Monday, November 30, 2009

Episode 7x11: Just a load of Hot Shit

Every Monday I dread this show because it is just a load of Hot Shit being served to blind motherfuckers…

Remember the seasons where you used to be excited to turn on the Television and see OTH?

Yeah, me neither! Fucking Hell I cannot remember the last time I didn’t want piss on my television wire so it would blow up and I never have to see this show again. However, I’m pretty fucking certain it ended like at the beginning of 2006 or rather at the end of Season 3. And I actually quit 4, came back five, slept and puked through six and Seven…

Holy motherfucker, this was supposed to be the promise land with no more popeyed Emo Slut or the squinty-faced Douche bag but oh no… they been replaced by Clay the chiseled tooth bastard and Big nosed, sausage faced, moon-pie head Quinn. What the fuck Schwahn, what the generalized Fuck!

The first scene, I won’t lie… I thought that brick-eating dickhead was mouth. LMFAO! I know, but Mouth gets so much fucking screen time, I was just shocked it was someone else. Of course, once I realized Moon-face was going to be eclipsing the screen, I stopped being shocked. Seriously, Can clay have more than one scene without that lifeless Corpse actress sucking the brain juice out of his dick? Fucking hell, she’s giving him all that encouragement but couldn’t even talk to her husband.

And all this feeling sorry for Clay! Why? Now he will be broke like she wanted her husband to be. QuinNasty should be Happy. *Insert eye roll* In fact, Clay should be happy since he spent his time trying to get into the already unlocked Venus Trap door Also known as Quinn’s Nasty bits! So I’m glad that when he went to Kentucky or wherever that Kid called him on not having an Agency and turned him down… originally. *insert another eye roll*

And magically - Quinn and Haley are in a car talking… UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH! Will Haley at least get to slap the shit out of Quinn? Cause otherwise this makes no fucking sense! And now Haley is apologizing? What the fuck! Seriously, isn’t Haley talking to Quinn about not being able to choose where to go Spain or Tour, tanks in part to the Quinn & Clay Tag Team from hell! Quinn is a bottom-feeding bitch and didn’t apologize for being a slut. LOL, ha-ha!

That the definition of a Dirty Ass Street Hooker from hell!

Speaking of Hookers, was that a hooker coming out of Jail right in front of Millie. Ha-ha-ha-ha, and is it me or did that Hooker look 10000000000000% times better than Millie! Fucking hell, she’s a pretty girl but not gorgeous enough to be a model! Seriously, Millie looks like she had been sticking her face into a blender or Clay’s teeth of fury… o_O!

Luckily, Victoria is around to kick Millie in the asshole.

Not really much to say about Naley… they were perfection as usual. Nathan is being supportive of Haley taking Jamie on tour with her around the country. Jamie was making a video with Chuck to help Skillz go to jail…Um, I meant to an LA basketball camp for the youth. :D

Oh and Nathan will never forgive Dan, so can we stop seeing it now. Worst than that time Nathan kept flying through unbreakable windows. And can we stop seeing Dan being slapped and kicked by people. I know Jimmy’s mother is made at Dan for letting Jimmy take the Blame but as a former BL fan, Hahaha, I hate Jimmy for not shooting Seyton SaWHORE ScotTrick in the Fucking throat! Lets see her suck Lucas’ face and acting abilities down her throat then- Muhahahahahahahahahahhaahahahaha!

Now, on to what is really pissing me off:

Brooke asked Julian in the beginning…

“What did I do to deserve you?”

Well, Brooke, apparently your character pissed Mark Schwahn the fuck off because that’s the only way anyone could deserve that sort of punishment! Shit maybe Sophia bush snatched his mouth off that chick who played Peyton’s ass after he had it surgically attached… hell, I don’t know but you sure as fucking pissed him off in some sort of way.

