Monday, November 30, 2009

Episode 7x11: Just a load of Hot Shit

Every Monday I dread this show because it is just a load of Hot Shit being served to blind motherfuckers…

Remember the seasons where you used to be excited to turn on the Television and see OTH?

Yeah, me neither! Fucking Hell I cannot remember the last time I didn’t want piss on my television wire so it would blow up and I never have to see this show again. However, I’m pretty fucking certain it ended like at the beginning of 2006 or rather at the end of Season 3. And I actually quit 4, came back five, slept and puked through six and Seven…

Holy motherfucker, this was supposed to be the promise land with no more popeyed Emo Slut or the squinty-faced Douche bag but oh no… they been replaced by Clay the chiseled tooth bastard and Big nosed, sausage faced, moon-pie head Quinn. What the fuck Schwahn, what the generalized Fuck!

The first scene, I won’t lie… I thought that brick-eating dickhead was mouth. LMFAO! I know, but Mouth gets so much fucking screen time, I was just shocked it was someone else. Of course, once I realized Moon-face was going to be eclipsing the screen, I stopped being shocked. Seriously, Can clay have more than one scene without that lifeless Corpse actress sucking the brain juice out of his dick? Fucking hell, she’s giving him all that encouragement but couldn’t even talk to her husband.

And all this feeling sorry for Clay! Why? Now he will be broke like she wanted her husband to be. QuinNasty should be Happy. *Insert eye roll* In fact, Clay should be happy since he spent his time trying to get into the already unlocked Venus Trap door Also known as Quinn’s Nasty bits! So I’m glad that when he went to Kentucky or wherever that Kid called him on not having an Agency and turned him down… originally. *insert another eye roll*

And magically - Quinn and Haley are in a car talking… UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH! Will Haley at least get to slap the shit out of Quinn? Cause otherwise this makes no fucking sense! And now Haley is apologizing? What the fuck! Seriously, isn’t Haley talking to Quinn about not being able to choose where to go Spain or Tour, tanks in part to the Quinn & Clay Tag Team from hell! Quinn is a bottom-feeding bitch and didn’t apologize for being a slut. LOL, ha-ha!

That the definition of a Dirty Ass Street Hooker from hell!

Speaking of Hookers, was that a hooker coming out of Jail right in front of Millie. Ha-ha-ha-ha, and is it me or did that Hooker look 10000000000000% times better than Millie! Fucking hell, she’s a pretty girl but not gorgeous enough to be a model! Seriously, Millie looks like she had been sticking her face into a blender or Clay’s teeth of fury… o_O!

Luckily, Victoria is around to kick Millie in the asshole.

Not really much to say about Naley… they were perfection as usual. Nathan is being supportive of Haley taking Jamie on tour with her around the country. Jamie was making a video with Chuck to help Skillz go to jail…Um, I meant to an LA basketball camp for the youth. :D

Oh and Nathan will never forgive Dan, so can we stop seeing it now. Worst than that time Nathan kept flying through unbreakable windows. And can we stop seeing Dan being slapped and kicked by people. I know Jimmy’s mother is made at Dan for letting Jimmy take the Blame but as a former BL fan, Hahaha, I hate Jimmy for not shooting Seyton SaWHORE ScotTrick in the Fucking throat! Lets see her suck Lucas’ face and acting abilities down her throat then- Muhahahahahahahahahahhaahahahaha!

Now, on to what is really pissing me off:

Brooke asked Julian in the beginning…

“What did I do to deserve you?”

Well, Brooke, apparently your character pissed Mark Schwahn the fuck off because that’s the only way anyone could deserve that sort of punishment! Shit maybe Sophia bush snatched his mouth off that chick who played Peyton’s ass after he had it surgically attached… hell, I don’t know but you sure as fucking pissed him off in some sort of way.

I mean Damn, it didn’t take Julian even a boob rub, some leg, hell he didn’t even get a fucking blow job from Alex before he spill the beans about Brooke’s personal business. Seriously, starting to think that he was born with women genitals. That’s right, I’m saying it… that Dude is a Fucking Pussy! Seriously, people think Brooke has his Balls in a purse, well I don’t think he was even born with balls! He’s the ball-less wonder, which is fucked up because I know my brains are in my balls so….

(LOL, I feel sick and bad for even saying that) I think we all know that dude is dumber than a box of rocks.

Brooke should have beat the shit out of Alex when she came into Brooke’s store (a store she was fired from after all, with baby pamphlets. Now if this doesn’t make Dumb-ass Julian see that Alex is a Cracked out Dirt-Skank, than the dude is dumber than that EMO bitch who believed Brooke fell down the stairs. But yet again, I have to say that I still feel those Brucas Undertones! LOL

Like when Victoria said that Julian might not be the one for Brooke and then Brooke said that she might NOT be the one for Julian… totally a BL moment flashback as well as when right afterwards Jamie brought but Lucas! So I know Chad Michael Douche is never coming back but Damn I miss BL. They will always be the IT couple of Tree Hill with Naley of course!

And I am so happy Brooke finally dumped Julian! YAY! But are we supposed to feel bad for Alex cause she tried to kill herself. Sorry, but she brought it on herself and all the Schwahn’s pity me tries won’t work with me! And if Brooke Takes Julian back because he is sad that Alex cut her fucking wrists like a psycho hoe’s beast because she wanted Julian… Yawn, I’ll quit.

