Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rumors? Spumors? They were all True?

Rumors true?
No PeytWhore, Luke-Ass, or baby Seyton? While I rejoice to the fullest, I admit my BL hope went down the drain! It’s kind of weird to imagine no Peytwhore, it gives me the giggles! But at the same time, if she was fired and didn’t want to leave, but the Ucas part of Pucas is forcing her hand- he should be ashamed.

I don’t like Lucas or CMM but we need his lame, ridiculous, half conscious ass to make the other half of the beautiful BRUCAS! So my initial kill Lucas campaign is suspended unless he really doesn’t sign and then- Kill that bitch off! But till he pulls a Peyton Actress movie and tells everyone- I will hold off on burning Lucas Scott effigies!
So let me spread my BL Love!

she’s the queen of all things red
Though she will never sport the color
But you’ll imagine it in your Bed
But she’s claims you’re like her brother
When everything is said and done
She’ll still own your soul
You’ll ride off into the sunset with the wrong one
But your demeanor will always be cold
To lose the one you loved the most
To believe they’ll never love you for what you lack
To think she knows your favorite food is French toast
And yet she never missed you back?
You realize you were an idiot like your father
And perhaps it is to late
But your not Soul-mates, but Star-crossed lovers
Never meant to be is your fate
But you’ll always have the memories
Her body so small yet curvaceous
A Spirit to which Nobel men have searched centuries
Only covered by a beauty so Ostentatious
So Ostentatious that you feel as if you have the Midas touch
But nevermore, nevermore, nevermore dear Brooding prince
Nevermore will you, a noble toad, own so much
Brooke Davis was all your qualities , including your common sense


We all know that I am the number 1 Seyton Hater out there, and though I rejoice in her departure I must defend her! OH MY GOD, I never thought that shit would come out of my mouth, but I have to say this: HOW DARE SOME PUKERS/LEYTONERS ACTUALLY DISRESPECT THE WOMAN’S DECISION TO LEAVE!

Her “FANS” are actually the one’s spreading the Hate- calling the woman ungrateful for wanting to pursue other things! Are you kidding me!

True, I think she sucks as an actress, but the woman hasn’t disrespected anyone! What has she done to those fans but play the role of the Conniving, backstabbing bitch, they all love! Pukers are showing this woman a total disregard and I for one don’t like it!

If my favorite- BROOKE, were to leave I would rejoice! That means I could quit this suck-ass show and watch Sophia Bush succeed, hopefully, in other things! Instead these pukers are on the war Path! So much so that she pod-cast/ posted a video just to tell them that she isn’t turning her back on them! Are they seriously hounding this woman!

First and Foremost, she is a Human being people! I despise the character and make inappropriate comments at times because I’m Todd! I write a Blog for Pete’s Sake and I like to entertain, but to actually call the woman out on her MORALS! UGH! Some of her Fan’s really are NUTJOBS!

Plus- I really think she’s being forced out! Think about it- RECESSION/DEPRESSION is causing budget cuts everywhere! My Father just lost his Job as have millions of Americans (well thousands at least)!

So imagine how easy it was to decide which Character to get rid of! Naley “Nalien’s” have one of the hugest Fan bases! Hell, I’m a Fucking NALIEN! And I hate this show and just about everything about it!

BROOKE is a force to be reckoned with! Remember with BLers threatened to stop watching the show- the ratings hit the bottom of the gutter! Then next thing you know, MARK started giving Brooke good storylines because BL/Brooke Fans refused to watch when our favorite Character was being ignored!

Peyton-Lucas (Pucas/Leyton)- Nice size Fan Bases, but they don’t compare to Naley or Brooke! They are both the most hated Characters “Peyton” especially! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the highest paid & also the least favorite would be FIRED, ASK TO QUIT when budget cuts came into play!


Get Real People! And to steal a favorite quote from Pukers, “GET OVER IT!”

She- and I say she because I don’t know her name and I’m too lazy to look it up- had a great run, now she’s moving on! However, wouldn’t it be something if she were being fired so that they could Pay CMM to stay!

