Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rumors? Spumors? They were all True?

Rumors true?
No PeytWhore, Luke-Ass, or baby Seyton? While I rejoice to the fullest, I admit my BL hope went down the drain! It’s kind of weird to imagine no Peytwhore, it gives me the giggles! But at the same time, if she was fired and didn’t want to leave, but the Ucas part of Pucas is forcing her hand- he should be ashamed.

I don’t like Lucas or CMM but we need his lame, ridiculous, half conscious ass to make the other half of the beautiful BRUCAS! So my initial kill Lucas campaign is suspended unless he really doesn’t sign and then- Kill that bitch off! But till he pulls a Peyton Actress movie and tells everyone- I will hold off on burning Lucas Scott effigies!
So let me spread my BL Love!

she’s the queen of all things red
Though she will never sport the color
But you’ll imagine it in your Bed
But she’s claims you’re like her brother
When everything is said and done
She’ll still own your soul
You’ll ride off into the sunset with the wrong one
But your demeanor will always be cold
To lose the one you loved the most
To believe they’ll never love you for what you lack
To think she knows your favorite food is French toast
And yet she never missed you back?
You realize you were an idiot like your father
And perhaps it is to late
But your not Soul-mates, but Star-crossed lovers
Never meant to be is your fate
But you’ll always have the memories
Her body so small yet curvaceous
A Spirit to which Nobel men have searched centuries
Only covered by a beauty so Ostentatious
So Ostentatious that you feel as if you have the Midas touch
But nevermore, nevermore, nevermore dear Brooding prince
Nevermore will you, a noble toad, own so much
Brooke Davis was all your qualities , including your common sense


We all know that I am the number 1 Seyton Hater out there, and though I rejoice in her departure I must defend her! OH MY GOD, I never thought that shit would come out of my mouth, but I have to say this: HOW DARE SOME PUKERS/LEYTONERS ACTUALLY DISRESPECT THE WOMAN’S DECISION TO LEAVE!

Her “FANS” are actually the one’s spreading the Hate- calling the woman ungrateful for wanting to pursue other things! Are you kidding me!

True, I think she sucks as an actress, but the woman hasn’t disrespected anyone! What has she done to those fans but play the role of the Conniving, backstabbing bitch, they all love! Pukers are showing this woman a total disregard and I for one don’t like it!

If my favorite- BROOKE, were to leave I would rejoice! That means I could quit this suck-ass show and watch Sophia Bush succeed, hopefully, in other things! Instead these pukers are on the war Path! So much so that she pod-cast/ posted a video just to tell them that she isn’t turning her back on them! Are they seriously hounding this woman!

First and Foremost, she is a Human being people! I despise the character and make inappropriate comments at times because I’m Todd! I write a Blog for Pete’s Sake and I like to entertain, but to actually call the woman out on her MORALS! UGH! Some of her Fan’s really are NUTJOBS!

Plus- I really think she’s being forced out! Think about it- RECESSION/DEPRESSION is causing budget cuts everywhere! My Father just lost his Job as have millions of Americans (well thousands at least)!

So imagine how easy it was to decide which Character to get rid of! Naley “Nalien’s” have one of the hugest Fan bases! Hell, I’m a Fucking NALIEN! And I hate this show and just about everything about it!

BROOKE is a force to be reckoned with! Remember with BLers threatened to stop watching the show- the ratings hit the bottom of the gutter! Then next thing you know, MARK started giving Brooke good storylines because BL/Brooke Fans refused to watch when our favorite Character was being ignored!

Peyton-Lucas (Pucas/Leyton)- Nice size Fan Bases, but they don’t compare to Naley or Brooke! They are both the most hated Characters “Peyton” especially! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the highest paid & also the least favorite would be FIRED, ASK TO QUIT when budget cuts came into play!


Get Real People! And to steal a favorite quote from Pukers, “GET OVER IT!”

She- and I say she because I don’t know her name and I’m too lazy to look it up- had a great run, now she’s moving on! However, wouldn’t it be something if she were being fired so that they could Pay CMM to stay!

Haha- just a thought! A horrible, horrible thought, but so possible! :-(
Sucks for her- but that’s that!


Honestly, if any actor should be getting bashed, it’s that no talent having Mark and his beady eyed douche partner in crime- CMM! What’s he going to star in, huh?

I predict!…….***********************Looking at Crystal Ball : MMMMH, Hey Ya, Hey Ya, Ooooh, AhhAh- Welcome to Lifetime Movie Network CMM!

Now, while I respect his decision to go ruin the tiny career he has managed to undoubtedly sleep his way through-ha-ha, just kidding people, don't kill me- I must say that it’s Bullshit! I’ll tell you a few theories! Just theories on why Mr. Jerk-off is leaving!

Theory Number 1:

I bet he’s pissed that both Jophia are together and The Guy that plays Julian 9who apparently liked Sophia and dated her) are all on the teley with him! Think about him, Julian is beating the character of Lucas in every poll! While Lucas has become a complete douche, Julian is saving Brooke and being the sweet, yet rugged guy! He even does the Lucas speeches!

“Not that Guy” vs. “The Guy For You!” Come on, we all know Mark ASSchwan recycles lines and Julian is the new Lucas! Ha-ha! Sorry, but it’s the truth! The guy has been replaced and by none other than his wife’s EX!

