Wednesday, September 15, 2010

“It’s Amazing How Far We’ve Fallen…” – Brooke Davis ain’t so stupid after all!

Rabbit sex talks, ghostly dreams, love triangles and mushy love scenes that make you reach for your vomit bucket? All in a day’s work on the set of One Tree Hill, and Season 8’s premiere episode didn’t let us down! And in true Mark fashion, because the douche couldn’t write something interesting even if it were to save his hairy gonads from being castrated, the very first scene had us rolling our eyes at the lameness that has become One Tree Hill and gave us an insight of the blatant bullshit we’re about to endure this season.

You know, it’s funny because I can still remember the days when this show used to have more than just couple storylines. There was angst for the brother’s Scott, friendship storylines (where oh where is BALEY?), family storylines and even colleague storylines. Yet everywhere I turned, this whole episode centered around COUPLES. Naley, Brulian, Chase/Alex/Mia and Clay/Quinn. Talk about boring as bat shit. I didn’t expect much from Mark, let’s face it, none of us do, but seriously… this guy has NO creativity what-so-ever and I cannot believe he gets paid to write such bullshit that reflects more a daytime soap opera these days than prime-time drama.

So where to begin? It’s all shit anyway, so might as well go through the apparent “coupling” stories we’re gonna be forced to endure for another 20 or so episodes.

So Nathan, Haley and that little ferret they like to call their son. Since apparently the only storylines they can have involve having spawn and then teaching said spawn about the birds and the bees, I can already feel a yawn fest coming on. Nathan’s little speech at the beginning about his dream of a son and his wife that is so far out of his league made me want to chuck. And don’t even get me started on the failed sex talk with his son. Man, did this guy turn into the biggest loser of Tree Hill or what? Guess he felt the need to fill the spot vacated by his stupid-ass brother. Speaking of… so Haley misses Lucas – welcome to the club honey.
We’ve been missing Lucas since season 3 when he decided to turn into the world’s largest fuck up.
The only thing I found even remotely interesting about this whole Naley bullshit? That they threw the doctor’s appointments in there – could they possibly be giving Nathan a storyline that doesn’t involve him stuck to Jamie like a fly on shit? Honestly, I’ve learnt my lesson when it comes to expecting anything even remotely resembling a decent storyline from the douche known as Mark.

And did anyone else roll their eyes at the fact that the very second word of the brand new season was LUCAS. Or the fact that Seyton’s name got mentioned twice along with her retarded (YES NATHAN - I SAID RETARDED – IF THE SHOE FITS…) husband all within the first six minutes? Schwahn needs therapy, seriously. Chad has moved on to the lifetime movie he is making (who called that stellar career??) and Hil has moved on to… well, no, she’s still spreading her legs about town and channeling the slutty instincts she had whilst playing Seyton. No wonder the douche thinks he’s in with a chance and can’t let her go. Still, some people were happy homage was paid to the original cast. I, on the other hand, thought it was lame.
Pucas are gone, their story is over – MOVE ON!

The only past homage I enjoyed was the return on the theme song. When I saw it, it felt like OTH for a brief moment in time. Then of course I was smacked back to reality like a bitch when the characters opened their mouths again and I realized that the days of a decent OTH episode really were over. Stupid cock-sucking Mark!

So Nathan’s on the road to the NBA and Haley is pregnant. The brief Baley scene was disturbing to say the least, and it brings me to...
Brulian. Boolian. Cut-my-eyes-out-so-I-don’t-have-to-witness-the-horror-of-this-couple- Brooke and Julian.
Whether it was the gag-worthy lines spewed back and forth between them, or lame attempt at trying to seem sexy and resemble something known as chemistry, it all ended up pointing to one thing – this couple is one giant pile of festering dog shit. Actually, leave the shit in the baking sun for a week and the crud that remains would more closely resemble Brooke and Julian. Someone ought to take Austin aside, show him clips of Chad and Sophia from seasons 1, 2 and 3 and then kindly instruct the big foreheaded tree hugger that THIS is what sexy chemistry actually looks like.

Oh, and also show him the scene of Bryan and his sexy ass back when poor Jake had to sleep with the she-devil herself. Watching Julian squash Brooke just didn’t have even an ounce of the sexiness that the very same move from Jake had 6 seasons prior. Austin, you may have taken the job as Julian for your beloved… but damn, you wouldn’t know what sexy was if it came along and slapped it’s dick against your big-ass forehead.

