Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So… OTH sucks, what’s new?

Did I watch?

No, sure didn’t because I refuse to give this disgusting, lifeless, boring show any more ratings from me. The show Blows and everyone and their blind mama knows it. Really, does anyone really care about Quinn and the man she left, he should be thanking GOD she can no longer peak him in the eye with that nose-beak. And isn’t she spreading her malleable legs to that chiseled tooth bastard Clay, so the hate on Taylor is ridiculous.

See, I love Haley and she and Brooke are hilarious together but I have no desire to see her gang up on Taylor, or fall into any pools- Yes, I’m giving up the chance to see a wet t-shirt because this show is sooo fucking dumb! If Haley doesn’t want her and David there, kick them out instead of acting like a five year old.

This is season 6 – dumb fuck Haley all over again.

Now what really pissed me off is Brooke. What the fuck is this dumb bitch agreeing to still make shit for Julian for? She is my favorite character but dumb is dumb! Excuse me Mark Schwahn, Take that dude Austin’s dick from between your ears and realize that he is dead weight. Does he honestly believe that we will forget that Julian choose Alex over Brooke and will believe he fought for Brooke? When? Other than letting that gigantic ass bookshelf shaped forehead wrinkle like a piss soaked blanket, that bastard aint done shit.
Wish he would change his pad and grow his nuts back- the Schwahn that is. Cause this melodrama is so overplayed its ridiculous.

Talk about plot driven bullshit. I don’t claim to know the inner workings of chicks, but motherfucker, no female whom still has a pussy would take that shit. Girls on my block would have slapped the ugly from Julian’s face and then spit on him like the trash he is.
The nerve of that guy… fighting for Brooke? Please, I’ve seen more fight in a corpse.
Brooke fans will not accept a rewrite because the Schwahn has too much fun bouncing on whomever has their dick up his ass this week.

As for the rest- mouth, Mille, Victoria---- I have three words for ya:

This show blows.

sooo... feel free to say what you need to say, rant and rave. Cause this show needs a quick and painless cancelation- NOW!


Anonymous said...

Hey Toddian,

Its very clear after reading this weeks rant that OTH had gotten on your last nerve. Not that I blame you. I’m hoping and praying that this season will be the LAST fucking season of OTH. But seeing as how OTH is one of the few shows on the CW that has continued to have steady ratings since season 1, I don’t think the CW is gonna let OTH go anytime soon. Unfortunately, the fans have kept OTH on the air for years and unless a huge chunk of the viewing audience stops watching it, it’ll probably come back for season 8...which I’m hoping won’t happen because I HATE Mark Schwahn(who rejoices every time his crappy show gets picked up for another season) and I hate the show. I only continue to watch it and put myself through this torture week in and week out for Brooke/Sophia, so unless she leaves soon, I’m probably gonna continue watching it.

Every fucking character on last nights show pissed me off with the exception of 2/3. I fucking hate Quinn and the actress who plays her so every time one of her scenes come up, I just wanna throw my remote control at the tv. The bitch acts like she does nothing wrong and has never done anything wrong either. She acts like a fucking martyr but in reality, she’s far from it.

Haley really got on my nerves in this episode as well. The woman was literally acting like a three old. If she thinks that’s cute or funny...umm NEWFLASH...it wasn’t. She’s a grown ass woman and if she doesn’t want Taylor or David in HER house, then she can kick them out instead of hiding all of the pots and pans and trying to “ruin her appetite” by stuffing her face.

We should get in touch with people who work for the CW or its president and beg them to cancel the show because I just want it to end already!! I want Sophia to move on to better things because OTH stopped being good after season 3...unfortunately.


Anonymous said...

Stop bitching. Sophia ain't moving onto bigger and better things. Let's get real. She doesn't even have a good movie with her job on One Tree Hill.She's a mediocre actress at best who pimps herself down red carpets with her latest boy toy conquest for exposure.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Damn someone's got their panties all tied up in a bunch. If you don't want to read about people bitching, then what the fuck are you doing on this blog??

I said what I did and I fucking stand by it. So if you don't like it, then shove it up your ass.

I love how random pricks think they know what the fuck they're talking about. Do you have some sort of "magical powers" that allow you to see into the future and determine who's gonna be successful or not? I don't fucking think so.

Sophia hasn't been able to do much of anything since she started OTH. She's stuck in a fucking small town where she spends 10 months out of the fucking year shooting for a damn show. How do you expect her to film a good movie and commit herself to one when she's spends most of the year filming for OTH? She doesn't have the luxery of auditioning for film roles like other television actors who mostly film in fucking Los Angeles unlike OTH which is shot in fucking North Carolina. So excuse her fans for wanting her to leave the show and move on to BIGGER and BETTER things.

If you gotta problem with what I or anyone else on this blog has to say, I suggest you take your bullshit and feed it to someone who actually fucking cares because its ovbious you don't like anything what anyone has to say on this blog. Its not rocket science-if you don't like reading something, then stay AWAY from it instead of bitching about what others have to say.

Anonymous said...

You want to be sarcastic in your defense of the hoe I'd suggest that you learn how to spell LUXURY.

Anonymous said...

No excuse for watching this shitty show even if Sophia Bush is hot.