Monday, March 1, 2010

They Must be a Puker

1st let me just congratulate Chrissy, Jennifer, Angela and My kitten for verbally bitch slapping the stupid out of that McCrazy Dumb-shit replier. Hahaha… Cause this shit was fucking hilarious. I thought I was the master of insults but damn it if you guys didn’t open up the severest can of whoop ass wordplay I have ever seen. Muhahahaha!

I can just see that blog stalker sitting at the computer with some lotion and a gun- not sure whether to jerk off because you fucking awesome people are talking to IT or its ready’s to blow its self away because everyone is laughing their ass off at the fool.

Seriously, how the fuck is this anonymous stalker getting their rocks off by being told how much dick they can suck at even given moment? Ha-ha! Reminds me of how in season 5 Lucas was giving Seyton the uber slut all his ass to kiss and that bitch was coughing up hairballs from all the ass-hairs she sucked from his anus. LOL, that so fucking gross yet this anonymous person keeps licking our asses.

Ha-ha, sick fucker.

Therefore, I have come to a conclusion:

They are probably a disgruntled PUKER!

Puker (from the Toddian dictionary) – Crazy Peyton Sawhorse & LukAss Scott fans.

I don’t know about you guys but I have never met one with a brain. Haha, come one, seriously MOST they are deranged and doormats- that’s the exact description of Seyton and half her fanbase.

For example, our crazy stalker whined, nagged, threw a bitch fit about this blog which apparently she doesn’t like *can you since my sarcasm and eye roll?* yet it seems this bitch stays on this blog more than any of us do. Ha-ha!

I hate to break it to ya but having a deranged obsession with this blog, me, and the wonderful repliers on this blog makes you OUR FAN! Ha-ha, that’s right fool, you are our little bitch! Go fetch me so water – ha-ha! I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist it. :D

And deranged as that anonymous person is, you gotta admit it has passion to keep coming back day after day just to talk to all of us.

Deranged Pucas Stalker Fan FTW!

Need further proof?

Pukers tend to speak in an alien language know as DUMBASS-NESS! Or its street drug name called: SunPiss from the Schwahnkist!

Ha-ha, how much is everyone willing to bet this lunatic comes back and claims to be a Naley Fan?

This is the definition of a Puk-Tender.

Quote from past Blog post - BLers Be Ware of Pukers out There :

Puk-Tenders aka The Crazy Bitches in Sheep Clothing-

They pretend to be biased and just Naley friends, but you catch them posting in the I Love the Anorexic Whore aka Peyton Lovers Thread! Yes, Yes, these are the Puk-Tenders!These guys lurk, like they are probably reading this right now and waiting to post! Yes, you! You are a Puk-Tender, pretending to like Brooke as long as she cheerleads PUCAS! UH-HUH! You go to BL Love sites and anonymously bash or act like you care then say something rude and stupid! There is another name for Puk-Tenders! These people are called COWARDS! Hiding behind Naley Love and Brooke Support!

You Disgust the shit out of me, and I’m a Jerk-Wag!

Ha-ha, yes they are idiotic douches, but I love them all tha same. They make this blog popular which is FUCKING AWESOME!

Figure I should stand on my soap box now and say:

“Anonymous coward who won’t even leave a name, bigotry is not the answer. What sort of insult is calling someone a homo? Are you going to round up some Jewish people and tease them about Hitler? Maybe call African Americans and other Blacks the N Word? Gees, gonna dangle food in front of Homeless people?

Damn, ha-ha, you are just pathetic.

I mean really, where did you get your joshing lessons: The back of a Count Chocula cereal box?

Been taking Yo Mama lessons from Barney and Baby Bop?

Shit, been trading lines with the Cat in the Mother fucking Hat?

Can I expect Blues Clues to jump out and teach me how to spell the word GAY?

Hahaha, Gees, I’m embarrassed that that was the best you could do?

You need some lessons in insults asap!

Not that it matters to me but bigotry is not okay! Just because you’re pissing your panties over this blog doesn’t mean you need to get all diseased brain psychotic on us. It makes me sad for you…LOL!”

*steps off soapbox*

So, you know it’s a Puker when…

It says, “I’m going to keep coming back after the break to laugh at you guys, etc.”
LOL, well duh dumb shit this is a hilarious blog and not only that but you don’t have to give us an excuse/ reason to stalk us.

Hello, that’s what stalkers do and I for one will not ask you to change from who you are – which if your small brain still doesn’t understand – this means you are a STALKER! Hahaha!