Haha- just a thought! A horrible, horrible thought, but so possible! :-(
Sucks for her- but that’s that!


Honestly, if any actor should be getting bashed, it’s that no talent having Mark and his beady eyed douche partner in crime- CMM! What’s he going to star in, huh?

I predict!…….***********************Looking at Crystal Ball : MMMMH, Hey Ya, Hey Ya, Ooooh, AhhAh- Welcome to Lifetime Movie Network CMM!

Now, while I respect his decision to go ruin the tiny career he has managed to undoubtedly sleep his way through-ha-ha, just kidding people, don't kill me- I must say that it’s Bullshit! I’ll tell you a few theories! Just theories on why Mr. Jerk-off is leaving!

Theory Number 1:

I bet he’s pissed that both Jophia are together and The Guy that plays Julian 9who apparently liked Sophia and dated her) are all on the teley with him! Think about him, Julian is beating the character of Lucas in every poll! While Lucas has become a complete douche, Julian is saving Brooke and being the sweet, yet rugged guy! He even does the Lucas speeches!

“Not that Guy” vs. “The Guy For You!” Come on, we all know Mark ASSchwan recycles lines and Julian is the new Lucas! Ha-ha! Sorry, but it’s the truth! The guy has been replaced and by none other than his wife’s EX!

Lets get serious, this guy is a DOUCHE! Everyone heard rumors about him being jealous when our beautiful Sophia had love interests! Apparently it was true because she hadn’t kissed a guy in how long? Three seasons!

Now he watches her with her Current boyfriend and ex-dater/current Great friend! I bet he is fuming right now. Worse is that at first he was all for the new seasons until, what? Julian sudden come along and the news of Jophia breaks! This guy is bitter! As a dude, I can promise you he’s bitter!

ALL those people who were supporting the Cheater have just become aware of what most Knew: He puts the word Dick head, Douche-bag to shame! He’s a Mother Fucking Jerk-off sperm spreading, Tool faced, child molesting looking, Punk!

I don’t care what anyone says- this guy disrespected BLers with the PRETTY GIRL line and LPers were all, “he didn’t mean it! I don't see a problem with it. Wah, Wah! Get over it!”

Now he’s shoving his middle fingers up their asses and telling them to spin, and they finally woke up! Sorry but, that’s just the way it is!

You get LP, but you get them FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR away and they will probably be driving away with the Spawn, the car goes nuts, they crash- CaBOOM! Mark has the annual Cr- Cr- Cr- AAAAAAAAAAA -Crash and Leyton disappear forever! Again, Insert evil chuckle: MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Theory Two:

Oh Hell, Who am I kidding! I only have ONE theory and that’s THEORY ONE!

Anyway, it’s horrible to think of Poor Peyton actress having to lose her job because CMM is leaving! That sucks for her, but you serve the audience burnt cookies and they tend to crumble, haha! In other words: That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles!

Feel free to say your peace! Whether you agree or not, your all my Homies!

Much Love Homies,

Monday, February 23, 2009

Why? Oh, Oh, Why?

It’s come to my attention that this show is no longer entertainment, but an obligation! Week after week, I rejoice in the miniature breaks, praying to all that is Holy and Just that this show just gets cancel! Cancel this mother-fucking, piece of shit, obligatory horse ass show! It’s like watching a dog lick its shit covered balls! Cancel it! Drain, flush this Turd of Nonsense!

#1... What the fuck is up with these spoilers! (IF YOU DON’T LIKE SPOILERS, SKIP ALL THE RED STUFF!)
  • Julian tells Brooke he loves her- blah, blah, blah!

Dude, I’m all for Brooke’s happiness, but you just met her you Fucking Nark! Is it me or does that Asshole Mark write out of Colon- Cause this is total Bullshit! Creepy, Peyton obsessed Wanker! Some one should tell that jerking Off While writing has done nothing For his show!

  • Pucas Marry!

Oh Mark, GO FUCK YOURSELF! Oh wait, you do that every time you watch that chick that plays Peyton! I bet his hand sees more action with his dick than whipping his ass with tissue. All over his house, I bet he has naked skeletons wearing bikinis and a blonde mop, pretending its Peyton. Cause kid needs a good burger and some shake or something!

