Monday, October 27, 2008

Reasons to Love and Hate OTH…

What are the Reasons to Love and Hate OTH…?

Usually when I watch this show, I only have one emotion: Hatred! But this Time I felt Love too!

My Hatred is because Most of the Time This Shit is the Wizard of Oz

I mean we have the Wicked Annoying Bitch of a Mess (not the West) LOL: Peyton Whiney Me a River Sawyer!

Let’s bring back Derek (The real one)! Is it me or does everyone in this girl’s family have
Type BR Blood… Meaning BoRing Beyond Repair! Damn, but just watch how Mark spins this relationship to more Doom and Gloom! Derek is going to get Post war Stress and shoot up the Leyton wedding…actually, YEAH MARK, BUST A CAP IN THOSE ASSHOLES!

There is no sense in a Human, living, breathing person being this annoying, boring, and Stupid! Like At the first scene, which I loved btw: Peyton is an oblivious FOOL- NOBODY GIVES a SHIT ABOUT THAT Damn *Comet* Book!

Really Stupid SLUT…Why would anyone want to make a Book by a Bum Ass, broke, Half Ass, Dimwitted, Dumb Shit, Fucked in the HEAD, Dick Wad like Lucas! The guy couldn’t write his way out of the DOUCHE BAG he is currently living in! I mean, lets all be honest people… Doesn’t she realize that “Death by Boring, Stupid-ass Book about the Most Gag-worthy Relationship” is the worst torture!

Just slow, boring, blood curdling, Agonizing Torture! Where you wonder if sticking your tongue in an electrical socket will bring you back to life after you died from boredom! I’d rather have my face bashed in by a hammer than relive the boredom of Lucas’ Fucked life with his Slut Counterpart…

Insert- Flying Monkey Numero Uno: I mean Literally, Mouth Looks like a damn Monkey! I apologize for that meanness… But I am tired of seeing him! Nobody cares about GiGi or Millicent – I love her, but damn…waste screen time much? Get off my Fucking television! I already endure the Puke that is PUCAS! But Damn, nobody cares about a GiGi/Mouth/Milli triangle!

I actually wanted to peal my face off!

Insert- Flying Monkey Numero Dos: Sam! Holy Shit… That Party was fucking Rocking! But I still can’t stand that kid! She is so brand, monotone, and ANNOYING! Sneaking out to throw a party does not an interesting character make! Brooke should have laid a can of ass-whipping so good on her that she actually blacked out and visited Quinton for a while! Uh!

Why didn’t Quentin turn into Flash Gordon, run home with superman speed, grab that annoying bitch, and throw her in the way of that bullet! Somebody please slit her throat so I don’t have to watch this kid! Does she ever have anything positive to say? I swear that Brat is PeytWHORE six WORNOUT years ago: BORING EVIL PSYCHO BITCH!

Enter ALL MIGHTY (Fake, Liar, Boring, and Not Really important to the Cause) Oz:

Then there is, squinty eyed, ‘OBVIOUSLY FALLING ASLEEP DURING THE SHOW BECAUSE HIS ACTING IS LIKE A DRUNK SLURRING THROUGH THE NEXT LINES OF SOME BARRY MANILO SONG’ LucASS Scott! Seriously, has anyone ever looked so bored in their life! Just jump in front of a Fucking, moving bus already, you’ll have more fun!

Fucking Tool, sign the damn contract so your broke ass can have some money! Who gives a fuck that Peyton whored it up with Julian! Damn, you’re Both WHORES and it’s not like she is a clean bitch anyway! Damn, he probably gave her a STD which she happily spread to Poor Julian! I just hate it for him; because now he has to endue this shit we call a Pucas aka (Shit and Throw up Delight sandwich!)

Oh My Gosh, how many times does Lucas get to be the victim… Die Bastard, and leave poor Dan alone! The previews prove to be Horrible! Dan should have shot that mother fucking loser! Damn, who knew that Dan would end up being the favored character on this Show over LucASS! Stupid Man-Whore!

Fuck Lucas and Peyton… and this boring ass wedding! Nothing makes this shit interesting anymore! So they have to add unnecessary DRAMA! Next thing we know, a midget will crawl out of Peyton’s ass and he will be Peyton’s ex-husband who she married after Julian! You know, none of this makes any sense!