Do we ask the wind why it blows? No.

Ask the toilet why it flushes? No.

Ask the Schwahn why he can’t write his way out of an open door? Sometimes, but for the sake of this conversation I’m going to say no. ha-ha

So everyone lets play a game.

Let’s play the, “YOU KNOW IT’S A PUKER WHEN” GAME…

Use this phrase and write a hilarious moment when a crazy Puker lost IT’s marbles on you.

Much love Homies… LOL



I know exactly who that poster is... don't let them fool you. They claim to be a Haley fan but defend Pucas like they are real people usually under different screen names. LOL, Its a chick from the CW site who wants to make sweet sweet love to the toddster but I have a "me no fucky Ugly Broads policy" so her panties are all in a twist.

If you are not her stalker, well, um... sorry to have compared you to that thing. She puts the man in Managed to scare the living shit out of all human beings on sight. Hahaha!

Oh and if you guys ever wanna just talk to me, you an find me at either:


on msn as Toddian (I think I'm the only one there)... email me at


Anonymous said...


This latest post was all kinds of AWESOME. I'd add more to it, but you just about summed it up perfectly so there's no need for me to say anything else. It's hilarious and right on point.


Anonymous said...
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Mila said...

LOL! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! SOO FUCKING HILARIOUS! Please keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...
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Chrissy said...

Awe, crazy stalker is back! LOL

You have feelings? But you use the words 'homo' and 'faggot' like they're supposed to be insulting. I didn't think you had a brain, let alone feelings...

I mean, you wrote 'terds' instead of 'turds' - you can't even spell shit right, literally.

And you laugh at us? Wow, that cut real deep, so deep I'm rolling my eyes right now. Seriously, so you laugh at us - well what the hell makes you think we don't laugh our asses off at you, crazy 'lil stalker bitch? We're supposed to believe you don't care when you are on here every week attempting some sort of lame-ass reply? Face it kidlet, we know you love us otherwise you wouldn't bother.

But just so you know, cos it seems you are a little misinformed (or perhaps dropped on your head as a kid) - acting all hardcore and big 'n tough against us on here will not help you with any of the following:

1. Decrease the amount of people in your world who think your a gutless loser! Yeah, fighting with online people won't stop everyone else (as well as us) thinking you're anything but a pathetic bowl of urine.

2. Increase the size of your dick! Acting all hard won't actually make it grow, and since you seem like you belong on the short bus, here's another free tip - water doesn't help it grow either, so you might as well cut down on the showers now and save yo momma some money :)

3. The apparent perpetual lying problem. Own up, man, you know you love us. You keep asking who gives a shit about what we think, yet you're on here spewing rabid responses like it's in fashion week after week. If you don't care, then don't post. It's that simple. But you can't help yourself, can you? Because secretly you love us and you know that we're the bomb and you're the crud that sticks to gonads that haven't been washed in a week.

4. Your hypocrisy. Yes, we sit behind a computer and yes we're balling you out - and now tell me you're not doing the same when you sit at your computer desk and hit that lovely "publish your comment" button. The only difference is that there's a whole bunch of us laughing at you, and only one of you thinking we're wrong. I'm feeling a "majority rules" moment coming on...

So seriously, I'm glad we give you so much entertainment. Laugh away - just don't forget that our majority of laughs would drown out the sqeaky little mouse sound you make any day.

Oh yeah, I still recommend fucking yourself though, release some of that built up tension - it can't be fun being a friendless loser who has nothing better to do than rag on internet people because real-life people think you're about as interesting as week-old, crusty dog shit. I'm telling you now, your hand can be your friend and then maybe you won't be filled with rage all the time.

Seriously. Go fuck yourself :)

Oh, and by the way, who the hell do we think we are?

I'm fucking Chrissy... that's who I am. Now who the fuck are you, you chicken shit?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

^^ STALKER, I love that you are so invested to come back daily but really, you are not a dude. Being a dude requires having balls and well, if you did you wouldn't be pretending to be a guy and would tellyour name. LOL, this is Todd by the way.

And Chris is a chick but she is more a man than you will ever be since you are about as hard as your mom's loose cunt at her friday night Hooker Fest... which i have tickets too BTW.

I'm totally gonna screw your Mom's brains out! LOL!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

^ still gonna screw her Brains out.

Your Mom & Todd Forever!

Oh and i didn't read the rest of that, casue that would have been a waste of time. LOL