Monday, April 27, 2009

Wake Me Up When BoreWHINE Whore and Wolf-Man Leave?

P. SaWHORE + Wig = Transvestte!? Yeah! And please do something about those roots Bitch…DAYUM!

I'm a dude and even I know that looks bad, or so Tandie told me and I agree 'cause My baby knows fashion!

Wolf-Man + Car= Waste of Sperm & Car? Um, Yeah!

Well, I will admit that I blacked out most of this show but when I was awake I kept seeing flashbacks of PUCAS! UH! WAH WAH! Can these two please just die off!? Gees, It’s like watching Paula Abdul Suck Simon Cowell’s Man tits! Yes, sickeningly weird, gag worthy, and slightly worth attempting suicide!

Uhm, Number one… PUCAS NEVER HAD ANY BACKSEAT ACTION, THAT WAS BRUCAS! So, it’s sad that they must steal everything BL to make themselves look EPIC! Nope, sorry, If stealing all things BRUCAS makes them EPIC, Than Doesn’t that only Mean that BL are the Epic Couple.

*Waiting for Crazy Pukers to come out and do Internet battle, LOL! Oooh, I’m scared now! Please don’t beat me up with you lectures and schizophrenic dribble! Ha-ha, I’m so scared of your disappointment and that you might send me a virus! LOL!

Stupid Douches!

Anyway, so every PUCAS flashback I’m thinking, um, why are these Thirty year olds in front of a green screen pretending to be the wrong couple at 19!? Seriously, if these two were planed from the beginning, could not Mark the Crazy Loon Writer have just filmed season in season four or five! Gees, this man is either dumber than a mentally challenged person or…

Enough of Tranny Manny & the Werewolf, Lets go to Peon and Chastity Belt Chase- Um, who gives a fucking, flipping, ass licking, SHIT if Brooke took Virgin Boy's virginity! Um, perhaps if he wasn’t dating a crazy, time wasting, chicken looking kid, he wouldn’t have to worry about her acting NUTS!

Brooke don’t want that Lame ass, slightly pudgy loser who is still working at Tric even though he has no reason to! And Kissing that STD transporting PeytWHORE only made him more LAME! What a Lame, for real! But of course, it has to start off being about the STD Transporter and How she kissed Chase twice! What is it with her and any guy who might be interested in Brooke!

Damn, Somebody Put that Wildebeest, Anorexic Shrew out of her Misery so she can stop ruining lives with all this unnecessary drama! No one would have cared if she hadn’t ran her big mouth, she’s like the Wicked Witch of Evil Spreading, Syphilis Type Viral Infections of the Heart! Grrr!


Nathan, apparently, shall never have a real storyline other than ball juggling! Mark, slightly homophobic perhaps? I know not, but Nathan and those balls are damn annoying! Just like him having to help every BLAZCK basketball player! This is blatant Racism and It’s annoying too!

Almost as annoying as SKILLZ and Jamie! Never thought I would say this, but Damn it … SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO AWAY!

Jamie’s’ girl problems? How old is he, Twelve and Naley have no storyline at all! Why was Nick Lachey on the show again, oh yeah, because Mark doesn’t have enough guest stars! BLAH! This show should just die off into oblivion!

The only thing I enjoyed was My Fair Brooklyn, Sam, and Victoria! I hope Brooke forgives Victoria and they can have that Dan/Nathan relationship before the mass murder, etc. LOL! Sam and Victoria are great together and they are Brooke’s crazy dysfunctional family! In fact, Brooke is the only interesting thing about this show!

I hope that Sam’s mother doesn’t try to take Sam, but I don’t see the problem! Um, Sam is old enough to decide where she wants to stay, duh! Stupid Writers!

Pucas wasted so much screen time! Just leave already, I hope Lucas fixes the COMET, they drive off with Spawn and the car Blows up because he forgot to put on a gasket or something! Please, that Corpse actor and CMM yeah, cause that chick couldn’t act if she were named Actress! LOL!

So, I don’t have much to say because this shit is boring! NO SEASON SEVEN IF PUCAS STAY! Here! Here!

Later Homies,


Monday, April 20, 2009

Where’s Waldo? Baley? Pucas’ Chemistry & My Braff Bucket? Brooke (not the Robot)?


Theme: Seyton & Anti-Christ Car Crash Survival Tips #: 1,900, 456, 876, 362...

Damn Mark and his Bullshit!

What, No theme Song- Oh Wait…

THE BITCH IS BACK! Hell, YEAH! A DIVA IS THE FEMALE Version of a hustler...of a hustler.. Of a, of a, Hustler!

Victoria Returns For Brooke, I love B. Davis when its concerning Fashion & Anything other that Whiney Julian! Sorry, but after seeing that cry baby try to force Brooke to leave, I wish he & Whine & Cheese Factor Owner PeytWhore would have stayed together!

I really don’t like Sam, Jack, her Existence! I love that Victoria tells it straight, too! Brooke runs a homeless shelter- LOL! Ha-ha-ha! I want B to have her company back, too!

Victoria may be a BITCH, but she touched my heart! But there was TOO much Nasty Breyton & not Enough BALEY! Hell, nobody wants to see that User Skanky blonde bitch and Nag!

Damn it, Sam, Jack, and Pia, Mia, Needs to Die, See Ya! She needs to go far, far away, bot in real life, but today!

The only thing Worst is Milli-dril & Mouth-yenol! That’s right, these two are the cure to Insomnia! Wrapped in a little bit go Pucas Cheesiness to make you want to gag!