  • Naley Move- hell yeah, get ya’ll boring, Proppin’ Puc-Ass Lickin’, only balls you juggle are orange basketballs, crazy asses out of Tree Hill!

Thank GOD! Who wants to live in that Town full of Murderers and Pukers- Hell yeah, that’s where all those fucking nuts live! Leaves falling means destiny, dreams mean forever, having an unhealthy obsession for a crazy EMO Slut is viewed as normal! Lucas is basically Psycho Derek with worse hair.

  • Luc-ASS Dies- Hallelujah! Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Hallllllllelleleleleleellelellelelelelu-JAH!

Kill that Pussy ass, Jerk wag! Hello! The slower, the better! I’ve Got a lighter, some lighter fluid, And I definitely have A shove! Lets dowse that Bitch in Kerosene and fry marshmallows off his ass! Ha-ha! It’s only right he gets a Preview of Hell, cause that’s where Man-whore’s go! To the Free clinic For Piss burns & To hell! Goodbye Man-whore May you BIH… Burn In Hell for all eternity!

  • Dan might die- they do this, and I really will quit!

Why do my favorites always get he shaft! First Brooke, then Jake, now Dan! I didn’t care that he killed Keith! Keith was like stale bread the same why PeytWHORE is like AID’s- Easy for Lucas to get, Nasty, Deadly, & Alienating from Others to have, & Impossible to get rid of! Nasty STD- Stupid Trashy Ditz!

  • Julian Leaves without Brooke- BONE ALERT! Mark Bore-A-snore Knows that BRUCASERS will not watch His EPIC NASTINESS of PUCAS MARRIAGE unless they thing there is still a chance for BRUCAS! He is PLAYING US! DO NOT WATCH! I repeat, DO NOT WATCH!

#2... To much PUCAS! You can’t force people to like two losers without personalities try to suck the boringness from each other! It’s like they compete on who can suck the most!

Seriously- who really thinks either can act? For Real? Like, seriously?
Peyton has Played the Same role since the beginning- you know, whine, whine, a slice of cheese, more cheese, rat trap Cheese, whine, slut me a slut slutty, whine, whine! & Its still hard to watch! Holy Fuck, is she paid to suck or is CMM her acting coach!

Enter, beady eyed Douche bag! The Professor of SUCKASS ACTORVILLE University! Dude better stick with OTH cause nobody is going to hire him, not even to play the corpse! Cause then they will be like, “Dude, come on! Corpses don’t sporadically Squint! Blinder Fool!”

So, I don’t know why this guy writes this shit or showcases the Zombie and the stiff light pole, but I can say: VIVA LA OTH SHOW! You were once a great source of Entertainment!

Stick a Fork in it, You’re Done!
L8r Homies (Jennifer) haha!

Post script- my fanfiction account isn't working! I can't post, review, or log-in! Am I the only one having this problem!?

Monday, February 16, 2009

BLer's Beware of Pukers Out There!

No Show, but alot you should know!

Have you ever been reading a bunch of Puker’s blog and If you say Mark is Wrong, you become A FAKE Fan in their little Warped, Completely ridiculous, easily influenced Minds! These Nuts Are Jokes! Moreover, be aware that they come in all sorts of packages.

A) The Morality Police Puker-

They are a breed of Crazy talking, Reality challenged Psychos. You say you want the Pucas Spawn to Die and They go Ballistic! Call you a Tool- granted I am one- & Go on a rampage about how wrong it is!

That My Friends is Schizophrenia 101!

Believing in an Alternate reality where characters that come from the mind of some Lame Horny, in lust with PeytWHORE, Douche Bag! These people actually believe that the characters are real!

They believe the actors (CMM & that chick who plays Peyton) should be married, and they believe this baby is real. Forget that you actually have to have a pulse to conceive a child. And with a Corpse Actor who couldn’t play dead if he were told to lay there aka CMM and a non-talented Chick who’s so boring I can’t remember her name- It’s impossible.

