Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sophia Bush Say WHAT? Muhahaha!

So apparently Pucaser also know as Pukers, better known as dick sucking Mark scwhan SunPiss drinking Toolbags are all in a tizzy cause Sophia Bush said BL were puppy Love...

Okay... well thats her opinion. Good for her, further proving that BL ended because of personal matters and not because PUCAS were fated to spit Vile Incest Cum all over our television sets. Haha... big whoop! I mean, someone even said they are glad the actress sees that Bl meant nothing... cause well you know:

Her opinion will save many orphans, will change the space time continum, will make Mark Schwahn stop dreaming of dangling his hairy man sacks all over that chick who plays Peyton's huge eyed head... :O Haha, LOL...

My point is, who gives a fuck what Sophia Bush says? She's an actress, the only reason I watch this suck ass show but that doesn't mean her opinion means shit. Am I to believe that if she says that bathing in Sunkist will make you a good writer when we all have seen proof (ie Mark Schwahn) that its not true? Haha, LOL... stupid Pukers.

Then again these are the same people who though that they were SEYTON SawSLUT in real life. AKA *CRAZY FUCKING FOOLS*

So... my words of advice are that Sophia Bush is an actress and it is her job to pimp whatever will make her some money, whatever is in her best interest. And since allowing Julian the Forehead Monger will get her a paycheck and keep her away from that creepy ex-husband of hers, I'd say its just GOOD business...

Oh my god, it's PUCAS!!!

Oh no wait, it's just Mark's lack of creativity and his ever-missing gonads!

So... what could have potentially been an amazing episode turned into a fucking fizzer yet again. I am now more than convinced that these lame writers were picked from the cereal aisle of the local market because they don't know dick about drama, realism or chemistry.

What they do know about, however, is killing off the wrong characters, turning the great ones into emerging psychos, making the strongest chick turn into a fucking marshmallow and redeeming fuckstick characters in such a way that redemption was never acquired and televison sets were destroyed globally due to viewer rage.

Where to start?

Probably with the good stuff because it won't take long. Lindsey McKeon killed it. Hands down the BEST acting this show has seen in a long time and Taylor was by far my favorite. I cannot believe that they went for the retarded option of choosing Shantel or whatever the fuck that twat wants to call herself, and shove this disgustingly poor-acting bitch in our faces through the inane character of Quinn, when we could have gone through a redemption storyline with Taylor and an actress who actually knows what she is doing.

Lame Mark, real lame.You writers are fucking retarded. There is no other words for you!

R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D!!! Hmm, well I think even that word is giving Dork Schwahn and his Merry Gang of Hack Ball licking writers, too much credit.

Not that Taylor needed much redemption in my opinion - Haley never hated her this much before, but throw holier-than-though Queen McBeak into the mix and suddenly Taylor is the worst thing to ever hit the James family. Newsflash you dumb fucks, Taylor rocks and Quinn sucks manly, festering balls. Mark, get your shaft out of that bitch's mouth and realize she can't act for crap and stop this torture before it goes any further.

Now, the reasons why this show is currently spinning around in the shitter en-route to the sewage plant.Haley - I'm sorry hun, but you bored me to tears. That whole Mom/soup whatever... totally stupid. I may be a cold and heartless bitch for saying this, but I just couldn't buy into you tonight and I think the death scene for Lydia was sweet... but a bit Notebook for me when she saw her dead husband right before taking her last breath?

Come on now...

that was just shit and i kinda laughed a little.

Maybe it was just haley's scenes with Quinn that made me feel indifferent. or the Naley that was just hugging and sobbing.. whatever, I was bored. Quinn though and her self-righteous rant on Taylor was fucked up. "Collossal Selfish Bitch".

Right, Quinn calls Taylor that, yet you don't see Taylor leaving her husband and being that collossally selfish... interesting... But really, Haley was okay... I just felt that they could have had her drama last a little longer. I mean, even the Nathan scandal at the beginning of the season lasted longer than this storyline. What the fuck is with that shit? Suddenly Bethany has a chance to act and they make her cram it all into like a few episodes.

And where the fuck is the Baley love? Somewhere in the land of "DONT SUCK" which the Schwahn has been Banished from since season 3 ended.

Not even an acknowledgement at the funeral?

No hospital visits?


FUCK OFF MARK if you think we're going to buy into that crap.

Baley is the best friendship on the show and once again, you can't find a way to enhance that which is good about the show. You all must be shit sniffers professionally because you seem to love the smell this show is putting off!

