure that had she known her marriage was gonna end in divorce just 5 months into it after finding out her so called husband cheated on her with the worlds biggest slut aka Paris Hilton, along with some other local Wilmy girls, she would’ve probably much rather jumped off a fucking cliff than walk down the isle with him. But lets face it We can’t predict these things and if we could, NOTHING bad would ever happen.

I saw how this entire thing started and it basically started off with a girl asking Sophia, two questions which went something along the lines of, "Did Brooke really love Lucas? Was he her biggest love?" Like some other people had pointed out, she was asked 2 questions together and Sophia replied by saying how “No, she is much happier now.” I saw how some BL fans basically took that as her saying that she didn’t ever love Lucas and basically ran with that. Sophia knows that Lucas loved Brooke, and Brooke loved Lucas and she’s acknowledged that before even if she never saw them as being this epic lover story from day 1. While some BL fans are saying that Sophia was actually saying that Brooke didn’t love Lucas, who’s to say that when she said NO, she was actually directing that NO towards the question regarding whether Lucas was her biggest love? Because even though I hate Brulian, its obvious that Mark and the writers have written Brulian to make everyone believe that Julian is actually Brooke’s biggest love(even though we as BL fans don’t agree). So I can see why she would say that Lucas isn’t Brooke’s biggest love because if he was, then A)the LP fans would go apeshit on her and B) Brooke would be married to him right now and NOT Peyton.

And seriously, can you blame her for saying that Brooke is much happier now? We as BL fans don’t happen to see it that way, but when the second half of BL is living somewhere in New Zealand or where ever with his wife aka Peytwhore and their baby aka Seyton, and the other half of BL is engaged and about to me married to another guy, what can one expect her to say?? “No I’m miserable and pissed because the love my life is married to my best friend and had a baby with her while I’m unhappily engaged to some movie producer? Yeah, becuz that would’ve settled down so well with the Brulian fans, Mark Schwahn, the writers and the heads at the CW.

Jennifer said...

Okay, it's official, this blog HATES ME!!! It won't let me post my comments for anything unless they consist of a sentence or two. And you guys know thats not good enough for me!!Lol I have NO idea why its doing this Toddian. So you're going to have to help me find another way to post my long ass comment regarding the whole SB thing.Lol

Jennifer said...

Okay, so I’m gonna continue the post from where I left off and see if it works this time.
Any ways, like I was saying,
Granted, that Sophia has never really had anything positive to say about BL, but I say so what? While she hasn’t been positive, she hasn’t been vicious or mean either. You wanna talk about mean?? Look at Mark Schwahn, after all, its HIS show and he’s made his life mission to fuck over BL fans since season 3.

And again, as for this twitter nonsense, someone on twitter accused her of not liking BL for the wrong reasons (obviously meaning CS) and that she needs to watch their scenes played out by different people to appreciate it. To which Sophia respectfully responded and said there were no wrong reasons and that she simply didn't like the fact that Brooke was cheated on and treated like she didn't matter, at which point some BL fans started attacking her like crazy. Which resulted in her tweeting what she did after that. Which some see as a long ass pointless rant, was really a response to all of the absurd attacks she was getting by some BL fans. And you know what, if I was being attacked like that, I’d fucking go on a rant as well.

Just because Sophia is not a BL fan, does NOT mean that I will no longer ship BL anymore. In fact, I like that she expressed her opinions and I feel that if people actually sat down and tried to absorb what she said, then some people would see that this thing got blown way out of proportion. I mean its perfectly fine to be pissed and upset. But some of the things I saw and read these past few days by some unbelievably angry BL fans was nothing like I’ve ever seen before and it was downright vicious. And in fact, I don’t think she could have stated her opinion in a way that was more respectful than it already is. She didn’t say anything bad abut BL and nor did she say anything bad about the fans. All the woman said was that she, HERSELF, felt that Brooke was a footnote in the LP love story and that it was HER personal opinion and how no one has to agree with her. THAT’S IT. And seriously…..even though I’m a BL fan, I understand where she’s coming from and why she feel’s that way. For fuck’s sake, LP are fucking married and have a daughter together. Does anyone really expect Sophia to sit there and be like “BL should’ve been together because Lucas was the love of Brooke’s life while Brooke was the love of Lucas’ life.” It would’ve made her look pathetic for hanging onto a relationship that will NEVER happen and not to mention that some lunatics would probably see that as her supposedly hanging onto her previous relationship with Chad.

Jennifer said...

