Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Apparently Stalkers ARE a Schwahn Thing!


Pucas devotion reached new levels of low this week as yet another member of the Incest Brigade was set loose upon our unsuspecting community, directly from the Schwahn Institute of Pucas Bum-sucking!

Here we were, enjoying the relative calm that comes with not having to digest a crapfest episode for the week, when none other than our crazy, obsessed stalker followed his/her/its heart and posted once more. I had to admit, I thought those Pukers were low already, but this thing must be having a wild time laying on it’s back and licking the crud of Schwahn’s hairy gonads, because I highly doubt it could get much lower than the shit this moron managed to say.

I thought it was only Tree Hill fiction that had to endure Mark’s obvious hard-on for stalkers, but clearly his reach has captured the soul of this incredibly stupid human being (and I hesitate to use that term on such an animal) and thus subjected us to the continuous verbal diarrhea this limp-dick mother fucker spewed out.

Their responses were textbook Puker Retaliation Tactics:

If you can’t beat them – attack their physical appearance! Seriously you dumbass, you really have no valuable comeback that you have to resort to this kind of elementary school-yard taunts? Newsflash dumbshit – they’re not insulting in the slightest when they are stated by a loose-lipped moron who clearly doesn’t have the mental capacity to actually go head-to-head.

Hating on the Real Life Actress and not the character! For real, tearing down Sophia Bush is just idiocy. First of all, she is the greatest asset to the show and even her shit is more appealing than that googley-eyed, praying mantis whore known as Seyton! Secondly, whilst she’s up getting paid and living her life, you’re sitting behind a computer screen, probably eating your own snot, hating on her and looking like a fool. And for what? You’re not even a blip on her radar my friend, so stick that oiled-up hand of yours back on your junk and tug a little harder… it might help take the sting of being a nobody away.

Tear down the competition without addressing your team! Yep, that’s right, attack Sophia and Brucas lovers all you want, Tear down the Brucas ship and the Brooke character and use your hate for them to prove just how great Pucas are… oh wait, Pukers NEVER mention their ship because really, let’s face it, there is not one redeeming quality about that couple AT ALL! In order for a couple to be epic they need to have chemistry, interesting conversation, independence and true love – all of which Pucas do NOT possess. Watching them is about as interesting as watching fucking paint dry.

The only thing EPIC about Pucas is their epic FAIL at being a decent ship.

Finally, and here’s the part that makes our incessant stalker probably the most pathetic goon on the planet – the use of derogatory terms like “homo” to make some kind of point? I’m sorry, but apart from demonstrating the immense lack of human decency you seem to possess, you have demonstrated that you clearly have no riveting comeback, no valid reasoning, and no interesting points or arguments in which to refute what we say. Nothing you say is of any substance, nothing you blurt out carries any meaning what-so-ever and nothing about you is even remotely interesting.

You are, quite simply, a fucking idiot. Momma must be so proud!

So here’s what I think… and this is the fun part. There’s this magical thing called a “delete” button on here, and I think Jennifer had it right when she said the best thing to do would be to delete your ass – because, in reality, the trash ALWAYS gets thrown out, and you, our dear stalker, are nothing but TRASH!

So, that’s it for me this week… here’s to enjoying another Monday night free from the continued bore known as One Tree Hill, and to getting ourselves prepared for the final four installments of this festering pile of shit parading as a drama television series. I’ve already got my Quinn gag-bucket ready and waiting.

Later peeps,

Chrissy :)


Toddian said...

LOL, much word. Much word Jennifer. You both ROCK! LOL

Kitten said...

Woot woot, this post made me giggle at least 5 times. You guys are goofs <3

Love it and you

<3 Later lovelies

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Chrissy said...

Jennifer, did you understand a word that douche was saying?

I don't understand loser-speak. Maybe we need a translater?

Unknown said...

ahahahaa..what ive always wanted to say to pucas shippers =]