Nathan. Serving no purpose yet again. Wait? Who the hell is Nathan? Haha, just kidding... thats the corpse that stands around like a coat hanger, correct? I was kinda touched with last week with his whole "being a great dad and husband" routine, but that lasted all of five minutes.

Put a ball in his hands and send him off to camp or whatever cos I'm tired already. And that fucking ferret son of theirs just holds zero interest for me. Get the fuck off my screen before I shoot you. NEXT!

Clay/Katie - could be interesting, but in true Mark "I Ate My Dick For Lunch And Now I Don't Know What I'm Doing" form, once there is competition for the couple he "envisions" as end game, time to annihiliate the opposing side (Brooke character assassination season 4, anyone?)

Well done jerk off, you've managed to scrape the crusty remains of that series of shit and spread a great pile of it over the Katie character. Really Mark, all those monkey writers sucking on your nads and all you can come up with is the repeated storyline of a crazy person?

Derek and Carrie not good enough for you? Face it shithead, chemistry is chemistry, and you might understand that if you ever got off your dorky butt in high school and tried to take your dick for a spin instead of whining over that punk-wannabe blonde cheerleader who clearly had no idea who you were.

That also goes for viewers being able to see that a duck-face Quinn gremlin holds no romantic spark for this Clay Evans dude, no matter how many "I Love You's" you try to throw in each episode, nor the amount of time you spend trying to get him to kiss her. And yes, I said TRYING. Chick's lips must be covered with chilli or ice cos he can't seem to attach them properly... I'm just saying. When they make out it's like two worms trying to mate. Disturbing at the highest level. Fucking yuck!

What else?


In what alternate universe would Mouth... MOUTH... ever get the girls he seems to grab on this show. Dude looks like a fucking walrus on crack and yet these girls seem to find some interest in him? I call BULLSHIT! Big, stinking, ate-too-much-nachos-for-lunch BULLSHIT!

What kind of a dude snakes his BEST FRIEND's girl when he is staying in HIS house and he's away on business. Mouth, you need to be stabbed in your sleep or something because the lectures you gave to Millie mean jack shit now, you insufferable turd! And to have Lauren go from being smart and NOT going out with him, to randomly taking a chance at the end and macking out with him - FUCKING GROSS!

And now Skills is back (jail time clearly over I assume???) and looking fine as always... and they just stand there like dumb fucking deers in the headlights. Karma is a bitch Marky mark and you are so gonna find out one day that friendship ebtrayal in order to get some actually hurts, and anyone with HALF a brain doesn't buy into it.Pucasers clearly have less than half a brain, in case you were all wondering. Tools.

Alex - aren't you a pool of self-loathing? Well she does have to wake up everyday and realized she will forever be tied to this suckass show forever.

Ha-di-fucking-ha-ha you stupid wench! Punched in the face by Brooke, sleeping with Alexander only to have him turn you down for Victoria Davis (yep, our young aussie designer fell for and tapped that VD - anyone else disturbed by her initials???), winding up getting filmed screwing the lead in the film... and you get turned down by guys who prefer a little Davis action. Oh well, sucks to be you.

My advice? CUT DEEPER! Not gonna lie, read this and thought it said deep throat.

Finally, Brooke. Oh no wait, she wasn't in this episode because the Brooke I know and love would NEVER apologize to Julian for all the shit he put her through. Nor would she ever say that her and Alex were "Okay" and apologize to her either!


Oh my god Mark, you are such a fucking dick! Of course Brooke thought Julian slept with Alex, and his whole "So you still don't trust me" was suddenly made okay because SHE took all the blame in this? She chases him, she apologizes to Alex, she gets kicked off the set.... and she is the one saying sorry? Julian, word to the wise - PUT YOUR WOMAN FIRST!

No self-respecting chick would ever be second to any other chick... I guess Austin's licking of Mark's ass crack really got him places. More like they have been recreating the love scene from Brokeback Mountain and Marks been taking too many hit up his ass - where coincidentally his brains are located. Who knew?

Yeah Julian, go kiss Brooke and have make up sex without having to apologize at all, you fucking piece of crap. And who else thinks this "magical" (sorry, just choked on the thought of Boolian being anything other than a festering pile of shit) reunion moment is going to eventuate in that predictable miracle baby for Brooke.

