Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So I missed the new OTH... haha

Well, I didn't even know the show was coming back on last night nor do I plan to watch. But here is my guess... we had more of Big ass nosed Quinn and Chisled tooth Clay's ridiculousness, Julian proved once again that his dick is on his face rather than his pants, and Alex the Whore who can't even kill herself properly is still breathing to annoy and Bore viewers into quitting.

Does anyone even care about those too life sucking Vomiteers... thats right, they induce almost as much vomit as Pucas did. Seriously, Haley's concert thing or whatever, and we shoulc care about David being there with Taylor?

Why? Didn't dickface quinn cheat and hook up with Clay. Unless that She-man pinochio lookin beeotch has quicksilver divorcing powers too. *insert Eyeroll*

I say go davd and Taylor...have hot animal sex because at least I can watch you two without scratching my balls.

I think its time we all give up the goose and quit.

I heard that Haley said that "JULIAN IN NOT LUCAS"

Well if Fucking Prop Haley hasn't lost the remainder of the brains she shitted out season 6, than i don't know what she has done with them? Lets see, ugly ass five headed Julian aka Tranny ass girlvoiced ballon head is the BOOTLEG "Poorman's" Lucas!

He couldn't be Lucas if he was a clone of Dan's retarded sperm.

He's a wannabe with the face Ronald McDonald's gay twin brother.

and what is this I hear about Julian supposedly dumping Brooke to help Alex?

Didn't Brooke dump his ass in 2009...

Mark Schwahn needs to stop letting the actor who plays Julian tickle his balls and write this horrible actor off the screen. Damn, if i have to see that inflated piece of shitTurd he calls a head on more time I just might vomit. Seriously vomit.

and who would have thought Victoria was right about Julian and his homoerotic, wanna be a female victim tendencies? I wouldn't have but that asshole apparently thinks otherwise.

I really have nothing else to say except maybe Brooke needs to move on fast. Just run away and get with a real man. Hell, she can hook up with a check - even though techincally Julian is a ball-less PUSSY!

so, from now on my reviews may be a day or two after the episode airs if i watch it at all. But whatever.

as for Milli- Please die and take your slut friend Alex with you.

Someone fill me in on whats happening.

Much love Homies,


Anonymous said...

Hey Toddian,

Lets just say you hardly missed anything by not watching the show. The day Mark actually starts giving a shit about Brooke and starts giving her proper, well-written storylines, that will be the day I will tell you that you missed something worth watching.

Its no fucking secret that Brooke has had very little screen time so far this season, however, in last nights episode, it was kind of refreshing to see that she actually got more screen time than usual. But I’m pretty sure its gonna go back to focusing on the stupid newbies like Clay, Quinn, and Alex starting next week...especially since it appears that next weeks episode is mostly going to focus on Haley’s sisters and their stupid boyfriends.

I didn’t think it was possible to hate a character as much as I hated Peyton...but big ass nosed Quinn is running a close race. There is just something about that girl and her acting that just rubs me the wrong way and pisses the hell out of me. Lets start with the way she is always wearing outfits to show of some part of her body...mostly her legs. Nothing wrong with wearing dresses/skirts, etc. but it looks like she literally goes out of her way to showcase her legs. Then theres the fact that she sucks balls when it comes to acting and spends most of her time smiling or laughing like a crazed idiot.

I really liked Clay in the first 2 or so episodes, but ever since he decided to “fall in love with fucking Quinn,” I can’t stand the guy. All of the fucking newbies just need to fucking disappear. I’m praying to God that this will be final season of OTH because while I was actually kinda looking forward to it before the season started, I can’t wait for it to end and never come back again.

Since you didn’t watch the episode, I thought I’d fill you in. For starters, Brooke came back to Tree Hill with Alexander after six weeks only to bump into Julian at the airport who was there to pick up Alex aka, Tree Hills biggest whore. Clay and Quinn spent the entire episode all over each other sucking face and giggling at one another(and I guess Mark realized that Quinn was still married so he decided to bring up her divorce in the episode by finally giving the bitch a divorce). Haley spent the entire episode mostly singing. Nathan just spent it standing around. Jamie spent it bragging to his friends about all of the things he got to do during Haley’s tour. Victoria decided to make Millicent her assistant while Alex(who is trying to be a saint now) is trying to help Millicent fight her drug addiction. And Mouth came back at the end of the episode. Haley’s sister Taylor is back with David...except she is now his girlfriend.

And Julian still refuses to acknowledge that he is nothing but a jackass and refuses to see that he is really hurting Brooke by continuously ignoring her and hanging onto fucking Alex. And then Julian decided to end things with Brooke. I wasn’t really paying too much attention to that part seeing as how all I could think about was how much I wanted to kill Mark.

So all in all

Love Jennifer

Unknown said...

I watched but couldn't really get into it. I never thought the day would come that I just have one tree hill on as background noise while I do something I actually enjoy. I love Sophia Bush but it is getting hard ass hell to watch only for her. The only thing that might keep me interested is watching Quinn get fucked over by Taylor and David, I just want her to see how it feels when the person you married does some retarded shit outta the blue!

Even having not seen the sow you still the truth Todd cuz you tell it like it TI IS! -AC