Okay, Now on to the LOVE:

I love Owen, Brooke, Nathan, Haley and J. Luke!

Browen is my new couple! The way they are building them up, I could care less about Lucas! He’s so damn boring and Pathetic! I hate to say it, but he is a Real Pussy nowadays! While Owen is all man, trying to earn Brooke’s love! I loved the bickering during the Game, when Brooke kept screaming at Owen! They make this show so much more fun and happy!

Hell, he is going to strip next episode…Classic Brooke! They are made for each other! He definitely better see what’s under her clothes, because nobody has ever fought this hard for Brooke! Especially not LucAss! Owen is perfection! Browen needs to have HOT UNBRIDLED SEX, and I really think I might just want to write some of that! LOL!

Naley are cute, but Nathan did it for me! Tell that ass-face brother of yours, Nate: “Brooke is the other half of the BOOK!” Hells yeah! Thank you, you Fucking Smart Ass Pimp! No, That Damn Book was not a LOVE Note to Peyton, because Brooke was his every Fucking THING! :) Nathan is a FUCKING genius and deserves To Play Slam ball! Make Big Bucks with little J. Luke at his side and Have Wild passion sex with His Hot Ass Wife, Haley! As Always, I loved J. Luke! He defended Sam and was talking about who used to kiss! WoW! That little guy is the true star of this show! :)

I can’t wait for next week, because I am so done with Brucas! My faith is gone, and I actually just can’t stand the sight of Lucas! He is so dramatic and stupid! It’s like watching someone eat their own shit and drink their own urine! You’re like: “Luke, you know you just shitted that out of your ass and peed that drink, so why are you eating it?”

He is a fool not to feel the tension between Julian and Peyton! He is a FOOL in General, and I wish this show would end! Browen Spin-off! Oh Yeah!

What do you think? What do you love of hate about this episode? Do you still have Brucas faith, and if so, tell me! I need a reason to love them! Otherwise, I’m on team Browen!

Till Next week!

Much Love Homies

Monday, October 20, 2008

Question: Why does One PUKE Hill Suck so Much Ass….

One PUKE Hill Sucked More Ass than when Peyton was stalking Lucas in season 5! And we all know she was literally so far up his Ass Crack that she could not only count the hairs, but bask in the warmth of his colon! Dumb Slut!

1) Why, Oh, Why, Can’t theses people write a single decent episode? Is it too hard to step out of La-La Fool Land and write based on reality? Can I for once see the entire gang act as if they know each other instead of SELFISH, OBNOXIOUS, RANTING, ANNOYING Dip Shit Fuckers?

A-Naley doesn’t get any airtime! The only time we see Naley is if Jamie (I love him, Team captain of Team Brooke!) is in TROUBLE! And why is Haley so out of character! She has turned into A NUTJOB!? You don’t beat up on a lady for the shit that woman said! That was so dumb! Shouldn’t she be in jail for assault? I mean, didn’t she just nag Nathan all last season when Q punched K-FED!

Don’t get me wrong, I would have cased someone if they hurt my kid, but you know, Nanny Carrie was a completely Loco Fool, and Haley didn’t kick her ass! And where does the Naley love go?

B-But I do Love Nathan! My Boy stepped up to visit Brooke! Oh Hells YEAH! Oh, wait, that Bastard just wants capes for Jamie! Thus proving that the Gang only wants one thing from Brooke…materialistic, and then off they go! SONS OF A BITCH!

C-Speaking of Brooke! I FUCKING LOVE HER! Also Brooke and Owen just need to have Hate Sex, because they are so FUCKING HOT right now! I actually might like Owen after this! He did have a reason for leaving- a dick for doing so- but He came back! At this point, I wouldn’t mind him kicking Lucas’ ass right now!

She needs to lock that annoying kid to a fucking bed post or send her on her merry fucking way! They haven’t even made a connection and Haley guilt-tripped Brooke into taking in the Brat! Now I’m sorry, I want to feel bad for Sam, but she just grates on my nerves! Damn, is everybody on this fucking show a whiner! Whine, whine, Damn, I don’t need to see Two PEYTON’s on this ONE PUCAS HILL!