NOOOOOOOOO! How about Brooke just get Cancer and die... I'd rather that happen than watch my girl secret anything that is gonna be bred of douche bag pond cum from The Julie-monster! That Pussy ass bitch!


Julian is more believable bending over and taking it up the arse from Mark than actually being the right guy for Brooke Fucking Davis!

Remember her, Mark? The girl everyone liked better than Peyton... no matter how much shit you threw her way or how bad you tried to make her look? Now, you turn her into Seyton and people are losing faith - so what does that tell you? Mark Schwahn is a serious douche.

So, where do we go from here?Well, since we're heading down Boring Shit Highway, I'd say the chances of these last four episodes being entertaining are pretty slim.

I predict a Boolian spawn. Ugh, Now how can Julian impregnant Brooke when His Dick is currently shoved to far up his own ass (to spill his seed) Muhahaha!

Naley nothing-ness, Quinn/Clay forced relationship and one crazy stalker who may prove to be the best additon to the show yet. Even crazy, Katie/Sara's chemistry with Clay pissed all over Quinn's chemistry with him. Not too hard seeing as Katie/Sarah has a pulse.

And some lame Mouth/Skills issue with Lauren that will affect Millie - even though we all know that on his worst day Skills would be the more desirabe of the two. This show is a fucking joke!That's it for me this week though... I'm so pissed off at what this show has become that I'm not gonna sign any lame season 8 petitions. This show isn't even a shell of its former self, so why would I endorse its return?


Anyway, rant, review... have your say!

Later peeps,

Chrissy & Toddian

Much Love Homies


Anonymous said...

Hey Toddian and Chrissy,

Okay for starters, I saw what Sophia Bush had said about BL. Now honestly, that didn’t bother me at all and I understood why she said what she did. Not just because I love her, but because from a woman’s point of view thinking back to what she had to go through because of what Chad did, makes me completely understand her view and her opinions.

First of all, like you said..Sophia is an actress who is portraying a character that was screwed over not once, but twice by her high school boyfriend and the very first love of her life. That same said boyfriend then went on to hook up with her characters best friend aka PeytWhore only to end up marrying that whore years later to then have a daughter with her. So I guess, from Sophia’s viewpoint, she doesn’t quite see what the BL fans see and why they love the couple so much. She only sees that Lucas never pursued Brooke after high school because he was too busy shoving his head up PeytWhore’s ass only to end up marrying her.

And I remember Sophia saying in an interview once that she never really sits down and watches the episodes after they’re finished. So I don’t think she really knows how the BL relationship comes across on television and why the BL fans love Brucas so much.

Plus, we all know how Sophia’s marriage to Chad ended. The douche bag cheated on her like the fucking creep he is. So no wonder Sophia wasn’t a BL fan seeing as how that would mean she would have to engage in doing intimate scenes with a guy who cheated on her and flushed their marriage down the toilet. As a woman, I wouldn’t want to do love scenes with my ex-husband either. So you’re right Toddian, the biggest reason BL ended was due to personal matters.

Now third, it is a known fact that every actor/actress always praises the current relationship his/her character is currently involved in on the show. They are being PAID to pimp their characters and their characters relationships. So why wouldn’t she praise Brulian? Mark is the fucking writer and he is the one who comes up with the couples and the storylines….not the actors. So seeing as how Sophia is an actress, it is her job to not only portray the character she is supposed to(no matter how much Mark’s writing sucks balls) but to also pimp her character and her relationship with Julian as well.

As for the latest episode itself…..why the fuck would they kill off such a great character and keep the twats on instead?! Oh wait....I know this answer...its because Mark is a fucking idiot. The woman who played Haley’s mom in the episode did an amazing job. She actually got me a little emotional last night. Lindsay who plays Taylor also did a wonderful job. When she was crying and delivering her lines, it came across as raw and real.

And I agree……Haley NEVER hated Taylor this much before back in season 2. Granted they weren’t the best of friends, but Taylor left Tree Hill after some encouraging words to Haley to help her deal with the whole Nathan thing. But now all of a sudden. Haley can’t even stand the sight of Taylor ever since Quinn aka the most ANNOYING bitch in the world came to town. Yeah, Haley made up with Taylor now and so did Big Nose but the treatment Taylor has been receiving in the past few episodes from her sisters was just harsh. Seriously though...why couldn’t Mark have picked Lindsay to play the part of Quinn?! At least then, watching the chick who plays Quinn wouldn’t have been so painful.

Anonymous said...