In fact it would be against the Law of Nature- You know, seeing as about half the world would drop dead from disgust, while the others would nuke themselves to get the image out of their heads! Gag me now with a dirt diaper full of shit because I’d rather eat a load of crap than be serviced to a watching Comatose Pretty Boy dry hump a chick the size of Nicole Richie’s pinkie.

But I digress- Those anti-social freaks believe all of this is real, and I find myself shouting, “Douche Bag, these aren’t real people!”

Then they say, oh that’s an excuse… No Space captain of a Dumb Fuck Academy, its reality! I wonder what they would do if Tom the Cat had ever caught the cartoon character Jerry the Mouse on the Classic Tom & Jerry series! Bet they would try to call PETA!

I could understand if I was wish death on an actual kid, but a fictional character! These are the most annoying!

Repellant: List the mental institutions that you can advise them to seek!

B) The Mark Scwann ASS KISSERS Al La Puker aka KisSchwans-
Complete and total Shit nosed Narks! My clinically insane KisSchwans are the dumbest of the dumb, actually thinking that if you don’t like an episode, season, or whatever, you ARE NOT A TRUE FAN!

They say without Mark that there wouldn’t be a show and we should be thankful! Are theses Fucking Psychos kidding me!

Only in MY Wildest Dreams did anyone so fucking Stupid be born to this world. In what world do they live where the Customer/ Viewer owes the Service i.e. Show! So if a Movie sucks, are we going to go watch it because the actress or actor didn’t have to make the movie!

NO! We don’t go, because it doesn’t affect us! Or if popcorn tastes too salty, do we eat it anyway and risk high blood pressure and a heart attack because Orville Redenbacher made it before he died!

Shit Faced Losers!

- The show does not Pay our bills, it does not give us a means to buy Food and spend large amounts of money!

-The Show does not Make us Celebrities!


We make it possible for him to get a paycheck every day/week/ month, whatever! If the show ends, we might not have anything to watch, but it does not affect our lives. We just flip the channel and move on! We don’t lose a Job, you Kiss ass!

Theses actors lose a job and a Paycheck as well as your precious MARK!

Gees, these nuts are dumb!

C) Puk-Tenders aka The Crazy Bitches in Sheep Clothing-

They pretend to be biased and just Naley friends, but you catch them posting in the I Love the Anorexic Whore aka Peyton Lovers Thread! Yes, Yes, these are the Puk-Tenders!

These guys lurk, like they are probably reading this right now and waiting to post! Yes, you! You are a Puk-Tender, pretending to like Brooke as long as she cheerleads PUCAS! UH-HUH! You go to BL Love sites and anonymously bash or act like you care then say something rude and stupid! There is another name for Puk-Tenders! These people are called COWARDS! Hiding behind Naley Love and Brooke Support!
You Disgust the shit out of me, and I’m a Jerk-Wag!

D) The Almost Sane but not Quite there Puker-

These people will argue you down with the most unrealistic analogies known to Man! I’m talking BS you through an entire argument, only to say- Well, maybe you have a point or Okay, I see what you’re saying!
This is my sort of Puker & they get the Honorable Mention of being typecast as a Leytoner.

Poor Pathetic Dicks!

So, I just wanted my BL Brethen to know what was up!

Much Love Homies,

Monday, February 9, 2009

No show, But I Hate Mouth almost as much as Pucas & It’s never gonna go away!

Well, another OTH rerun… & I really, usually don't have anything to say, but somebody mentioned Mouth and what if he comes back!

I got this sick chill in my body, knives stabbing me in my stomache at the thought! OH MY GOD, Please NO!… DUN! DUN!

What if Monkey Face Mouth returns to CURSE us with MORE Cure’s For Insomnia! NONONONONONONO! I swear on the Scum on My shoe, IF I Have to see that Life sucking Zombie Try to act one more time, I’m going to take a running leapt out of a building! Seriously, I’ll throw my face through a television before I watch wannabe Manwhore whine his way through another Scene!

I’m like SERIOUSLY MARK! I know that Mouth is like the Embodiment of all the strengths your sperm can Produce, But Please, I begth you! STOP THE MADNESS! I’d rather watch you get off on your PeytWHORE posters every time you write a screen play than that Ringworm steal Scenes! Fucking Annoying Douche!