And yes, Sophia talks to the writers concerning her character. In fact, EVERY actor/actress on a television show talks to the writer about there character. I’ve read countless interviews where an actress or actor from another tv shows expresses how they like to get involved and are always talking to the writers and the production team about where there character is going. Sophia isn’t the first one to do so. And just because she said that she talks to the writer, doesn’t mean she tells them what to write and what not to write. It doesn’t work like that because if it did, SHE would be the one writing the fucking show day in and day out.

Mark Schwahn NEVER planned for BL to end up together and those who are living in denial really need to wake the fuck up. I HATE him for it and for basically making BL fans fall head over heals in love with them only for the bastard to snatch them away from us. But I know that in his head, he always envisioned someone else out there for Brooke to end up with because for him, LP were always end game. So even if Lucas and Peyton had still been on the show, knowing him and his love for LP, he would’ve never brought BL back together and would’ve made sure that Brooke and Julian stayed together. If you read his latest interviews, you’ll see that what Sophia said on twitter was ice cream and rainbows compared to what Mark said about Brooke and her relationship with Julian. He blatantly came out and said that Brooke and Julian are an epic love story and how they are meant to be and blah, blah, blah. Now I DESPISE LP with a fucking passion, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t know that Mark had envisioned LP aka PukASS since day 1. Hell Sophia wasn’t even in the first episode of OTH. She didn’t come on until the second episode because they decided to cast Brooke at the very last the second. Which again, shows that Mark had already planned out the PukASS “love story” even before they shot the fucking pilot.

And for those who keep saying that the reason Sophia doesn’t like BL is because of what happened with Chad and that she should be more professional. Well where were these sentiments when Chad gave interviews during seasons 5 and 6 where he blatantly said that “Lucas was with Brooke for fun, while Lucas and Peyton are soulmates.” If that wasn’t a slap in the face to the BL fans, then I don’t know what is. He said numerous times that LP were endgame and that they were meant to be, and so on and so forth. I know how some think that well, “Chad was more nice about the BL thing.” Uhhhhh, not true. Not when you sit there and praise LP while basically ignoring BL and calling it a “fun” relationship while indicating that it had no meaning or substance. Or how about the fact that the douche bag had his character, Lucas, call PeytWhore “Pretty Girl” in the fucking episode that he, himself, wrote back in season 6?? Now for me, personally, that felt like the BIGGEST punch right below the belt to BL fans everywhere. So is that called being professional? Yet when Sophia says that Brooke was just a footnote in the LP love story, some of the BL fans have started bashing her like crazy. Because the way I see it, if you’re going to call Sophia unprofessional, then you might as well call Chad that too.

Jennifer said...

And Sophia isn’t the first actress/actor to say negative things about a certain couple his/her character is involved in. For example, Kristen Bell, when she was filming Veronica Mars, used to say negative things all the time regarding her character, Veronica’s, relationship with Logan all the time while constantly praising Veronica and Duncan saying how much she loved them. The Veronica Mars fans who used to watch and listen to the interviews know what I’m talking about. And how about Zach Gilford, who plays Matt, in Friday Night Lights, and who has said several times how much he hates the pairing of Matt/Julie and thinks Julie is a bitch. Now that’s pretty harsh…..at least Sophia never called BL any names.

As for the T-shirt thing that Toddian pointed out in his post. I had three of my good friends there the day that whole T-shirt thing went down and I’m glad they happened to be there that day or else I never would’ve found out what really happened and why Sophia wasn’t in the greatest of moods. They had witnessed what Sophia did but they also witnessed what had happened a little prior to her writing that Leyton comment on the T-shirt. I hadn’t been thrilled when I found out about the whole T-shirt thing, but it made sense to me after my buddies filled me in on earlier events. You have a woman who has to work day in and day out with her ex-husband and while it’s hard, you try to make the best of it. And it certainly doesn’t get easier when you have some fan girls tell her over and over again that she should’ve never divorced Chad and she should get back together with him and forgive him and blah, blah, blah while she’s signing stuff for them and standing near them. And anyone who knows her, knows that her divorce is an extremely touchy subject for her, especially in the first few years after they split. There were all kinds of colorful people there the day they filmed the airport scene and during the T-shirt incident. You had some fans who were pretty nice, you had some fans who were downright fucking rude and saying nasty things about Sophia to Chad and vice versa, and then you had a few fucking psychos who thought they should try getting inside Sophia’a head and convince her to take back her douche bag of an ex-husband. Uhhhh….how about no???

So was I surprised that her annoyance and frustration with what these girls were saying to her spilled over into the whole BL/LP T-shirt incident? NO.

Was it professional? NO.