Now, Brooke. What has happened to you? You have become Julian’s sex slave, I swear. Please stop trying to force this chemistry on us. It’s about as interesting as watching paint dry. Also, why is it you can only seem to manage one set of emotions for each character? It’s always slutty/sad with Julian, angry/gnarly with Mummy dearest, and annoyed/melancholy with Millicent. Since you have like a five minute scene with Haley on the odd episode, you don’t even have time for an emotion with her and so we’re gonna skip that. Trying to distract us with the over-husky voice in some scenes doesn’t work anymore either.
This whole Brooke Davis character assassination seems to have been successful because I don’t see her anywhere anymore
And what’s with destroying the happy ending between her and Victoria last year by having Queen V lie about the company’s profits so that her toy boy’s line can be successful? What is with that shit, Schwahn? And having Brooke arrested for fraud without any proof of her wrong-doing or involvement is just plain retarded. Once again, we have to witness Brooke Davis lose everything and get chewed up and spat out by Mark.
Fuck you Schwahn, you cock-sucking piece of shit!

Speaking of cock-suckers, who else here was so glad to see Quinn bleed? The whole dream sequence was OTH bullshit writing at its best. Exactly how many characters have had death dream walks exactly? The unconscious experiences of the townspeople would have me questioning exactly what is in that damn river. I want Quinn to die so badly, but we both know that isn’t gonna happen. After all, with Seyton gone who else is gonna parade her slutty, flat-chested self around town? A skank void was definitely left and Quinn is needed to fill that void – apparently. Now someone should take her aside and show her exactly what it means to act sexy. Even Boolian (and we all know how much they suck) did the whole “Jump-on-my-back-as-I-pull-you-into-the-waves” scene better than Clay and Quinn. This show is so redundant. And what’s with Clay’s body these days? Not only was the face fat sucked, but clearly the abs have disappeared too. Yeah, choosing Quinn was a wise move, moron. Ugh, can’t even fathom what this show has turned Robert into.

What else? Oh right, the storyline of Alex, Chase and Mia that I could care less about. Honestly, I have to admit as much as I hated the skank last season, at least Alex is messing with someone I actually can’t stand this time. Mia, you need to check yourself pronto. YOU dumped Chase via text message sweetheart, it had nothing to do with Alex. Getting in Alex’s face and calling her a relationship destroyer may be fitting, but not in your case. You fucked up sweetheart, and you can’t blame the guy for wanting Alex more – you do have the face of a Chihuahua on crack who has been sniffing ass all day.

So in the end, what did we achieve from this season premiere that many of us were astonished was announced in the first place? Honestly – fuck all. Recycled scenes seem to have taken center-stage, relationships are the only things that have storyline potential it seems, and Brooke Davis has been given the raw end of the stick. Honestly Mark, your ass must be brutalized with the amount of sucking up you would have had had to do to get this rank show back on air.

So the famous words of Brooke Davis herself pretty much sum up the first episode of season 8…

“It’s amazing how far we’ve fallen.”

No shit, Sherlock!

Rant and Rave people,

Toddian & Chrissy.


Anonymous said...

^^ hey Jennifer, my first ever reviewer <3 <3 <3... with the longest most incredible insight in the world. I’m fucking stoked you agree with everything but I'm also pissed... {pissed that one of the most honest and truest people in the world (a.k.a.) you wont be around as much. You have to know that you have been like my conscious when it comes to writing, pushing me to write intensely, intelligently, beautifully- descriptions that no doubt describe your outward as well as inward appearance . You are a shooting star… something every person should strive to be…

You But the Original, Smart, Sassy and Loveable B. Davis to shame… Where You lack in Nothing, you succeed in everything… that’s why I am so proud of you! And I would Love nothing more than for you to some day be my doctor… :D not that I want to die or anything, but I know we would trip out all day… reviling in the trivial things in life as well as facing major obstacles… cause you are JUST FUCKING AWESOME!

If we Rock… YOU ROLLL… there is no BLOG WITHOUT YA! I’m Your NUMBER ONE FAN…




Jennifer said...