Gag! Gag, I tell you! Think I PUKED a little bit when Millie walked out in That buff little Monkey’s Shirt! Ugh, I just stabbed myself in the eye!

Like, MILLIE is too HOT for that LOSER! She’s so pretty! :-)

But then, we wouldn’t get watch Lucas- Couldn’t shoot a ball if it he carried a pistol- and Skillz. The most boring Criminal since OJ…um, OJ is innocent!? Now, let me say something… I’m not racist, but Do black girls not exist in Tree Hill! For once, I’d love Skillz with a Hot Black Girlfriend!

Speaking of Politically Incorrect, Why does every black person on this show have to be the cocky basketball player who doesn’t want to listen!

Are you Fucking with me! For real!

Nathan is stuck looking like pale, ghost with some illness who is getting too old for the NBA! Haley? I don’t remember her, just Jaime and his useless teach! Maybe Haley should wear Jamie on her back to get some Screen time!

Finally we know why Jaime is so smart, because he’s gifted! At the Gifted School for Jamie, Nathan was hilarious, calling the kid’s MatHOLES! LOL! That’s my boy, but they should have had Haley say something too! Maybe like, Yeah those MathKISSERS! But alas, she does not speak!

But when I did see her: HOT DAMN, Haley looked SEXY in Green! That dress was like Fire! I want me some Haley James… LOL! This Woman is SEX on Legs, Like My Fair Brooklyn!

Something about Nate and Haley arguing about Jaime’s school just gets me going, even if it was funny! They are so Cute, and Nate and Haley drinking whine together in front of the fire, so romantic! My heart raced and I almost swooned (AGH, no hell I did! LOL, ha-ha, but It was sweet!)

Except for the small BL scene concerning Peyton! And Holy Shit, what was the point of the wreck if that soulless Bitch wasn’t going to die! Oh Yes, due to Mark Schwahn’s Fountain of Youth a.k.a Bottles of Piss in Sunkist, More Hot Air came from that fish breath, stank ass of his!

I mean, Whatever happened to looking both ways before you pull out into the street or did that Car come out of nowhere? Wait, Was The Crack Head Dog who ate Dan’s heart Driving…?

LOL, Oh that would have been classic, then we could say, “That’s a good bitch” and not actually mean Peyton this time, no? Ha-ha-ha!

So, I know we all were thinking: What would OTH be without It’s annual Car Crash where the *cough*FOOL*cough* I mean Victim in Question (Insert Eye Roll) miraculously survives!? But seriously, that Whore & Spawn didn’t even Die!? :-/

Pointless Shenanigans from that Prick & the OTH writers! Seriously, How many possible Deaths can one She-Demon face and Not one of those BLESSINGS Take out That Bitch!?

Jimmy Edwards… AKA, BRUCAS Sniper, Tried to do us all a favor and Pop on of those lollipops in her eyes, but failed Miserably.

Psycho Derek… AKA BRUCAS Ride or Die Solider/Spy, Just couldn’t Kill that Bitch no matter how he tried! Unfortunately, Doubt Agent Brooke-bot, Season 4 addition, turned on us!

Spawn… AKA BRUCAS Atomic Bomb/Anti-Christ… just waiting to implode with: Kill the Bitch! Kill the Bitch! Tattooed to it’s head instead of 666!

Now…Cosmic Brucas BREAD TRUCK!


What the Fuck, She’s Like a Fucking Herpes Flare that keeps popping up on Mark Schwahn’s ass and he won’t stop Shitting on the Script.

Damn STD Transporter! If I have to See that Stupid Trashy Douche bag of a woman wail with those fucking Hoot Owl pop-eyes one more time… For real, that chick’s eyes are like two ass cheeks jiggle!
Gag, Gag, gagiddy, gag, gag!

Like, where did she get acting lessons? Out of a Cracker Jack’s Box along with That Orange Hair Dye! Seriously, Does she spray tan her hair, or is Mark Schwahn Skeeting Sunkist, which no doubt has taken over his sperm and brain, into her shampoo as he jerks off in her house.

But That aside!

Sam was out of line and Mark Schwahn’s an IDIOT! Just because Jack is moving with new hip Foster parents doesn’t mean she has to be a shrew! Jack and she are perfect together, and I’m glad she called him her boyfriend, but she still annoyed me!

Brooke doesn’t have to run off at Julian’s beck and call just as Sam has no right to talk to Brooke that way! How is it Stupid to think about things instead of being a desperate slut I.e. PeytWHORE and losing all self-respect!

What sort of show teaches girls to do that when she can’t even tell him she loves him…and its Only been a month! UGH! I have a shovel, and if B wants to kill that witch, we can!

But again, thank the LORD for Victoria, setting that GOSH awful bitch ass brat straight! Telling her she hit the jackpot with Brooke was so true! Sam and Victoria are actually a cute family for Brooke… I LOVE IT!

Brooke Getting 51 percent of her company from Victoria- CONTROLING SHARES- if you don’t know about stoke markets and stuff like that! That made up for lack Of BL for me! I’m so bored with Lucas and his, I want to build a comet for Peyton since she got hit! Blah, like watching paint dry while pulling out your teeth!

Any who…

I LOVE BROOKLYN, Haley, Nathan, Jaime, & Victoria! If we would have had Dan,. This show would have rocked!

So, what’s your Opinion? Yeah, I want to Know!

Monday, April 6, 2009

another long ass hiatus! Be back on the next new episode!