And is it not amazing how Brooke’s attack is forgotten! Somebody please tell me how magically no one remembers her black eyes and all! Those Blind SHITS are so stupid! I mean, Brooke gave up her company and all Haley can talk about is singing and some chick on the street! Are Haley and Peyton related! And why does Peyton still read B. Davis Magazine when Brooke doesn’t own it! Way to show support Bitch!

D- Monkey face Mouth and Milly (Who I love) need to just disappear! Not Milly, just Mouth! I mean, WOW! Mouth comes back and magically gets a Job back! Then GiGi! What the hell? Why does he get so much airtime?! What a fucking LOSER!

Mark is a FUCKING PRICK who needs to be FIRED, Homeless, and Eating the Out of a trash can the same sort of substance that he rights: SHIT! Nasty, Stinky, Fly infested SHIT!

2) And Finally: Why The HOLY FUCKING HELL does Skank Whore One and Skank Man-Whore Two also known as PUCAS al a Shitty Leyton, get shoved down out throats repeatedly?

-Peyton’s Dream: Served That HOOKERED OUT WHORE right! Brooke is HOT- much hotter than her… Selfish Bitch! I really hate that Mark makes Brooke and Brucas a joke… Having Lucas keep saying stuff about Brooke while with Peyton! I can’t wait till the CW cancels this show!

And she and Lucas arm more than Twins, they are attached at the hip! Incestuous Creepy Siamese Twins sideways sex jerks! If this is Marks attempt to make people think Leyton are different and not Twins… PUHHAHA! That Son of a BITCH is even more clueless than the DUMB SHIT FOOLS on his STUPID ASS SHOW!!! I don’t think they could even keep a straight face with that lie!

That’s like me Looking at my twin brother and saying… Set, we aren’t twins, although we look just alike, and came from the same sperm and EGG! Yeah right! Please! Or better yet, that’ like me looking in the mirror, watching myself talk and saying… Why are you repeating everything I’m saying, Image of myself who I will pretend is not me!

Can we kill the Leyton twins TODAY? Just kill THEM! Just Looking at Lucas makes me want to throw up! Kill his character! I begth Mark, if he is listening! Why Can’t Dan Buy a time machine, go back in that school and shoot Lucas in his GREASED UP, PEANUT SHAPED, PUS PIMPLED HEAD instead of Keith!

Oh My Fucking Goodness, somebody give me a shotgun so that I can shoot myself! I’d rather eat My own shit that witness Their Games, Sex-capades, and Continual spread of Herpes From Peyton’s Mouth to Lucas Dick! I hope she stabs him in the chest with those sharp boney tentacles that Oct-o- stankAss-pussy calls legs and he bleeds to death!

I think I just went fucking blind watching THE MOST UNBELIEVABLE BULLSHIT, CRAP-TASTIC, DISGUSTING, GAG-WORTHY LOAD OF BIRD SHIT episode I have ever seen! I know that Mark is Obsessed with the character of Peyton and Hillarie in general, BUT BY GOD MAN: GET A PICTURE, GO TO A FUCKING TOILET, AND JERK-OFF already! If not for His own sanity, but So This SHOW can stop being A Hour of continual Suicide attempts!

At One point I thought about throwing my head through the TV (Television) Just to stop the Madness!

Then Again, knowing that asshole, he probably does just that, except he takes a notebook with him and writes about his PERVERTED WET Pey‘WHORE’ton DREAMS! DAMN ASSHOLE! THAT Fucking SUCK-ASS writer/producer DOUCHE-BAG can flush this SHITTY SHOW DOWN THE TOILET along with my lunch and his WRITING SKILLS!

Peyton couldn’t seduce a Prostitute If She Stuffed Gold and Platinum up her ass and told them to “Come Hither!” For a DUMB Whorish, Gag-worthy SLUT BAG that Bitch sure couldn’t Turn On a Light switch, much less A DOG in HEAT! I was waiting for Lucas to Have a Fucking Heart Attack after realizing he has been having Boring Monkey sexy with Kramer from Seinfeld wearing a blonde wig!