I also felt that with the latest storyline regarding Haley’s moms illness and impending death, Mark could’ve really given Haley some juicier lines and an opportunity to really show her emotional side by showing how devastated she was by what was happening. Instead, Mark made Haley spend half of the episode making soup instead of giving the viewers some powerful mother/daughter interaction and heartfelt emotions. He totally blew that chance for Haley. Her scenes just didn’t do much for me unlike Taylors.

And what about the Baley love?! These girls are supposed to be best friends and yet Mark always fails time and time again to give us proper Baley scenes when Brooke and Haley need each other most. Like when Brooke found out that she couldn’t have any children….I still don’t think Haley even knows that piece of information. And then when Haley’s mom revealed she was sick….there wasn’t a single Brooke/Haley scene where Haley told Brooke what was going on. Does Mark even realize what the fuck “best friend” even means?!

And what about Nathan? He has done nothing for the past few episodes expect stand around and serve as a prop or even as a piece of furniture. Is Mark planning on doing something with him because the last time I checked, he is a main character.

So does anyone else think that Clay and Katie have great chemistry? I remember liking Clay’s scenes with Sara. Granted that she was a ghost and all but I actually saw something between them unlike Clay and Quinn which is a dreadful couple. I could actually see something happening between Clay and Katie but we all know nothing ever will because Mark loves Quinn and so therefore, he is going to make sure Quinn and Clay end up together.

As for the whole Mouth, Lauren, and Skillz triangle……….goes to show how much creativity Mark and the rest of his posse lack. You know what….I’m not even gonna waste my time talking about them.

And as for this whole Alexander and Victoria thing…..I have to admit…..I can’t help but find it disturbing. As happy as I am that he totally blew off Alex and ignored her…..I can’t help but find this new relationship between Alexander and Victoria to be really weird.

And I can’t even say that I’m surprised that Brooke Davis isn’t the same Brooke from previous seasons. We all know by now how much Mark enjoys butchering her character and I’m used to it by now, so none of her actions surprised me all that much. Mark is a fucking douche and the man has been fucking around with my favorite character and my favorite couple for years...so I’m almost immune to it now.

And I just have to steal this line because I completely agree with it as well:


See you both in a few weeks for the final four episodes……THANK GOD.


Anonymous said...

Here's an idea freaks, don't like don't watch. You people are sick!! Get help.

Anonymous said...

Why do I need to leave you my fucking name. What are you going to do hunt me down and kill me!! I"m shaking in my boots. Talk about hiding behind a computer screen to rant about a show that you claim you don't like. Big deal you sign your name. I know a thousand Chrissy's does that make a difference. Do you want me to leave you my address too bitch. You have issues beyond your hatred for OTH I suggest you seek medical attention ASAP!

I stumbled upon this and I couldn't stop laughing at the looneys that you to morons posses. You rant to who your two other loser friends. Can't you just pick up the phone and rant to each other.LOL And what just because you are capable of using FUCK as every other word makes you a critic. Mark knows exactly what he is doing, obviously he has been on the show for seven seasons. Just because you Sophia can't do drama to save her life well that isn't Marks fault.

Now my curiosity has been lifted and I will continue to check this website to get good laughs from you obvious misfits and losers in society.

Now if you'll excuse me I am off to hide under my rock. Until next time "homies"or should I say "homos". What a riot this web page is. Biggest joke I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and so I’ll join you Chrissy. My name is Jennifer and I fucking HATE OTH this season as well and thanks to a little something called Freedom Of Speech, I have every right to bitch about the show and it’s writers all I want. And if anyone has a problem with that, then I strongly suggest that you FUCK OFF.

The only misfit and loser I see in society is this anonymous bitch who can’t seem to stomach the fact that we have every right to say what we want about a fucking show we’ve all been watching since the beginning. None of us randomly just picked a show and decided to bash it for the hell of it. There was a time when we all actually loved this crappy show but clearly thanks to Marks genius writing skills, it has turned into shit. Now if we want to continue watching it despite hating it, I don’t understand why this fucking bothers you so much. We’re using our own time and computers to write whatever the hell we want so I don’t understand why you’re so fucked in the head, that you gotta come on here and complain about how you’re right and everyone on this blog is wrong.(And FYI, just because most people don’t bother leaving a comments doesn’t mean that plenty of others don’t enjoy coming on this blog and reading it as well.) And for those who don’t, they either don’t visit this blog or read it and move the fuck on. Unlike you, they don’t sit there reading every single detail, getting madder and madder, and so pissed that you can’t leave without calling people who visit this blog “losers” or some other clever word. You try to come across in your comments as someone who isn’t bothered by the comments and as someone who can’t help but “laugh” when she reads it. But we all pretty much know that this blog DEFINITELY bothers you A LOT more than you care to admit because your actions and words PROVE otherwise.

