Monday, December 7, 2009

We're Off To A Lame Hiatus, From Horrible Writer Mark Schwahn-OZ

Let's see...

This shit is boring - Check!

Then Nathan takes Jamie to a bar and he might or might not go to Spain? First of all didn't Nathan learn his lesson about drinking and let's teach our 7 year old to drink knowing that alcholism can be hereditary or however the fuck you spell it. Real Smart, You ball-juggling Fucker! And Who the fuck thought his ass would actually go to Spain? Spare me.
Of course, we have like one/ two Naley scenes with Jamie and the Agents (no storyline at all). *YAWN* Do I care- NO! Should you care-FUCK NO! I'd rather try to catch STD's than watch anymore of this shit. It can't get any worse for loyal viewers... or can it?
And who didn't guess than Clay would find a way, an unrealistic way when players have by capped already, FYI, to get Nathan in the NBA. The Kings trade Nathan for some other player already. Who says the bobcats are willing trade for the other dude anyway! See, the Schwahn is Damn fucked in his brainless head!

This shit is full of people I don't give two fucks about - Check!

All throughout the episode ClayTooth Monster and Moonface Quinn terrorize the fucking town with No real storyline other than to just annoy viewers to death. No offense, but I don't give three Fucks and penciled Dick what Moonface-Mega Nose Quinn does during a cheerleading routine! Why the fuck was she even down there and not waiting somewhere. I laughed, cause I was so damn bored.

Yeah, Skillz is Leaving and Him and Miss Lauren talk- Blah, fucking blah! Although I did realize that I would have shipped them if they were given more time than say Monkey and CrackWhore...

Ugh, I mean Mouth and Milli... seriously, Am I the only person who doesn't care about those two. Milli crying on the floor in the bath-tub full of Alex's Whore-Blood! Hahaha, Not sad but hilarious and really unsanitary... she was a Crack head, so the bitch could have Aids or anything.

Glad Brooke Fired her Ass but don't like that B is there for everyone. She waited with julian's pussy ass to see if Alex was okay, she waited with fake comatose Alex, and she told Milli she was her friend. Fuck all of them B. Davis is too fucking sexy to be saddled with these idiots.

Only Victoria is good enough for Brooke until the Schwahn ruins her by making her kill someone like Dan did!

This shit makes no fucking sense - Check!

(Seriously, Dan can't legally give away all that money without Rachel's conscent unless everything is in his name and I'm sure its not.) Really tired of these Dan stories- I hope he is gone for good so he won't have to suffer for long on this Horrible show. Fuck, since he is poor and evil, maybe he is going to nowhere's land aka HELL with Pucas and baby Spawn, Hahahaha! This show Sucks more ass than the Schwahn kisses his own hairy shitty Anus!

BROOKE FANS GET NOTHING - Motherfucking check!

Brooke is HOT, SEXY, AWESOME... and we get this shit. Kill off Julian and Alex otherwise Sophia needs to leave this show. She's the only reason I watch so... chop chop! Julian's Ugly ass sausage face just swells whenever I see his ass! Its like an entire dick is wrapped around his forehead! Fucking hell and it only gets bigger and bigger as he sits by Alex like a fucking pussy and talks.

So let me get this straight:

Alex has no family? No friends, and Just ruined Julia(h) the Dumb fucking tranny's relationship with Brooke but this motherfucker was and is STILL making the movie with her! UGH, give me a fucking break! Time for Brooke and Alexander! Anything to get Julian away from my Brooklyn but that Alex dude is UGLY ass fuck! And swollen head, cockless LukeAss 2.0 wannabe mother fucking pussy can fucking die in a motherfucking corner! I hate that Bastard! Nothing more to add as I was bored.
What do you guys think?