Do I blame her? NO. Because even though she’s an actress, she’s still human and while all she did was deface the BL T-shirt, I probably would’ve bitch slapped the girls for telling me to stop being difficult and to take my cheating ex-husband back.

But hey, that’s just me.

Now I said what I had to say. Do you have to agree with me? Of course not! But I said what I did and I’m gonna stick to it.

Sophia has been consistent with her dislike of BL since day 1. No surprise there when she made those comments about Brooke being happier now on her twitter…..at least for me. Her opinion of BL has NEVER and will NEVER change my view of BL. I’ve ALWAYS LOVED THEM AND ALWAYS WILL. FACT. But that doesn’t mean I hate Sophia now or have lost any respect for her, because I haven’t. She said what she did and even though I’m a HARDCORE BL fan, I’m cool with it and I understand where she’s coming from. Period.

PS...Toddian, you’re wonderful too buddy. And I’m sorry for this being soooooooooooooooooooooooo long, but I just had to get it off my chest. You know how I am once I get started! Lol

Jennifer said...

And Sophia isn’t the first actress/actor to say negative things about a certain couple his/her character is involved in. For example, Kristen Bell, when she was filming Veronica Mars, used to say negative things all the time regarding her character, Veronica’s, relationship with Logan all the time while constantly praising Veronica and Duncan saying how much she loved them. The Veronica Mars fans who used to watch and listen to the interviews know what I’m talking about. And how about Zach Gilford, who plays Matt, in Friday Night Lights, and who has said several times how much he hates the pairing of Matt/Julie and thinks Julie is a bitch. Now that’s pretty harsh…..at least Sophia never called BL any names.

As for the T-shirt thing that Toddian pointed out in his post. I had three of my good friends there the day that whole T-shirt thing went down and I’m glad they happened to be there that day or else I never would’ve found out what really happened and why Sophia wasn’t in the greatest of moods. They had witnessed what Sophia did but they also witnessed what had happened a little prior to her writing that Leyton comment on the T-shirt. I hadn’t been thrilled when I found out about the whole T-shirt thing, but it made sense to me after my buddies filled me in on earlier events. You have a woman who has to work day in and day out with her ex-husband and while it’s hard, you try to make the best of it. And it certainly doesn’t get easier when you have some fan girls tell her over and over again that she should’ve never divorced Chad and she should get back together with him and forgive him and blah, blah, blah while she’s signing stuff for them and standing near them. And anyone who knows her, knows that her divorce is an extremely touchy subject for her, especially in the first few years after they split. There were all kinds of colorful people there the day they filmed the airport scene and during the T-shirt incident. You had some fans who were pretty nice, you had some fans who were downright fucking rude and saying nasty things about Sophia to Chad and vice versa, and then you had a few fucking psychos who thought they should try getting inside Sophia’a head and convince her to take back her douche bag of an ex-husband. Uhhhh….how about no???

So was I surprised that her annoyance and frustration with what these girls were saying to her spilled over into the whole BL/LP T-shirt incident? NO.

Was it professional? NO.

Do I blame her? NO. Because even though she’s an actress, she’s still human and while all she did was deface the BL T-shirt, I probably would’ve bitch slapped the girls for telling me to stop being difficult and to take my cheating ex-husband back.

But hey, that’s just me.

Now I said what I had to say. Do you have to agree with me? Of course not! But I said what I did and I’m gonna stick to it.

Sophia has been consistent with her dislike of BL since day 1. No surprise there when she made those comments about Brooke being happier now on her twitter…..at least for me. Her opinion of BL has NEVER and will NEVER change my view of BL. I’ve ALWAYS LOVED THEM AND ALWAYS WILL. FACT. But that doesn’t mean I hate Sophia now or have lost any respect for her, because I haven’t. She said what she did and even though I’m a HARDCORE BL fan, I’m cool with it and I understand where she’s coming from. Period.

PS...Toddian, you’re wonderful too buddy. And I’m sorry for this being soooooooooooooooooooooooo long, but I just had to get it off my chest. You know how I am once I get started! Lol

Michelle said...

Hey todd,

Glad to make ya laugh. I really don't care what anybody thinks or says, imo Sophia is BITTER. Not saying she doesn't have a right to be but when an "Actor" has a twitter war with fans then something's wrong here. From what I read on sophia's twitter it felt like she was telling BL fans that She knows brooke's character better than we do and that it was a fact that "Brooke was a footnote in the LP relationship" and when she go backlash she drops an "oh just my opinion". She even said in one tweet "don't tell me about a character i've played for 8 years". I mean if she was trying to be nice and state her opinion then whats with the attitude, hell if you go on twitter now and look at old tweets you would see people saying woah sophia's doging the brucas fans.

