Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So… OTH sucks, what’s new?

Did I watch?

No, sure didn’t because I refuse to give this disgusting, lifeless, boring show any more ratings from me. The show Blows and everyone and their blind mama knows it. Really, does anyone really care about Quinn and the man she left, he should be thanking GOD she can no longer peak him in the eye with that nose-beak. And isn’t she spreading her malleable legs to that chiseled tooth bastard Clay, so the hate on Taylor is ridiculous.

See, I love Haley and she and Brooke are hilarious together but I have no desire to see her gang up on Taylor, or fall into any pools- Yes, I’m giving up the chance to see a wet t-shirt because this show is sooo fucking dumb! If Haley doesn’t want her and David there, kick them out instead of acting like a five year old.

This is season 6 – dumb fuck Haley all over again.

Now what really pissed me off is Brooke. What the fuck is this dumb bitch agreeing to still make shit for Julian for? She is my favorite character but dumb is dumb! Excuse me Mark Schwahn, Take that dude Austin’s dick from between your ears and realize that he is dead weight. Does he honestly believe that we will forget that Julian choose Alex over Brooke and will believe he fought for Brooke? When? Other than letting that gigantic ass bookshelf shaped forehead wrinkle like a piss soaked blanket, that bastard aint done shit.
Wish he would change his pad and grow his nuts back- the Schwahn that is. Cause this melodrama is so overplayed its ridiculous.

Talk about plot driven bullshit. I don’t claim to know the inner workings of chicks, but motherfucker, no female whom still has a pussy would take that shit. Girls on my block would have slapped the ugly from Julian’s face and then spit on him like the trash he is.
The nerve of that guy… fighting for Brooke? Please, I’ve seen more fight in a corpse.
Brooke fans will not accept a rewrite because the Schwahn has too much fun bouncing on whomever has their dick up his ass this week.

As for the rest- mouth, Mille, Victoria---- I have three words for ya:

This show blows.

sooo... feel free to say what you need to say, rant and rave. Cause this show needs a quick and painless cancelation- NOW!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So I missed the new OTH... haha

Well, I didn't even know the show was coming back on last night nor do I plan to watch. But here is my guess... we had more of Big ass nosed Quinn and Chisled tooth Clay's ridiculousness, Julian proved once again that his dick is on his face rather than his pants, and Alex the Whore who can't even kill herself properly is still breathing to annoy and Bore viewers into quitting.

Does anyone even care about those too life sucking Vomiteers... thats right, they induce almost as much vomit as Pucas did. Seriously, Haley's concert thing or whatever, and we shoulc care about David being there with Taylor?

Why? Didn't dickface quinn cheat and hook up with Clay. Unless that She-man pinochio lookin beeotch has quicksilver divorcing powers too. *insert Eyeroll*

I say go davd and Taylor...have hot animal sex because at least I can watch you two without scratching my balls.

I think its time we all give up the goose and quit.

I heard that Haley said that "JULIAN IN NOT LUCAS"

Well if Fucking Prop Haley hasn't lost the remainder of the brains she shitted out season 6, than i don't know what she has done with them? Lets see, ugly ass five headed Julian aka Tranny ass girlvoiced ballon head is the BOOTLEG "Poorman's" Lucas!

He couldn't be Lucas if he was a clone of Dan's retarded sperm.

He's a wannabe with the face Ronald McDonald's gay twin brother.

and what is this I hear about Julian supposedly dumping Brooke to help Alex?

Didn't Brooke dump his ass in 2009...

Mark Schwahn needs to stop letting the actor who plays Julian tickle his balls and write this horrible actor off the screen. Damn, if i have to see that inflated piece of shitTurd he calls a head on more time I just might vomit. Seriously vomit.

and who would have thought Victoria was right about Julian and his homoerotic, wanna be a female victim tendencies? I wouldn't have but that asshole apparently thinks otherwise.

I really have nothing else to say except maybe Brooke needs to move on fast. Just run away and get with a real man. Hell, she can hook up with a check - even though techincally Julian is a ball-less PUSSY!

so, from now on my reviews may be a day or two after the episode airs if i watch it at all. But whatever.

as for Milli- Please die and take your slut friend Alex with you.

Someone fill me in on whats happening.

Much love Homies,