Mouth please meet Bridge and take a step off of it you annoying piece of fictional Garbage! Watching this guy is like eating the puke you just watched (PUCAS) and trying not to gag!

Never, Ever Have I witness A bigger waste of Scene time since Droopy Face PeytWHOre was created by the JERK Off that Be… Aka Mark-ASS!
Please tell me that it is a dream, and that Mouth, the new red head as I am told, will never come back!


Seriously, the guy is like a walking tooth pick that goes around stabbing people in their Eye every time you watch the show.
I can see it now, every time you watch OTH, and you have just finished unhealthy losing your lunch after gagging from PUCAS- Suddenly YOU Go blind- Pucas sex? NO, NOT THAT TORTURE, but so Close! The face of an Alien pops up!

PeytWHORE? No, I said An Alien, Not Mule Whose Eyes just exploded from their head! No, it’s mouth! NOOOOOO!

By the way, The Last thing we need is A Talking “Ready To Burst It‘s so RED PIMPLE with stick legs walking around to take more time! WHY! WHY!

Some boy string up the Chimp and leave him outside for the wolves! I can’t take it anymore… IF I wanted to Watch a Cheap Looking Loser Use women and whine like a two dollar Hooker in need of Change…

I’d watch the Corpse actor that Plays Lucas! Is it me or has he complete fallen asleep during a couple of scenes and had to be revived! The Man’s acting is worst than Gumbie in Clay-mation!

Please, For the love of GOD, someone Slap the life back into that Guy and make his ass blink! I would give up a 100 dollars if he would blink just once instead of mindlessly squinting at nothing.

Okay, that’s enough anger for today!

Thought I'd give you a laugh!

L8r guys!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Congratulations B. JOY ….

I thought I was watching a Season 4 Episode! You know Semi Good- Semi SUCKASS!!!

While this episode was hilarious and jokey, I was pissed with all that PeytWhore shit! Yet, all those pot shots at her Made it Great though- Hip, Hip Hooray! And Yes, PEYTON IS DEB- Dixon, SCOREEEEEEEEE! Clearly, somebody knows the truth, to bad its B. Joy and not The Douche Bag Writing Team…

& What exactly makes PeytWHORE believe that the nuisance that is Mia can read A picture book let along Italian just because she is Italian. I’m Half Italian and though I speak it rather fluently, I’m not the best at reading/writing it. And I hope that Andy & Karen are living in Italy because otherwise that made no sense.

And The Whiney Whore cries so much… cry, cry, cry… I knew this pregnancy was going to suck! The Hormones turn EMO into PSYCHO… Damn, stop being a whining bitch and tell Lucas to help your ass! You didn’t make the spawn alone! Damn, then of course Mr. Douche shows up, hear baby heart beat… cue car running over stupid ass douche!
But Back to Dixon- Hell yeah, like a Chris Keller on Speed! TOCAN SAM-I was Laughing My Ass off! I really wish he and Julian would just crack on the annoying douche that is Lucas! Damn, he makes me sick! For real, can’t wait for him to disappear off the show! Him and EMO cry Nag, Nag, Nag! Damn, disappear please! Too much Pucas B.Joy, too much Pucas!
Actually, I am so tired of all this Peyton… & what’s with the Brooke’s a Whore shit being thrown out! Now that already got rid of Brucas but they can’t destroy the fact that Brooke was still a good person most of high school! And JULIAN… What the fuck, are they trying to make him unlikable! Everybody is basically calling Brooke a whore, but why not Peyton who loved everybody, Nathan, LucASS… the biggest WHORE this side of LIL KIM!

That PISSED ME OFF! Why the hell would they do that! MARK AND COMPANY CAN KISS MY ASS because you know what, a lot of people like the character because they can identify with it. Even as a guy, My dad though he could by me off and I partied all through high school, so when I started watching this fucked up show, I was like- yeah, I understand that chick! But now the moral of the story is what?