I mean Damn, it didn’t take Julian even a boob rub, some leg, hell he didn’t even get a fucking blow job from Alex before he spill the beans about Brooke’s personal business. Seriously, starting to think that he was born with women genitals. That’s right, I’m saying it… that Dude is a Fucking Pussy! Seriously, people think Brooke has his Balls in a purse, well I don’t think he was even born with balls! He’s the ball-less wonder, which is fucked up because I know my brains are in my balls so….

(LOL, I feel sick and bad for even saying that) I think we all know that dude is dumber than a box of rocks.

Brooke should have beat the shit out of Alex when she came into Brooke’s store (a store she was fired from after all, with baby pamphlets. Now if this doesn’t make Dumb-ass Julian see that Alex is a Cracked out Dirt-Skank, than the dude is dumber than that EMO bitch who believed Brooke fell down the stairs. But yet again, I have to say that I still feel those Brucas Undertones! LOL

Like when Victoria said that Julian might not be the one for Brooke and then Brooke said that she might NOT be the one for Julian… totally a BL moment flashback as well as when right afterwards Jamie brought but Lucas! So I know Chad Michael Douche is never coming back but Damn I miss BL. They will always be the IT couple of Tree Hill with Naley of course!

And I am so happy Brooke finally dumped Julian! YAY! But are we supposed to feel bad for Alex cause she tried to kill herself. Sorry, but she brought it on herself and all the Schwahn’s pity me tries won’t work with me! And if Brooke Takes Julian back because he is sad that Alex cut her fucking wrists like a psycho hoe’s beast because she wanted Julian… Yawn, I’ll quit.

But I will be pissed that he killed off Alex and Not Seyton or QuinNasty! GRRRRRRRRRRR!

What do you think?

Much love Homies,


Monday, November 16, 2009

2 Stars, <3 BALEY <3, A SLUT, & a Junkie


I give this episode 7.10 2 stars... Because it was good, better than most, but Damn if i a not fucking tired of Mark Schwahn Screwing Brooke over, Screwing Nathan out of Basketball, and Screwing haley out of a descent family member! YES, YES MOTHER-FUCKING HELL, the Schwahn seriously writes from seat or his pants...

Or rather the crack of his ass!

Because this show is Bullshit!

Lets start off with the fact that CLAY's claws-hook mouth and Quinn's Huge Motherfucking Moon face was all over the televison screen! No wonder Nathan fired Clays ass after the bobcats capped another point guard! Seriously, If Clay wasn't so busy trying to gnaw on the fish between QUinnGLY's thighs, he wouldn't have left Nathan out in the cold.

After Dan and Mouth put their careers and personal lives on the line to get Nate where he is today!? UGH, I wanted Dan to drown Clay for using Sarah, his dead wife as an excuse! And while he is at it Kill Millie and Alex.

This Millie on Crack/coke thing is boring---> Nobody cares about her but Brooke should have slapped the ugly off that bitches face. Just line them up like a waiting list for Brooke's SLAP A HO' contest and let BROOKLYN D Bitch slap some bitches... Starting with Julian! Ugh, I was hoping Brooke changed the locks and kicked his ass out.


And seriously, how many years must we endure Nathan's struggle with balls, orange, boucing balls...the Schwahn is making me think he is homosexual? Serious, balls must be important to the Schwahn! I think he has a Crush on Julian too, cause Julian's face whines more than Quinn.

All thoughout his agrument with Alex about the empty coke bottle and thinking she was lying, I was just looking at his shiney forehead. I mean, seriously i think I hate every character on this show except Haley and Brooke!

Both these ladies are what Earns this show 2 stars! First Haley putting Quinn in her place, telling her how selfish she is... Haley for the WIN, and her standing by Nate's decision to fire Clay... I love Haley.

Brooke one the other hand....


Mark Schwahn is a ball-less PRICK... Why the hell do I still watch this show. It looks like Next week is worst! GRRRR, i'm so mad! Seriously, I'm gonna stop before i go into Mark Schwahn Hate rant! This Guy is so fucking lame... bet he gets his storylines from the CAT IN THE HAT!

Fucking dumb fuck...

You guys rant away, I'm pissed!