Fuck, she was going at them like a damn LP fan, and sorry babe never come at a bl fan like an LPer you WILL get cused the fuck out. Idk, but for me it seems like people get all dreamy eyed when it comes to celebs. You should of seen all the shit talk about BL fans. "Oh how can they say those things to her" and "omg their so evil, she doesn't deserve it blah blah blah. WTF BL fans didn't rape her, she's not this virgin nerd on the internet who will slit their wrist because someone called her a bad name. She's a grown ass women she can take it and move on.

I could really care less if she hates brucas, I just want her to be respectful about it. I'm sick of her "footenotes" and "puppy love" and "LP 4 ever" on t-shirts. Just STFU about it already, and BE REAL Soph, admit chad makes ya sick and you associate him with BL. Oh and I really have to question her intelligence when she says the last two seasons has been amazing. HA! yeah thats why 1.9 mil tuned in to watch the follow up to those amazing seasons. I wonder why she said she has had the most fun the last two years of this awful show? Hmmm.... could it be the abscence of chad in her scenes. Sophia sometimes doesn't come right out and say things but she does imply alot and I'm good at reading in between the lines.

Toddian said...

LOL, Michelle! I love your sense of humor. Haha, and I agree with everything you said. I for one am tired of her bashing BL... does she have to like them- no, but gees she does whatever it takes to undermind them.

Seems to me that if it made her so sick she should stop answering questions or should have quit... butapparently that paycheck was more important than all that rage/disgust at BL... so she apparently wasnt too damn offended! I dont think can ever be a fan of hers again, cause now its starting to get annoying.

Hey, Jennifer. I understand your vehement defending of Sophia Bush. Don’t agree but understand. I know that its not her fault Douche Michael “Need acting Lessons in a Hurry” Murray cheated on her… And Season 3 I could have Understood her “anger”… But seeing as Miss Bush could have left the show since that season onward - all of my sympathy evaporated.

Yes, she needs money. But see, the moment she decided that getting a paycheck was WORTH more than her sensitive sensibilities was the moment she lost the right to be angry/bitter/unprofessional. Sorry, but If it bothered her that much - quit! It really is that simple… :D otherwise she HAS to do her damn job professionally.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Toddian and Michelle on this topic. You don't argue with fans on twitter period. You only stoop to their level and add fuel to the fire. Ignore the comments and continue to tweet about plastic bottles and the gulf coast or just say something that would appease the fans. I think Sophia has a big problem with spouting her mouth off and getting furious before she stops and thinks. She seems like a passionate person and sometimes that passion can turn negative. She did that a while back when she went on a rant on her blog about UO and some stupid t-shirt that she thought promoted anorexia. Like Brooke Davis and OTH don't promote self and body image for young girls, just that t-shirt that said "Eat Less" which is probably what Americans need to start doing anyhow seeing that we are the most overweight country in the world. Sophia loved all the attention she got with Chad back in the day until the disaster happened and I don't believe for one second that LP was planned, maybe in season one but that quickly changed once the CS started dating and it quickly changed once they broke up. I think she tries to do damage control. Like when she claims that Austin took the job for her and to be with her so that the fans won't think that she is dating yet another co-star from the same show. I have slowly been losing a lot of respect for her and this was the icing on the cake. I got to say I think it is Austin who is bringing out the "greener" side of her because now she is going ape shit with this all of a sudden and she appears to have given up on her fashion shows.

Disgruntle Fan

Michelle said...

Todd, I couldn't agree with you more. I used to think it would of sucked if she had left the show but now after everything is said and done, It seems like her sticking around just made things worse. I mean all that bullshit talk about her, CMM, and Mark saying their professional and wouldn't let the divorce effect the show means nothing when you look at how BL was distroyed. The abrupt break up of season 4, the dissappearing scenes of SB & CMM, the denial of the relationship at all, and then the digrading comments about the ship in general. It was crazy, not only did they take shots at BL on the show but the actors of the show as well did it. It's like Brucas became this taboo subject and I have no question in my mind that was because of Sophia. I mean how could it not be when she says she "talks to the writers" and I'm sorry but whats the point of her bringing that up if she wasn't implying that she has some kind of power in talking to them. I do believe this is all CMM's fault but I rather sophia just left intead of putting herself and us through this missery. Cleary things changed after the divorce, and it must kill mark to know his show started to be shit when the BL ship went down. I'm just so over this show, the writers, and the actors. I've never seen a show fall this far before.