YOU CAN BE a douche in high school, but CAN NEVER LIVE IT DOWN, CAN NEVER PROVE PEOPLE WRONG! Is this a joke…? I don’t like watching shows that make me feel like shit! And this shit does, there is no moral, no fricken good things happen!

Of course, Julian made up for it in the END! Still I like Brucas, though LucASS is making it so hard to like him! He didn’t even care that Brooke confronted him about the script saying she only liked: sex, Sex, Sex! Not cool, he could have pretended, but with the way he did Fergie, I’ m not surprised. The dude stuck with him through thick and thin, yet he can’t give hi a small role in the movie… Loser ass, stuck up son of a bitch! I HATE LUCAS, the corpse boring ass, Scott!

But then right back to the PuKable PUCAS together! What do you get when you Put a whining Ghost, butter face and a Dickwad= PUCAS! UGH! Though Seeing that troll did give us Skillz, again B. Joy Bravo… & Haley not a PROP! IS this the Twilight Zone! I like the storyline of maybe being fired and not solving the problem in one episode! DAMN, the mix of humor and angst was good! I even enjoyed Sam and Haley, but some Baley would have been better!

And Nate’s storyline is SO FUCKIN GOOD! Damn I was into this so much! Finally some sports for people like me who are ready to see some real action! Not random tosses through walls & Shit, but Basketball drama! I felt bad for the guy who Nathan basically got fired by he had it coming! I really don’t want Nathan to quit or anything, because this is reality. I\it’s like, and you have to work hard and you can’t be Mr. Nice guy!

THE JAMIE & DAN… Call me a SOFT, but I wanted to cry like a little baby! Thank GOD we get to see more Dan, but seriously needs to be the bad guy, he plays it so well. I like the dynamic of Jamie and Dan on the Date with the teacher, and when Jamie told the teacher that Dan had been in jail, I laughed so loud!

Finally our j Luke is behaving like a 5 year old! That was the best!
But what next week, back to boring PUCAS VILLE!
Hidden scene from next week…

Typical Pucas Conversation/Scene

Peyton walks in wearing a dress that reveals the body transplant she had with Michael Jackson, “Hello Lucas, have fun squinting all day?”
Lucas, While squinting, livens up a bit. “ Brook- I mean Pretty Gir- I mean Lindsey… Oh hell, which one are you?”

“The stalker! You know, follows you everywhere!” Peyton’s eyes droop as usual while mouth hangs open and a fly swoops in. The smell of shit from licking said Blonde man-whore’s mouth is too irresistible, “Defaces public property but manages not to go to jail. Leader of the Break Brooke’s Heart Club. The only person that would take you back and would never leave no matter how much you whine like a bitch and treat me like pond scum!”

Lucas attempts a Julian Grin while wearing horrible jacket but fails miserably. Instead the douche bag looks like a wet dog who just got neutered. Defeated, he yawns while squinting. “Oh, that one! I forgot which one you were between scratching my balls, not trying to get a job, thinking of ways to save people without having to get too close and have them notice the lipstick I’m wearing.”

Peyton scowls, “Luke, you don’t want everyone to know that you’ve lost all your manhood when you turned into Tree Hills resident Trick.” Chin meets with bone also called a hand, and almost starts a forest fire, “Hey, that is so ironic since You gave me Tric because you’re so dumb you couldn’t run a marathon even if Psycho Derek were chasing you with a knife.”

“Psycho Derek?” Lucas drawls in confusion, “Is that my producer Julian or Dixon/ Dawson! If it is, I need to talk to Brooke and get some advice from her. You know that whenever I start to actually turn into a corpse and ratings fall, they bring me to Brooke to get my pulse racing.”