Lets get serious, this guy is a DOUCHE! Everyone heard rumors about him being jealous when our beautiful Sophia had love interests! Apparently it was true because she hadn’t kissed a guy in how long? Three seasons!

Now he watches her with her Current boyfriend and ex-dater/current Great friend! I bet he is fuming right now. Worse is that at first he was all for the new seasons until, what? Julian sudden come along and the news of Jophia breaks! This guy is bitter! As a dude, I can promise you he’s bitter!

ALL those people who were supporting the Cheater have just become aware of what most Knew: He puts the word Dick head, Douche-bag to shame! He’s a Mother Fucking Jerk-off sperm spreading, Tool faced, child molesting looking, Punk!

I don’t care what anyone says- this guy disrespected BLers with the PRETTY GIRL line and LPers were all, “he didn’t mean it! I don't see a problem with it. Wah, Wah! Get over it!”

Now he’s shoving his middle fingers up their asses and telling them to spin, and they finally woke up! Sorry but, that’s just the way it is!

You get LP, but you get them FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR away and they will probably be driving away with the Spawn, the car goes nuts, they crash- CaBOOM! Mark has the annual Cr- Cr- Cr- AAAAAAAAAAA -Crash and Leyton disappear forever! Again, Insert evil chuckle: MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Theory Two:

Oh Hell, Who am I kidding! I only have ONE theory and that’s THEORY ONE!

Anyway, it’s horrible to think of Poor Peyton actress having to lose her job because CMM is leaving! That sucks for her, but you serve the audience burnt cookies and they tend to crumble, haha! In other words: That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles!

Feel free to say your peace! Whether you agree or not, your all my Homies!

Much Love Homies,


Anonymous said...

Trust me Toddian,

Those rumors are definitely true. While I am THRILLED that after season 6, whether OTH still decides to go ahead with a season 7(even though it did get picked up by the CW), we will no longer have to sit through PeytWhore, Luke-Ass, and even baby Seyton. And just like you, while I'm absolutely pleased that I won't have to watch that garbage on my television screen anymore....all of my BL hope is gone because Pucas is gonna have there "happy ever after" seeing as how Mark is so fuckin obsessed with them.....and well there's never gonna be Brucas ever again.

Personally I don't give two shits that PeytWhore or even the actress who plays her is leaving. I know some people who know her well and who live in Wilmington and trust me......if you knew some of the things I knew, then you wouldn't be feeling so bad about her not being on the show anymore. Lets just say that there are reasons I don't like the character of Peyton or even the actress(Hilarie) who plays her. I can't say much other than I already have seeing as how I'm sure people lurk and read your posts and comments made by people who come to your blog(like me). And you already know just how stupid some people can I won't elaborate on anything I've said because the last thing I want is for there to be any problems on this blog.

And trust me....she did not "lose" her job due to a recession/depression. I'm pretty sure that Mark would fire the others way before he fired her because it is well known that she is his favorite. There were a couple of things that made her walk out of the show.....some were personal. And I saw the video she posted before coming to your blog....and I gotta be honest with you-I felt nothing. Simply because I know how she is. But trust me, the last thing you should be feeling is bad that she is leaving the show.

While just like you, I also hate Lucas and CMM, the only reason I've put up with his ass on the show is in the hopes that one day we will get our Brucas back. I miss the Lucas from seasons 2 and 3 and every time I think about the amazing chemistry and love between Brucas, it makes me so pissed that we're never gonna have them again. But the fact is that he doesn't want to come back at all, which means the end of Lucas and the end of Brucas. He's made it clear to fans and extras on set that he no longer wants to be on the show and hasn't since season 4. In fact, he even told people not so long ago, that he wanted season 4 to be the very last you can just imagine how annoyed he was when OTH got picked up for a fifth season and then a sixth season.(And judging by your theory as to why he wants to leave----he probably thought that had the show ended after season 4, then Jophia would've probably never gotten together and the character of Julian wouldn't have become even more famous that Lucas'). He wants to be in movies now and could really care less about OTH. And yeah.....Lifetime sounds about right.lolllll

And your poem/song totally rocked. I LOVED it.

Now I would love it too if Sophia were to leave the show. I LOVE her and she's my FAVORITE and the last thing I want is for her to be stuck on an awful show while she could be out doing movies and progressing and succeeding in her career. I just hope she leaves the show NOW.

And as for your whole theory as to why CMM is so bent on leaving the show, I'm not even gonna bother commenting on it simply because I thought it was perfect and right on the money. You basically came out and said what I had been thinking for a while now and I couldn't help but love you even more after reading the entire thing because I felt you were right on. So kudos to you for coming out and saying what I'm pretty sure many people have been thinking.


Anonymous said...

I am glad the actor that plays peyton is leaving. I wish it was true that she got fired so cmm would stay for more money but it not true.

Anyway i do wish/hope sophia would leave to. She needs to do better and bigger thing and with 2 actors leaving how can they reallt expect the show to last. He lost his bl fans a looooooong time ago and know he lost lp fan who care about that. But he still lost lots of fans. Now all we have is naley. Yeah brulian are getting close but it will never be the same or come close to brucas or even pucas. I dont think any realionship they put brooke in will come close to the relationship chemistry brucas had. It was special and sweet. And not forced like the brother sister relationship pucas had.

I say let the show die. I mean once pucas marries the show is almost as good as dead. Since there will be no brucas stuff at all even if cmm was to stay. And with only 3 of them main 5 core left what the point.