Monday, September 29, 2008

Once I saw the previews, I pretty much knew this Episode was going to be the LAMEST BULL SHIT EVER! Am I the only person who doesn’t give half the shit I own about LEYTON and their fucked up wedding! Wasn’t Lucas just Fucking out with Lindsey in the same bed?

And then Peyton goes to Clothes over Bro’s, Brooke snaps at her and tells her that life is sucking for her, and Peyton waits a whole two hours to ask what’s wrong with her friend! What a stupid ASS whore! Then she goes on and on about how her life is so grand… I know she’s a blind STD infested bitch, but seriously, she must really have herpes in her eyes not to notice her friend is wigging out!

And LUCAS stupid ass! Um, hello, dumb-ass! What makes you think Lindsey gives two shits about you being engaged to Peyton? You’re only proving that Lindsey was right to leave your ass, you cocking sucking imbecile! How much of a selfish, self-centered jerk is he! Then to wait all that time to tell he about it. I am so glad Lindsey left him at the alter, because he is such an idiot!

Nathan…Nathan…Nathan, you knew those people didn’t want you to play! Why not coach, buddy? You’ll make a lot of Money. Forget Owen and his Slamball, take the money and run Nathan… take the money and run!

Now, I will admit, I was stoked for the psycho Carrie/ PI Haley James Scott storyline… I mean, that would be better than the PUCAS SHITfest going on! I’m sorry, but I don’t give a fuck about this WOLF guy who is so obviously Peyton’s other deadbeat father! GREAT! Because we really need all these adoption story lines that have been done so much that it’s ridiculous! And you know what, some adopted people are fine with the great parents they have and had! Not everyone whom has been adopted Is All Melodramatic and having a breakdown! Gees, Fucking Louise!

But Low and behold, the Psycho storyline even gets ridiculous! I’m sorry, but Nanny Carrie’s British accent was the worst attempt ever! Somebody please kill that bitch off the show! I mean seriously, if Haley was so dumb that she could tell that was Carrie over the phone, she should just hand J. Luke over! Just leave him in the car like a bad mother- coincidently like she did last time, and let that psycho bitch steal him! And knowing the Nanny is on the loose! PI Haley is turning into DUMB Fuck Haley… Is she any relation to DIM Tim?

And what sort of hospice is in the middle of the country with no cars, doctors, and medical staff! Excuse me for having common sense, but honestly, Haley? Really? And then you see Dan lying in a hospital bed, held hostage, and you don’t think to run outside and get your baby! Is this a fucking Joke… Did this Mark guys bust his head on the sidewalk or something? Really, honestly?

BUT THANK GOD FOR DEB and DAN! Beat and SHOT that crazy bitch to death! Wow, wow, wow! I sort of like Dan and Deb together! I know it’s crazy but I do! So, here is hoping! But Of course Deb will forget about this, Dan, and Nanny Carrie just like she forgot about Brooke!

Speaking of Brooke: Poor, poor Brooke! She has none, and no one cares about her! Once again, Haley hasn’t seen her in like forever! One day they are hanging out, and the next thing… Bloop, Brooke’s not even a memory! And the poor girl gave away her company and everything! She gets attacked, possibly raped, and nobody takes the time to care! Why is she still around theses people anyway? This sucks for her so badly it’s not even funny! And this Sam girl, I guess, is going to magically make everything okay… Well, that I would like to see! And of course Millicent came back, but why? What happened between her and Mouth!

Well, we will see!

Much Love Homies

Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Blog---Reported On Fan Fiction! haha!

Hahaha…WOW! Those Haters FEW haters on my fanfiction story site are in a serious Pickle about my Episode Reviews! Gees, I know most of them don’t have a life, but come on…Really? Report me? What, nobody reading their story so they decided to get all huffed because someone is actually reviewing for mine…Well, Boo, Fucking Woo… Those stupid ass cowards should get a Fucking life !

Do they really have nothing better to do than harass me? I mean, if they don’t like it, don’t read it! And then the bitches have the nerve to leave anonymous reviews!

~ Seriously, WHY not leave your name Jackass, and stop hiding like the scary punk ass bitch you are! Do you really think I give two shits about being banned or deleted from this site! I mean, you are aware that I have a life, right? Not to mention, I could just change my pin name…You must be the dumbest fucking idiot in the world! Did your parent’s drop you on your head when you were born; you shit infest-ed waste of life?

And the fact that you are even wasting minutes or even mere seconds out of your life to stalk me about characters that, as you say, Quote on Quote: “DO NOT EXIST!” Shows how pathetic you are! Why harass me if you don’t even care? Ha-ha, you seem to contradict yourself with every word you type, you stupid dumb ass Prick!


And then we have SARAH…Aww, you know, I have nothing bad to say about you! Guidelines/etc…You’re right, I haven’t read them, LOL. Hahaha, so I fault you none whatsoever! But unlike your coward stupid ass friend, you just stated a fact--- which I not only find respectable but admirable. But Might that pussy have just told me instead of reporting me, I would have taken it down without a care in the world, but I’m very defiant! My mom always said that my pride would get me into trouble, and I guess it is going to get me banned from fan fiction! WHICH IS HILARIOUS! OH NO! MY LIFE IS OVER AND WHAT EVER SHALL I DO! Oh wait, that’s right; I have a separate life from this computer- never mind! LOL! I am going to have to tell my friends about this… Haha, they will laugh their asses off! or maybe not, seeing as they don’t know I like writing!

Dudes, I have a feeling that my last review will be the last time I get to post for a while! But if you were stoked with my other stories Falsetto, Put You To Bed, etc…Just remember my name…. Wink, Wink…who knows, my twin brother may be lurking around posting his stories! Yep, I think my twin Brother is about to join Fanfic, and he wants to use some of my concepts… he has every right to- Wink! Wink! I hear my brother is even better at writing than me… again: Wink! Wink!

So if you see my brother…Wink! Wink! Give him a shout…Read his stories, which may or may not resemble mine….LOL! Don’t forget to review!

Coincidentally, his username is my real name- Phahaha! So, his username is Toddian….

Much Love Homies