Monday, November 9, 2009

That Episode With The Schwahn’s Dirty Balls In Brooke Fans’ Faces!

That’s Right, That’s right…

I’m a Brucas/Naley/Baley Fan but first and foremost I’m a Brooke Fan!

That’s right Mother-fuckers, I’m Brooke Davis’ Bitch, a lot like pussy-ass Julian. So, its no surprise that when I first saw the opening scene of One Tree Hill has Brooke and Julia(n) the girl voice! Sitting in BROOKE’s house, on Brooke’s sofa… What does Julian contribute? I mean what is his job?

Oh working with Alex when he could try to produce already established hit books like most people with common sense would do. BUT NOOOOO… Brooke finally agrees to say she loves this prick, follows him to LA, Suddenly wants to get married *GAG ME YOU DICK HEAD MARK* but Julian can’t work with someone else for Brooke.

Fucking hell, that loser sucks as a boyfriend, so yes, of course We have to endue the Talk of Ugly ass, annoying, skeletal Alex… But Hell, anything for my Brooklyn right? WOW!

Before I could nod off, my gag reflexes went into overdose with Wildebeest Millie, Ape-Twin Mouth, and Coma Inducing Alex! Yes, Yes… Millie turned into the worst actor since GOD crapped out Squint-face Chad Michael Murray and Hillwhats her face! Seriously, the actress is just unattractive and couldn’t act like a Bitch if her Mother was a Bulldog! Fucking Hell, and lets be serious here…

The girl is skinny as hell (Mouth found diet pills seriously, Diet pills don’t cure ugly, Millie!) but built like a fucking football player. Seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if she molested Mouth up his nether hole! When she burst into a sleeping Alex’s bedroom at the hotel all hopped up, high, calling her bitch and shit… it was like watching a rip-off of Season 4 Rachel and Brooke… only the poor man with Brain damage version.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…. That’s me sleeping!

Speaking of Unnecessary Eye rape… Quinn and Clay are so fucking boring. Damn, I found myself praying for fucking Dick pimples and Warts! You mean to tell me that we are supposed to believe Quinn has been helping underprivileged kids? Now, since when? Was this between her trying to ride Clay’s Jock or dumping over David for wanting to live the way Clay is leaving now?

Rich? This is like Clay’s what? First time helping others… And Damn, of course some poor Black kid needs help! I guess other races aren’t Poor. *Insert eye roll*

Yes, Yes…

The only good /interesting thing about Mouth is that Rachel is interacting with him. Telling Rachel to go and visit Brooke was The shit! I’m really enjoying Rachel and Dan’s return to Tree Hill. Sorry, But Nathan is getting on my fucking nerves. Damn, how many times does Dan have to pull his ass out of a fucking fire before he can be nice.

He killed Keith? Yes he did! And I don’t want Nathan to forget that, but is it that hard to show humility, to realize that this is your father? To love unconditionally? Damn, Next time Dan should let that orange ball loving douche drown in the Problems HE created! Hell, at this point the only thing good Thing Nate Has going for him is Haley and Jamie!

For the record Dan never ruined anything for Nathan and Clay would have been able to focus if he stayed on the job and off Quinn’s lips. Fucking prick sucks as an Agent! YAWN!

And Can I just say, Haley was rocking that song! This woman can sing her ass off! Rock on B. JOY! She was Amazing! And that song went perfectly with Brooke’s anger at the bar in that Hot ass Black Dress! After finding out that she wasn’t pregnant and Julian bailing on her to save Alex like LucASS used to Save PeytWHORE!

Can Mark Schwahn Get off the Fucking Crack! How can Brooke, Hot ass hell Brooke get stood up by smashed face Julian for Dick faced Alex! Anyone noticed that Julian again took Lucas’ words for Brooke and twisted them for Alex after she called to say she was thinking of taking the Crack cocaine she found in her suit case…


Thus Brooke is pissed and she lashes out at Millie who deserved it for still wasting time on the show- Useless Bitch! But Brooke Snapping on Rachel when she never properly opened up a can of whoop-whore-ass on Seyton SaWhore - I will really Hate the Schwahn! Seriously, I wanted Rachel to slap Brooke Back and slap her out of that Day dream, Babies for everyone, frolic in the damn sun with Osama Bin Laden Bullshit and wake the fuck up.

