Monday, September 21, 2009


DACHEL!? Brooke, Marriage, Julian’s Father…?

Haley might lose her company and Hell Yeah OTH! This is the OTH I know and love. Every scene was intense or Funny or romantic! Its about time OTH step up the game! I have to say that the Dan/Rachel marriage was AWESOME for the Shock effect! Who would have ever thought Rachel and Dan would hook up or even marry!

Can you imagine those two when they return to Tree HILL? That’s like Satan Marrying Hitler (If Satan were a redhead with nice Boob-age!) And with all the drama going on in Tree Hill, those two Are bound to be the icing on the cake. But Dan will have some competition in the bad Dad department!

What the BLOODY FUCKING HELL… Julian’s father is a BITCH! Who walks into Someone’s house? Brooke’s house? And starts telling Julian that he is making a mistake by Being with a promiscuous Fashion Designer? BULL SHIT! Julian should have kicked his ass- I’m not the biggest Julian fan, but he should have stood up for his girlfriend. Brooke would have told Victoria where to go had it been her!

But our Brooklyn told Julian’s Daddy how much ass he could Kiss! GO BROOKE! That girl is strong and I love her fun Bitchy side. Like with her dumb ass model Alexis- DAYUM! Ha-ha-ha, that girl was dumb and it cracked me up. I loved Brooke wanting to dump her and trying to speak Spanish to get rid of her.

But in the end she played Brooke with her little speech about the dress. It was one of her lines from her movie! Awesome! Ha-ha! That was Classic and the Brooke I miss! Especially about the Poster Julian was hanging up!

THAT IS PERFECT! It’s the crazy stuff that Makes Brooke so beautiful and special. Watching strong and independent Brooke was just Beautiful and I officially love this show! But, I have to admit that I see Paul’s or whatever Julian’s father’s name is point! I mean, just because you are in love doesn’t mean you have to give up everything! Especially not to move to suck ass Tree Hill were assholes and Psycho’s grow like grass! But for the sake of the show, I understand the plotline.

But look at Haley- she gave up her dream of singing and got on the major labels are soulless kick and now she may lose the company OR COULD HAVE! BUT Damn you OTH, just when I get all excited, the WALKING gobble necked Broom stick aka MIAnnoyance walks in to save the day! UGH, please kill her weird British lady with no acting abilities! Seriously, if Haley has to mention Peyton one more time I’m gonna reach into the TV and strangle her.

But I did love her mocking Lucas and Peyton in the fake conversation to herself! Ha-ha-ha, she did the hands in Pocket and squint Lucas always does and the OWL eyed SEYTON face of shock, pain, annoyance! It was hilarious and after Mia came in and Haley called her a Bitch… Hilarious! I love feisty Haley!

And when she gets a hold of that Groupie trying to claim Nathan is her baby Daddy! OOOOO WEEE! Haley is gonna eat that ass up! Ha-ha! I loved this episode so much I can’t stop smiling. I even loved the Nathan and Clayton! Clayton was being the serious agent to that girl but when Nate burst in and went off on her, I think Nate is finally manning up! Its about time.

But I do have to ask…?

Are the only poor people in Tree Hill Black? Seriously- Go fuck yourself MARK! I mean, Dan happens upon Homeless African American male as he leaves his show. The guys is talking belligerent and of course looking like Jamie colored Marker all over his fast! I was like, who the hell painted you damn face like that! Damn, OTH and their Cheap ass imitation, Half ass Bullshit!

Side notes:

1. Heart So True-The name of Alexis Film …. that was the name of the BL book wasn’t it? Ha-ha-ha… Mark is a prick but a Hilarious ONE!

2. Did Mia and Chase get Married? Hahaha!

3. I loved it! Did you?

Much Love Homies,



Anonymous said...

Hey Toddian,

Okay so this episode was definitely a good one. It had a little bit of everything in it which is pretty much what we've all been missing for the past few seasons.

For starters, I kind of already knew about Dan and Rachel being together before the show aired tonight.....but what I did not know was that they had actually gotten married. I thought they were on the lines of being engaged... but whatever. It should be interesting to see what happens with these two....although Rachel's personality doesn't seem to have changed all that much while Dan actually looks like he may have a heart after all.

I literally wanted to kick Julian's father in the ass in the beginning of the episode. Who the fuck did he think he was barging in like that and talking shit like he actually knew what the fuck was talking about? But then again the oh so LOVELY and BEAUTIFUL Brooke Davis put him in his fuckin place. I was glad to see several of Brooke's old personality traits come back in this episode. She was hilarious at times, romantic at times, and last but not least, tough when she needed to be.

I fuckin hated that Alexis bitch. I already know that even if she "redeems" herself eventually....and knowing Mark, he'll probably try to make her come out looking like a saint in the end, I'm still NOT gonna like her. Every time she talked, I just felt like punching her in the fuckin face and breaking her nose. Most of her comments were just plain fucked up and offensive.

I hate Mia and while I knew she was gonna be returning this season, it didn't make it any better seeing her on my tv again. I just really hate the girl. And then there's Milli.......what the fucks crawled up her ass?? I actually kind of miss the old sweet Millie. But so far this season, all she's done is act like a diva and I find it irritating.

I liked the part where Haley was doing those imitations of Lucas and Peyton.....she had those down cold...especially when she was imitating Lucas. She got everything right, from the squinting to the stuttering.Lol

Any ways, it was a good episode....hopefully next week's will be just as enjoyable.


Anonymous said...

Rachel and dan interesting. He dooes seemes to have changed like he has a heart. She seems like more in conrol of the relationship. Like he has to answer to her.

The 3 bitches of the show The women tiring to frame nate the one tiring to close down the studio and the new face of cob. Go haley and mia for taking the studio bitch down.I am glad she is able to save it for a WHILE. But what was up with her lips. They look so big.
I really hope nate didnt do anything and it all a lie. And finally that bitch using a line to get brooke to convince her. To bad brooke didnt see the rest of the movie. She got played.

I love naked skills and when millie walked in. Him and mouth are still at war with each other.

Go brooke putting julian father in his place. She stood up to him like julian stood up to bitchoria.

Wow I can believe brook is already think marriage to him. This is the 2nd time it mentioned. I dont know if I Like him that much for thar or will be happy with a brulian marriage.

Anonymous said...

i loved it.I laughed, i wanted to kill paul and i love brooke. love haley i really want the talk of luke and peyton to go away. and i want more clayton