“THAT’S A DUDE LUKE! THAT’S A FUCKING DUDE!” She looked like a Long Legged Praying MANtis and I wouldn’t be surprised if she lifted up that shirt only to uncover… Dun, Dun, Dun! It’s Chris Keller in a WIG!

Actually, I’d pay money to see that happen! Better yet, Maybe the man legs belong to Ian Psycho Extraordinaire and he is holding Peyton hostage since season three… when she officially become a backstabbing, Slut Magnetic! Now that would have made this show better!

Or why didn’t Ian Kill Peyton… Even though I think he did kill Peyton and had cosmetic surgery to look just like her! Yep, that explains the very UNREALISTIC, FUCKED UP ending of season 3, all of 4, 5, and 6!

Think about it:


b) Both obsess over the most boring people in the world: LucASS and PeytWHORE!

c) And Brooke is always hurt by those Stupid Cunts when she is trying to help Bitch-a-Lot Peyton!

Yep, I see where Mark is going with this one! Smart Cookie: that BOLD FACE LYING, HYPOCRITICAL, BALL-LESS, SISSIFIED, PANTY WEARING PRICKISH, HACK WRITER! Damn I hate that Mother fucker like a bitch!

On a side note: I FUCKING LOVE DAN! Using that Murder to scare the living shit out of everyone! GREAT!

So, I OFFICIALLY HATE THIS SHOW, but I’ll keep watching till episode 12 or till Brooke/ Sophia Bush Leaves! And with the previews for next weeks episode, we can look forward to another boring Leyton filled show and Mouth and Milly! Oh Fucking Joy- Yeah right! Did you feel the sarcasm?

Till next week…

Much Love Homies


Monday, October 13, 2008

WOW! Another CRAP-tastic EPISODE!!!


Watching this show is like watching a DOG shit out worms… It’s disgusting and pointless, yet you can’t stop watching those stupid fucking parasites roll around in this shit! So in keeping with this analogy, I’m going to say Mark is a Fucking bitch (Dog I mean!) And the characters –except for Brooke and Millicent-on the show are the worms, and this SHITTY ASS show is the crap we have to see!

EXCUSE THE FUCK out of me for not wanting to see PEYTON whine and bitch about her DRUNK ADOPTED DADDY! GEES, did you really want to be raised by an alcoholic, you stupid dumb whore! Just be happy you had good parents: NAGGING, ANNOYING PIECE OF SHIT FOR BRAINS BITCH! I’m just waiting for the story of MICK drinking so much that he gets liver disease… just watch for it!

And why the hell do WE have to see LUCAS and Peyton in bed every episode! Is that the only time that they can talk… I guess Mark wants the conversation to seem less BORING and FUCKED UP! Well, no such Luck asshole, - I actually got forty minutes of sleep all throughout this episode! Thanks OTH for helping me end my insomnia! They should MARKET This SHOW AS: OTH= CURE FOR SLEEP DEPRIVATION.

3. WONDER WHY YOU HAVEN”T BECOME anorexic because you’ve thrown up enough during this episode! 4. Learn how to poke yourself in the eye with your toe, because you have nothing better to do put watch paint dry!

All I want do is gag! WHO GIVES a FUCK if those boring ass FOOLS stay in bed and die! PLEASE, GOD, could Lucas just go to this stupid Book signing, step in front of a BUS and DIE! Oh my fucking goodness! DIE MAN WHORE! DIE!

And the Jealous Peyton is getting so boring...Well more boring than it already? Hello, what’s to be jealous of…? LINDSEY DOESN’T Want the GONORRHEA you and Lucas trade off like a bad habit... otherwise she would have married that punk bitch! And if I must watch TWO LAME, STANKASS BITCHES, could you at least let it be DEB and SKILLZ! Am I the only person who was tickled when DEB was at the River Court rooting for one of either Nathan or Skillz, and called them honey!

Now, let me say that I think it so fucking stupid that Nathan lets Dan Take care of Jamie! Hello, as much as I love Dan, he still killed KEITH! Oh, he saves you one time, and everything’s okay! How realistic is that! I know Jamie loves Dan... Blah, blah, blah, but how do we know that Dan want get mad at the little tyke and Gut him like a fish? No body knows why Dan killed Keith, but hey… lets allow him to take care of Jamie, yet still be a dick to him every time you see him- Make up your schizophrenic mind Nathan!