Random Brucaser: Dude That’s what We’ve been trying to tell everybody!
Random Puker: GET OVER IT!
Brucaser: But Dude, that Lucas GUY just said it, too!
Brucaser: Are those the only words you know? I mean, if I ask another question what will you say?
Brucaser: Okay. I’ll test my theory. How Much wood would a Woodchuck Chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Puker: GET OVER IT *Glitch in Robot programming from Boring Pucas couple* GGGGG-Get overrrrr ITTTTT!
Brucaser smiles to self… oh yes, easily influenced Pucas fan ALERT. Snickering, the Brucaser sets out on a plan to Prove that the Puker/Leytoner agrees that Pucas sucks…. All that is necessary to do is say a couple of sentences and watch the Puker reply.
Brucaser: Your couple sucks donkey’s nuts, bores the Energizer Bunny into a coma, looks like Incest with a Grandfather & A corpse. Everybody hates them but a few, so you need to build a bridge and-
Brucaser: Ha-ha-ha! I knew you’d agree! LOSER!
Puker while reading this blog: It’s only a show… *cries* Wah, Wah! You disgust me…
Brucaser: Yes, It is Just a Show, Loser! But why if you are so disgusted do you even go out of my way to read and reply! But you Know What wise men say, “PUCAS is, as STUPID Does!” LOSER! And now that I know it strikes your soul so much and offends you, I must continue to be even harsher! MUHAHA!
Puker runs off and Brucaser follows to taunt more!

Peyton’s mouth finally snaps open, “ What about MEEEEEEEEE! MEEEEE! YOU & ME!!! ME & THE DEVIL Spawn… we should name it Seyton by the way! Seyton as in Spawn of Peyton! Then we can fall asleep while taking care of it and hope that Dead nanny Carrie doesn’t walk in the unlocked front door and kill everyone.”

Lucas shakes his head, “Nanny Carrie’s Dead? Since when? I didn’t even get a chance to profess my undying love to her, and Nathan got a kiss! This just will not suffice! We all know that Nathan never gets his dreams while I get everything! Damn Mark! I’m not coming back for season seven! And where is my prop, Haley! She should run in and say-”

On cue Haley runs in with Pom-Poms, “Oh God ship LucAss the town slut and Tranny manny PeytWh*re I bow to your benevolence!” Bows then stands, “Nanny Carrie is Psycho Derek’s ex-girlfriend that he thought was dead. She almost killed me and Jamie.”

Haley starts to cry at the thought but LucASS interrupts her.
“Excuse me!” Lucas yawns and squints while staring at Peyton then shifting to Haley, “Um, prop… You can make like a banana and split now. Unless you want to talk about how good I am at loving people. And by the way, if Jamie could please send me his Hooked on Phonics workbook, that would be nice. I’m having a hard t…t…”

Everyone pauses while Lucas stares towards the cue card and struggles to read it. Dork ASShole gets off directors chair and walks onto set. “I’m going to be Max in this scene! This is the scene where Peyton gets Molested at the dentist office while asleep.”

“Another storyline about just Peyton!” Haley screams, but Lucas shouts, “Score! I don’t have to be in that scene do I! It’s enough that I can’t act, but doing love scenes with a troll. She refuses to wear that paper bag I bought for her. Man, Why doesn’t Brooke like me again.”

Max/ Dork stares at Peyton, “Because I couldn’t come up with a plausible reason to break you up & watch Peyton have a sex scene while masturbating and pretending to be in your body. So it had to happen, not to mention,” Mark mumbles, “ParissssssssssHillltonmmmhn mummbly mum.”

And Scene!

That was mean, but I’m bored and it’s a joke out of pure spite… But Whatever.

As for CMM and his supposed leaving; NONONONONONONONONONO!

Keep THAT Droopy faced EMO bitch ass whore away from my Brulian! I don’t want that saggy faced mule anywhere near OTH’s new Golden couple! NOW I do like BRULIAN since LucASS Has caught the Chronic STD known as PeytWhore-itis! And Honestly, the bimbo serves no purpose in this show except to lick Lucas’ ASScrack and invade Brooke’s relationships. Drama Vampiress also know as SEYTON!

She sucks the life out of trees with all the whining and interloping she does. I bet The Mercy Killer Doctor Kevorkian used Peyton’s scenes to get those people to willingly commit suicide. No offense to the actress in real life, but that chicks acting is like the Corpse actor that is Chad Michael Murray on Speed! Two of the most boring people to ever grace a television screen since my Grandparents made a sex tape (SERIOUSLY EWWWWWWWWWW!)!

Much Love Homies,