The Brooke Davis I loved Took the bad with the good. The lemon and Made fucking tequila shots with a side of lemon pieces. The old Brooke confronted her feelings and didn’t let any man, especially a loser like Julian! Lucas 2.0 is getting on my damn nerves… time for Julian to die!

Who chooses some chick they barely know over their girlfriend?

So officially, the Schwahn has been slapping Brooke Fans in the face with his dirty, shriveled up balls!

No baby- not that I am mad.

No good guy- but seriously, Julian suck shit asshole!

No Whimsical Spunk - Slapping Rachel is uncalled for when it should have been Millie .

But I love Brooke, so <3>

What do you think?

Monday, November 2, 2009

OTH... Between Boring & Hilarious

Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo…
Let me open with a Rap
I certainly thought
OTH would be Stanking Than that pucas Crap…
With Fugly Ass Quinn
And Chisled Tooth Clay
Didn’t know if her EMO Ass Would Cry
Or Just Give Free Emo ASS Away
But Oh was I surprised
High Brooke and Haley Were Left Alone
The Only Thing More Sexi than those vixens
Was Clay Hot Dead Wife in a Thong!
The Camping Trip was Lame
And Nathan needs Kick Julian’s big Forehead
Teaching a Kid To be a coward
Damn Dan Always sees the Dead!
Rachel Loves Dan,
Even though she paid for a guy to die
And If Mouth Doesn’t look like a Monkey
Than Everybody Must be missing both eyes
That kid named Chuck
And Julian should be Twins
Is it me
Or Something weird suck the curve from his chin….


Seriously, Tonight was the best, but it didn’t suck really.

Dan being in Mexico about to get a heart… Fucking Dumb but interesting! LOL! I can say that Mark Schwahn is a Damn idiot. But at least Rachel really loves him as proven after he fainted on the set of his show. She proved that she would do anything for him to live including pay parents of a boy on life-support in order to get his heart!

I could do with Quinn and her Drama and Clay’s Whining over Sarah. Last week was enough, but now… Bullshit. GET THE FUCK OFF MY TV, Bitches. Damn, they are about as boring as Alex and Milli who were thankfully gone.

But how desperate is Quinn, Running after Clay in the middle of a fucking rain storm! To his house and Stalking him,, asking what they are… well… Clay is a widower You DUMB FUCKING WHORE! And You, ARE STILL MARRIED BITCH!

I was starting to enjoy her when she baked brownies and got Haley and Brooke High, but seriously leaving them alone in a big House while High. When I am High as hell I do stupid shit… and what sort of message or they sending children anyway? UGH… but I digress, any Brooke/Haley is GREAT!

And the Camping, I thought the Julian Hate was Hilarious. I hate the DUDE with a passion but really hated him giving Jamie and Excuse not to face his fears. That’s what you do… He is such a loser and made a big dead about the sex tape… Skillz has a big Fucking mouth, can’t wait for his ass to go to jail… Fucking thief… (the actor not the character)!

Anyway, didn’t Julian read Lucas’s Boring ass Book… Hahahaha, apparently NOT!

And speaking of Lucas… I loved Dan’s little pick about Having Lucas on the show because he wasn’t doing anything! HILARIOIUS! In Your Face Pucas Fans! Muhahahahahahaha! Fucking Losers!

But Lets be real… Who really gave a Fuck about this episode. BALEY were HOT and Awesome but the preview of the next episode is my concern.

I am quitting…

Brooke Having a baby for Julian’s Big head, smashed face, ugly ass Boring as fucking dry ass, SHIT-Turds! Fuck you, Mark Schwahn! Fuck you and you’re annoying,, Force-feeding hand on Dick writing! I hate Julian! I hate this entire fucking show!

And I hope Millie and ALEX overdose and DIE!