Are you trying to make me cry Toddian?? I don’t get too emotional that easily but what you said were the sweetest words I’ve ever heard. And although I should be on my way to class right now, I just HAD to write this because of your beautiful words. Trust me when I say that the very last thing I want to do is stop posting on this blog. If it was up to me, I’d be on here all the time. Unfortunately, with the way things are going now, I’ll probably be lucky to even get a chance to check my emails on a regular basis…..but that’s what happens when your professors think you shouldn’t be allowed to have a life and just study 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Believe me when I say that I DEFINITELY will continue to read each and every single one of your and Chrissy’s blog posts as long as you continue writing them! I can’t even begin to express how awesome you both are and while you may be my fan Toddian, you should know that I’m even an bigger fan of yours and with good reason too. All one has to do is read one of your stories...any one story to know how incredible you are and how honest and intelligent you are. My reviews for your stories used to be pages long and I loved writing them just because your stories deserved a response...thats how great they are. I may not have had much time to leave any reviews in the past few months, but I still read them and will continue to read them whenever time is on my side. As for this blog, even if I have to leave one sentence reviews, I will do so to prove that I’m still here agreeing with every single thing you guys write and how you should both never stop being so honest and so freaking AWESOME!!

PS……While I would love nothing more than to see you live a very healthy and prosperous life, I would be absolutely thrilled to be your doctor! And the day I become a MD, I’ll let you And this way, I’ll get to meet the ONE and ONLY Toddian, one of the most amazing and coolest guys I have EVER met.

And trust me when I say this------ I’M YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN AS WELL.



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Jennifer said...

Hey Toddian and Chrissy,

So I’m sure by now you’ve heard how some BL fans have literally spazzed after a few comments Sophia made on her twitter regarding her character and BL. I had decided to take a few minutes to sit down and check my email after an extremely stressful day but surprise, surprise, I came across some total BS that I just needed to get out and decided to rage on here. Now even more to my surprise, I see that someone obviously trying to create trouble decided to post the link to the whole topic in the comments section. So, any ways, here it goes……….

You know, all of this is absolutely CRAZY to me. I can’t believe how some BL fans have basically made the entire OTH fan base look like a bunch of raging psychopaths. The fan base already had a notorious reputation for being crazy and obsessive, but this latest drama, has made the entire fan base look like they belong in a mental hospital.

Now, first and foremost, I AM A BL FAN. Always have been and always will be. Period. And just because Sophia is not a BL fan, does NOT mean that I will no longer ship BL anymore. In fact, I love that she expressed her opinions and if the crazies actually sat down and tried to absorb what she said, then some people who have blown this entire thing WAY out of proportion would realize that Sophia said NOTHING wrong. In fact, I don’t think she could have stated her opinion in a way that was more respectful than it already is. She didn’t say anything bad abut BL and nor did she say anything bad about the fans. All the woman said was that she, HERSELF, felt that Brooke was a footnote in the LP love story and that it was HER personal opinion and how no one has to agree with her. THAT’S IT. And you know what?? Even though I’m a BL fan, I understand where she’s coming from and why she feel’s that way. For fuck’s sake, LP are fucking married and have a daughter together. Does anyone really expect Sophia to sit there and be like “BL should’ve been together because Lucas was the love of Brooke’s life while Brooke was the love of Lucas’ life.” It would’ve made her look pathetic for hanging onto a relationship that will NEVER happen and not to mention that some lunatics would probably see that as her supposedly hanging onto her previous relationship with Chad.

Sophia was never a huge BL fan, even when she and Chad had been together. For her, the second Mark Schwahn had Lucas cheat on Brooke with Peyton back in season 1, it just KILLED the couple for her and she didn’t want Brooke to take Lucas back. And this was when CS were STILL together in real life.

And yes, Sophia talks to the writers concerning her character. In fact, EVERY actor/actress on a television show talks to the writer about there character. I’ve read countless interviews where an actress or actor from another tv shows expresses how they like to get involved and are always talking to the writers and the production team about where there character is going?? Sophia isn’t the first one to do so. And just because she said that she talks to the writer, doesn’t mean she tells them what to write and what not to write. It doesn’t work like that because if it did, SHE would be the one writing the fucking show day in and day out.

Jennifer said...