But I will be pissed that he killed off Alex and Not Seyton or QuinNasty! GRRRRRRRRRRR!

What do you think?

Much love Homies,



Anonymous said...

You know Toddian, as I was reading your review of this week’s episode, I realized a few things. Well actually, I already knew these things, buts it always nice to be reminded.

For starters….I agree. I actually don’t even remember the last time I was happy to actually sit down and watch this crappy ass how… wait…..I remember now……it was when everything was good in the world and we still had the awesomeness that was BRUCAS. The day that season 3 ended, was also the day the show ended for me. After that, I started hating it so much. But still, I stuck around for Sophia/Brooke. But seeing Mark always screw Brooke over every chance he gets is making me want to smack myself for watching this show in the first place back in season 1 and getting hooked on it.

It turns out that we’re not the only ones who feel this way. I have read so many comments with people(including some of the LP fans) saying that OTH just hasn’t been the same since season 3 ended which is when it officially started sucking. Season 4 was a fucking NIGHTMARE. They might as well have called season 4 “One Peyton Hill” because practically every storyline revolved around that bitch. Then season 5 was when everyone was still hopeful with the Brucas fans thinking there was still a chance for them to get back together. Everything was still up in the air at that point and everyone was rooting for the ships they supported. Then season 6 was when all hope was shot to hell, especially for the Brucas fans who were absolutely crushed. Way to kick a huge fucking fanbase in the balls MarkAss. But then with Brulian hooking up, I kind of started to find myself getting excited about the show again….but that soon ended. Especially with the way Mark has written them in season 7 so far, it just makes want to run over Mark with my car over and over again. All I want is for Brooke to be HAPPY and get that family she has been hoping and praying for, for so long. And if its with Julian, then whatever. But with this Alex bitch thrown into the mix, it just makes me want to kill them all…..except for Brooke of course.

I remember how excited I used to be every time a new episode would premiere every week….especially during seasons 2 and 3. I would literally sit there and hope for time to go by slow so that the episode wouldn’t end. But that all went to hell starting with season 4……and ever since then, I just sit there and actually hope for the hour to finish up fast so that the episode will hurry up and finish.

I really thought this season would be better with the squinty ass douche and fake blonde whining emo slut gone. And although it’s a fucking relief that I no longer have to watch them together on my tv anymore….I’m still not liking season 7. Especially with these fucking newbies taking over the show.

I just want that fucking “big nosed, sausage faced, moon-pie” bitch Quinn(LOVE your description of her) to fucking DISSAPEAR already. The girl CAN NOT fucking act. Watching her is pure torture and every time I see her, I feel nothing and just want to smack Mark for shoving her down our throats and not choosing an actress who actually has some decent acting chops.

Anonymous said...

(Part 2)
You know what else? Even though this may come out sounding very harsh. I definitely agree with you about hating Jimmy for not killing PeytWhore when he had the chance. But no….we had to sit through another fucking three seasons with that bitch.

For once in this show…..I will actually REALLY like… wait…..LOVE to see Brooke FINALLY be completely happy for once in her life. She has never been given the full opportunity to get what she has wanted. Notice how out of the original 5, it has always been Brooke who has been screwed over repeatedly nonstop with no fucking sign of Mark ever letting up. Will it kill the fucking retard to finally give Brooke her happy ending and to stop having every guy she’s ever loved running off to stupid ass bitches??

And I want to literally strangle Julian for not having the fucking common sense to realize that any woman will NOT feel comfortable working with some bimbo who keeps throwing herself at her man while telling him she “loves” him. But like a complete douchebag like the old Tree Hill resident, LukeAss Scott, Mark keeps trying make Julian just as dumb, if not dumber, than the squinty ass freak. Mark seriously needs to pull his head out of whose ever ass its stuck in and trying getting creative for once starting off by creating different characters instead of turning Julian into Lucas 2.0.

I am SO SICK and TIRED of this Alex bitch. I kept hoping from the second she turned up in Tree Hill that she would just finish whatever storyline she was there for and be GONE. But no……MarkAss decided to keep the bitch around and shove her down out throats. I HATE the girl…plain and simple. Do I fucking care of she tried killing herself??? NO. Its obvious to anyone with some common sense that this is Mark’s way of trying to get more and more people to like Alex by making them take pity on her. But I don’t fucking care. I want her GONE…..but unfortunately she’s around for good.

And I agree…….Chad Michael Douche is never coming back but I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY miss my BL. They were the one couple I’ve ALWAYS rooted for whole-heartedly from day 1(they are what got me hooked on this show in the first place). And it SUCKS BIG TIME that we will never get to see them end up together like every BL fan had hoped.


Anonymous said...

There's not much I can say about this episode but: THANK YOU T.V. GODS BROOKE FINALLY DUMPED THAT PUNK JULIAN. AND THAT ALEX BITCH LISTENED TO THE FANS AND FUCKING KILLED HERSELF. THANK YOU! Now all we need is for Millie, Mouth, Quinn and Clay to die and I'll be pretty pleased. Tried not to watch but that didn't happen.

Todd, you da truth cuz you tell it like it TI IS!! A.C.

Anonymous said...

I havent watched the show yet. I tape it and usually the next morning i cant wait to watch it. after Things settle down husband off to work kids breakfast. I watch it. I dont look forward to that anymore. I read your blog first. I dont even know if I want to watch after reading your review about it
Maybe later I will watch and review. It just doesnt excite me anymore.