So now, you can continue to check this website like you just admitted and “get those good laughs” you claim to get. And in the meantime, we’ll continue writing whatever the fuck we want about the show all while knowing that every word and every sentence we write, is pissing you off beyond belief. You can deny it all you want, but your latest actions, have just PROVED to the rest of us that if it was up to you, this blog would disappear in a heartbeat because it clearly bothers you THAT much.Lol

Hate to break it ya bitch….but it’s just NOT going to happen.

PS……While you go “hide under your rock,” I can only hope it crushes you to death. Take that BITCH and shove it up your ass.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys =)

Angela here. I just had to say something after reading the comments.
LOL at the pschotic bitchhhhhh who came on here and called everyone who posts on this blog and who haven't been too fond of One Tree Hill for the past few seasons, losers and told them to seek help. After all the blog is called "Rant and Review" so the way I see it, this anonymous twit should consider seeking help herself before advising others to do so themselves. The sheer stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me.

Anonymous said...

May I suggest an anger management course. You guys must be a real trip to hang out with in person with all your ranting and raving all day long. I bet people just love you because you sound like such fun, happy people, note the sarcasim. What a bitch to live in a world with such anger and vulgarness and a huge chip on your shoulders. What a sad bunch of misfits. Why can't you take your ranting to the other OTH fan boards, is it because you can't sound cool and use the word FUCK whenever you want.

Later Homo's. Now I have to wait until April to read about your next retarted review about a show that is on its last leg. LOSERS!!!!!!!! I got all my friends reading this shit and WOW people really are fucked up! Try some Prozac. Thanks for the great laughs. I could see how people would blog about OTH and now I see the type of losers that would waste their time doing so. It is amazing the trash you can find on the net.

Anonymous said...

^^Wow. The more you talk, the more your stupidity becomes even more evident. It’s funny actually, the way you just can’t just seem to stay away. No wait...it’s actually PATHETIC. Have you really stooped so low that you’ve resorted to calling me ugly? WOW. Well lets start off with the fact that you have NO fucking idea what the hell I look like and it makes me laugh that you think the only people who blog or hate OTH “must be ugly and aren’t getting laid.” If my FIANCE saw this, he would laugh his ass off at how insane and stupid you truly are. Just because I write my opinions down about a show on a blog does NOT mean my life is pathetic. You’re basically saying that anyone who blogs, must have no life which is amusing because there are thousands among thousands of blogs out there these days and half of them don’t even get any response or comments. Yet, this one gets attention and has followers who like to drop in and read what is posted every week. And your immature ass just brought even more attention to it, so thank you for that.

PS...It’s hilarious that you accuse us of “living in a computer,” yet you keep coming back and dropping pathetic comments left and right. Hypocrisy much?

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, our crazy person is still stalking us? Keep it up dude, the more you reply the more blatantly obvious it is that you love us haha. You rant about us ranting... hypocracy at its best!

And really, homos? What are you, 5? That is really the best you can come up with? And going all psycho-jealous on Sophia Bush - that just explains it all, you rabid pucaser! You guys are just a big ball of tasteless crazy! I understand you completely now and you make me laugh. Hahahaha.

Do you really have such limited friends that you come online and rant at people you dont even know?? Seriously, join a group, get some therapy, learn how to mingle... your life will be better for it and you won't have to fill the void of feeling your own pathetic short-comings by tearing down random strangers to boost your failing ego.

Get help dude, seriously. It's clear you need it.

Later crazy-lady!


Kitten said...

Hehehehe, not gonna lie - I only skimmed this little argument, but I about died because of whoever said: "Okay, for starters, its “retarded” and not “retarted” you dumb bitch."

Hahahaha, ooh good times.

Go Chrissy & Todd... and everyone else whose names I'm too lazy to scroll and find. :P

Freedom of speech FTW!

Unknown said...

just got linked to this blog today and it is effing brilliant. u guys are awesome. this is the first time ive come across a good pro-brucas driven blog and everything just hits the nail. did i say how brilliant this is? this is epic stuff =]