Mark Schwahn NEVER planned for BL to end up together and those who are living in denial really need to wake the fuck up. In his head, he always envisioned someone else out there for Brooke to end up with because for him, LP were always end game. So even if Lucas and Peyton had still been on the show, knowing him and his love for LP, he would’ve never brought BL back together and would’ve made sure that Brooke and Julian stayed together. If you read his latest interviews, you’ll see that what Sophia said on twitter was ice cream and rainbows compared to what Mark said about Brooke and her relationship with Julian. He blatantly came out and said that Brooke and Julian are an epic love story and how they are meant to be and blah, blah, blah. Now I DESPISE LP with a fucking passion, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t know that Mark had envisioned LP aka PukASS since day 1. Hell Sophia wasn’t even in the first episode of OTH. She didn’t come on until the second episode because they decided to cast Brooke at the very last the second. Which again, shows that Mark had already planned out the PukASS “love story” even before they shot the fucking pilot.

And for the losers who keep saying that the reason Sophia doesn’t like BL is because of what happened with Chad and that she should be more professional. Well where were these sentiments when Chad gave interviews during seasons 5 and 6 where he blatantly said that “Lucas was with Brooke for fun, while Lucas and Peyton are soulmates.” If that wasn’t a slap in the face to the BL fans, then I don’t know what is. He said numerous times that LP were endgame and that they were meant to be, and so on and so forth. I know how some think that well, “Chad was more nice about the BL thing.” Uhhhhh, not true. Not when you sit there and praise LP while basically ignoring BL and calling it a “fun” relationship while indicating that it had no meaning or substance. So does that mean that he was being not being “professional” or whatever??? Yet when Sophia says that Brooke was just a footnote in the LP love story, some of the BL fans are going apeshit CRAZY.

And BTW, Sophia isn’t the first actress/actor to say negative things about a certain couple his/her character is involved in. For example, Kristen Bell, when she was filming Veronica Mars, used to say negative things all the time regarding her character, Veronica’s, relationship with Logan all the time while constantly praising Veronica and Duncan saying how much she loved them. The Veronica Mars fans who used to watch and listen to the interviews know what I’m talking about. And how about Zach Gilford, who plays Matt, in Friday Night Lights, and who has said several times how much he hates the pairing of Matt/Julie and thinks Julie is a bitch. Now that’s pretty least Sophia never called BL any names.Lol

So the few BL fans that have lost their minds because of what Sophia said should really consider re-evaluating what she said and calm the hell down. I know some are still probably going to sit there and whine about it, but the fact is that while they love/loved this show, so do a lot of other people and at least we’re able to see what she said with open minds without going insane and actually understand where she’s coming from. God, you’d think she kicked their mothers in the stomach or something with the way some are acting.

Anonymous said...

This show just keeps getting shitter, and shitter.
How the hell does it keep getting more seasons??
Mark must be licking Dawns lap.

I can not think of one thing i liked in the new episode..(except seeing quinn bleeding on the floor)

Plus they had to bring up Seyton and that ass hat Lucas.

Not to mention i still had to see that hell bitch Quinn walk around half naked.
Mark must have a huge boner for

Then when Julian said "i will romance your ovaries into submission" WTF? i almost chucked all over. If my husband ever said that to me, i would kick him straight in the nads, and tell him to man up.

Apperently this show cant do anything better, because they are trying to bring Pucas back for Brookes wedding..thats just awesome marky..make Brookes day into a Seyton fest.

I bet Brooke ends up knocked up next.. she is losing her company and all. Since the chicks in OTH do nothing but spawn, she is going to need something to do. LAME!

All i have to say is fuck you Mark.

I cant believe that OTH is still on the fucking air, and good shows like Friday Nights Lights have been barely hanging on.

(also Jennifer..i hate Julie on FNL as i cant blame that actor for saying that.HAHA!)

Anyway people need to calm down about Shopia, who cares what she says??
We all know that BL was 1000times better than Pucas.

BUT its her job to pimp OTHs current story line anyway.
So she is not going to say how awesome BL was. and who can blame for not wanting to do love scenes with her cheating ex husband.

not looking forward to another shitty episode this week. i think i only watch so i can follow this
but now i have a neilson i will be watching online, because i am NOT giving this shit fest any of my ratings.


Anonymous said...

I was very surprised and happy when I saw the theme song back. But i think they should of somehow cut out luke running in the beginning and end on the bridge.

And why have any luke or skeyton comments if the is no chance of either one of them making any kind of appearance.