Actually, if Dan could find that gun and Bust a Cap in the SHIT infest PUCAS, I’d be okay with that! Hell, he could also shoot those live stairs that ATTACK people at Brooke’s house! Yep, I think there is a use for Dan after all!

And HALEY…WOW, you are the most inconsiderate, dumb bitch in the world… I’m sorry, but the first thing you do is go to Brooke to help some stranger! I mean, lets not ask how she’s doing. You know that her life has been turned upside down, and you want her to help the person who stole from her? Oh, you can see that the Homeless Girl needs help, because she was sleeping in a car, but YOUR BFF had Michael Phelps kick her in the face with those swimming legs, and you’re none the wiser!

SERIOUSLY? YOU CHOOSE TO IGNORE ALL THOSE SIGNS but THE KID IN THE CAR JUST SPEAKS TO YOU! And how dumb have they made Haley, where she asked Sam where she lives… I’m going to guess either in an abusive (mental or physical) home or nowhere (DUH stupid!)

Not that I don’t like this Sam, but how many troubled kids can we have! They should have just kept Q for this! Damn, at least he didn’t get on my nerves so FUCKING MUCH! I know she is fifteen, but somebody needs to make that kid hush! She is so hostile and slightly annoying… And didn’t we see this boring ass story line coming! Mark needs to stop stealing his storylines from MAURY (I LOVE that show btw)! I don’t know any fifteen years old who bitch and moan like her. Maybe she is the lovechild clone of Peyton and Haley mixed together to form QUEEN BITCH-A-LOT!

And MOUTH! Famous MOUTH… I hate Mouth, but I love IT! JERK LUCAS deserves to not have the spotlight with that Boring ASS BOOK! SO GLAD HE”S BOOK DIDN”T SALE! Nobody wants to read about you pining for Peyton in your delusional mind! AND why in the name of GOD is everybody giving up their success to go back to TREE HILL! FIRST BROOKE and NOW MOUTH!? WHAT THE FUCK? This is stupid as HELL!

And you know what else, why does BROOKE confide in PEYTON… WHO WE ALL now know was A COMPLETELY OBLVIOUS DUMB SACK OF SHIT! AND THEN AFTER BROOKE CONFESSES A BIG SECRET OF BEING ATTACKED... here goes PeytWHORE to steal the spotlight! OH MY GOD! MICK, Nag… Nag… Nag… MICK, Moan, MICK, Complain about PARENTS WHO YOU DON”T KNOW, nag... nag…MICK the DICK… who GIVES A GOOD FICK you crybaby, deadbeat SLUTBAG, ATEOUT CrackFucker!

-Again, insert Dan to shot this bitch!

THE ONLY LIGHT OF THIS SHOW WAS BROOKE, MILLICENT, MOUTH, and the captain of Team Brooke: JAMIE! I’ll even settle for OWEN! But nooooo, we only got five minutes on them so we could focus on PUCAS! And DID anyone notice that Peyton totally ripped off season 4 when CHASE did the projector screen thing for Brooke! And he put GOOD ENOUGH and etc on the protector to shine on Brooke! Yeah, this Mark guy is not only rewriting BRUCAS for LEYTON, but Chase for PEYTON! Is anybody else ready to quit this show? I’m trying to stay loyal for the ratings, but Damn it… THIS SHOW SUCKS ASS!

But I’m trying to stay loyal! Let me know what you guys think!

The previews for next week look interesting, but now we can watch Haley beat up on some lady when SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN KICKING NANNIE CARRIES ASS INSTEAD OF NAGGING AND SCREAMING LIKE A banshee!


Monday, October 6, 2008

No Show Tonight...And I'm jazzed?!

No show tonight…Thank GOD! I thought I might have to sit through the boring shit that is Leyton! I’ll be posting a new review on the next episode, till then, hold in your gag reflexes! I have a feeling they will come in handy during the next couple of One -suck ass -Tree -fucking idiots- Hill!

Till October 13,

L8r Guys
